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Anil Nandlall is the MOST POWERFUL man in the country. The entire Justice System is aware of his influence. Nobody wants to piss him off, and if he gives favor to a person, however, wrong or right the entire justice system is afraid to raise questions.

Only the PNC dares.

But who listens to dem.

They resorting to SHAMING as most of those who raise the question of Indo racism. Shame, shame, shame.


Nandlall, Ali assure New York-based Guyanese of “fair and inclusive” governance; opposition supporters restate discrimination

in News, Politics Saturday, 3 July 2021, 8:37 0 Comments, Last Updated on Saturday, 3 July 2021, 8:45 by Denis Chabrol , Source -

Opposition lawmaker Maureen Philadelphia makes her point strongly as a man takes her picture while she and others were protesting outside a restaurant in Queens, New York where Attorney General Anil Nandlall was meeting his party’s supporters.

As a small group of opposition supporters protested outside a restaurant in Richmond Hill, Queens, New York about the “installed” People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) administration, Attorney General Anil Nandlall was promising that government will be fair and inclusive as possible.

“We have a duty and we have a responsibility and we are committed to inclusive government,” Mr. Nandlall told party faithful.

The administration in recent days appears to be at pains to assure Guyanese and the international community that there is no discrimination against anyone, there will be inclusive governance and that Guyanese will benefit from the wealth, after two American Congressmen Albio Sires and Hank Johnson had publicly called for these steps to be taken.

Mr. Nandlall, who is a member of his mainly Indo-Guyanese backed People’s Progressive Party’s (PPP) Executive Committee stated categorically that no one would be discriminated against and this has been reflected in all of policies by government ministries. “I want to reiterate our government’s commitment to govern in the fairest and most inclusive manner and we are committed to the ideal that every Guyanese must feel, must actually feel that they have an equal place and that they are entitled to equal opportunities to realise their dreams and their potentials,” he said.

Like Governance Minister Gail Teixeira,  President Irfaan Ali ruled out bilateral political talks with A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change  (APNU+AFC) unless that coalition admits that it lost the March 2, 2020 general and regional elections. “I’m not averse to meeting the main parliamentary opposition. However, it’s designation of my government as illegitimate presents practical obstacles to any such engagement. The parliamentary opposition must understand they have to respect the will of the people, they have to honour the will of the people and in respecting  and honouring the will of the people, they have to respect the government of the day that was elected by the people of the country,” Dr. Ali told the audience virtually.

These two PPP supporters traded accusations of “racist” with APNU+AFC supporters.

He said his administration has been including persons who have the national interest, experience and expertise in managing Guyana. The President said he has also held talks with trade unions, religious organisations and the private sector to benefit from their insights and learn  more about their concerns.

The President restated that the One Guyana Commission would be established as part of efforts to address real and perceived racial problems in Guyana.  “The Guyana that we want is one that is united. In establishing a united Guyana, we will not ignore or avoid addressing the thorny issues of race and inequality. I believe that, yes, we have to deal frontally with these issues,” he said. The President said the Guyanese Diaspora would be consulted by the Commission.

Outside the venue where the meeting was being held, about 30 opposition supporters used loud hailers to vent their anger and frustration at what they termed discrimination against Afro-Guyanese.  Among them was APNU+AFC parliamentarian Maureen Philadelphia who claimed that the real perpetrators have not been charged with the murder of Isaiah and Joel Henry last year September, but four young Afro-Guyanese were earlier this week charged with the murder of 17-year old Haresh Singh.  “We are here to send a clear signal to the PPP racist organisation that we are not afraid, we are not afraid, we are not afraid and we are going to do it again and again,” she said. Ms. Philadelphia said three “vulnerable” persons  have been charged with the murder of the Henry cousins whose bodies were found aback Cotton Tree Village, West Coast Berbice.

The group of APNU+AFC supporters protesting outside a meeting whose speakers included Attorney General Anil Nandlall.

Other protesters sought to link the Attorney General to the shooting death of opposition activist Courtney Crum-Ewing on the eve of the 2015 general and regional elections. Mr. Nandlall has already denied that accusation. “Murderer, murderer, murderer; No justice, no peace; no justice no peace,” they chanted as the Attorney General entered the venue for the meeting.

Ms. Philadelphia and others reiterated that the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) administration was “installed” rather than elected at the March 2, 2020 general and regional elections. “We are not going to surrender. The PPP has been sending subliminal messages and we will not be deterred by those messagesâ€ĶThe world knows they were installed, when the world knows they were installed. They are illegal,” she said.

Several lightly armed members of the New York Police stood guard at strategic points outside the venue as the protesters chanted behind barriers.

@Former Member posted:

Burke is a classic mimic! Shouting BLM when the situation in Guyana is very different than the systemic problems in USA. Choke and rob, kick down the door, etc, were invented to terrorise Indos in Guyana.  They just cyant be creative...dull and dunce!

Not really.  He is quite clever.  I know people who know him as we are from the same part of ECD.  He was observing every restriction imposed by the NYPD and repeatedly mentioned his/their political influence in NYC.  All  dem chupidee people going to the function could do is hurl stupid racist insults as they ran up the stairs of a sad looking restaurant.

@Prashad posted:

Rickford stated that he is forming a Militia to fight the government. This would be the perfect event for us East Indians of Guyana to get our own independent sovereign country.

Where is your militia?

Where will you set up your own independent sovereign country?

What is it that the PPP is not doing for East Indians that you will be able to do for them?



I was sick to my stomach from hearing so many racist remarks and comments from this bunch. I heard the words “ajee” and “aja” used in mocking ways—mocking East Indian Guyanese of their heritage. If you’re going to show up to protest a Government Minister, then stick to the issues. But the chants and words and talk went beyond the issue and true purpose of what these Guyanese people intended to achieve. They even turned on me and said I am racist.
All in all, this “protest” lacked substance but was heavy on rheotoric, threats, slander, racist insults, vile remarks, pure hate, putrid comments, mockery, etc.
What a disgrace this entire evening turned out to be. More shameful were the American police officers, American Firefighters, American residents of South Ozone Park, passers by, city buses full of passengers from all over NYC, and the whole world watching to see how Guyanese can disgrace themselves and behave on both sides of the political divide —because the PPP SUPPORTERS WERE ALSO THROWING INSULTS AND RUDE REMARKS to Burke and his crew.
SHAME SHAME SHAME. I am ashamed to be a Guyanese tonight because we have lost our dignity, whether you support PPP or APNU, we have certainly lost our way. Even the fire department showed up. That’s why I vow to never join any political party. Too much hate and fighting. Tonight it got very nasty and Americans must be laughing at how Guyanese behave.
To the ICD cult in Queens shame on all of you—you all caused this. You feel you own ministers every time they visit Queens. You plan your own selfish events secluded and for special persons and exclude most of Guyanese living in Queens who want to hear from our government officials from back home. All of you at the ICD are a TOTAL FAILURE !
I feel so embarrassed about what happened tonight on Rockaway Boulevard.


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