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Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

It's all political victimization by the PNC.  Granger is a true Burnhamite.

What happened,don't want the truth to be revealed ?

An East Indian minister murdered,B.J says he knows who are involved.Let the truth come to light.

Don't forget the numerous lives lost during that period.

It's not about the truth. We know the truth. It's a conspiracy to persecute PPP leaders and others opposed to the PNC. 



Jagdeo said Granger bluffing,

the COI is initiated,all sorts of excuse from Freedom House.

click here to see the "booth lickers" and their fake org.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

PPP says may not participate in Lindo massacre inquiry

-voices concern over unilateral establishment of CoI.

Feb 2,2018.


Saying that the Lindo Creek Commission of Inquiry (CoI) was unilaterally established, the opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) on Wednesday warned that such an approach would scare off persons with vital information and could also result in its own non-participation.

“The Party also notes the unilateral establishment of the Commission of Inquiry, like others named under the Granger-led Government, and wishes to underscore the deviation from the former PPP/C Administration’s approach to ensure that such undertakings were done in a bipartisan manner. It appears that this Commission was established with a political objective. Due to the partisan approach in establishing the Commission, which does not inspire trust and confidence, persons with vital information may be reluctant to come forward,” the party said in a statement, hours after retired judge Donald Trotman was sworn in as the sole commissioner.

The PPP/C government had faced similar criticisms over inquiries that were held during its time in government, including the Walter Rodney CoI.

The CoI will inquire into the circumstances surrounding the deaths of Dax Arokium, Cedric Arokium, Compton Speirs, Horace Drakes, Clifton Wong, Lancelot Lee, Bonny Harry and Nigel Torres, whose burnt remains were discovered on June 21st, 2008, at the Lindo Creek mining camp. It is hoped that the hearing will bring out the “truth” and identify those responsible for the killings.

Trotman has since told the media that the first witness will take the stand within two weeks and that he had plans to visit the camp site.

The PPP, while noting Trotman’s appointment, said that the party “would find it difficult to participate given the nature of the Commission’s establishment, including the decision to start an inquiry with the incidents at Lindo Creek, as opposed to a more comprehensive review of the crime wave.”

Former president and current opposition leader Bharrat Jagdeo has expressed his willingness to testify before an inquiry set to investigate the crime wave killings. The crime wave, which began in 2002, occurred while the PPP/C held office.

Government has already said that given the amount of killings which occurred during the period, it would be difficult to hold a single inquiry. As a result, several will have to be held.

Minister of State Joseph Harmon, in justifying the start of the Lindo Creek inquiry, had said that it was “more fresh’ and that because of the unavailable of resources it may be more practical to do one inquiry at a time.

“…Usually what happens is that the last is more fresh in your minds, the information is much more recent even though it has been a long time and there are players who are likely to be giving evidence. Most of those persons are there,” he had said when asked why the Lusignan massacre was not first on the list. The Lusignan massacre was followed by one at Bartica, then at Lindo Creek, within a period of six months.

Observers say that it makes more sense to do them together since they might have been committed by the same set of persons.

The PPP, in its release, also used the opportunity to register its concerns about the “obvious conflict of interest in naming a Commissioner, who is the father of a sitting Cabinet Minister and Leader of the Alliance for Change (AFC), one of the partners of the Coalition Government”. Trotman, 79, is the father of Minister of Natural Resources Minister Raphael Trotman.

“This move speaks volumes about the nepotistic tendencies of the current Administration,” the release said, while adding that the party is also concerned that only one Commissioner has been named on such a “sensitive Commission.”

It was noted that the Order signed by President Granger to establish the Com-mission, name its members and define its Terms of Reference remained “a mystery, since it has not been published, as required by law, in the Official Gazette up to the time of Mr. Trotman’s swearing in.” When this newspaper checked the online version of the Official Gazette at 4pm yesterday nothing concerning the inquiry had been published.

With regards to comments made by Harmon about the Commission being the authority to determine whether any senior officer should be sent on leave during the period of the inquiry, the PPP said that this concerned it.

The party said that the comments “seems to indicate clearly that the APNU+AFC Coalition Government is hell-bent on going after the joint-services and leaders that do not seem to ‘fall in line’ with the agenda of this authoritarian government. Minister Harmon’s statement seems to preempt the actions of the Commission, even before it commences its work. We have seen similar witch-hunting of top officials of our security forces, following the establishment of the Paul Slowe Commission of Inquiry and the government’s interference in the Police Service Commission’s promotion of senior police officers.”

The statement stressed that the PPP wishes to make clear that it will “vehemently reject any attempts to erode the level of professionalism of Guyana’s security forces and the undermining of the functions of the civilian law enforcement authorities of Guyana.”


Feb 2,2018.


Dear Editor,

The Indian Action Committee (IAC) has noted government’s announcement of a series of inquiries into past incidents that have been described as crime spree killings. The swift establishment of a Commission of Inquiry (CoI) into the June, 2008, Lindo Creek massacre seems to be evidence of the government’s intention to unearth answers.

While the IAC believes these overdue inquiries are important for the country, it is of the firm view that it must not be confined to any particular incident or a selected few. These enquiries must be expanded to include others which the IAC remains convinced were designed, through maximum casualties or infliction of violence, to instil fear into the hearts and minds of Guyanese, especially those of East Indian descent.

It is within that context that the IAC calls for the commencement of an inquiry into the Lusignan massacre which, in January 2008, preceded Lindo Creek. Eleven innocent, poor, unsuspecting and defenceless residents including five children were slaughtered in the dark of night by heavily armed merciless gunmen. Like all other families who suffered, those in Lusignan would like closure as they remain befuddled over what could have precipitated such a dastardly attack.

The IAC is also calling for an inquiry into the unprovoked attack on Indo Guyanese on January 12, 1998 primarily in the City of Georgetown. Many were beaten, stripped and robbed by various gangs in what was believed to be their dissatisfaction over a High Court decision relating to the 1997 election petition. Twenty years later, many are still intimidated and scarred by that sudden unleashing of violence and the subsequent humiliation they were forced to endure.

The IAC is hopeful that, eventually, the findings of these inquiries would form the basis for the establishment of a national reconciliation platform which it is firmly recommending. The organization is of the view that rather than a continuation of blame and hatred, the platform could provide a much needed mechanism to aid in healing and the fostering of national harmony.

Once again the IAC believes this underscores the urgent need for the members of the Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) to be sworn in now that parliamentary approval has been given. This body seems best suited to facilitate such a platform.

Yours faithfully,

Saira Alli


Indian Action Committee


Granger’s approach to this does not enhance any sense of unity or cohesion.  

From the onset it seems cherry picking, biased and outright racist.   I agree with the PPP position on this.  Put all the terrorists crimes on the table and do a thorough investigation!

Django posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

It's all political victimization by the PNC.  Granger is a true Burnhamite.

What happened,don't want the truth to be revealed ?

An East Indian minister murdered,B.J says he knows who are involved.Let the truth come to light.

Don't forget the numerous lives lost during that period.

It's not about the truth. We know the truth. It's a conspiracy to persecute PPP leaders and others opposed to the PNC. 



Jagdeo said Granger bluffing,

the COI is initiated,all sorts of excuse from Freedom House.

click here to see the "booth lickers" and their fake org.

Did anyone helped you with the name of the Topic, or you did so all by yourself. I must say the photos are beautiful, I know quite a few of the people, unfortunate you were not invited. Then you would have been the "Chief Booth Licker".

Vish M posted:


this is just a naked assault on a relatively new organization 

where is the logic?

You have any info on the org ?,the office maybe near you.

What's their purpose,help out some one who is not living in NYC.

Last edited by Django
kp posted:

Did anyone helped you with the name of the Topic, or you did so all by yourself. I must say the photos are beautiful, I know quite a few of the people, unfortunate you were not invited. Then you would have been the "Chief Booth Licker".

Another booth- liker shows up.

Trying to be condescending eh....try again.

Last edited by Django
Nehru posted:

Vish, is it not ironic and funny that  ass kissing, batty washing, bhoor chataying fool TALKIN BOUT BOOT-LICKERS????

You should not be talking about "chatay".

Looks like loosing memory,whose were you licking,when slurping on the GOG Credit Card.

You trying to suck up Vish,he knows Django.

Last edited by Django

Django, you do not hesitate to create your own headline and put a derogatory label on it insulting people or groups. Remember this when the people here label you Chief PNC slop can carrier. Please do not complain to admin like a spoiled little Donald Trump.

Django posted:
kp posted:

Did anyone helped you with the name of the Topic, or you did so all by yourself. I must say the photos are beautiful, I know quite a few of the people, unfortunate you were not invited. Then you would have been the "Chief Booth Licker".

Another booth- liker shows up.

Trying to be condescending eh....try again.

MR LABELLER!! You get kicks from screwing people.

skeldon_man posted:

Django, you do not hesitate to create your own headline and put a derogatory label on it insulting people or groups. Remember this when the people here label you Chief PNC slop can carrier. Please do not complain to admin like a spoiled little Donald Trump.

You is another one who only see "East Indians" pun tap.

Try again with your sloppy nonsense.

kp posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

Did anyone helped you with the name of the Topic, or you did so all by yourself. I must say the photos are beautiful, I know quite a few of the people, unfortunate you were not invited. Then you would have been the "Chief Booth Licker".

Another booth- liker shows up.

Trying to be condescending eh....try again.

MR LABELLER!! You get kicks from screwing people.

Who did i screw ? do you know someone...spit out out.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Django, you do not hesitate to create your own headline and put a derogatory label on it insulting people or groups. Remember this when the people here label you Chief PNC slop can carrier. Please do not complain to admin like a spoiled little Donald Trump.

You is another one who only see "East Indians" pun tap.

Try again with your sloppy nonsense.

Bai, better be careful. I am a straight shooter and would not hesitate to tar your feathers.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Django, you do not hesitate to create your own headline and put a derogatory label on it insulting people or groups. Remember this when the people here label you Chief PNC slop can carrier. Please do not complain to admin like a spoiled little Donald Trump.

You is another one who only see "East Indians" pun tap.

Try again with your sloppy nonsense.

Bai, better be careful. I am a straight shooter and would not hesitate to tar your feathers.

You got to come good with that tarring..oh skites !!! you picked up on the grammar.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Django, you do not hesitate to create your own headline and put a derogatory label on it insulting people or groups. Remember this when the people here label you Chief PNC slop can carrier. Please do not complain to admin like a spoiled little Donald Trump.

You is another one who only see "East Indians" pun tap.

Try again with your sloppy nonsense.

Bai, better be careful. I am a straight shooter and would not hesitate to tar your feathers.

You got to come good with that tarring..oh skites !!! you picked up on the grammar.

I will be watching you....

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Django, you do not hesitate to create your own headline and put a derogatory label on it insulting people or groups. Remember this when the people here label you Chief PNC slop can carrier. Please do not complain to admin like a spoiled little Donald Trump.

You is another one who only see "East Indians" pun tap.

Try again with your sloppy nonsense.

Bai, better be careful. I am a straight shooter and would not hesitate to tar your feathers.

Looks like Django get piece of them laid off sugar workers severance, he working hard to keep his PNC job.

Django posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

Did anyone helped you with the name of the Topic, or you did so all by yourself. I must say the photos are beautiful, I know quite a few of the people, unfortunate you were not invited. Then you would have been the "Chief Booth Licker".

Another booth- liker shows up.

Trying to be condescending eh....try again.

MR LABELLER!! You get kicks from screwing people.

Who did i screw ? do you know someone...spit out out.

Stop the stuttering, are you nervous.

kp posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Django, you do not hesitate to create your own headline and put a derogatory label on it insulting people or groups. Remember this when the people here label you Chief PNC slop can carrier. Please do not complain to admin like a spoiled little Donald Trump.

You is another one who only see "East Indians" pun tap.

Try again with your sloppy nonsense.

Bai, better be careful. I am a straight shooter and would not hesitate to tar your feathers.

Looks like Django get piece of them laid off sugar workers severance, he working hard to keep his PNC job.

With the firing of over 4000 sugar workers, Django has asked for a hefty raise, commensurable with the ministers(50%). His contention is that his employer has the resources now to compensate him handsomely. I am sure he made a promise and he is trying to show his handlers he is worth the 50% raise. We will be here to make sure he earns every Guyana dollar.

kp posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Django, you do not hesitate to create your own headline and put a derogatory label on it insulting people or groups. Remember this when the people here label you Chief PNC slop can carrier. Please do not complain to admin like a spoiled little Donald Trump.

You is another one who only see "East Indians" pun tap.

Try again with your sloppy nonsense.

Bai, better be careful. I am a straight shooter and would not hesitate to tar your feathers.

Looks like Django get piece of them laid off sugar workers severance, he working hard to keep his PNC job.

What you saying,the workers were short changed ??

next half will come before year ends.

PNC may time Django mentioned government jobs and kowtowing to political parties is not my cup of tea..

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
kp posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Django, you do not hesitate to create your own headline and put a derogatory label on it insulting people or groups. Remember this when the people here label you Chief PNC slop can carrier. Please do not complain to admin like a spoiled little Donald Trump.

You is another one who only see "East Indians" pun tap.

Try again with your sloppy nonsense.

Bai, better be careful. I am a straight shooter and would not hesitate to tar your feathers.

Looks like Django get piece of them laid off sugar workers severance, he working hard to keep his PNC job.

What you saying,the workers were short changed ??

next half will come before year ends.

PNC may time Django mentioned government jobs and kowtowing to political parties is not my cup of tea..

Never mentioned anything about the workers being short-changed. Let's keep the topic on you and please don't try to derail the and your handlers.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:

With the firing of over 4000 sugar workers, Django has asked for a hefty raise, commensurable with the ministers(50%). His contention is that his employer has the resources now to compensate him handsomely. I am sure he made a promise and he is trying to show his handlers he is worth the 50% raise. We will be here to make sure he earns every Guyana dollar.

Dirty money is not for Django,

the pennies that sweat for goes a long way.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

With the firing of over 4000 sugar workers, Django has asked for a hefty raise, commensurable with the ministers(50%). His contention is that his employer has the resources now to compensate him handsomely. I am sure he made a promise and he is trying to show his handlers he is worth the 50% raise. We will be here to make sure he earns every Guyana dollar.

Dirty money is not for Django,

the pennies that sweat for goes a long way.

Bai, this is hard earned money. You being beaten to the pulp and getting paid in Guyana dollars is no small feat.

Django posted:
PNC may time Django mentioned government jobs and kowtowing to political parties is not my cup of tea..

Absolutely true.

Perhaps, perhaps not, it's your cup of pee? 

kp posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

Did anyone helped you with the name of the Topic, or you did so all by yourself. I must say the photos are beautiful, I know quite a few of the people, unfortunate you were not invited. Then you would have been the "Chief Booth Licker".

Another booth- liker shows up.

Trying to be condescending eh....try again.

MR LABELLER!! You get kicks from screwing people.

Who did i screw ? do you know someone...spit out out.

Stop the stuttering, are you nervous.

Who is stuttering ? spit out whom Django screwed.

Django never gets nervous,not a coward.

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
PNC may time Django mentioned government jobs and kowtowing to political parties is not my cup of tea..

Absolutely true.

Perhaps, perhaps not, it's your cup of pee? 

Some one said pee good fuh drink. ??

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
PNC may time Django mentioned government jobs and kowtowing to political parties is not my cup of tea..

Absolutely true.

Perhaps, perhaps not, it's your cup of pee? 

Some one said pee good fuh drink. ??

Dr Ramayya of Berbice.


Friday is fight day! Everyone is on Jango's case but he's handling them like a pro, plucking arrows from his chest and tossing them away.    

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

With the firing of over 4000 sugar workers, Django has asked for a hefty raise, commensurable with the ministers(50%). His contention is that his employer has the resources now to compensate him handsomely. I am sure he made a promise and he is trying to show his handlers he is worth the 50% raise. We will be here to make sure he earns every Guyana dollar.

Dirty money is not for Django,

the pennies that sweat for goes a long way.

Bai, this is hard earned money. You being beaten to the pulp and getting paid in Guyana dollars is no small feat.

Banna don't know what you talking about beaten.

"Three pun one",alyuh getting blows tarass.

Baseman posted:

Granger’s approach to this does not enhance any sense of unity or cohesion.  

From the onset it seems cherry picking, biased and outright racist.   I agree with the PPP position on this.  Put all the terrorists crimes on the table and do a thorough investigation!

one at a time my boy we will know who kill the minister 

skeldon_man posted:
Leonora posted:

Everyone is on Jango's case but he's handling them like a pro, plucking arrows from his chest and tossing them away.    

Jagdeo is PNC's worst nightmare.

why is a bugga party 

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
PNC may time Django mentioned government jobs and kowtowing to political parties is not my cup of tea..

Absolutely true.

Perhaps, perhaps not, it's your cup of pee? 

Some one said pee good fuh drink. ??

Dr Ramayya of Berbice.

I heard the army does this during training in the event of being stranded in real life situations.

skeldon_man posted:
Leonora posted:

Everyone is on Jango's case but he's handling them like a pro, plucking arrows from his chest and tossing them away.    

Jagdeo is PNC's worst nightmare.

The Military Man dealing with him.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

With the firing of over 4000 sugar workers, Django has asked for a hefty raise, commensurable with the ministers(50%). His contention is that his employer has the resources now to compensate him handsomely. I am sure he made a promise and he is trying to show his handlers he is worth the 50% raise. We will be here to make sure he earns every Guyana dollar.

Dirty money is not for Django,

the pennies that sweat for goes a long way.

Bai, this is hard earned money. You being beaten to the pulp and getting paid in Guyana dollars is no small feat.

Banna don't know what you talking about beaten.

"Three pun one",alyuh getting blows tarass.

And I am sure you are unanimous in your decision.

Leonora posted:

Friday is fight day! Everyone is on Jango's case but he's handling them like a pro, plucking arrows from his chest and tossing them away.    

He got promoted to unpaid advisor,just like Mitwah. You see hard work pays off for Free.

Link copied to your clipboard.