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Originally Posted by yuji22:


Please post your comments.



The Rev rather doubts the good folks here in social would be interested in apple's O/S.


Anyway, For those of you interested in the JOY OF NUMBERS----visit GNI political---it's amazing how respectful and mannerly the boys over at political are----except Danyael, of course---he is his usual crabby and grouchy self.


Click on the link and enjoy---don't worry it's 100% family friendly:




Originally Posted by raymond:

preacher scolding his follower

Raymond bhai


It fun here on GNI. You and I had a runnings in political but it is all fun. Hope all is well with you. Noticed that you posted about nearing 50. Guess what, I am in the same boat.


I guess you are not an Apple user. O well. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Please post your comments.



The Rev rather doubts the good folks here in social would be interested in apple's O/S.


Anyway, For those of you interested in the JOY OF NUMBERS----visit GNI political---it's amazing how respectful and mannerly the boys over at political are----except Danyael, of course---he is his usual crabby and grouchy self.


Click on the link and enjoy---don't worry it's 100% family friendly:






Looks like Bill Gates locked up most of the posters here with his Windows OS. 

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Looks like Bill Gates locked up most of the posters here with his Windows OS. 

Don't blame the good folks here---looks like they chose to stay loyal to the living legend Gates($77 billion net worth)---Jobs, bless his soul, is a dead legend.



Gates has done a lot for charity with his billions...what did Steve Jobs do?

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Observer:

After much correspondence with Bill G., will be seeing him soon. 


Give him my regards. Remind him to get the ball rolling with the sluggish sales of Windows 8.

I use Apple Windows and a couple flavors of Linux. Windows does fine everywhere as any apple produce. A flavor of Linux is actually underneath all of the big cats version of apple OS and this one also. Linux holds up most of the domain servers on the net these days so as an os it proves it worth. I am not into comparing apples an oranges. The only all around system is windows. The poor man's power is in linux. Apple has and always had a small user niche in the PC and laptop world. Now it is mainly a music and phone company. It is not better in anyway in any over all way. It is just more expensive.

Originally Posted by raymond:

Gates has done a lot for charity with his billions...what did Steve Jobs do?

Initially Gates was accused of being stingy and close fisted with his wealth---but he and his wife have become the planet's greatest philanthropists---they deserve all the praise they get today.


Regarding Jobs---he was 100% immersed and focused on the great products he eventually put out---he never really got around to philanthropy---but his wife is doing some excellent work today with the wealth she has inherited.



Originally Posted by Observer:

Yuj and Rev, I'm with coworkers watching Bill G. give a speech.  So far he's quite eloquent, knowledgeable and charismatic.  Will let you know later how it went. 


Enjoy the Gates lecture---heard he has a good sense of humor too



Looking forward to reading your report later.



Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Looks like Bill Gates locked up most of the posters here with his Windows OS. 

Don't blame the good folks here---looks like they chose to stay loyal to the living legend Gates($77 billion net worth)---Jobs, bless his soul, is a dead legend.



Gates has done a lot for charity with his billions...what did Steve Jobs do?

Steve Jobs was a jew.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Looks like Bill Gates locked up most of the posters here with his Windows OS. 

Don't blame the good folks here---looks like they chose to stay loyal to the living legend Gates($77 billion net worth)---Jobs, bless his soul, is a dead legend.



Gates has done a lot for charity with his billions...what did Steve Jobs do?

Steve Jobs was a jew.

 The use of windows is a consequence of its ease of use, low cost and abundance of software. It has nothing to do with personalities. It is history of a ubiquitous DOS with PC and the evolution of a cheap GUI OS.


Who made Jobs a Jew? What a stupid statement? Neither in origins or affinity was he anything but areligious.


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