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@Spugum posted:

Is because you tek stats 101 that you said the 1400 killed was a mixed bag

Clown show


Na, that's just being honest. Aluh start de pogrom on the East Coast. Army kicked football with dem freedom fighters. Police compromised. Govt self preserved with death squads...looks like something like dat will happen again...

@Former Member posted:

Na, that's just being honest. Aluh start de pogrom on the East Coast. Army kicked football with dem freedom fighters. Police compromised. Govt self preserved with death squads...looks like something like dat will happen again...

As l said before, it is views like yours that could push Guyana to civil war. Always one-sided, never the whole truth and blatantly obvious that they are designed to cement hate in the society.

So a group of 'black man' started hanging out together, they played football and planned to take out the government, that started the killing and all this happened in a vacuum, it that it?

@Spugum posted:

As l said before, it is views like yours that could push Guyana to civil war. Always one-sided, never the whole truth and blatantly obvious that they are designed to cement hate in the society.

So a group of 'black man' started hanging out together, they played football and planned to take out the government, that started the killing and all this happened in a vacuum, it that it?

Awwww...dem was such virgins. Juss hanging out...with dem AK 47s...Lol!

@Former Member posted:

Awwww...dem was such virgins. Juss hanging out...with dem AK 47s...Lol!

There seem to be a lack of comprehension here

You said soldiers and freedom fighters planned to remove the government. If that is so my question is why would a group of men, for no reason, suddenly decide to remove a government?

Did the PPP and WPA suddenly decided to remove the Burnham government for no reason?

You skin your teeth stupidly without engaging your brain. The smartman narrative is very silly

@Django posted:

Why did Anil remove this weekend's activities from his facebook page? It was all Indos socializing and worshipping him at the ICD, the Hindu Mandir, the Queens park, etc. Guyana is only for Indos, other races are excluded. Are they scared Burke may take this to higher authorities?

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Why did Anil remove this weekend's activities from his facebook page? It was all Indos socializing and worshipping him at the ICD, the Hindu Mandir, the Queens park, etc. Guyana is only for Indos, other races are excluded. Are they scared Burke may take this to higher authorities?

When I lived in Guyana I knew only two black Hindu families. They were very staunch Hindus nevertheless I would not expect many non Guyana East Indians at a Guyanese Hindu temple in New York.

@Mitwah posted:

@Former Member, perhaps those pictures are exposing the Ethnicity of their supporters. What are they doing to heal the great expansive racial divide in Guyana? The pictures shows: Nothing!

I don't see what's the problem. That is the approach Guyanese choose. When PNC/Granger/AFC come they hang out mainly with black people. Why call out Anil alone? What the evidence show is the PPP is dishing out a greater amount of goodies to Afros in Guyana compared wid the goodies from Granger and gang.

@Former Member posted:

I don't see what's the problem. That is the approach Guyanese choose. When PNC/Granger/AFC come they hang out mainly with black people. Why call out Anil alone? What the evidence show is the PPP is dishing out a greater amount of goodies to Afros in Guyana compared wid the goodies from Granger and gang.

Perhaps true. But dem black people want to see justice for dem own.


July 7, 2021
The New York City Police Department (NYPD) and the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) have received a report of, and are investigating, an alleged telephone call that was made on Monday, July 5, 2021, between Guyana's installed Attorney General, Anil Nandlall, and four other individuals.
During that phone call Nandlall allegedly said that the President of the Caribbean Guyana Institute for Democracy (CGID), Rickford Burke, should be "eliminated" and "stopped," because "he is a problem, he is dangerous, he must be stopped."
Nandlall's words and statements were unequivocal that Rickford Burke should be killed.
Nandlall proceeded to inform participants on the call, who were agreeing with him, that a named individual will "take care of Rickford Burke if the NYPD can't."
On Friday, July 2, 2021, Nandlall attended and spoke at a forum hosted by an all East Indian, racist organization calling itself "International Center for Democracy" (ICD). In December 2020, members of the ICD, including an obviously racist Guyanese American NYPD officer, also discussed "stopping" Rickford Burke before January 20, 2021 when the Biden Administration would have been sworn in, because he would then "have friends in high places."
This discussion took place in a Whatsapp group Chat which was handed over to the police.
The ICD is a PPP front organization that raised funds and retained and paid a lobbying firm to lobby US Government officials on behalf of the PPP.
Nandlall has a history of threatening to send gunmen to kill individuals. He has been fingered in the murder of Courtney Crum Ewing, for which there has been no justice. Both Nandlall and his bodyguard were investigated by Guyana Police in connection with the Crum Ewing murder.
Crum Ewing was a black rights political activist who was murdered in Guyana in 2015 while campaigning against Nandlall and the PPP. His family said Nandlall allegedly made death threats against him shortly before his assassination.
This is an attack on CGID and all of its supporters who must now be on alert and mobilized.
Mr. Nandlall should understand that there will be serious consequences for his thuggish and reckless actions.
Richard Millington, Esq.
Director of Communications Caribbean Guyana Institute for Democracy (CGID)

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