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....hardly a wave. A ripple. Unfortunately. Matters little, Republicans may actually increase their majority in the senate. And the new republicans coming in are far more like Trump than Jeff Flake, McCain and Bob Corker who are now gone and were essentially moderates. not good bai.

Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Those who laughed at Trump will have to straighten up and take him seriously.  He is on a mission to change this country and he will succeed in doing so even if it takes decades.  What Trump is pursuing especially immigration is what America's white majority wants. Others will continue with his agenda after he departs 

You got this wrong...he will lose in 2020

Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Those who laughed at Trump will have to straighten up and take him seriously.  He is on a mission to change this country and he will succeed in doing so even if it takes decades.  What Trump is pursuing especially immigration is what America's white majority wants. Others will continue with his agenda after he departs 

He got no serious program through congress except his 3 trillion dollar give away to the rich. Everything else was by exec orders. He had the house and senate now he has only the senate so he will not get anything pass the congress that is not bi partisan. Plus we will get to see his tax records and check his environmental roll back.

The 2020 senate map will be twice as difficult for Republicans as it has been for democrats this time. Every senate seat this time was in the red zone and even so there was a struggle to keep t hem. In 2020 more Repubs will be up and every one will be in a precarious electoral map. 

Baseman posted:

Trump triumphs!!

He won where he should win and lost much where he was expected to win. He did not campaign in blue states. 

Only two gubernatorial positions and one senate seat were heartbreak for Dems and all were a long shot. In this process the dems may have fielded a national star...Beto.

Last edited by Former Member
Ray posted:

Times are changing...whites will eventually be a minority

Why is it about race?  The same off-whites and browns who complain about his politics will take some of the same position when they see their kids fighting for jobs being outsourced and companies replacing them with cheaper immigrants.  

Alyuh people static minded and racist!!

Baseman posted:
Ray posted:

Times are changing...whites will eventually be a minority

Why is it about race?  The same off-whites and browns who complain about his politics will take some of the same position when they see their kids fighting for jobs being outsourced and companies replacing them with cheaper immigrants.  

Alyuh people static minded and racist!!

Explain to me how stating a fact is racist?

Are you saying whites would not eventually be a minority? Why do you think white people are scared in the US, they know the country is changing. 


Ray posted:
Baseman posted:
Ray posted:

Times are changing...whites will eventually be a minority

Why is it about race?  The same off-whites and browns who complain about his politics will take some of the same position when they see their kids fighting for jobs being outsourced and companies replacing them with cheaper immigrants.  

Alyuh people static minded and racist!!

Explain to me how stating a fact is racist?

Are you saying whites would not eventually be a minority? Why do you think white people are scared in the US, they know the country is changing. 

If you don’t see your own racism, then you are no different than those you call racist!!   You go figure!!

Baseman posted:
Ray posted:

Times are changing...whites will eventually be a minority

Why is it about race?  The same off-whites and browns who complain about his politics will take some of the same position when they see their kids fighting for jobs being outsourced and companies replacing them with cheaper immigrants.  

Alyuh people static minded and racist!!

Only old white people now remains the GOP base... Democrats represent the spectrum that is America....they elected numerous women, brown, brown, black, Muslim, Christian Jew. The same cannot be said on the other side. 

Anyone voting for trump that is a minority is pretending the man cares for anything outside his base. He is openly a white nationalist and by his words and actions demonstrate that he is . 

Ray posted:

Countless studies have shown the changing demographics...are they all racist as well?


The resurgence of white nationalism is a consequence of the fear of brown people becoming the dominant group. The good thing is that fear is a rural  fear. Urban folks do not have those apprehensions in general. Brown folks may become the majority but they will not gain the institutional capacity to do as white folks have done (and hopefully never will learn the nasties). The fear is not rational.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Ray posted:

Countless studies have shown the changing demographics...are they all racist as well?


Do you think that whites should be a minority in America?  Did they not build a beautiful country and welcomed you with open arms after fleeing the wrath of Burnham?

What a stupid question is that? Do you think the native peoples cared to be uprooted killed and replaced on their own lands? That era lasted 400 years and only ended a hundred years ago ( Indian subjugation period)  White folks accept that as part of human history where social conditions destined it to be as warring and configuring lands was what people did at that time.  Why is the natural growth or migration of of brown peoples not a historical era?

Also this land was not built up by whites alone them alone but by countless number of slaves and their offspring who now populate the place.  Most Mexicans and central Americans are native Americans. Much of the west and southwest are actually their "homeland". They idea that America is a white preserve is a myth for dumb people.  Burnham is incidental to the story of America no less than English folks running away from European political persecution or the Irish from a famine.

Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Those who laughed at Trump will have to straighten up and take him seriously.  He is on a mission to change this country and he will succeed in doing so even if it takes decades.  What Trump is pursuing especially immigration is what America's white majority wants. Others will continue with his agenda after he departs 

BULL CRAP!! We will finally have Checks and Balances!!!  Dat is sweet victoty!!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Ray posted:

Countless studies have shown the changing demographics...are they all racist as well?


Do you think that whites should be a minority in America?  Did they not build a beautiful country and welcomed you with open arms after fleeing the wrath of Burnham?

It does not matter what you or I think, they will be a minority...the whole world is changing...mass migration everywhere

Ray posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Those who laughed at Trump will have to straighten up and take him seriously.  He is on a mission to change this country and he will succeed in doing so even if it takes decades.  What Trump is pursuing especially immigration is what America's white majority wants. Others will continue with his agenda after he departs 

You got this wrong...he will lose in 2020

Correct Ray.

Trump will get "a huge thump" out of office in 2020.

Nehru posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Those who laughed at Trump will have to straighten up and take him seriously.  He is on a mission to change this country and he will succeed in doing so even if it takes decades.  What Trump is pursuing especially immigration is what America's white majority wants. Others will continue with his agenda after he departs 

BULL CRAP!! We will finally have Checks and Balances!!!  Dat is sweet victoty!!

Be careful what you wish for.  Richmond Hill already turn like Guyana with their standard of living.  And caravans are coming.  

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Ray posted:

Countless studies have shown the changing demographics...are they all racist as well?

Do you think that whites should be a minority in America?  Did they not build a beautiful country and welcomed you with open arms after fleeing the wrath of Burnham?

Not a thought ... it is a reality.

It will occur, though not in the immediate future.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Nehru posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Those who laughed at Trump will have to straighten up and take him seriously.  He is on a mission to change this country and he will succeed in doing so even if it takes decades.  What Trump is pursuing especially immigration is what America's white majority wants. Others will continue with his agenda after he departs 

BULL CRAP!! We will finally have Checks and Balances!!!  Dat is sweet victoty!!

Be careful what you wish for.  Richmond Hill already turn like Guyana with their standard of living.  And caravans are coming.  

Richmond Hill doing just fine, as long as he does not limit how many Sweethomen you can get.

Sikhs, Arabs and others are flocking RH for salvation and Culture. Any old House in RH is at least 1/2 million dollars.):

Nehru posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Nehru posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Those who laughed at Trump will have to straighten up and take him seriously.  He is on a mission to change this country and he will succeed in doing so even if it takes decades.  What Trump is pursuing especially immigration is what America's white majority wants. Others will continue with his agenda after he departs 

BULL CRAP!! We will finally have Checks and Balances!!!  Dat is sweet victoty!!

Be careful what you wish for.  Richmond Hill already turn like Guyana with their standard of living.  And caravans are coming.  

Richmond Hill doing just fine, as long as he does not limit how many Sweethomen you can get.

Sikhs, Arabs and others are flocking RH for salvation and Culture. Any old House in RH is at least 1/2 million dollars.):

You will be surprised to know how many democratic members of the house share the same views on immigration as the Trump and the Republicans.  Don't put all your faith in White folks donned in the Democratic garb in congress. History has shown that many members of the Democractic party helped Ronald Reagan achieved his objectives even though he was one of the most controversial president since Vietnam.  Trump's agenda will not go by the wayside. Urban Whites are very subtle in their speech and conduct to avoid detection of their real views on race and immigration.  D2 might want to believe otherwise but he is dead wrong.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Nehru posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Nehru posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Those who laughed at Trump will have to straighten up and take him seriously.  He is on a mission to change this country and he will succeed in doing so even if it takes decades.  What Trump is pursuing especially immigration is what America's white majority wants. Others will continue with his agenda after he departs 

BULL CRAP!! We will finally have Checks and Balances!!!  Dat is sweet victoty!!

Be careful what you wish for.  Richmond Hill already turn like Guyana with their standard of living.  And caravans are coming.  

Richmond Hill doing just fine, as long as he does not limit how many Sweethomen you can get.

Sikhs, Arabs and others are flocking RH for salvation and Culture. Any old House in RH is at least 1/2 million dollars.):

You will be surprised to know how many democratic members of the house share the same views on immigration as the Trump and the Republicans.  Don't put all your faith in White folks donned in the Democratic garb in congress. History has shown that many members of the Democractic party helped Ronald Reagan achieved his objectives even though he was one of the most controversial president since Vietnam.  Trump's agenda will not go by the wayside. Urban Whites are very subtle in their speech and conduct to avoid detection of their real views on race and immigration.  D2 might want to believe otherwise but he is dead wrong.

There are a lot of undercover racists out there. They preach one thing and vote another. It doesn't take a political strategist to figure out Trump has more support in the background.


Congrats to the both the Democrats for winning the House and Republicans for winning the Senate. We have a balance and no more big stick bullying from Trump. I noticed that Prince is hiding this morning.

The Democrats played their game smartly by focusing on a very diverse group of Candidates especially women and working hard in the Suburbs. 

This will put and end to Trump’s bigotry, sexism and racism which has divided America. The Democrats should now return the favour and treat him exactly how the Republicans treated Obama. Karma is a bytch.

Based on what I saw ast night, this is the beginning of the unravelling or Trump. I can now hear cries of Lock Him Up, how times have changed ! Obviously this will not happen with the Republicans controlling the senate but the Democrats will now make his life miserable.

Trumps biggest mistake was to ridicule and divide the people But Americans are much smarter than that.

This will all be sheer political agony for the Republicans and Trump henceforth. 

The blue wave reminds me of the red wave currently in Guyana with a diverse list of local candidates. 


Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

You will be surprised to know how many democratic members of the house share the same views on immigration as the Trump and the Republicans.  Don't put all your faith in White folks donned in the Democratic garb in congress. History has shown that many members of the Democractic party helped Ronald Reagan achieved his objectives even though he was one of the most controversial president since Vietnam.  Trump's agenda will not go by the wayside. Urban Whites are very subtle in their speech and conduct to avoid detection of their real views on race and immigration.  D2 might want to believe otherwise but he is dead wrong.

I am quite cognizant that many white folks are fixed in their ways and often require prodding to be fair to non white folks. However, I would rather be speaking to a democrat than a republican since to a large extent they would have been immersed in a culture of progressive and liberal thinking. Conservative these days bean conservators of white privileged, Christian rapture ready god and a belief system that non white people are lesser than. 


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