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@cain posted:

HAHAAAAAA fraud!  You are the biggest one yet coming here and cussing up people about their ethnicity then pissed off because other social media disallow you to post your drivel on their sites. Looks good on you..FRAUDMEISTER.


@GTAngler posted:

Leave him/her alone. By now everyone knows "it" is incapable of anything but obscenities. Product of limited education and questionable upbringing. No class and most comfortable in the gutter.

Better a gutter snipe be than a stupid dalit who thinks ethnicity is the same as parentage! The ignorant can learn but the stupid are limited in their learning!

Last edited by Former Member
@GTAngler posted:

Leave him/her alone. By now everyone knows "it" is incapable of anything but obscenities. Product of limited education and questionable upbringing. No class and most comfortable in the gutter.

Show me one cuss word I've used, stupid, and make a poor Administrator of.Django or DG! And when will you ever criticize.cain? 'White privilege', huh? Servility becomes you, dalit! Well, it's wasted! He aint white!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Better a gutter snipe be than a stupid dalit who thinks ethnicity is the same as parentage! The ignorant can learn but the stupid are limited in their learning!

That's the first step. Recognizing and accepting your limitations and your station in life. I never said anything about ethnicity being the same as parentage. You get your ethnicity from your parents. Again you prove reading isn't your forte. Do carry on with your feeble attempts to mask your stupidity.

@Former Member posted:

Show me one cuss word I've used, stupid, and make a poor Administrator of.Django or DG! And when will you ever criticize.cain? 'White privilege', huh? Servility becomes you, dalit! Well, it's wasted! He aint white!

I don't see superiority or inferiority in race. Then again I was brought up with morals and class and not in the gutter like you.

@Former Member posted:

You and the fisherman are so pathetically weak in your retorts, I'll pass!

Retort. Your vocabulary is improving. Glad I was able to teach you something. By the way, "Vocabulary" is a range of words in a particular language.

@GTAngler posted:

That's the first step. Recognizing and accepting your limitations and your station in life. I never said anything about ethnicity being the same as parentage. You get your ethnicity from your parents. Again you prove reading isn't your forte. Do carry on with your feeble attempts to mask your stupidity.

It's in another forum! I won't bother looking for it! Sufficient.that there will be other times when your outstanding stupidity will be displayed again!

Watch out!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Show me one cuss word I've used, stupid, and make a poor Administrator of.Django or DG! And when will you ever criticize.cain? 'White privilege', huh? Servility becomes you, dalit! Well, it's wasted! He aint white!

Ever the victim. It's the RCMP. The Jinns. The Jumbie. The Bacoo. The government. The sidewalk. Gravity. The koala bears. The zionists. the christians. Cain. Django. DG. An irresponsible brat turn mentally deficient bum. Ever blaming his life's failure on others. SMFH

@Former Member posted:

Hello Lipdecuss! How's the Lip-o-

Maybe you can have a seance and arrange for one of your female old higue relatives to return and suck the fat out of the giant bags under your eyes. Maybe then you'll see reality.

Gives you a chance to "commiserate" too and tell them how hard they made your life. weeeeep weep weep....oh the horror....

Last edited by Former Member
@GTAngler posted:

I don't see superiority or inferiority in race. Then again I was brought up with morals and class and not in the gutter like you.

I cannot understand the insults. I do not see the need for it?

@seignet posted:

I cannot understand the insults. I do not see the need for it?

Really? You don't see when he speaks of "white privilege" or "dalit servility"? I don't start the insults. I respond to his.

Last edited by GTAngler
@GTAngler posted:

Really? You don't see when he speaks of "white privilege" or "dalit servility"? I don't start the insults. I respond to his.

Angler? I say, boy, is that a genuine dalit name?

Apparently, you don't see the fraudulent 'white' cain's insults, either! You blindly join in them! Servility?  Anyone wanting some? The line starts right at the fisherman's stall! Bring grass for payment!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Angler? I say, boy, is that a genuine dalit name?

How about your name? Is it a genuine Rajput name or one taken from the black man who took your naked, hungry ass into his home and fed you while your wastrel father abandoned you?

@Former Member posted:

Angler? I say, boy, is that a genuine dalit name?

Apparently, you don't see the fraudulent 'white' cain's insults, either! You blindly join in them! Servility?  Anyone wanting some? The line starts right at the fisherman's stall! Bring grass for payment!

You must be really proud of your ignorance. You constantly keep showing it off. The word "angler" means someone who fishes with a hook and line and I am from the Georgetown area hence the GT. There you go, I just improved your vocabulary again.

Last edited by GTAngler
@GTAngler posted:

You must be really proud of your ignorance. You constantly keep showing it off. The word "angler" means someone who fishes with a hook and line and I am from the Georgetown area hence the GT. There you go, I just improved your vocabulary again.

You ignore the fact that I've already called you fisherman! Why? Mental retardation? Slow to understand? What? Angler is just a deliberate misuse, cretin!


Shelly you DIPSHIT why don't you go trip yourself up outside and fall on your mouth a few times? I'm sure your neighbours would stand around and applaud your new found pastime sport.

Last edited by cain
@cain posted:

Shelly you DIPSHIT why don't you go trip yourself up outside and fall on your mouth a few times? I'm sure your neighbours would stand around and applaud your new found pastime sport.

Your N part giving you trouble, cain?.It must be yearning to be free of pretension and come out of 'whitey's' closet! Hahahahahaha...

Whatever will mulatto mama think? That you've joined forces.with.people your papa would beat.with whips? Horrors of horrors! The unthinkable has befallen the family!

See whuh yuh Gaan an.doo? Yuh dun gaan an leh dem Ns fuhget dem plase! De battam uv de toylet!

Naow dem guh waant mih fuh entuhtain howse! Nebbah cain, nebbah!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Members, Members, Members ...

Tone down the unrelated dialogues and concentrate on the subject.

Demerara_Guy = Moderator

I'm okay with that! He started it, as you can obviously see!

@Former Member posted:

Agriculture has to be part of a big coordinated package. It cannot work in a bubble.

Who says it doesn't have to be, KW? That's taken for granted under Agriculture!


Chinese taking over while we debating and quarreling.

The whole world, apparently.and why not? While the US and others fight unnecessary wars, China has been investing, loaning, scheming, spying, stealing! China's foreign debt is like petty cash to China!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

I'm okay with that! He started it, as you can obviously see!

Look at dis friken wimpy DIPSHIT complaining like a lil gyal.."is he start it.. is he start it" DIPSHIT.

Last edited by cain
@cain posted:

Look at dis friken wimpy DIPSHIT complaining like a lil gyal.."is he start it.. is he start it" DIPSHIT.

LOL...once a man twice a child! I'm starting to feel sorry for him now. Wait until the N key on his keyboard gets stuck from overuse. You'll hear of this grand conspiracy by the RCMP, his cretin, a mermaid, 2 koala bears, the Martians, Ole Higue and Bacoos to prevent him from using his N key LMFAO!

Last edited by Former Member
@cain posted:

Look at dis friken wimpy DIPSHIT complaining like a lil gyal.."is he start it.. is he start it" DIPSHIT.

cain, are you losing your mind! Do what my harassers are afraid to do! Come kill me! You started this, you finish it! Your primitive 'white' part has a history of killing, beating, whipping, chopping off parts and all things that are good for teaching a lesson! Don't rant and rave! Come! Of course, I'll have to defend my  worthless  self! Better.still, beg them! Tell them you'll give them anything they want! Even your *******! This way you can't be charged with anything!

I, a spirit, never die!

Last edited by Former Member

Me start "it" wtf are you speaking about you WOS?  I have been on this board since'99 and had a few blowups with a few posters. You came on this board a few months ago,since then you fought with everyone and continue to do so until now. You are one miserable arsehole, period..The rest of your babble about I is a spirit will never die, well you might not but I'm sure you always smell as though you died a few months ago.

Last edited by cain

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