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The Local Govt. Election Outcome: Black People rebuked the PNC and Indians Dissed the AFC

How much things have changed in three and a half years! It seems as if it were just yesterday that the coalition was catapulted into power by a slight victory over the seemingly invincible PPP. It was a slight victory of less than five thousand votes, but its historical significance made it seem like a landslide.
Finally, the PPP had been fairly beaten at an election. They had already lost the majority four years before, but now the all-powerful presidency was wrested from them by a coalition of parties at the top and an ethnic rainbow coalition at the bottom. It was a sweet victory, especially for those in the society who dreamed of a Guyana in which one-party paramountcy was not the rule and in which multi-ethnicity trumps ethnic domination.
For many of us, then, the coming to power of APNU+AFC was more than electoralism, more than the naked assumption of power—it was a triumph of the best of our instincts over the worst in us. I can still remember the emotions in the faces of the coalition supporters as they took to the open space to proclaim their overcoming. I knew then what “August Morning” of 1838 looked like.
The previous PNC government had so compromised our independence promise that even their own supporters did not grieve when they were booted out in 1992. But in a cruel turn of history, the succeeding PPP regime replaced PNC’s authoritarianism with a morbid and rabid ethno-political domination that still makes the blood run cold, to paraphrase Brother Bob Marley in his immortal “Slave Driver.”
But in a matter of months it was becoming clear that the beneficiaries of this heroic act on the part of the masses were bent on squandering the collective overcoming. It was becoming clear that the exercise of power mattered more than the management of the collective political gains. It was becoming clear that the people’s interests and emotions and expectations were peripheral to government action. It was becoming clear that the convergence of party paramountcy and personal power had returned to the halls of government.
Soon, electoral promises were evaporating as the manifesto was ignored. The partnership–the backbone of the coalition– was put to sleep like an errant child. The senior partner returned to its former self, less crudely, but crude nevertheless. One junior partner, drunken by the unexpected power, turned its back on its supporters and turned a blind eye to its own victimhood. A less junior partner, in the name of “not rocking the boat,” chose silence over principle and by the time it was ready to speak, it was muzzled by the logic of its initial silence.
Invariably, the actions followed. Government was rich enough to pay the big ones big salary increases but too poor to pay God’s children a living wage. Vendors were “pushed out in the rain,” to quote calypsonian Chalkdust. Columnists were expelled for speaking truth to power. Teachers were roughed up and forced to surrender.
The PPP’s transgressions were forgotten. Campaigning for party posts was preferred to campaigning for constitutional reform. Black People were put down on their sacred day. Sugar workers’ humanity mattered little in the push to right size. Intra-coalition consultation was banished. And the only game in town was the Cabinet “with no drawers” to quote from calypsonian Trinidad Rio.
Someone somewhere came up with the bright idea that the best way to strengthen the coalition was to let the partners fight one another at the Local Government Elections. And so, “on your mark, get set, go,” and off they went. The PNC commandeered the APNU brand and pressed forward. The AFC asked to be part of the team and when that was rejected, it said it was glad to go solo. The WPA, as is its norm, chose silence.
Meanwhile, the PPP planned and plotted and waited. Say what they like about Jagan’s children, but they are superior tacticians to their adversaries. They found enough Black candidates to window-dress in Black communities, as they mobilized their hardcore supporters. They framed the LGE as a mini-general election and got their competitors to fall in line.
Jagdeo can’t run as president again, but he runs the PPP with “attitude.” They watch GECOM with an eagle eye and placed it on the front burner of the news cycle. They baited the PNC to be PNC and not Coalition, even as they targeted the AFC in the Indian Guyanese communities.
And it revealed itself on Monday. The turnout was predictably low—it’s a LGE. But the PPP was able to get more of its people to the polls, while the Coalition supporters refused to turn out. And that is what accounted for the PPP’s better performance. If you get more of your people to show up, you end up winning more at-large seats. That’s how the PPP could lose in Buxton, but win Foulis-Buxton, or it could pick up additional seats in Georgetown.
The message is simple. African Guyanese rebuked the PNC by staying home. You govern for all of Guyana, but your policy choices and your political moves must not punish your supporters. Yet that is what the PNC-led coalition did these past three and a half years. They harassed Black people. They ignored Black people. They talked down to Black People. They took Black People for granted. It’s a case whereby they “eyes pass” Black People, and on Monday those people got a chance to tell them so to their face.
And Indian Guyanese “dissed” the AFC. That party can talk about 10.8% for all it wants, but the real story is its devastation by Indian Guyanese, whose vote got it into government. The Indian Guyanese leadership of the AFC abandoned their supporters the day they became ministers. And on Monday they paid the price while the PPP reaped the rewards.
So pumped up is the PPP, that it dares to file a vote of no confidence in the government. As the young people would say. “Wow Wow, the table turn now.” No doubt, sensing that it got them in a corner, the PPP now moves to turn the screw.
You know the Coalition is in trouble when it takes David Hinds’ advice. As readers know, I have been relentless in advocating that governance must not be confined to Cabinet; that the parties of the coalition must meet outside of cabinet to chart the political and policy direction.
Well the PNC and AFC met after the defeat on Monday and the filing of the PPP’s no-confidence motion—three and a half years late. But let’s hope it’s not too late. And it was good to see the” prodigal son,” Carl Greenidge was part of the PNC delegation—three and a half years late. But let’s hope his presence is for real.
I take no joy in writing this column, but the truth must be told. Some of us saw this coming and sought to warn the leaders both publicly and privately, but they acted “like stick bruck a dey hase.” The bottom line is this—the government understands power, but lacks political understanding. Power without intelligent politics leads to Monday’s outcome. And now they must wonder if one of their MP’s will be tempted by the PPP’s millions and jump ship. How things have changed in three and a half years!

More of Dr. Hinds ‘writings and commentaries can be found on his YouTube Channel Hinds’ Sight: Dr. David Hinds’ Guyana-Caribbean Politics and on his website Send comments to

Replies sorted oldest to newest

How come Carib and other blacks are not condemning the PNC for doing the following to Blacks:

Quote from Hinds

"Yet that is what the PNC-led coalition did these past three and a half years. They harassed Black people. They ignored Black people. They talked down to Black People. They took Black People for granted."

Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:

The Indian Guyanese leadership of the AFC abandoned their supporters the day they became ministers. And on Monday they paid the price while the PPP reaped the rewards.

The PPP reaped because Jagdeo was not callous & vengeful. He reached out to disenchanted AFC supporters and assured them that the PPP would not hold their past against them. He reached out to Afro-Guyanese as many photos show and the results in Sophia proved that beyond the photo ops, solid Afro votes flowed to Freedom House. I hope the PPP continues reaching out to non-Indians and demonstrate genuine concern for their welfare.


PPP = People’s party.  A multi ethnic Guyana under the PPP. Strength in Diversity.

PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

According to Hinds, PNC Harassed Blacks during the 3-1/2 years that they PNC governed and Granger called them lazy. 

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:
kp posted:

The Indian Guyanese leadership of the AFC abandoned their supporters the day they became ministers. And on Monday they paid the price while the PPP reaped the rewards.

The PPP reaped because Jagdeo was not callous & vengeful. He reached out to disenchanted AFC supporters and assured them that the PPP would not hold their past against them. He reached out to Afro-Guyanese as many photos show and the results in Sophia proved that beyond the photo ops, solid Afro votes flowed to Freedom House. I hope the PPP continues reaching out to non-Indians and demonstrate genuine concern for their welfare.

genuine concern for their welfare. 

1.Like building them a dance hall in Buxton

2.Build them school in Linden - which they burned to the ground.

What more they want, our damn houses like what Isreal did to the Palestine.

we dont mind giving, but dont be ungrateful and gluten.

PPP minister of sports - Frank Anthony, told Indians to arrange fund - raising to buy sports equipment while PPP donate to afro neighbourhood.

The PPP along with Indian business owners have donate thousands of dollars to depress Afro and they are still ungrateful.

Hamilton Green pick his phone few days ago ( like he usually does every year) I sending them bhai for X amount ( bag) of Potato, Peas and Rice to feed them freedom fighters for birthday. 

yuji22 posted:

PPP = People’s party.  A multi ethnic Guyana under the PPP. Strength in Diversity.

PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

According to Hinds, PNC Harassed Blacks during the 3-1/2 years that they PNC governed and Granger called them lazy. 

Hinds is setting up the Holligans to demand what they en work for. 

3 1/2 years - all the sugar estate was closed down.

Granger speak the truth, when he tell them they are lazy.

Burnham told them the same... Burnham said the coolie make use of the land and plant rice.. what ayo do... ayo ( afro) plant bizee bee bush.


For the next 1 1/2 years the PPP must apply the same formula used in the LGE , meeting the grass roots communities ,listen to their problems and offer solutions,. no need to bash the PNC the people is aware of their faults.  As a successful two term president, Jagdeo must still be around to groom the next presidential nominee , he was accused of posing with blacks taking photos, it worked. Right now the coalition is scared that if an election was held today, they will lose.

Gilbakka posted:
kp posted:

The Indian Guyanese leadership of the AFC abandoned their supporters the day they became ministers. And on Monday they paid the price while the PPP reaped the rewards.

The PPP reaped because Jagdeo was not callous & vengeful. He reached out to disenchanted AFC supporters and assured them that the PPP would not hold their past against them. He reached out to Afro-Guyanese as many photos show and the results in Sophia proved that beyond the photo ops, solid Afro votes flowed to Freedom House. I hope the PPP continues reaching out to non-Indians and demonstrate genuine concern for their welfare.


You know national election in 2020 is going to be different. People will move back to their respective camp. There is no indication that race politics is dead.

Dave posted:
Gilbakka posted:
kp posted:

The Indian Guyanese leadership of the AFC abandoned their supporters the day they became ministers. And on Monday they paid the price while the PPP reaped the rewards.

The PPP reaped because Jagdeo was not callous & vengeful. He reached out to disenchanted AFC supporters and assured them that the PPP would not hold their past against them. He reached out to Afro-Guyanese as many photos show and the results in Sophia proved that beyond the photo ops, solid Afro votes flowed to Freedom House. I hope the PPP continues reaching out to non-Indians and demonstrate genuine concern for their welfare.

genuine concern for their welfare. 

1.Like building them a dance hall in Buxton

2.Build them school in Linden - which they burned to the ground.

What more they want, our damn houses like what Isreal did to the Palestine.

we dont mind giving, but dont be ungrateful and gluten.

PPP minister of sports - Frank Anthony, told Indians to arrange fund - raising to buy sports equipment while PPP donate to afro neighbourhood.

The PPP along with Indian business owners have donate thousands of dollars to depress Afro and they are still ungrateful.

Hamilton Green pick his phone few days ago ( like he usually does every year) I sending them bhai for X amount ( bag) of Potato, Peas and Rice to feed them freedom fighters for birthday. 

Yo, banna...what the hell you smokin???

kp posted:

For the next 1 1/2 years the PPP must apply the same formula used in the LGE , meeting the grass roots communities ,listen to their problems and offer solutions,. no need to bash the PNC the people is aware of their faults.  As a successful two term president, Jagdeo must still be around to groom the next presidential nominee , he was accused of posing with blacks taking photos, it worked. Right now the coalition is scared that if an election was held today, they will lose.

Banna, like you forget BJ cant run?...he gon be the that what you want? The PPP needs to democratize and genuinely open its leadership ranks to non-Indians.


My take…

This banna writes well…a fair analysis. He is like one a dem Guyanese intellectual kind. Guyana got a few of dem…and don’t forget lizard man, Iguana…

KP and Skeldon-Man, yall gat any smart Indos like Hinds, besides Freddie Kissoon on your side?

  “one-party paramountcy was not the rule and in which multi-ethnicity trumps ethnic domination”.

The PNC is a de facto one party rule. How different is the coalition from the PPP? Since when did the coalition become multi-ethnic? Both the coalition and the PPP which claim to being multiethnic is BS.

I knew then what “August Morning” of 1838 looked like.”

Not sure what this means…is he referring to emancipation or indenture?

“One junior partner, drunken by the unexpected power, turned its back on its supporters and turned a blind eye to its own victimhood. A less junior partner, in the name of “not rocking the boat,” chose silence over principle and by the time it was ready to speak, it was muzzled by the logic of its initial silence.”

Too much semantics here…Maybe Ronan can decipher, he speak his language.

 “Black People were put down on their sacred day.”

This one escapes me…”put down”? Black people still control the government, army and police. Where is the put down?…or is this another Harmon coded message?

Iggy, you gat any insight on this?

VishMahabir posted:
Gilbakka posted:
kp posted:

The Indian Guyanese leadership of the AFC abandoned their supporters the day they became ministers. And on Monday they paid the price while the PPP reaped the rewards.

The PPP reaped because Jagdeo was not callous & vengeful. He reached out to disenchanted AFC supporters and assured them that the PPP would not hold their past against them. He reached out to Afro-Guyanese as many photos show and the results in Sophia proved that beyond the photo ops, solid Afro votes flowed to Freedom House. I hope the PPP continues reaching out to non-Indians and demonstrate genuine concern for their welfare.


You know national election in 2020 is going to be different. People will move back to their respective camp. There is no indication that race politics is dead.

The Local government election was a referendum on the present state of this government. We under estimate the mental being of the Guyanese electorate, they are battered, beaten and used by the politicians, they are not cattle to be herded around, they have eyes and ears and a clear mind, this is not Jagan/Burnham era, they can't be bought with couple boats and bicycles , address the crime from top down, offer better education, superior health care and look after the infrastructure . The people knows about the fat raises, big houses fancy cars and most of all failed promises, you screw them and they will screw you at the ballot boxes.

VishMahabir posted:
kp posted:

For the next 1 1/2 years the PPP must apply the same formula used in the LGE , meeting the grass roots communities ,listen to their problems and offer solutions,. no need to bash the PNC the people is aware of their faults.  As a successful two term president, Jagdeo must still be around to groom the next presidential nominee , he was accused of posing with blacks taking photos, it worked. Right now the coalition is scared that if an election was held today, they will lose.

Banna, like you forget BJ cant run?...he gon be the that what you want? The PPP needs to democratize and genuinely open its leadership ranks to non-Indians.

If Jagdeo was not active in the campaign for the LGE, the PPP would not have scored big, Like Trump would say just imagine that he was on the ticket when you are voting. BJ is not running, but the herd will follow his support.

yuji22 posted:

PPP = People’s party.  A multi ethnic Guyana under the PPP. Strength in Diversity.

PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

According to Hinds, PNC Harassed Blacks during the 3-1/2 years that they PNC governed and Granger called them lazy. 

Somebody is sky high. 

Last edited by Former Member
Leonora posted:
yuji22 posted:

PPP = People’s party.  A multi ethnic Guyana under the PPP. Strength in Diversity.

PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

According to Hinds, PNC Harassed Blacks during the 3-1/2 years that they PNC governed and Granger called them lazy. 

Somebody is sky high. 

On dry cow dung. 

kp posted:
Drugb posted:

Is after 9 pm and lili still awake? I thought them old people does go to bed early. Is not so anymore?

Something is wrong, he is sending love song to Vish, how romantic. 

True dat, I notice he recently started with antiman conversation, now this. 

Drugb posted:
kp posted:
Drugb posted:

Is after 9 pm and lili still awake? I thought them old people does go to bed early. Is not so anymore?

Something is wrong, he is sending love song to Vish, how romantic. 

True dat, I notice he recently started with antiman conversation, now this. 

He slowly moving for the kill. Must give him credit for coming out.

VishMahabir posted:
Mitwah posted:

Vish, here is the clip from the movie.


Mits, you OK?

I have no clue what dem Indos singing about banna... 

It's a movie clip from  The Right and The Wrong based on the colonial days in Guyana and T'dad. 

VishMahabir posted:
Mitwah posted:

Vish, here is the clip from the movie.



Mits, you OK?

I have no clue what dem Indos singing about banna... 

Vish, it's the old time Indian foreplay!!

VishMahabir posted:


You know national election in 2020 is going to be different. People will move back to their respective camp. There is no indication that race politics is dead.

Vish, next time you meet Obama ask him about THE AUDACITY OF HOPE.

Don't transfer past practice to future potential. Whatever one's race, one can win confidence, respect, trust, friendship etc from another race, provided you show that you deserve such. The votes will follow naturally.

BTW, it's easy to find Obama. Check or your local library.

Gilbakka posted:
VishMahabir posted:


You know national election in 2020 is going to be different. People will move back to their respective camp. There is no indication that race politics is dead.

Vish, next time you meet Obama ask him about THE AUDACITY OF HOPE.

Don't transfer past practice to future potential. Whatever one's race, one can win confidence, respect, trust, friendship etc from another race, provided you show that you deserve such. The votes will follow naturally.

BTW, it's easy to find Obama. Check or your local library.


Obama is out of my reach..., maybe, because she might be doing a book tour in my area.

You know what Santana said about history...we cant separate the past from who we are today because our historical lineage defines who we are (quoting one of my professors).  

When it comes to Guyana, the "audacity of hope" does not necessarily and easily translate into the "promise of hope". Unfortunately, I dont see the "confidence, respect, trust, friendship" of which you least not in the near future. Most Guyanese with whom I interact with in Queens dont even care about those values and sentiments...Guyana for them is a distant past...buried in their memory.

Although...I would rather place my confidence in institutions, rules, laws, and such, rather than sentiments, as a prerequisite for instilling hope for Guyanese...

Django posted:
Nehru posted:

He too DUMB to understand that a Committee selects the PPP Candidate.

Making yourself a fool further, so they don't vote for the Presidential Candidates that throw their hat in the ring ?

Now tell us who is DUMB.

None of your bloody business how the PPP elects their leader. Deal with your Jackass PNC party. Stop making a Jackass of yourself.


Here is hope for Guyana, when have folks like Yugi and Nehru representing the PPP.

Wish all who believes in HOPE, may your dreams come true.


Last edited by Django

Why would people be happy with more taxes, higher prices  and massive increase in unemployment? They economy is performing poorly and government spending is reckless and feeding a new breed of corrupt men 

Billy Ram Balgobin
yuji22 posted:

How come Carib and other blacks are not condemning the PNC for doing the following to Blacks:

Quote from Hinds

"Yet that is what the PNC-led coalition did these past three and a half years. They harassed Black people. They ignored Black people. They talked down to Black People. They took Black People for granted."

I have been saying exactly this now for at least 2 years and you are fully aware of this.

But note that despite this the PPP isnt getting their vote. Blacks decided that APNU is no better than the PPP so they stayed home.

yuji22 posted:


According to Hinds, PNC Harassed Blacks during the 3-1/2 years that they PNC governed and Granger called them lazy. 

And the PPP harassed them for 23 years so they did NOT vote.

Blacks expect more from their gov't than black balling on them and hugging people who are trying to pull away while Jagdeo is telling his photographer "come tek de picture quick before dis black woman run away!".

VishMahabir posted:
Gilbakka posted:
kp posted:

The Indian Guyanese leadership of the AFC abandoned their supporters the day they became ministers. And on Monday they paid the price while the PPP reaped the rewards.

The PPP reaped because Jagdeo was not callous & vengeful. He reached out to disenchanted AFC supporters and assured them that the PPP would not hold their past against them. He reached out to Afro-Guyanese as many photos show and the results in Sophia proved that beyond the photo ops, solid Afro votes flowed to Freedom House. I hope the PPP continues reaching out to non-Indians and demonstrate genuine concern for their welfare.


You know national election in 2020 is going to be different. People will move back to their respective camp. There is no indication that race politics is dead.

Blacks never moved from being anti PPP.  He is a simpleton or idiot or just plain racist and disrespectful towards blacks if he thinks that photo impress.

Gilly when Burnham had pics taken with Indians hanging flower garlands around his neck was that outreach to Indians? No.  So quit your nonsense.  You are embarrassing yourself and skirting dangerously to becoming like yuji.

caribny posted:


Blacks expect more from their gov't than black balling on them and hugging people who are trying to pull away while Jagdeo is telling his photographer "come tek de picture quick before dis black woman run away!".

He might even be sayin, " come tek dis picktha fass, ah feel ah itch comin on..(baltz itch..that is)

cain posted:
caribny posted:


Blacks expect more from their gov't than black balling on them and hugging people who are trying to pull away while Jagdeo is telling his photographer "come tek de picture quick before dis black woman run away!".

He might even be sayin, " come tek dis picktha fass, ah feel ah itch comin on..(baltz itch..that is)

Rumors have it that he likes black men not black women.  T his is a phenomenon that Indo KKK seem to share (druggie and his aubergine noir obsession and another one fantasizing over "black pudding").

His itch would have him sticking his hands down the back of his pants and scratching the crevice.

Last edited by Former Member

@Former Member

Gilly is an optimist. I firmly believe that both PPP & PNC have the potential to reach out across the racial divide provided there is the will and decency not to deceive with false promises. Indos are not genetically programmed to hate the PNC; Afros are not genetically programmed to hate the PPP. Yes, I am hopeful that one day Guyanese will largely vote not with their skin but with their higher nature. All humans have a higher nature even though many move with low instinct. To accept the status quo is to condemn Guyana to hopelessness & nihilism. I dare say my ideal is more reachable than Prashad's dreamland.

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:

@Former Member

Gilly is an optimist. I firmly believe that both PPP & PNC have the potential to reach out across the racial divide provided there is the will and decency not to deceive with false promises. Indos are not genetically programmed to hate the PNC; Afros are not genetically programmed to hate the PPP. Yes, I am hopeful that one day Guyanese will largely vote not with their skin but with their higher nature. All humans have a higher nature even though many move with low instinct. To accept the status quo is to condemn Guyana to hopelessness & nihilism. I dare say my ideal is more reachable than Prashad's dreamland.

Is that why you waiting for the second coming of your socialist utopia?  There is a point where positivity borders on hopeless naivety!

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

How come Carib and other blacks are not condemning the PNC for doing the

"Yet that is what the PNC-led coalition did these past three and a half years. They harassed Black people. They ignored Black people. They talked down to Black People. They took Black People for granted."

I have been saying exactly this now for at least 2 years and you are fully aware of this.

But note that despite this the PPP isnt getting their vote. Blacks decided that APNU is no better than the PPP so they stayed home.

This is why Guyana remains a hopeless basket case.  Oil will help but will not remove the divide.  The people are very entrenched and will not move.  The PPP did a lot for blacks yet they rejected them.  Now the PNC kicking them and they will still vote PNC. 

VishMahabir posted:
Dave posted:
Gilbakka posted:
kp posted:

The Indian Guyanese leadership of the AFC abandoned their supporters the day they became ministers. And on Monday they paid the price while the PPP reaped the rewards.

The PPP reaped because Jagdeo was not callous & vengeful. He reached out to disenchanted AFC supporters and assured them that the PPP would not hold their past against them. He reached out to Afro-Guyanese as many photos show and the results in Sophia proved that beyond the photo ops, solid Afro votes flowed to Freedom House. I hope the PPP continues reaching out to non-Indians and demonstrate genuine concern for their welfare.

genuine concern for their welfare. 

1.Like building them a dance hall in Buxton

2.Build them school in Linden - which they burned to the ground.

What more they want, our damn houses like what Isreal did to the Palestine.

we dont mind giving, but dont be ungrateful and gluten.

PPP minister of sports - Frank Anthony, told Indians to arrange fund - raising to buy sports equipment while PPP donate to afro neighbourhood.

The PPP along with Indian business owners have donate thousands of dollars to depress Afro and they are still ungrateful.

Hamilton Green pick his phone few days ago ( like he usually does every year) I sending them bhai for X amount ( bag) of Potato, Peas and Rice to feed them freedom fighters for birthday. 

Yo, banna...what the hell you smokin???

Weed is now legal in Canada.


Many of the young voters who knew nothing much about those difficult 28 years of PNC rule experimented with a new government by voting for APNU/AFC.  They did not do this because they thought the PPP was racist and undemocratic. They did it because of the promises the then opposition parties made such as reducing VAT, reducing tolls, paying higher amounts for Farmers' crops, reduce and eliminate of some education fees, increase wages by a minimum of 20%, rebuild the sugar industry, reduce crime, and wipe out corruption. These young people both Indos and Afros expected great things to happen but they have been sorely disappointed.  The government has not fulfilled any of their promises. Crime has gotten worse. Taxes have increased and a new dimension to corruption has been added - Bonus dollars from oil company concealed in a bank account. 

It is not surprising that the PNC was badly beaten at the Local Gov't. Elections and the AFC was decimated.  The government has been using its propaganda machinery very aggressively to cover up their incompetence and increasing hardships ordinary citizens are facing in Guyana. 

These very young people who hurted the PPP at the polls will turn around and do likewise to the PNC and AFC.  The LGE has already sent a dire signal to the leaderships of the AFC and PNC.  They can talk about the delays of LGE under the PPP. It is not going to help since the performance of the parties in government has been a disaster. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Many of the young voters who knew nothing much about those difficult 28 years of PNC rule experimented with a new government by voting for APNU/AFC.  They did not do this because they thought the PPP was racist and undemocratic. They did it because of the promises the then opposition parties made such as reducing VAT, reducing tolls, paying higher amounts for Farmers' crops, reduce and eliminate of some education fees, increase wages by a minimum of 20%, rebuild the sugar industry, reduce crime, and wipe out corruption. These young people both Indos and Afros expected great things to happen but they have been sorely disappointed.  The government has not fulfilled any of their promises. Crime has gotten worse. Taxes have increased and a new dimension to corruption has been added - Bonus dollars from oil company concealed in a bank account. 

It is not surprising that the PNC was badly beaten at the Local Gov't. Elections and the AFC was decimated.  The government has been using its propaganda machinery very aggressively to cover up their incompetence and increasing hardships ordinary citizens are facing in Guyana. 

These very young people who hurted the PPP at the polls will turn around and do likewise to the PNC and AFC.  The LGE has already sent a dire signal to the leaderships of the AFC and PNC.  They can talk about the delays of LGE under the PPP. It is not going to help since the performance of the parties in government has been a disaster. 

Now they believe what their parents have been telling them for years. Wait until they have to join the food lines.


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