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Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Dondadda:
CaribJ, If the PPP is a racist black hating party, then why did they rebuild Tiperary Hall, and did all kinds of infrastructure works in Buxton, ?

Hmmm. When the Hoyte told Jagdeo to help Buxton Jagdeo said no.

After being made to look like racists for neglecting Buxtonians who pleaded for help from the police, they destroyed farmer's lands, and demonized villagers to the point where they couldnt get employment.


And of course Buxtonians reported that even when money was spent in their village contracts went to Indians who hired mainly Indians and they were left unemployed.

So were these contracts awarded to benefit Buxton or to benefit Indo PPP contractors and their Indo employees? Lindeners have made the same complaints which is why the PPP get STOMPED.

Buxtonians know full well that the recent projects were an attempt to buy votes. They didt sell themselve sout to an IndoKKK black hating regime which was too interested in demonizing them a mere 5 years ago.

Utter Rubbish, Caribj. The PPP was stupid to waste money rebuilding the "Dance Hall turned criminal hideout" . A man by the name of Mr. Hunt use to tell me that "Dont trust Blackman, one day dem ah eat from you pat - next day dey beat you raas up". Dey shudda cut Jagdeo rass in Buxton when he was giving out dem freebies.
Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by caribj:
OK so tell me which one of these blacks in the cabinet have any real decison making.

carib bhai:

What nonsense you're spewing about black members of Ramotar cabinet having no decison making power ?


There are 6 Afro Guyanese in Donald Ramotar's cabinet. Are you telling me these folks are just figureheads, puppets, tokens ?

I am willing to bet that if David Granger were President and Hinds, Benn, Edgill, Webster, Westford, and Whittaker were in their current ministries you would not be braying about them not having any decision making power.

The truth is carib you can't stand an East Indian as President of Guyana---you want a "Cuffy" in charge---and as long as a 'Cuffy" is not president you'll keep bawling about afros being marginalized or screaming that afros in senior positions dont have enough decison making power.


I asked you a question. Which blacks have any clout. We already know the two Jennifers dont. Juan Edghill definitely cant a s he knows nothing about finance. Sam Hinds...poor soul, Lindeners again told you what they think of him.

So we have Luncheon (I dont know why the PPP hates blacks) and Benn.

You my friend want to see ONE RACE dominate Guyana even though that race is only 40-45% of the population. So you are offended when others tell you that this is not right and picking incompetent or ineffective people will not disguise that fact.

AfroGuyanese have spoken. THEY DO NOT LIKE THE BLACK HATING PPP????
Originally posted by yuji22:

carib is a Indo hater

Now explain what do I say that is anti Indian. If it is telling you that the PPP hates blacks, and that fact has been prioven by Jagdeo withdrawing his court case against Freddie who said exactly that? So if Jagdeo is so sure that Freddie is wrong why did he withdraw the case when even Luncheon couldnt disprove thes efacts.
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by caribj:
So we have Luncheon (I dont know why the PPP hates blacks) and Benn.

Please son't get me started with the black buffoon Luncehon. That man has been raped and pillaged by the PPP.

Oh no. Luncheon is our best friend. Thanks to his "I dont know why the PPP hates black people" AfroGuyanese were not fooled by PPP bribes and turned out in larghe numbers and STOMPED the PPP.

So the PPP can no longer claim its making inroads into black votes.
Originally posted by Nuff:
. I'll just start with Killaman. He's a gun toting, pistol whipping drunkard.

By the way how is he doing in Brazil? Have they thrown his black ass out of the country yet?

Imagine this is the caliber of person why they thought should be our ambassador to the 3rd most important country to Guyana, behimnd the USA and the EU. AND the replaced a highly competent AfroGuyanese as a result.

They then wonder why they are considered black haters.
Nuff "De Muftie" is Pretending to be "A Virgin Rev or Pundit"

Can dis Vulture Hide?????
Al-bt want aaaa winter coat like Rev AL.

Muft-eeee try telling abee .....eee is de Numbers man.
When you show eee 2 Crooks....eee say ow bhai meh only see one....Believe me nah....mi na see De Short Time Quickie Prizie.....Is way eee gone????

lil thing eee na understand.....
Eee cant understand : PPP(32) + APNU(26) + AFC(7) = Guyana Parliament (65)

eee cant handerstand
(a): APNU + AFC is greater than PPP
(b): PPP is less than APNU + AFC

eee cant Understand Majority
(a): AFC + APNU = Majority
(b): 65 - PPP = Majority
(c): eee cant understand 32 is not majority.

eee cant understand minority
(a): PPP + 0 + 0 = minority
(b): 65 - APNU - AFC = Minority
(c): eee cant understand 33 is not Minority.

eee na handerstand Moses dont hide and wear Costume & Sheep Coat like eeee.

Muft-eeeee post More picture of Moses fuh abee we like see ah honest and decent man.....Bring up some new won naaa Wolf-man.
Originally posted by albert:
Many may say....without a shadow of a doubt....Moses doesn't have the respect he once command in Berbice....especially in his home town of Whim.....
albert i just come back from berbice,MOSES is a king there the people hate rohee say he should just lay down and die that the only way ramotar will get him out
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Nuff:
. I'll just start with Killaman. He's a gun toting, pistol whipping drunkard.

By the way how is he doing in Brazil? Have they thrown his black ass out of the country yet?

Imagine this is the caliber of person why they thought should be our ambassador to the 3rd most important country to Guyana, behimnd the USA and the EU. AND the replaced a highly competent AfroGuyanese as a result.

They then wonder why they are considered black haters.

how come albert, rev and all the other PPP black hating racists cant answer this?
Indians frustration with the PNC and their total domination of the state during the sixties, seventies, and eighties is interpreted by some as a anti-Black Racism. Indians are not out to dominate and marginalize the African population. I don't think there is a single party in Guyana with an agenda of Indian dominance of Africans. The PPP has been fighting to unite all the races for longest while and it has proven to the most difficult if not an impossible task in Guyana.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by Rev Al:
That phrase "competent Afroguyanese"---sounds like an oxymoron to the Rev. Big Grinhahahaha


The issue is you are not because like a typical PPP racist this is what you think. We see this with the type of blacks who the PPP selects (Juan Edghill) while they ignore competent Africans.

Then you cry, scream and wail beacsue you lost control of parliament because the vast majority of non Indians refused to vote PPP. And with a declining Indo population the future doenst look too good for the PPP.
. I don't think there is a single party in Guyana with an agenda of Indian dominance of Africans. .

If you consider that the PNC was anti Indian in its time then you will see the PPP as being anti black because their pattern of ethnic exclusion is the same.

That is certainly the PPP agenda, and if any doubted it the post election behavior of the PPP certainly proves this. You dont own any ethnic group in Guyana so you ahve no right to bawl about ungrateful blacks because they refused to support a party which harbors extreme hatred twoards them, and considers them fit only for backballing and not for serious leadership positions, aside from incompetents and corrupt folks like Lumumba, Edghill and stooges like the two Jennifers and Sam Hinds.

The PPP needs to understand that if you peddle an anti black agenda you cant get black support. Simple. Blame yourselves and not APNU for the fact that over 90% of blacks rejected the PPP, as they have had 19 years to see how the PPP treats them.
AFC Chairman, Khemraj Ramjattan bluntly rejected any suggestions of a detailed probe into the vote-count which would require a High Court order to do. “We are not going to support an audit - the result is what it is,”
Its clear to see, Ramjattan knows if there is any recount the P.P.P/C will win the wonder Moses is so silent on the issue...
Originally posted by caribj:
Then you cry, scream and wail beacsue you lost control of parliament because the vast majority of non Indians refused to vote PPP. And with a declining Indo population the future doenst look too good for the PPP.


The PPP losing the majority in the last election was a blessing in disguise for the party.

Let's face it, after 20 years in control many PPP politicians had grown arrogant and complacent---and yes, some like Robert Persaud and Irfaan Alli, were crooked and corrupt.

But rest assured carib bhai--the PPP will regain the majority in the next election. And they dont need more afro or mixed voters to win back the majority. Voters like Parmanand Ramdeo, who supported the AFC in the last election and are now disillusioned with that party--those voters--the Parmanand Ramdeos of Berbice will return the PPP to their rightful majority status in the next election.

Originally posted by Rev Al:

But rest assured carib bhai--the PPP will regain the majority in the next election. And they dont need more afro or mixed voters to win back the majority. .


By 2016 Indians will be an even smaller % of the voters than they are now. More will be involved in mixed marriages/living arrangements, and more of the mixed population, increasing since 1990, will be of voting age.

As time passes that Indocentric and clannish rural Hindu, fearful of all that is not controlled by Indians, will become less and less and less importnat.

Given that these are who the PPP appeals to why so sure they will get the majority in 2016?

The PPP will have to transform itself if it doesnt plan to remain a minority govt.
Originally posted by caribj:
By 2016 Indians will be an even smaller % of the voters than they are now. More will be involved in mixed marriages/living arrangements, and more of the mixed population, increasing since 1990, will be of voting age.


You are free to engage in fantasy and wishful thinking, but you can rest assured that by 2016 the ethnic composition of the Guyanese population wont change much from it is today.


43.5%...East Indians

30.2%...Black African

16.7%...Mixed Heritage




Dream and hope and wish all you want carib bhai---but the PPP will win re-election in 2016 or whenever the next election is.

And going forward, the PPP will forever rule Guyana---they'll always control the executive branch.

Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by caribj:
By 2016 Indians will be an even smaller % of the voters than they are now. More will be involved in mixed marriages/living arrangements, and more of the mixed population, increasing since 1990, will be of voting age.


You are free to engage in fantasy and wishful thinking, but you can rest assured that by 2016 the ethnic composition of the Guyanese population wont change much from it is today.


43.5%...East Indians

30.2%...Black African

16.7%...Mixed Heritage




Dream and hope and wish all you want carib bhai---but the PPP will win re-election in 2016 or whenever the next election is.

And going forward, the PPP will forever rule Guyana---they'll always control the executive branch.


Rev in 1991 the mixed population was 12%. In 2002 they were 17%. Clearly many of them would have been too young to vote in 2006 and in 2011. So the VOTING AGE population in 2002, and presumably in 2011 would be more Indian and African than the population at large.

By 2016 many of those mixed people, who were born after 1991, will be voting age, so the voting age population will begin to more closely resemble the actual population. And the Indian population will be even smaller.

So rev if the PPPs main plank is "black man gun kill ayu if you nah vote PPP", how many people will listen? What exactly has the PPP done since the election to deal with the fact that it proved that AfroGuyanese and mixed voters consider it to be impossible racist and so it won few of them over.
Originally posted by caribj:

Rev in 1991 the mixed population was 12%. In 2002 they were 17%. Clearly many of them would have been too young to vote in 2006 and in 2011. So the VOTING AGE population in 2002, and presumably in 2011 would be more Indian and African than the population at large.

By 2016 many of those mixed people, who were born after 1991, will be voting age, so the voting age population will begin to more closely resemble the actual population. And the Indian population will be even smaller.

So rev if the PPPs main plank is "black man gun kill ayu if you nah vote PPP", how many people will listen? What exactly has the PPP done since the election to deal with the fact that it proved that AfroGuyanese and mixed voters consider it to be impossible racist and so it won few of them over.

Bai, except diss time roun' da PPP winning with same or bigger margin. Diss time dem coolies in Bbce wen fa da AFC and da PPP sink. Tek datt our, which will natt happen again in 2016, PPP wa gett 58%-60%. Mi tink da PPP gett nuff afro and dougla votes deeze dayzz.
Originally posted by caribj:
By 2016 many of those mixed people, who were born after 1991, will be voting age, so the voting age population will begin to more closely resemble the actual population. And the Indian population will be even smaller.

carib bhai:

There is no question the East Indian population in Guyana has declined significantly since 1980.


51.9%...Guyana's East Indian population in 1980

48.6%...Guyana's East Indian popluation in 1991

43.5%...Guyana's East Indian population in 2010


There has been a huge decline in the East Indian population.

But the good news for the PPP is East Indian emigration from Guyana has halted the past 5 years.

Infact, the Rev wont be surprised to see an uptick in the East Indian population in the next census.





The afroguyanese percentage has been flat.


They represent 16.7% of the Guyanese population and their numbers are growing---they'll probably max out at 20%


The PPP will win a majority in the next election.


Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
PP wa gett 58%-60%. .

Help me with the maths here.

Indos will probably be only 40% of the vote by 2016. Even PPP Indo fascists admit that the mixed voters dont support the PPP. Amerindian turnouts arent high, due to the challenges of voting in the interior, so they represent a smaller % of the actual voters.

So where is this 60% coming from? Be glad if the PPP gets 45%.

The notion of Black people and mixed people voting PPP in large numbers is as remote as Indians voting APNU. 19 years should have taught you this.

By the way discounting the youthful profile of mixed voters the Indians were probably 45% of the voters. The vast majority, at least 85%, voted PPP. This means that 80% of the non Indians (including Amerindians) voted against the PPP. This segment is growing while the Indo segment is shrinking.

Unless the PPP changes its ways and rid itself of racists like you their future is very dim.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
PP wa gett 58%-60%. .

Help me with the maths here.

Indos will probably be only 40% of the vote by 2016. Even PPP Indo fascists admit that the mixed voters dont support the PPP. Amerindian turnouts arent high, due to the challenges of voting in the interior, so they represent a smaller % of the actual voters.

So where is this 60% coming from? Be glad if the PPP gets 45%.

The notion of Black people and mixed people voting PPP in large numbers is as remote as Indians voting APNU. 19 years should have taught you this.

By the way discounting the youthful profile of mixed voters the Indians were probably 45% of the voters. The vast majority, at least 85%, voted PPP. This means that 80% of the non Indians (including Amerindians) voted against the PPP. This segment is growing while the Indo segment is shrinking.

Unless the PPP changes its ways and rid itself of racists like you their future is very dim.

Yuh da racists, yuh nah accept, nuff non-indo, including duglas and afros votin' fa PPP. If most da AFC vote in 2011 da PPP gatt 58%. Yuh stick wid da race math and yuh ah miss da boat.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:

Yuh da racists, yuh nah accept, nuff non-indo, including duglas and afros votin' fa PPP..

Sledge your antics and racist attitudes towards blacks guarantee that they will not vote PPP.

Afros and mixed were maybe 45% of the vote. APNU got 41%, almost all from this group. The AFC got some votes from this group.

When you add these numbers togther the PPP maybe got 5% of the black/mixed votes.

Sorry. Jews will not vote for Hitler and blacks will not vote PPP.
Originally posted by caribj:
Afros and mixed were maybe 45% of the vote. APNU got 41%, almost all from this group. The AFC got some votes from this group.

When you add these numbers togther the PPP maybe got 5% of the black/mixed votes.


So you are saying the PPP got 48.6% of the votes--and 5 of that 48.6% were black/mixed votes ?


The percentages below are closest to the truth:

* 80% of East Indians voted for the PPP

* 12% of Blacks voted for the PPP

* 24.5% of Mixed voted for the PPP

* 66% of Amerindians voted for the PPP

The 12% blacks contributed 3.62% to the 48.6% the PPP received; the 24.5% Mixed contributed 4.10% to the 48.6%.

You said blacks/mixed contributed around 5% to the 48.6%---you're wrong---it's more like 7.7%(3.62 + 4.10)


You dont want people calling you a lil DUNCY. lol

Once again the A.P.N.U/A.F.C Parliamentary alliance has signaled its intention to continue on the course of confrontation using their combined vote in the National Assembly for partisan political interests. Regrettably, the A.P.N.U/A.F.C combined vote in Parliament has now been used on three consecutive occasions in two sittings to undermine constitutionality and to disregard parliamentary norms and traditions...
Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by caribj:
Afros and mixed were maybe 45% of the vote. APNU got 41%, almost all from this group. The AFC got some votes from this group.

When you add these numbers togther the PPP maybe got 5% of the black/mixed votes.


So you are saying the PPP got 48.6% of the votes--and 5 of that 48.6% were black/mixed votes ?


The percentages below are closest to the truth:

* 80% of East Indians voted for the PPP

* 12% of Blacks voted for the PPP

* 24.5% of Mixed voted for the PPP

* 66% of Amerindians voted for the PPP

The 12% blacks contributed 3.62% to the 48.6% the PPP received; the 24.5% Mixed contributed 4.10% to the 48.6%.

You said blacks/mixed contributed around 5% to the 48.6%---you're wrong---it's more like 7.7%(3.62 + 4.10)


You dont want people calling you a lil DUNCY. lol


Why dont you sit down and calculate how APNU got 41% of the votes. Start with the fact that the African vote was around 32%. Also understand that about 3% of the vote came from blacks/mixed who voted AFC. the black/mixed was 45% MAX. APNU got few Indian or Amerindian votes. Take off 2% from the 41%.

39%+3%=42%. So not more than 3% reprsent black/mixed votes for the PPP. 7%. Given that mixed voters are more likely to vote PPP than black the black PPP vote was 5%.

Now deconstruct that.

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