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@Ramakant-P posted:

The PPP/C is committed to implementing the following policy measures: Read the above...

You guys on this GNI questionare all anti-PPP and Anti-productive.

An anti-productivity mindset is! one that resists the idea that laziness is the opposite of productivity. Anti-productivity thinking considers that more output isn't always better than less. To be anti-productive is to recognize the value in standing still and the value of all that can't be easily quantified.

Questionare, teach? Really?!! What nonsense are you braying now?

Which fool you copied that from? You haven't question!

Which goals have been.accomplished?

Last edited by Former Member
@Ramakant-P posted:

The PPP/C is committed to implementing the following policy measures: Read the above...

You guys on this GNI are all anti-PPP and Anti-productive.

An anti-productivity mindset is one that resists the idea that laziness is the opposite of productivity. Anti-productivity thinking considers that more output isn't always better than less. To be anti-productive is to recognize the value in standing still and the value of all that can't be easily quantified.

Promises hilighted mean diddly squat, getting it done "properly" mean a lot more.

@cain posted:

Promises hilighted mean diddly squat, getting it done "properly" mean a lot more.

This kunt is forever squatting here to deliver his load! Must think it's ol' Mumbai , eh.bai!

@GTAngler posted:

It absolutely does. I had a good education and was raised with morals. You on the other hand can only sit and envy. Not my fault you were dragged up the way you were.

I assume you are replying to our resident idiot savant, Goatshit babalaps a.k.a Loud Dingaling. I blocked him, so can't see.

Ignore him. This constipated fool comes here, shits like a goat and then rolls his goat shit from thread to thread, getting dirtier and dirtier by the minute with the obscenties.

Shameful shit. I blocked his dumb ass.

@Former Member posted:

I assume you are replying to our resident idiot savant, Goatshit babalaps a.k.a Loud Dingaling. I blocked him, so can't see.

Ignore him. This constipated fool comes here, shits like a goat and then rolls his goat shit from thread to thread, getting dirtier and dirtier by the minute with the obscenties.

Shameful shit. I blocked his dumb ass.

He can't even see how stupid he seems! Poor self-deluding n! Just an ol' mangy alley cat n! Scrambling to appear intelligent!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

There was a man said to have had the highest.IQ measured but who is now dead! He.took ordinary clerical jobs and led a solitary life! Maybe he.couldn' t get along with other people less endowed! Swift's " Gulliver's Travels" was, perhaps, pointing to this in the part on.Lilliput! One test of my.IQ had the line on the graph going upwards and off the graph! Another, required.for.a.job, had the psychologist that I had results only found among 98% of business executives tested! Although I had no training for business! Nothing to boast about for I didn't give myself the brain I have! It seems like a curse to me at times but then I remember there must be a reason I'm yet to determine! I make dumb mistakes like any other, so I don't consider myself infallible! But why am I telling you this? Perhaps to encourage mockery and laughter!

I should have stated 'only found. among 2% of business executives tested' ! See? I told you I'm not infallible! Now, I'll wait for the mockery and laughter from the usual morons! If they could untangle their two left feet from around their necks and stop gassing everyone in sight, that is!

Last edited by Former Member
@cain posted:

The block feature works except when the post is quoted.

I know but it minimizes what I see. Very few quote shitabatty shally a.k.a Loud Dingaling. Too much obscenity, vulgarity from this goat shit dispenser polluting every thread.

Tired of reading about the martians probing his ropey old ass, the little green men in his cranium, gay sex, sex with his dogs, sex with ghosts the sidewalk, etc. Evil old bytch.


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