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@Spugum posted:

Like the protest hurt yuh feelings? lol

Na, I am just amused and saddened at how uncreative Guyanese can be...trying to hang on the coat tail of BLM. An embarrassment! We are a trite...hackneyed people. Sad!

By the way, on another matter, did you hear that the founders of BLM...self-declared Marxists and all...became millionaires from donations? They are buying mansions in California, Bahamas and all those settled white suburbs with white police officers. Lol! Yuh have to admire grifters who rile up dem mattie and silly liberal whites and take dem money...the Yankee way! Think the Guyanese organizers have their eyes set on some white suburb, policed by white officers?

Last edited by Former Member
May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Charles Ramson 15h to these 30 mosquitoes pls shoo Romel Roopnarine 15h Follow Update: Rigford Burke's grand protest has swollen to a massive 30 persons. Burke had promised thousands would descend on the venue where Attorney General Anil Nandlall is currently interacting with attendees. This miserable failure shows that just like his boss, Burke is nothing more than cardboard cut out pretending that he has non existent mass following. It is also a clear signal to US authorities that they were constantly being misled, with the nasty, racist agenda of the cardboard cut outs.'
In an overt and callous display of rancid, PPP racism, Guyana’s installed, racist Minister of Youth, Culture and Sport, Charles Ramson, called a group of African Guyanese protesters in New York mosquitos (blood Suckers) on his Facebook page. The group was protesting PPP racism; extrajudicial killings of young black men by PPP death squads – an attempted genocide by the PPP, and the assassination of black rights activist, Courtney Crum Ewing.
Ramson’s “mosquito” comment came on the heels of PPP supporters on social media labeling African Guyanese as “hungry belly black dogs,” “blood suckers,’ and the “N” word. CGID strongly condemns this racist epithet by Charles Rampson and demands that he immediately withdraws his comment and apologize to the African Guyanese population. This is they type of hate speech by PPP members that continues to divide Guyana by race.
Apparently, Charles Ramson has been inflicted with the congenital disease of racist indignation against black people, which he displays with alarming frequency. The fact that such a young person in the PPP can be so innately and overtly racist, is an obvious indication of the pernicious legacy of racism that the PPP is passing on to its young members.
No wonder the international community has now began to deplore the apartheid policies and flagrant racism practiced by the PPP ethnocracy led by Bharrat Jagdeo and Irfaan Ali.
Moreover, Ramson, by falsely claiming that only 30 persons participated in the demonstrations, again exposes his absolute ignorance of social justice and civil rights struggles. He also exposes his ahistorical perspective of how human rights were attained. Clearly, his unpreparedness for elected office is breathtaking.
We therefore must educate the childish Minister that Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Eusi Kwayana, Rosa Parks, Harry Belafonte, Stevie Wonder, Muhammad Ali, Shaka Rodney and even Crum Ewing among others participated in one man protests against apartheid and other political issues including global violations of human rights. Even Cheddi Jagan also participated in small protests.
Over 45.000 person watched the protest live and participated live on Facebook. There is no stipulation of the number required, whether it is one man or one million men, for a protest. While we had more than 100 people at the protest, we also boldly demonstrated indefatigable and unmatched courage to confront the brutality of the PPP regime and not be shot in our backs by police like in Guyana. The PPP has a history of dehumanizing and shooting at black protesters fighting for human rights and dignity.
We enjoy freedoms here in the US that Bharrat Jagdeo and his racist cabal will never allow in Guyana, but which the people of Guyana must demand and fight for.
The protest against Anil Nandlall on Friday, July 2, 2021 in Queens, New York, to which Ramson referred, was so effective that Anil Nandlall refused to leave his place of lodging until the government of Guyana spent thousands of taxpayers’ money to hire heavily armed security guards, outfitted in bulletproof vests.
Those guards came from an armored security company that moves money from banks. Nandlall’s cowardice was unprecedented. He also wanted an armored vehicle to travel in.
Nahdlall then arrived hiding in between the 10 security guards and entered and left the meeting venue through a secret side door. It was like the scene of the US President visiting Afghanistan.
PPP operative at the meeting Ossie Rogers went as far as asking the Police several times to remove the protestors. The Police promptly informed him that they cannot do so as it would be a violation of the law. He then asked the Police to take away the bullhorns from the protesters and the Police told him no.
What was most interesting is the fact that almost all of the dozens of NYPD officers they summoned to the meeting venue to try to scare off protesters laughed at the stupidity and panic of the PPP operative as they made ridiculous demands to end the protest. They even got frustrated and shouted that the Police were scared of Rickford Burke.
This is the US, not Guyana. The PPP got a good taste of true democracy and people power. We will continue to expose the rabid racism and poor governance of the PPP that led to the firings of black public servants, persecution of black GECOM officials APNU+AFC leaders, CEOs and Attorneys; the murder of over 1400 young black men by PPP death squads; the assassination of Courtney Crum Ewing and the brutal killing of the Henry boys by PPP supporters.
The message is out that Charles Ramson is part of a racist, corrupt, illegally installed government. We vow today that After August 15, we will not allow any PPP Minister to visit anywhere in New York City to hold a public event. We will shut it down!
Rickford Burke

The racism of some IndoGuyanese is nauseating.  Here we have a government minister and MP calling Black people blood suckers.  Is Charles Ramson for real?  In some parts of the world lawyers engaging in hate speech could lose their licence.  This third class attorney seeking to defend the AG with middling legal skills reverts to racist insults--truly pathetic .  I will seriously consider joining future protests against PPP operatives. Fair minded IndoGuyanese should consider doing the same.   

@Prashad posted:

That security bill must have been huge. There was about 15 armed Brink's guards in the building together with about 5 armed off jury police in the building plus the police outside.

Anil is enjoying the high life while people are flooded out and starving. In his speech at the NY hindu church yesterday, he talked about a farmer in Abary with 200 heads of dead cattle floating in the river. Will they help these farmers?

Last edited by Former Member
@Totaram posted:

The racism of some IndoGuyanese is nauseating.  Here we have a government minister and MP calling Black people blood suckers.  Is Charles Ramson for real?  In some parts of the world lawyers engaging in hate speech could lose their licence.  This third class attorney seeking to defend the AG with middling legal skills reverts to racist insults--truly pathetic .  I will seriously consider joining future protests against PPP operatives. Fair minded IndoGuyanese should consider doing the same.   

G C you are an old man one push them ladies give you and you Bruck your behind. Stay home.

@Django posted:
May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Charles Ramson 15h to these 30 mosquitoes pls shoo Romel Roopnarine 15h Follow Update: Rigford Burke's grand protest has swollen to a massive 30 persons. Burke had promised thousands would descend on the venue where Attorney General Anil Nandlall is currently interacting with attendees. This miserable failure shows that just like his boss, Burke is nothing more than cardboard cut out pretending that he has non existent mass following. It is also a clear signal to US authorities that they were constantly being misled, with the nasty, racist agenda of the cardboard cut outs.'
In an overt and callous display of rancid, PPP racism, Guyana’s installed, racist Minister of Youth, Culture and Sport, Charles Ramson, called a group of African Guyanese protesters in New York mosquitos (blood Suckers) on his Facebook page. The group was protesting PPP racism; extrajudicial killings of young black men by PPP death squads – an attempted genocide by the PPP, and the assassination of black rights activist, Courtney Crum Ewing.
Ramson’s “mosquito” comment came on the heels of PPP supporters on social media labeling African Guyanese as “hungry belly black dogs,” “blood suckers,’ and the “N” word. CGID strongly condemns this racist epithet by Charles Rampson and demands that he immediately withdraws his comment and apologize to the African Guyanese population. This is they type of hate speech by PPP members that continues to divide Guyana by race.
Apparently, Charles Ramson has been inflicted with the congenital disease of racist indignation against black people, which he displays with alarming frequency. The fact that such a young person in the PPP can be so innately and overtly racist, is an obvious indication of the pernicious legacy of racism that the PPP is passing on to its young members.
No wonder the international community has now began to deplore the apartheid policies and flagrant racism practiced by the PPP ethnocracy led by Bharrat Jagdeo and Irfaan Ali.
Moreover, Ramson, by falsely claiming that only 30 persons participated in the demonstrations, again exposes his absolute ignorance of social justice and civil rights struggles. He also exposes his ahistorical perspective of how human rights were attained. Clearly, his unpreparedness for elected office is breathtaking.
We therefore must educate the childish Minister that Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Eusi Kwayana, Rosa Parks, Harry Belafonte, Stevie Wonder, Muhammad Ali, Shaka Rodney and even Crum Ewing among others participated in one man protests against apartheid and other political issues including global violations of human rights. Even Cheddi Jagan also participated in small protests.
Over 45.000 person watched the protest live and participated live on Facebook. There is no stipulation of the number required, whether it is one man or one million men, for a protest. While we had more than 100 people at the protest, we also boldly demonstrated indefatigable and unmatched courage to confront the brutality of the PPP regime and not be shot in our backs by police like in Guyana. The PPP has a history of dehumanizing and shooting at black protesters fighting for human rights and dignity.
We enjoy freedoms here in the US that Bharrat Jagdeo and his racist cabal will never allow in Guyana, but which the people of Guyana must demand and fight for.
The protest against Anil Nandlall on Friday, July 2, 2021 in Queens, New York, to which Ramson referred, was so effective that Anil Nandlall refused to leave his place of lodging until the government of Guyana spent thousands of taxpayers’ money to hire heavily armed security guards, outfitted in bulletproof vests.
Those guards came from an armored security company that moves money from banks. Nandlall’s cowardice was unprecedented. He also wanted an armored vehicle to travel in.
Nahdlall then arrived hiding in between the 10 security guards and entered and left the meeting venue through a secret side door. It was like the scene of the US President visiting Afghanistan.
PPP operative at the meeting Ossie Rogers went as far as asking the Police several times to remove the protestors. The Police promptly informed him that they cannot do so as it would be a violation of the law. He then asked the Police to take away the bullhorns from the protesters and the Police told him no.
What was most interesting is the fact that almost all of the dozens of NYPD officers they summoned to the meeting venue to try to scare off protesters laughed at the stupidity and panic of the PPP operative as they made ridiculous demands to end the protest. They even got frustrated and shouted that the Police were scared of Rickford Burke.
This is the US, not Guyana. The PPP got a good taste of true democracy and people power. We will continue to expose the rabid racism and poor governance of the PPP that led to the firings of black public servants, persecution of black GECOM officials APNU+AFC leaders, CEOs and Attorneys; the murder of over 1400 young black men by PPP death squads; the assassination of Courtney Crum Ewing and the brutal killing of the Henry boys by PPP supporters.
The message is out that Charles Ramson is part of a racist, corrupt, illegally installed government. We vow today that After August 15, we will not allow any PPP Minister to visit anywhere in New York City to hold a public event. We will shut it down!
Rickford Burke

After the Militia statement Rickford may be being watched by the FBI right now.

Last edited by Prashad
@Django posted:


I was sick to my stomach from hearing so many racist remarks and comments from this bunch. I heard the words “ajee” and “aja” used in mocking ways—mocking East Indian Guyanese of their heritage. If you’re going to show up to protest a Government Minister, then stick to the issues. But the chants and words and talk went beyond the issue and true purpose of what these Guyanese people intended to achieve. They even turned on me and said I am racist.
All in all, this “protest” lacked substance but was heavy on rheotoric, threats, slander, racist insults, vile remarks, pure hate, putrid comments, mockery, etc.
What a disgrace this entire evening turned out to be. More shameful were the American police officers, American Firefighters, American residents of South Ozone Park, passers by, city buses full of passengers from all over NYC, and the whole world watching to see how Guyanese can disgrace themselves and behave on both sides of the political divide —because the PPP SUPPORTERS WERE ALSO THROWING INSULTS AND RUDE REMARKS to Burke and his crew.
SHAME SHAME SHAME. I am ashamed to be a Guyanese tonight because we have lost our dignity, whether you support PPP or APNU, we have certainly lost our way. Even the fire department showed up. That’s why I vow to never join any political party. Too much hate and fighting. Tonight it got very nasty and Americans must be laughing at how Guyanese behave.
To the ICD cult in Queens shame on all of you—you all caused this. You feel you own ministers every time they visit Queens. You plan your own selfish events secluded and for special persons and exclude most of Guyanese living in Queens who want to hear from our government officials from back home. All of you at the ICD are a TOTAL FAILURE !
I feel so embarrassed about what happened tonight on Rockaway Boulevard.

ICD is an Indo-supremacist exclusive club. 

@Prashad posted:

G C you are an old man one push them ladies give you and you Bruck your behind. Stay home.

Look at this intellectual invalid talking crap.  Your skills are limited to peeling aloo.   That hardly qualifies you to an intelligent opinion except on peeling aloo.  BTW, age should not be used as an insult. First, you don't know my age and second, if you are lucky, you would have achieved my age with your faculties intact.  From your writing and hallucinations it is clear you haven't been so lucky. 

@Former Member posted:

Na, I am just amused and saddened at how uncreative Guyanese can be...trying to hang on the coat tail of BLM. An embarrassment! We are a trite...hackneyed people. Sad!

By the way, on another matter, did you hear that the founders of BLM...self-declared Marxists and all...became millionaires from donations? They are buying mansions in California, Bahamas and all those settled white suburbs with white police officers. Lol! Yuh have to admire grifters who rile up dem mattie and silly liberal whites and take dem money...the Yankee way! Think the Guyanese organizers have their eyes set on some white suburb, policed by white officers?

Banna, it's black people's business who they want to associate themselves with and no one elses. You (and Freddie Kissoon) can express your disgust with the BLM movement - and now with some Guyanese associating themselves with that movement - until the cows come home, it's not going to change a damn thing.
A part of the Guyanese population call themselves Indian; do you?

You can sneer at the leaders of BLM (black people have come to expect this), use unsubstantiated claims to mock and vilify but at the end of the day it's black people's business and nothing you can do about that

@Spugum posted:

Banna, it's black people's business who they want to associate themselves with and no one elses. You (and Freddie Kissoon) can express your disgust with the BLM movement - and now with some Guyanese associating themselves with that movement - until the cows come home, it's not going to change a damn thing.
A part of the Guyanese population call themselves Indian; do you?

You can sneer at the leaders of BLM (black people have come to expect this), use unsubstantiated claims to mock and vilify but at the end of the day it's black people's business and nothing you can do about that

Don't feel too bad. Grifters like Bannon and Trumpy mek dem mattie angry to get collections for the wall. Lol! You associate with what yuh want. But yuh wouldn't get the opportunity to lie. 

@Django posted:
This is the US, not Guyana. The PPP got a good taste of true democracy and people power. We will continue to expose the rabid racism and poor governance of the PPP that led to the firings of black public servants, persecution of black GECOM officials APNU+AFC leaders, CEOs and Attorneys; the murder of over 1400 young black men by PPP death squads; the assassination of Courtney Crum Ewing and the brutal killing of the Henry boys by PPP supporters.
The message is out that Charles Ramson is part of a racist, corrupt, illegally installed government. We vow today that After August 15, we will not allow any PPP Minister to visit anywhere in New York City to hold a public event. We will shut it down!
Rickford Burke

Django like yuh spreading Burkie propaganda foh help instigate de civil way in Guyana?

Crum Ewing: we don't know if the PPP assassinated Crum Ewing.

Henry boys: the official report says they were killed for tampering with marijuana plants of some pushers.

1400 young black men? Dats an ole worn out one. All kinds of people died in that civil way:


Ho hohoho...Oh speaking bout PPP firing black people. Well, hear dis. PNC fired many Indoes too. That is de nature of de beast. Yuh vote for yuh mattie and dem fire the other side and hire dem own mattie. When Granger had de chance to bring power sharing he set out to rig de man bai. So right now is fire foh fire.

Anyhow. Take a look at this chart. Yuh think PNC was sharing and being nice to Indos from 2015 to 2018?

@Former Member posted:

Don't feel too bad. Grifters like Bannon and Trumpy mek dem mattie angry to get collections for the wall. Lol! You associate with what yuh want. But yuh wouldn't get the opportunity to lie.

Stewwwps - the claims you use to sneer are unsubstantiated

Nelson Mandela was a terrorist; and so was Malcolm X, Martin Luther King was a hypocrite and a womaniser, Black Panther was a terrorist group and so BLM will be labelled the same. This is expected by the haters of black organisation, especially the successful ones

As l said, it's black people's business who they want to be associated with so you and Freddie can get lost with your nonsense, again, do you call yourself indian?

@Former Member posted:

Django like yuh spreading Burkie propaganda foh help instigate de civil way in Guyana?

Crum Ewing: we don't know if the PPP assassinated Crum Ewing.

Henry boys: the official report says they were killed for tampering with marijuana plants of some pushers.

1400 young black men? Dats an ole worn out one. All kinds of people died in that civil way:

Just posting what Burke saying ,civil war ?  regarding the Henry boys ,what Official report ?

@Spugum posted:

Stewwwps - the claims you use to sneer are unsubstantiated

Nelson Mandela was a terrorist; and so was Malcolm X, Martin Luther King was a hypocrite and a womaniser, Black Panther was a terrorist group and so BLM will be labelled the same. This is expected by the haters of black organisation, especially the successful ones

As l said, it's black people's business who they want to be associated with so you and Freddie can get lost with your nonsense, again, do you call yourself indian?

You don't have a case. You had 28 + 5.5 years. During dat time yuh discriminated against Indos. Some of aluh lumpen activists formed coke and rob and kick down de door, specifically targeted to Indos. Malcolm X, Mandela, black panther and the others didn't do that. Awww...

@Former Member posted:

You missed it because all you read is Village voice. Expand yuh horizon.

My horizon is well expanded,the cards can be read before played .

That linked marijuana farm can't be reached by foot ,where is the connection ? why the police withhold information from foreign investigators, still awaiting forensic results from ST.Lucia. The Police grabbed few junkies from different parts of the country and charged them for murder. Who alyuh fooling ?

@Former Member posted:

You don't have a case. You had 28 + 5.5 years. During dat time yuh discriminated against Indos. Some of aluh lumpen activists formed coke and rob and kick down de door, specifically targeted to Indos. Malcolm X, Mandela, black panther and the others didn't do that. Awww...

Noticed you didn't dispute the labels they attracted in their time.

Anyway - your latest gripe about kick down the door and choke and rob aimed specifically at lndos is just like the claim that Burnham ban flour to spite Indians. It is nonsense as all races were affected.  Black people were victims of Kick down door, the hammer gang and the flour ban. You are just a bigot

@Django posted:

My horizon is well expanded,the cards can be read before played .

That linked marijuana farm can't be reached by foot ,where is the connection ? why the police withhold information from foreign investigators, still awaiting forensic results from ST.Lucia. The Police grabbed few junkies from different parts of the country and charged them for murder. Who alyuh fooling ?

He wants you to broaden your horizon but he's going on the official report


@Django posted:

My horizon is well expanded,the cards can be read before played .

That linked marijuana farm can't be reached by foot ,where is the connection ? why the police withhold information from foreign investigators, still awaiting forensic results from ST.Lucia. The Police grabbed few junkies from different parts of the country and charged them for murder. Who alyuh fooling ?

Wow! You are a super detective from NJ. Lol!

@Spugum posted:

Noticed you didn't dispute the labels they attracted in their time.

Anyway - your latest gripe about kick down the door and choke and rob aimed specifically at lndos is just like the claim that Burnham ban flour to spite Indians. It is nonsense as all races were affected.  Black people were victims of Kick down door, the hammer gang and the flour ban. You are just a bigot

Indos were the overwhelming victim of kick down the door and coke and rob. That's enough evidence...Don't care about flour ban. That was not directed to Indos. Burnham was just being his incompetent self...Choke and rob and KKD were specifically designed for Indos. If I am a bigot you have a low IQ.

@Former Member posted:

Indos were the overwhelming victim of kick down the door and coke and rob. That's enough evidence...Don't care about flour ban. That was not directed to Indos. Burnham was just being his incompetent self...Choke and rob and KKD were specifically designed for Indos. If I am a bigot you have a low IQ.

Every race was affected by kick down the door choke and rob, the hammer gang and the flour ban you bigot


I know KW and Spugum are having a serious discussion on kick down the door bandits etc. but I remember a little story from my village I must share.  A guy thought long and hard about how to prevent the kick down the door robbers from attacking his house so he removed the front stairs.  His reasoning: if they can't get to the door how would they kick it down?  Tru tru story--I saw the house with the front stairs removed.

Last edited by Totaram

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