The distribution of the ten thousand dollars school voucher has gain momentum, the Guyanese populace are turning out in their masses to uplift this timely gesture.
The distribution of the ten thousand dollars school voucher has gain momentum, the Guyanese populace are turning out in their masses to uplift this timely gesture.
Replies sorted oldest to newest
Call it for what it really is...A BRIBE FOR VOTES.
The P.P.P remains a working class party, every year the largest budgetary allocations goes to the social sector, education receives the largest budgetary allocation.
Priya look like a Hawaiian hula-hula girls with her flowers.
Priya look like a Hawaiian hula-hula girls with her flowers.
Wonderful event for the children, with the Minister of Education and the President.
When people said this is an election gimmick, it add insult to these wonderful children.
When people said this is an election gimmick, it add insult to these wonderful children.
Ow Bhai, people gat to talk dem gat mouth
oh yes we care.....
I luv the last one.
What the heck is the one in purple wearing? ...and what's with the ...ahem...plumbers crack ,the one in blue?
The P.P.P remains a working class party, every year the largest budgetary allocations goes to the social sector, education receives the largest budgetary allocation.
You're showing us the forest. Let's look at some trees. A big portion of funds budgeted for education goes into the bankbooks of PPP crony contractors to build and repair schools, school furniture, supply textbooks, etc.
Gilbakka, put up or shut up!!!
Lord Councie, howdy?
7 |
| 9:00 AM | Bartica Secondary, Hill View Nursery, Beach View Nursery, Precious Gem Nursery, Holy Name Nursery, Future Builders Nursery, Two Miles Primary, St, John the Baptiste Primary, St. Anthonyβs Primary, Agatash Primary, Holy Name Primary, Makouria Primary, Batavia Primary, Itaballi Primary, Karrau Creek Primary, Kartabo Primary, Three Miles Secondary. |
| 9:00 AM | St. Christopher, Pollyβs Nursery, South Ruimveldt Nursery, Enterprise Nursery |
| C-FIELD NURSERY | 9:00 AM | C-Field Nursery |
| SOPHIA NURSERY | 9:00 AM | Sophia Nursery |
| ST. STANISLAUS COLLEGE | 9:00 AM | Smyth Street Nursery, South Road Nursery |
| LODGE NURSERY | 9:00 AM | Lodge Nursery |
| ST.PIUS PRIMARY | 9:00 AM | Liana Nursery, Roxanne Burhnam Nursery, Selman Fraser Nursery, Albouystown Nursery |
| WEST RUIMVELDT PRIMARY | 9:00 AM | Houston Nursery, Agricola Nursery, Alexander Village, Ascesion Nursery |
| ST. GABRIELβS PRIMARY | 9:00 AM | St. Gabrielβs Nursery, Head Start, East Street |
| QUEENβS COLLEGE | 9:00 AM | Starters, Stella Maris, Precious Jewels |
| TURKEYEN NURSERY | 9:00 AM | Turkeyen Nursery |
| NEW CAMPBELLVILLE SECONDARY | 9:00 AM | Carmelita Nursery, Shermanβs Nursery, J.E.Burhnam Nursery, Gacestock Nursery, Happy Hearts Nursery, Bel Air Nursery. |
| 3
| UITVLUGT COMMUNITY CENTRE | 9:00 AM | Windsor Forest Primary, Winsor Forest Nursery, Hague Nursery, Den Amstel Nursery, Den Amstel Primary, La Jalousie Nursery, Hague Primary, Blakenburg Primary, St. Johnβs Secondary, Anna Catherina Nursery, Cornelia Ida Nursery, Cornelia Ida Primary, Leonora Secondary |
| PARIKA SALEM SECONDARY | 9:00 AM | Parika Salem Secondary, Parika Nursery, Parika Primary, Parika Back, Blake. |
| CRANE PRIMARY | 9:00 AM | Crane Primary, Vreed-en-Hoop #2 Nursery, Vreed-en-Hoop # 1 Nursery |
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2014 | 6
| BERBICE HIGH | 9:00 AM | Berbice High, Vryman Erven Secoondary, All Saints Primary, St. Aloyisus primary, Smythfield Nursery |
| ST. THERESE PRIMARY | 9:00 AM | St. Therese Primary, Viola Nursery, New Amsterdam Primary, Trinity Street Nursery, St. Maryβs Nursery |
| BERBICE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE | 9:00 AM | Berbice Educational Institute, Lochaber Primary, Sandvoort Primary, Sandvoort Nursery, Mount Sinai Nursery, New Ansterdam Special School |
| NEW AMSTERDAM SECONDARY | 9:00 AM | New Amsterdam Secondary, Tutorial Academy, Overwinning Primary, Savannah Pk |
| 3 | PATENTIA PRIMARY | 9:00 AM | Patentia Primary, Wales Primary |
| VIVE-LA-FORCE PRIMARY | 9:00 AM | Vive-La-Force Primary |
| LA RETRAITE | 9:00 AM | La Retraite Primary, Bagotsville Primary, Nimes Primary |
| KAWALL PRIMARY | 9:00 AM | Kawall Primary |
| BELLE WEST PRIMARY | 9:00 AM | Belle West Primary |
| TWO BROTHER | 9:00 AM | Two Brother, McGillvary Primary |
| PARAFAIT PRIMARY | 9:00 AM | Parafait Primary |
| LA GRANGE PRIMARY | 9:00 AM | La Grange Primary |
| MALGRE TOUT PRIMARY | 9:00 AM | Malgre Tout Primary, Goed Fortuin Primary |
| VREED-EN-HOOP PRIMARY | 9:00 AM | Vreed-en-Hoop Primary, Crane Primary |
| WINSOR FOREST PRIMARY | 9:00 AM | Winsor Forest Primary, Den Amstel Primary, Blakenburg Primary |
| HAGUE PRIMARY | 9:00 AM | Hague Primary |
| LEONORA PRIMARY | 9:00 AM | Leonora Primary, Cornelia Ida Primary |
| LEONORA SECONDARY | 9:00 AM | Uivulgt Primary, Stewartville Primary, Saraswat Primary |
| METEM-MEER-ZORG | 9:00 AM | Metem-meer-zorg Primary |
| VERGENOEGEN SECONDARY | 9:00 AM | Zeelugt Primary, Tuschen Primary, Philadephia Primary |
| GREENWICH PARK PRIMARY | 9:00 AM | Greenwich Park Primary |
| PARIKA SALEM PRIMARY | 9:00 AM | Parika Salem Primary, Ruby, Back Primary, Parika Back Primary |
MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2014 | 2 | GOOD HOPE PRIMARY | 2:00 PM | Good Hope Primary, Good Hope Nursery, Bethany Primary |
| HUIST DIEREN PRIMARY | 2:00 PM | Huist Dieren Primary, Huist Dieren Nursery, Hibernia Nursery, Mashabo Primary. |
| SUDDIE PRIMARY | 2:00 PM | Suddie Primary, Riverstown Nursery, Riverstown Primary, Adventure Nursery, Aurora Primary, Aurora Nursery. |
| AURORA SECONDARY | 2:00 PM | Aurora Secondary |
| ABRAMβS ZUIL SECONDARY | 2:00 PM | Abramβs Zuil Secondary, Abramβs Zuil Nursery |
| FISHER PRIMARY | 2:00 PM | Fisher Primary, Fisher Nursery, Johanna Ceceila Secondary, Zorg Nursery, Mariaβs Lodge Nursery |
| TAYMOUTH MANOR PRIMARY | 2:00 PM | Taymouth Manor Primary, Affiance, Queenstown Primary, Queenstown Nursery, Capoey Primary. |
| ANNA REGINA SECONDARY | 2:00 PM | Anna Regina Secondary |
| COTTON FIELD SECONDARY | 2:00 PM | Cotton Field Secondary, Cotton Field Nursery, Reliance Annex |
| C.V. NUNES PRIMARY | 2:00 PM | C.V. Nunes Primary, Anna Regina Nursery, Anna Regina New Nursery, Richmond Nursery |
| SPARTA PRIMARY | 2:00 PM | Sparta Primary, Hampton Court Nursery, Hampton Court Primary, Lima Nursery, Danielstown Nursery, Walton Hall Nursery, Lima Sands Nursery, Lima Sands Primary |
| 8TH OF MAY SECONDARY | 2:00 PM | 8th of May Secondary, 8th Of May Primary, Flora Nursery, Better Hope Primary, Better Success Nursery |
| CHARITY PRIMARY | 2:00 PM | Charity Primary, Somerset & Berk Nursery |
| CHARITY SECONDARY | 2:00 PM | Charity Secondary, Charity Nursery |
| 3 | UITVLUGT COMMUNITY GROUND | 2:00 PM | Leonora Nursery, Leonora Primary, Stewartville Nursery, Stewartville Primary, Stewartville Secondary, Uitvlugt Nursery, Uitvlugt Primary, Uitvlugt Secondary |
| 2:00 PM | |
WALES COMMUNITY GROUND | 2:00 PM | Patentia Nursery, Patentia Secondary, Patentia Primary, Wales Primary, Stanleytown Nursery, Sisters Nursery, La Retraite Primary |
| NIMES PRIMARY | 2:00 PM | Nimes Primary, Bagotsville Primary, Bagotsville Nursery |
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2014 | 5 | BLAIRMONT PRIMARY | 2:00 PM | Blairmont Primary, Blairmont Nursery, Ithaca Nursery, Ithaca Primary |
| ROSIGNOL SECONDARY | 2:00 PM | Rosignol Secondary, Rosignol Primary, Shieldstown Nursery, Liberty Hall Nursery |
| COTTON TREE PRIMARY | 2:00 PM | Cotton Tree Primary, Cotton Tree Nursery, Zee Zight Nursery, |
| # 8 SECONDARY | 2:00 PM | #8 Secondary, #8 Primary, #8 Nursery, #5 Nursery, #5 Primary |
| WOODLEY PARK SECONDARY | 2:00 PM | Woodley Park Secondary, Woodley Park Primary, Woodley Park Nursery |
| BATH PRIMARY | 2:00 PM | Bath Primary, Bath Nursery, Waterloo Nursery |
| LATCHMANSINGH PRIMARY | 2:00 PM | Latchmansingh Prmary, Bush Lot Nursery, Bush Lot secondary, Groden Nursery |
| LITCHFIELD PRIMARY | 2:00 PM | Litchfield Primary, Litchfield Nursery, Seafield Primary, Seafield Nursery, Yeoville Nursery |
| 3 | UITVLUGT COMMUNITY GROUND | 2:00 PM | Metem-meer-zorg Primary, Metem-meer-zorg Nursery, Exeβs Nursery, Jasso Nursery, Saraswat Primary, Zeeburg Secondary, DeKindren Nursery, Zeelugt Nursery, Zeelugt Primary |
| BLAKE PRIMARY | 2:00 PM | Blake Primary, Blake Nursery, St. Lawrence Primary |
| PARIKA BACK PRIMARY | 2:00 PM | Parika Back primary, Parika Back Nursery, Ruby Back Primary |
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2014 | 5 | BELLADRUM SECONDARY | 2:00PM | Belladrum Secondary, Belladrum Primary, El Parabel Nursery |
| NOVAR PRIMARY | 2:00 PM | Novar Primary, Novar Secondary, Novar Nursery, Air Hall Nursery, Calcutta Primary, Calcutta Nursery |
| MAHAICONY SECONDARY | 2:00 PM | Mahaicony Secondary, Mahaicony Primary, West End Nursery, Perth Nursery |
| MORTICE PRIMARY | 2:00 PM | Mortice Primary, Mortice Nursery, Strathcampbell Primary, Strathcampbell Nursery |
| BYGEVAL SECONDARY | 2:00 PM | Bygeval Secondary, Zealand Primary, Cottage Nursery, Carlton Hall Primary, Carlton Hall Nursery, De Hoop Primary, De Hoop Nursery. |
| 3 | BELLE WEST PRIMARY | 2:00PM | Belle West Primary, Belle West Nursery |
| VIVE-LA-FORCE PRIMARY | 2:00 PM | Vive-La-Force Primary |
| ENDEAVOUR & THE COMMONS SECONDARY | 2:00 PM | Endeavour & The Commons Secondary, Kawall Primary, New Annlegt Nursery, Canal #2 Nursery |
| LβAVENTURE SECONDARY | 2:00 PM | LβAventure Secondary, Two brothers Primary, McGillvary Primary, Canal #1 Nursery, Genieve Nursery |
| LA GRANGE PRIMARY | 2:00 PM | La grange Primary, La Grange Nursery |
| PARFAIT HARMONY PRIMARY | 2:00 PM | Parfait Harmony Primary, Parfait Harmony Nursery |
| VREED-EN-HOOP | 2:00 PM | Vreed-en-Hoop Primary, Vreed-en-Hoop Secondary |
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2014 | GEORGETOWN | NATIONA PARK | 9:00 AM | Smithβs Memorial Primary, St. Agnes primary, Winfer Gardens primary, St. Angelaβs Primary, Stella Maria primary, North Georgetown Primary, Davis Rose School for Handicapped, J.E. Burhnam Primary, Rama Krishna Primary, St. Margaretβs Primary, St. Sidwells Primary, Thomas Moore Primary, Enterprise primary, Redeemer Primary, Bel Air Primary, Georgetown Primary, Agricola Primary, St. Anneβs Primary, West Ruimveldt Primary, St. Gabrielβs Primary, Tucville Primary, South Ruimveldt Primary, F.E. Pollard Primary, St. Pius primary, East La Penitence primary, Ketley Primary, St. Stephenβs Primary, Comenius Primary, St. Ambrose Primary |
| SOPHIA PRIMARY | 9:00 AM | Sophia Primary |
| SOPHIA SPECIAL | 9:00 AM | Sophia Special |
| GRAHAMβS HALL | 9:00 AM | Grahamβs Hall Primary |
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2014 | 6 | SKELDON LINE PATH SECONDARY | 9:00 AM | Skeldon Line Path Secondary, Crabwood Creek Primary, Crabwood Creek Nursery |
| SKELDON HIGH | 9:00 AM | Skeldon High, Skeldon Primary, Line Path C Nursery, Line Path D Nursery |
| SKELDON ANNEX | 9:00 AM | Skeldon Annex, No. 79 Nursery, Kingston Nursery |
| CORRIVERTON PRIMARY | 9:00 AM | Corriverton Primary, Springland Nursery, Princetown Nursery |
| MASSIAH PRIMARY | 9:00 AM | Massiah Primary, No 72. Nursery, No. 69 Nursery, No. 67 Nursery, No. 68 Primary |
| TAGORE MEMORIAL | 9:00 AM | Tagore Memorial, Babylon Nursery, New Market Primary, |
| AUCHLYN PRIMARY | 9:00 AM | Auchlyn Primary, Bloomfield Nursery, Tain Primary, Tain Nursery |
| PORT MOURANT PRIMARY | 9:00 AM | Port Mourant Primary, Port Mourant Nursery, Corentyne Comprehensive Secondary, Ankerville Nursery |
| J.C CHANDISINGH SECONDARY | 9:00 AM | J. C Chandisingh Secondary, Port Mourant Secondary |
| ROSE HALL TOWN PRIMARY | 9:00 AM | Rose Hall Town Primary, Lower Corentyne Secondary, Rose Hall Town Nursery, Williamsburg Nursery |
| FYRISH NURSERY | 9:00 AM | Fyrish Nursery, Fyrish Primary, Fryish Road Nursery, No. 1 Reef Nursery, Gibraltor Courtland Primary |
| CROPPER PRIMARY | 9:00 AM | Cropper Primary, Belvedere Primary, Belevedere Nursery, Albion Primary, Albion Front Nursery, Albion Back Nursery |
MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2014 | 6 | NO.56 PRIMARY | 2:00PM | No. 56 Primary, No. 59 Primary, No. 60 Nursery, No. 54 Nursery |
| NO. 48 PRIMARY | 2:00 PM | No. 48 Primary, No. 43 Primary, Leeds Primary, No. 47 Nursery, Joppa Nursery |
| WELLINGTON PARK PRIMARY | 2:00 PM | Wellington Park Primary, Eversham Primary, No 36 Primary, Kiltern Nursery, Phillipai Nursery, No. 36 Nursery |
| KILDONAN PRIMARY | 2:00 PM | Kildonan Primary, Central Corentyne Secondary, Bushlot Nursery, Nurney Nursery |
| MANCHESTER SECONDARY | 2:00 PM | Manchester Secondary, Manchester Nursery, Alness Primary |
| WINIFRED GASKEN SECONDARY | 2:00 PM | Winifred Gasken Secondary, McGowan Primary, Whim Nursery |
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2014 | 6 | SHEET ANCHOR PRIMARY | 2:00 PM | Sheet Anchor Primary, Sheet Anchor Nursery, Boheima Primary, Boheima Nursery, Fort Ordance Primary, No. 2 Nursery |
| CANJE SECONDARY | 2:00 PM | Canje Secondary, Cumberland Primary,Cumberland Nursery |
| ROSE HALL ESTATE PRIMARY | 2:00 PM | Rose Hall Estate Primary, Betsy Ground Primary, Canefield Nursery, Reliance Nursery |
| ADELPHI NURSERY | 2:00 PM | Adelphi Nursery, Gangaram Primary, Zorg Primary, Goed Bananan Land Nursery, Gangaram Nursery |
| 3 | UITVLUGT COMMUNITY GROUND | 2:00 PM | Vergenoegen Nursery, Vergenoegen Secondary, Philadelphia Nursery, Philadelphia Primary, Tuschen Nursery, Tuschen Primary, Hydronie Nursery, Farm Nursery, Greenwich Park Primary |
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2014 | 10 | MACKENZIE: BAMIA PRIMARY | 1:30 PM | Bamia Primary |
| MACKENZIE PRIMARY | 1:30 PM | Mackenzie Primary, Pine Street Nursery, Childrenβs Garden Nursery, Watooka Day Nursery, Watooka Day Primary |
| AMELIAβS WARD PRIMARY | 1:30 PM | Ameilaβs Ward Primary, Ameila Ward Nursery |
| COOMACKA PRIMARY | 1:30 PM | Coomacka Primary, Coomacka Nursery |
| MACKENZIE HIGH | 1:30 PM | Mackenzie High, Regma Primary, Republic Ave Nursery, Retrieve Nursery |
| LINDEN FOUNDATION SCONDARY | 1:30 PM | Linden Foundation Secondary, South Ameilaβs Ward Nursery |
| WISBURG SECONDARY | 1:30 PM | Wisburd Secondary, Wisroc Nursery |
| ONE MILE PRIMARY | 1:30 PM | One Mile Primary, One Mile Nursery |
| NEW SILVERCITY SECONDARY | 1:30 PM | New Silvercity Secondary, West Watooka Nursery, Half Mile Nursery, Canvas City Nursery |
| CHRISTIANBURG WISMAR SECONDARY | 1:30 PM | Christianburg Wismar Secondary, Blueberry Hill Nursery, Christianburg Nursery, St, Aidanβs Primary |
| HARMONY SECONDARY | 1:30 PM | Harmony Secondary, Burhnam Drive Nursery, Christianburg Primary |
| WISMAR HILL NURSERY | 1:30 PM | Wismar Hill Nursery, Middle Street Nursery, Wismar Hill Primary |
| 6 | EDINBURG PRIMARY | 1:30 PM | Edinburg Primary, Edingburg Nursery, Hibiscus Nursery, Glasgow Nursery |
| FRIENDS PRIMARY | 1:30 PM | Friends Primary, Plegt Anker Primary, Martraite nursery, Lighttown Primary, Schepmoed Primary |
| BLACK BUSH SECONDARY | 1:30 PM | Black Bush Secondary, Mibikuri Primary, Mibikuri Nursery, Lesbeholdon Nursery, Lesbeholdon Primary |
| YAKUSARI PRIMARY | 1:30 PM | Yakusari Primary, Yakusari Nursery, Johanna Primary, Johanna Nursery |
Gilbakka, put up or shut up!!!
Conscience, if the truth hurts you, it is still the truth. Big bad Burnham never shut me up so you can never shut me up.
Truth is, the PPP regime has indeed allocated large sums of money to the education sector during the past 21 years. The quality of education delivered, however, and the results obtained have not matched expections. Teachers are still leaving the schools and indeed Guyana in large numbers. The dropout rate of pupils in secondary schools is alarming.
Meanwhile, favoured PPP contractors and suppliers are laughing all the way to the bank.
The PPP always cares about children and their education. $10,000 across the board for every child countrywide. This is making a lot of people jealous right now and them mouth set fuh cuss me for glamoring the PPP goodness.
No amount of red herring throw in the discussion would derail the thread, away from the good initiative of the state.
Conscious, I can't get enough of this goodness gracious scene from the two most caring people in Guyana, President Ramotar and Priya Manickchand. Everywhere they go there is a tremendous crowd waiting to greet them. This is not even a campaign rally. I can sense a landslide victory coming the PPP way.
No amount of red herring throw in the discussion would derail the thread, away from the good initiative of the state.
We're talking about budgetary allocations for education. You introduced that theme. The discussion doesn't end when the budget debates in parliament end. How has all that money been spent, and on what?
If the large education allocations were effectively and efficiently utilized the past 21 years, the President won't have been forced to leave his desk and personally hand out $10,000 grants in the various regions today.
Investments in Our People
a. Education
4.70 Mr. Speaker, the new Education Strategic Plan for 2014 to 2018 is currently being finalised and is anticipated to focus on improving literacy rates, early childhood development, teacher training, enrolment in single sciences, technical vocational educational programmes, and more structured partnerships with private sector providers and parents.
4.71 In 2013, $28.5 billion was expended towards the final year of the last strategic plan. A sum of $2.7 billion was spent on the infrastructure of schools and other educational facilities, including commencing the reconstruction of One Mile Primary School, La Venture Secondary School and Parfaite Harmonie Primary. Additionally, the $50 million Harold B Davis Special School for differently-abled children was commissioned in January this year. In addition 16 secondary computer labs were completed as part of our efforts to ensure all secondary schools have access to IT. Another $35.2 million was expended towards the commencement of the University of Guyana Science and Technology Support initiative, while $50 million was made available to ensure greater access to tertiary level education via online programmes.
4.72 Further, in the area of teacher training we continued the upgrading programme in the communities in Regions 1, 8 and 9 permitting more hinterland persons to be eligible to access the Trained Teacherβs Certificate Programme and under which 159 teachers were certified in 2013. Additionally 177 teachers have entered the system as trained teachers from CPCE. Over $1 billion was expended on the National School Feeding Programme to the benefit of over 65,000 children, while $208 million was spent on the National Uniform Programme, benefitting over 139,000 children in our efforts to ensure improved attendance and attentiveness in the classroom.
4.73 Mr. Speaker, in 2014, the sum of $32.3 billion has been allocated towards the implementation of the first year of our new Education Strategic Plan.
4.74 This year we have allocated $2.9 billion towards the construction, rehabilitation, extension and maintenance of our educational facilities including a new and expanded Zeeburg Secondary School and the Kato Secondary complex. Moreover, we will commence implementation of a US$10 million Universal Secondary Education initiative, which will facilitate the construction of new secondary schools and provision of materials for improved teaching techniques and technology assisted learning in mathematics. Our teacher training college will continue to offer their existing programmes, as well as focus on the appraisal and development of their lecturers including having some teachers pursue postgraduate degrees. We will intensify our efforts to eliminate illiteracy and strengthen public awareness to ensure that parents understand their vital role in the literacy development of their children. In the area of ICT, Government will allocate resources to ensure that an additional 2,500 teachers are trained, and all of our secondary schools are equipped with computer laboratories before the end of 2014.
4.75 Mr. Speaker, we recognise that equipping our young people with technical vocational education training (TVET) skills linked with entrepreneurship training is an assured option for enabling their viability, and this year we will expand opportunities to include occupational programmes to support the mining and hospitality industries.
4.76 Continued emphasis will also be placed on tertiary education with an allocation of $1.4 billion towards the operation of both campuses of the University of Guyana, inclusive of $450 million for our student loan programme. Later this year our students will have the option of online degree programmes for the first time ever. Also, through the University of Guyana Science and Technology Support initiative 14 science and technology buildings will be rehabilitated and equipped and a feasibility study for the new Centre of Excellence for the Study of Biodiversity will commence. Futher, 17 programmes have been identified for curriculum reform which will be designed and tested over a 3 year period.
excerpts from Budget speech 2014
No amount of red herring throw in the discussion would derail the thread, away from the good initiative of the state.
We're talking about budgetary allocations for education. You introduced that theme. The discussion doesn't end when the budget debates in parliament end. How has all that money been spent, and on what?
If the large education allocations were effectively and efficiently utilized the past 21 years, the President won't have been forced to leave his desk and personally hand out $10,000 grants in the various regions today.
Gilbakka, put up or shut up!!!
How much of dat goes to the learning channel to pay Bobby Ramroop / Jagdeo bogus TV operation?
Gilbakka, put up or shut up!!!
How much of dat goes to the learning channel to pay Bobby Ramroop / Jagdeo bogus TV operation?
Yuh ent hear, boy? Dat is red herring.
Those PPP hacks think we the people are dummies.
They think we have short memory.
They think we don't have the ability to make connections and draw conclusions.
They want us the people to just see a $10,000 grant just as a great goodie, in isolation from past actions or future designs.
They think the people don't have the brains to know that the measly $10,000 is a cheap partisan gimmick.
Even Rev asserted the thing is a bribe.
Rev might have some wutlessness, but he is frank and honest. That's his bottom line.
Dat Conscience chap ent got a dot of conscience.
It's gonna tek nuff nuff 10,000 dollar to add up to that 200 Million dollars a year pension.
PPP think everyone is as dunce as they are.
I like this. Money for poor families. I am all for it.
I like this. Money for poor families. I am all for it.
Wallace the 200 Million a year is not for poor families.
I like this. Money for poor families. I am all for it.
Poor families of all races and colors appreciate the help. It's a good deed; leave politics aside.
I like this. Money for poor families. I am all for it.
Poor families of all races and colors appreciate the help. It's a good deed; leave politics aside.
When you are starving if someone offers you a peanut you would appreciate it.
I like this. Money for poor families. I am all for it.
Poor families of all races and colors appreciate the help. It's a good deed; leave politics aside.
When you are starving if someone offers you a peanut you would appreciate it.
If I am starving I will look for a dry coconut. One peanut wouldn't won't do anything for my hunger.
I like this. Money for poor families. I am all for it.
Poor families of all races and colors appreciate the help. It's a good deed; leave politics aside.
Tell that to the PPP/C. They started this bribery. The timing is wrong. It is seen as a bribe and many believe it is a bribe.
Yippee for the poor guys, they should be getting 100k each family.
I like this. Money for poor families. I am all for it.
Poor families of all races and colors appreciate the help. It's a good deed; leave politics aside.
Tell that to the PPP/C. They started this bribery. The timing is wrong. It is seen as a bribe and many believe it is a bribe.
Yippee for the poor guys, they should be getting 100k each family.
You think welfare in the US is bribery?
I like this. Money for poor families. I am all for it.
Poor families of all races and colors appreciate the help. It's a good deed; leave politics aside.
NO. We cannot leave politics aside. The whole exercise is politics, to begin with.
All those recipients of the $10,000 grant should give thanks to the AFC.
If the AFC didn't put up that no-confidence notice, the PPP regime would not have been feverishly doling out the dollars today.
The two are inter-connected.
leave politics aside you have to love these PPP clowns. I keep saying they think everyone is as dunce as they are.
Another favorite term they have is lets not politicize this issue, say what?
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