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Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

What Trump is pursuing especially immigration is what America's white majority wants. Others will continue with his agenda after he departs 

I am also amused when the Indo KKK think that whites are a monolithic group.

FYI.  There is no way that the Dems would have gotten the House without substantial numbers of white voters.  Please note that the Senators who were up for election this year were mainly in the red states. In 2020 most of those up for election will be significantly in the blue states.

So it is likely that next time around the Dems might get the Senate as well.

Not every white person is a hood wearing cross burning zealot, even of you wish they were.  And btw those who are will hang you from a tree just after they hang the black and before they hang the Mexican.

Ray posted:

No matter what the Dems get on Trump, his supporters will stick with him. Focus on getting some key stuff done, healthcare, infrastructure...these are the issues that will decide 2020. It's not difficult to beat Trump.

Trump will work with friendly democrats and move his agenda forward.  He will be unbeatable in 2020.  Alyuh just don’t get it.

With this midterm over, the war has only just begun.  

Baseman posted:
Ray posted:

No matter what the Dems get on Trump, his supporters will stick with him. Focus on getting some key stuff done, healthcare, infrastructure...these are the issues that will decide 2020. It's not difficult to beat Trump.

Trump will work with friendly democrats and move his agenda forward.  He will be unbeatable in 2020.  Alyuh just don’t get it.

With this midterm over, the war has only just begun.  

trump is never ready to play nice and I bet he will try to fight every way he can.  Muller however, is no fool and is possibly referring charges against his kids  to state prosecutors/

Last edited by Former Member
D2 posted:
Baseman posted:
Ray posted:

No matter what the Dems get on Trump, his supporters will stick with him. Focus on getting some key stuff done, healthcare, infrastructure...these are the issues that will decide 2020. It's not difficult to beat Trump.

Trump will work with friendly democrats and move his agenda forward.  He will be unbeatable in 2020.  Alyuh just don’t get it.

With this midterm over, the war has only just begun.  

trump is never ready to play nice and I bet he will try to fight every way he can.  Muller however, is no fool and is possibly referring charges against him to state prosecutors/

You is another dreamer!!

Baseman posted:
D2 posted:
Baseman posted:
Ray posted:

No matter what the Dems get on Trump, his supporters will stick with him. Focus on getting some key stuff done, healthcare, infrastructure...these are the issues that will decide 2020. It's not difficult to beat Trump.

Trump will work with friendly democrats and move his agenda forward.  He will be unbeatable in 2020.  Alyuh just don’t get it.

With this midterm over, the war has only just begun.  

trump is never ready to play nice and I bet he will try to fight every way he can.  Muller however, is no fool and is possibly referring charges against him to state prosecutors/

You is another dreamer!!

When you are dealing with a family of drifters this is an educated guess. 

D2 posted:

Only old white people now remains the GOP base... Democrats represent the spectrum that is America....they elected numerous women, brown, brown, black, Muslim, Christian Jew. The same cannot be said on the other side. 


The Dems have their problems too.  Trump isnt going to be around forever (he might even quit in rage that the Dems dare to subpoena him to investigate conflicts of interest and corruption). 

So what then?  I am not sure that if Pence was the president there would have been this angst.  Just as deadly but less controversial as he injects us with his toxins.

The suburbanites find Trump an embarrassment, but were happy to vote for Bush. The Dem's base isnt that happy with them and the fact that so much energy had to be invested in getting people out to vote is evidence of this.

Both the Dems and the GOP have much work to do.  As of now both peddle fear (Trump White Panic and the Dems take advantage of the fear of Trump) but that isnt a sustainable model.

We will see what the Dems do but the geriatrics that they are tapping to lead them in the House doesn't encourage me.  Their base are the middle aged and the young, not the elderly.

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:

Trump will work with friendly democrats and move his agenda forward.  He will be unbeatable in 2020.  Alyuh just don’t get it.

With this midterm over, the war has only just begun.  

No Dem is going to be friendly to Trump as many are only there because of Trump.

The Dems have to prove to their base that they can contain Trump until he is dismissed in 2020.  So onus will be on Trump to get the Dems to work with him.  They dont need to work with him.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Trump will work with friendly democrats and move his agenda forward.  He will be unbeatable in 2020.  Alyuh just don’t get it.

With this midterm over, the war has only just begun.  

No Dem is going to be friendly to Trump as many are only there because of Trump.

The Dems have to prove to their base that they can contain Trump until he is dismissed in 2020.  So onus will be on Trump to get the Dems to work with him.  They dont need to work with him.

Pork barrel!!

caribny posted:
D2 posted:

Only old white people now remains the GOP base... Democrats represent the spectrum that is America....they elected numerous women, brown, brown, black, Muslim, Christian Jew. The same cannot be said on the other side. 


The Dems have their problems too.  Trump isnt going to be around forever.....

And here we agree.  After 2024 he is gone!!

Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Trump triumphs!!

In what way? He lost the House and in 2020 when senators up for election will be those in blue states, he might lose the Senator too.

He is NOT going to be president by the time the Dems publish their expose on him.

You still living in your dream world!!

You will note that in 2016 I said that there was a good chance that the Dems would lose but I didn't say that this time.

All that Trump has in his favor is the fanaticism of the right wing fanatics.  No party can govern the USA if the suburbs turns against them and they turned against Trump.

Congressional elections mirror the electoral college, and face it. Trump lost.

And yes I favor the electoral college because it forces parties to not only win the national vote, but to ensure that they have sufficient support in each region to guarantee that they get at least one of the two legislative bodies.

Baseman posted:

And here we agree.  After 2024 he is gone!!

You do know that if the election was held yesterday Trump would most likely have lost.  As the economy slows towards 2020 as most forecasters predict what then?  By then proof of how corrupt Trump is as he defrauds tax payers will be evident.

But you love Jagdeo so your adoration for Trump is obvious.  Trump is a white Jagdeo.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Trump triumphs!!

In what way? He lost the House and in 2020 when senators up for election will be those in blue states, he might lose the Senator too.

He is NOT going to be president by the time the Dems publish their expose on him.

You still living in your dream world!!

You will note that in 2016 I said that there was a good chance that the Dems would lose but I didn't say that this time.

All that Trump has in his favor is the fanaticism of the right wing fanatics.  No party can govern the USA if the suburbs turns against them and they turned against Trump.

Congressional elections mirror the electoral college, and face it. Trump lost.

And yes I favor the electoral college because it forces parties to not only win the national vote, but to ensure that they have sufficient support in each region to guarantee that they get at least one of the two legislative bodies.

Well, we will see, won’t we!!

Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Trump will work with friendly democrats and move his agenda forward.  He will be unbeatable in 2020.  Alyuh just don’t get it.

With this midterm over, the war has only just begun.  

No Dem is going to be friendly to Trump as many are only there because of Trump.

The Dems have to prove to their base that they can contain Trump until he is dismissed in 2020.  So onus will be on Trump to get the Dems to work with him.  They dont need to work with him.

Pork barrel!!

Pork barrel is giving away a trillion in revenues to friends so they can get richer creating a huge hole to be filled and wanting to fill it with cuts to health and social welfare programs.

D2 posted:
Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Trump will work with friendly democrats and move his agenda forward.  He will be unbeatable in 2020.  Alyuh just don’t get it.

With this midterm over, the war has only just begun.  

No Dem is going to be friendly to Trump as many are only there because of Trump.

The Dems have to prove to their base that they can contain Trump until he is dismissed in 2020.  So onus will be on Trump to get the Dems to work with him.  They dont need to work with him.

Pork barrel!!

Pork barrel is giving away a trillion in revenues to friends so they can get richer creating a huge hole to be filled and wanting to fill it with cuts to health and social welfare programs.

I know what it is, and it will be used lavishly with conforming Democrats.  

Baseman posted:
D2 posted:
Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Trump will work with friendly democrats and move his agenda forward.  He will be unbeatable in 2020.  Alyuh just don’t get it.

With this midterm over, the war has only just begun.  

No Dem is going to be friendly to Trump as many are only there because of Trump.

The Dems have to prove to their base that they can contain Trump until he is dismissed in 2020.  So onus will be on Trump to get the Dems to work with him.  They dont need to work with him.

Pork barrel!!

Pork barrel is giving away a trillion in revenues to friends so they can get richer creating a huge hole to be filled and wanting to fill it with cuts to health and social welfare programs.

I know what it is, and it will be used lavishly with conforming Democrats.  

Where among democrats would you find anyone who would conform to the wishes of that fellow? 

D2 posted:
Baseman posted:
D2 posted:
Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:


No Dem is going to be friendly to Trump as many are only there because of Trump.

The Dems have to prove to their base that they can contain Trump until he is dismissed in 2020.  So onus will be on Trump to get the Dems to work with him.  They dont need to work with him.

Pork barrel!!

Pork barrel is giving away a trillion in revenues to friends so they can get richer creating a huge hole to be filled and wanting to fill it with cuts to health and social welfare programs.

I know what it is, and it will be used lavishly with conforming Democrats.  

Where among democrats would you find anyone who would conform to the wishes of that fellow? 

Money talks.....

Demerara_Guy posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

History has shown that many members of the Democractic party helped Ronald Reagan achieved his objectives even though he was one of the most controversial president since Vietnam.

Indeed; Reagan was indeed associated and like by numerous Democrats.

It's fascinating how all these brown and black people cling to the Democrats because Obama was a President from the Democratic Party.  The white Democrats don't care about anyone in Richmond Hill and Flatbush.  You won't catch someone like Nancy Pelosi dead or alive in either of those places.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

History has shown that many members of the Democractic party helped Ronald Reagan achieved his objectives even though he was one of the most controversial president since Vietnam.

Indeed; Reagan was indeed associated and like by numerous Democrats.

It's fascinating how all these brown and black people cling to the Democrats because Obama was a President from the Democratic Party.  The white Democrats don't care about anyone in Richmond Hill and Flatbush.  You won't catch someone like Nancy Pelosi dead or alive in either of those places.

Really ?????????????? --- ?????????????? Really !!!

Shirley Chisholm, the first black candidate who competed for the position for President of the US_of_A in 1974 for the Democratic Party.

Her mother is from Barbados and father from Guyana; she was born in the US_of_A.

Shirley Chisholm.jpg

Shirley Chisholm

Last edited by Former Member
Demerara_Guy posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

History has shown that many members of the Democractic party helped Ronald Reagan achieved his objectives even though he was one of the most controversial president since Vietnam.

Indeed; Reagan was indeed associated and like by numerous Democrats.

It's fascinating how all these brown and black people cling to the Democrats because Obama was a President from the Democratic Party.  The white Democrats don't care about anyone in Richmond Hill and Flatbush.  You won't catch someone like Nancy Pelosi dead or alive in either of those places.

Really ?????????????? --- ?????????????? Really !!!

Shirley Chisholm, the first black candidate who competed for the position for President of the US_of_A in 1974 for the Democratic Party.

Her mother is from Barbados and father from Guyana; she was born in the US_of_A.

Shirley Chisholm.jpg

Shirley Chisholm

I like her hairstyle!!

Demerara_Guy posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

History has shown that many members of the Democractic party helped Ronald Reagan achieved his objectives even though he was one of the most controversial president since Vietnam.

Indeed; Reagan was indeed associated and like by numerous Democrats.

It's fascinating how all these brown and black people cling to the Democrats because Obama was a President from the Democratic Party.  The white Democrats don't care about anyone in Richmond Hill and Flatbush.  You won't catch someone like Nancy Pelosi dead or alive in either of those places.

Really ?????????????? --- ?????????????? Really !!!

Shirley Chisholm, the first black candidate who competed for the position for President of the US_of_A in 1974 for the Democratic Party.

Her mother is from Barbados and father from Guyana; she was born in the US_of_A.

Shirley Chisholm.jpg

Shirley Chisholm

These green paper Americans don't even know their own history, Teach them D_G.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Ray posted:

Plus Amazon coming to Queens...they know where the smart people live

Queens is becoming the center of the universe.  AMAZON, JetBlue, and other companies are establishing operations there.  Queens Boulevard has many nice office buildings and JFK and LGA attract millions of travelers from around the qworld.

Queens is Trump's birth place. Queens will be great again.

Billy Ram Balgobin
kp posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

History has shown that many members of the Democractic party helped Ronald Reagan achieved his objectives even though he was one of the most controversial president since Vietnam.

Indeed; Reagan was indeed associated and like by numerous Democrats.

It's fascinating how all these brown and black people cling to the Democrats because Obama was a President from the Democratic Party.  The white Democrats don't care about anyone in Richmond Hill and Flatbush.  You won't catch someone like Nancy Pelosi dead or alive in either of those places.

Really ?????????????? --- ?????????????? Really !!!

Shirley Chisholm, the first black candidate who competed for the position for President of the US_of_A in 1974 for the Democratic Party.

Her mother is from Barbados and father from Guyana; she was born in the US_of_A.

Shirley Chisholm.jpg

Shirley Chisholm

These green paper Americans don't even know their own history, Teach them D_G.

Asian Americans don't live in the past like we do.  They work harder and tell themselves only the sky is the limit.  They go that extra mile to achieve whatever they are pursuing. We Indos and AFros from the Caribbean spend too much time talking about domestic and international issues while the world is busily moving ahead.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

History has shown that many members of the Democractic party helped Ronald Reagan achieved his objectives even though he was one of the most controversial president since Vietnam.

Indeed; Reagan was indeed associated and like by numerous Democrats.

It's fascinating how all these brown and black people cling to the Democrats because Obama was a President from the Democratic Party.  The white Democrats don't care about anyone in Richmond Hill and Flatbush.  You won't catch someone like Nancy Pelosi dead or alive in either of those places.

The representative of the area ought to be there. Mrs Pelosi has her own constituency. If there is an issue that is general and relevant to the public good then she will be on it. Immigration is a concern for the area so I am sure that while she does not be seen of 138 and hill side, what she does will affect the area. It is plainly stupid to imagine that this vast country is entitle to a visit by a congressional leader because they hold leadership position. They will expect and have a right to clamor for attention like rural broad band, health care, social safety net and that is where such leadership effects are felt. 

D2 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

History has shown that many members of the Democractic party helped Ronald Reagan achieved his objectives even though he was one of the most controversial president since Vietnam.

Indeed; Reagan was indeed associated and like by numerous Democrats.

It's fascinating how all these brown and black people cling to the Democrats because Obama was a President from the Democratic Party.  The white Democrats don't care about anyone in Richmond Hill and Flatbush.  You won't catch someone like Nancy Pelosi dead or alive in either of those places.

The representative of the area ought to be there. Mrs Pelosi has her own constituency. If there is an issue that is general and relevant to the public good then she will be on it. Immigration is a concern for the area so I am sure that while she does not be seen of 138 and hill side, what she does will affect the area. It is plainly stupid to imagine that this vast country is entitle to a visit by a congressional leader because they hold leadership position. They will expect and have a right to clamor for attention like rural broad band, health care, social safety net and that is where such leadership effects are felt. 

The politicians would only come after us if we vote in significant numbers that can influence the outcome of elections. Guyanese people have to get their heads out of the sand and start to the see importance of participating in the political process.  We have the numbers but we don't come out and vote in great numbers.  This is the problem.  Political analysts study the voting patterns in every group and every geographical areas. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Asian Americans don't live in the past like we do.  They work harder and tell themselves only the sky is the limit.  They go that extra mile to achieve whatever they are pursuing. We Indos and AFros from the Caribbean spend too much time talking about domestic and international issues while the world is busily moving ahead.  

That is silly. Asians are actually keenly focused on the past. Depending of where they are from, japan, china, India, Laos, Thailand they share a religious history that is grounded on circular time, Shintoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc so the past is extremely relevant. 

You also insult them when you think they are insular. Much of Asia is driven by western tastes and ideas as well so internationalism is central to them as it is to us. Japan for example have entire fashion cultures grounded in the west. They also adore, old American movies and music. And  K-pop, for example,  is completely an imitation of the western pop culture. 

If you say they have different strategies for living I would agree. They are all deeply traditional with hierarchical structures of respect where family honor is very high ( for god or bad). Others like the Chinese are keenly focused on philosophical strategies for life and have produced some of the greatest literature on the subject.  Li Zongwu zhi give us a summary of this in Thick black theory which captures the Chinese way every military or business school reference strategies in  the art of war. 

If anything, Asia are in love with western culture and so emulate  it in every way. Their own creations often begin where  adorn western culture through their own mores that makes it look new and interesting.  No human group is completely inward seeking. 

And west Indians are completely industrious. Black West Indians are notably hard working and in england make more than whites in general. Even the RH hustler who work in the fields at home strive to make a difference here and often do. Note, 90 percent of those who came had nothing at home and no more than basic primary education. We are not like Indians from India who send only their best educated. 


Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The politicians would only come after us if we vote in significant numbers that can influence the outcome of elections. Guyanese people have to get their heads out of the sand and start to the see importance of participating in the political process.  We have the numbers but we don't come out and vote in great numbers.  This is the problem.  Political analysts study the voting patterns in every group and every geographical areas. 

As Vishnu will tell you Guyanese who can vote are in the 50K are. Last cycle only about 11K were registered and only some 5 K vote. The numbers to get a representative on the NY council from the area is around 7 thousand. No Guyanese ever came close even though many tried. 

D2 posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The politicians would only come after us if we vote in significant numbers that can influence the outcome of elections. Guyanese people have to get their heads out of the sand and start to the see importance of participating in the political process.  We have the numbers but we don't come out and vote in great numbers.  This is the problem.  Political analysts study the voting patterns in every group and every geographical areas. 

As Vishnu will tell you Guyanese who can vote are in the 50K are. Last cycle only about 11K were registered and only some 5 K vote. The numbers to get a representative on the NY council from the area is around 7 thousand. No Guyanese ever came close even though many tried. 

I had a discussion with Vishnu on the same topic and he told me the same thing. Attempts to register guyanese to vote are often met with hostile and ignorant reactions .  He felt the political maturity is just not there.




Billy Ram Balgobin
D2 posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Asian Americans don't live in the past like we do.  They work harder and tell themselves only the sky is the limit.  They go that extra mile to achieve whatever they are pursuing. We Indos and AFros from the Caribbean spend too much time talking about domestic and international issues while the world is busily moving ahead.  

That is silly. Asians are actually keenly focused on the past. Depending of where they are from, japan, china, India, Laos, Thailand they share a religious history that is grounded on circular time, Shintoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc so the past is extremely relevant. 

You also insult them when you think they are insular. Much of Asia is driven by western tastes and ideas as well so internationalism is central to them as it is to us. Japan for example have entire fashion cultures grounded in the west. They also adore, old American movies and music. And  K-pop, for example,  is completely an imitation of the western pop culture. 

If you say they have different strategies for living I would agree. They are all deeply traditional with hierarchical structures of respect where family honor is very high ( for god or bad). Others like the Chinese are keenly focused on philosophical strategies for life and have produced some of the greatest literature on the subject.  Li Zongwu zhi give us a summary of this in Thick black theory which captures the Chinese way every military or business school reference strategies in  the art of war. 

If anything, Asia are in love with western culture and so emulate  it in every way. Their own creations often begin where  adorn western culture through their own mores that makes it look new and interesting.  No human group is completely inward seeking. 

And west Indians are completely industrious. Black West Indians are notably hard working and in england make more than whites in general. Even the RH hustler who work in the fields at home strive to make a difference here and often do. Note, 90 percent of those who came had nothing at home and no more than basic primary education. We are not like Indians from India who send only their best educated. 


In one statement you said they are keenly focused on the past and in another you said they are driven by western tastes and ideas. I would concur. My point is that they spent more time and energy on achieving things such as education and wealth and less on preaching and complaining about past injustices.  This is what gives them the edge over other groups.  

According to Ron Sanders West Indian poverty in London is very high. He said they look back too much to the past instead of focusing more towards the future.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

In one statement you said they are keenly focused on the past and in another you said they are driven by western tastes and ideas. I would concur. My point is that they spent more time and energy on achieving things such as education and wealth and less on preaching and complaining about past injustices.  This is what gives them the edge over other groups.  

According to Ron Sanders West Indian poverty in London is very high. He said they look back too much to the past instead of focusing more towards the future.

Not mutually exclusive to reflect back and project forward. The edge Asians have is family...extended family cohesiveness and endogamy. In the west we are fragmented. Beyond the nuclear family all connections disintegrates. Guyanese are in the western ethos and while family meant something to us and we sought its council and comfort in earlier times, we  are adopting the highly mobile lifestyle with friends and work mates being our "community". As such the support system is tenuous and not as dependable as a vast extended family. It is why we tend to group in one location in the recreate interconnectedness not readily available in these adopted homeworlds.

I do not know specifically what Mr sanders is speaking of when he say  
"they look back too much to the past". The past is identity. It is the reason he gets to label them as Caribbean peoples. People look back because that is how they claim roots and locate themselves in the world. I guess he means that in similar ways as Naipaul, Caribbean people suffer identity dysphoria due to maintaining historical identity in light of being differently located socially and pulled into what they want to be or should become and not finding a fit.

I think both of them are wrong ( Saunders and Naipaul) . All of the world's cultures are a product of hybridity and any sense of alienation does not arise because one is out of place. West Indians are  very grounded because the creolization in the colonial cauldron  has produced a self reliant and vibrant uniqueness. If there are external pressures in London that keeps people in poverty, it is not a consequence on one being reflective on the past but on account the larger white society, itself a special hybrid structures,  seeing itself as under threat from otherness and resistance manifest in discriminatory practices that suffocates social access. There is no necessity to sublimate one's identity into another to be successful. West Indians add much to social vibrancy of London. Even if poor I see them as a proud people.


Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

History has shown that many members of the Democractic party helped Ronald Reagan achieved his objectives even though he was one of the most controversial president since Vietnam.

Indeed; Reagan was indeed associated and like by numerous Democrats.

It's fascinating how all these brown and black people cling to the Democrats because Obama was a President from the Democratic Party.  The white Democrats don't care about anyone in Richmond Hill and Flatbush.  You won't catch someone like Nancy Pelosi dead or alive in either of those places.

Really ?????????????? --- ?????????????? Really !!!

Shirley Chisholm, the first black candidate who competed for the position for President of the US_of_A in 1974 for the Democratic Party.

Her mother is from Barbados and father from Guyana; she was born in the US_of_A.

Shirley Chisholm.jpg

Shirley Chisholm

I like her hairstyle!!

She looks like Aunt Esther from Sanford and Son.

D2 posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Shirley Chisholm

I like her hairstyle!!

She looks like Aunt Esther from Sanford and Son.

She was supremely bright and a wonderful speaker. Heard her a couple of times at our university plus a few other times at political occasions  on the mall. 

I watched her too. She was a brilliant woman.

skeldon_man posted:
D2 posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Shirley Chisholm

I like her hairstyle!!

She looks like Aunt Esther from Sanford and Son.

She was supremely bright and a wonderful speaker. Heard her a couple of times at our university plus a few other times at political occasions  on the mall. 

I watched her too. She was a brilliant woman.

All ayuh falling fah Old Black Woman. Don't let Carib hear.

kp posted:
skeldon_man posted:
D2 posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Shirley Chisholm

I like her hairstyle!!

She looks like Aunt Esther from Sanford and Son.

She was supremely bright and a wonderful speaker. Heard her a couple of times at our university plus a few other times at political occasions  on the mall. 

I watched her too. She was a brilliant woman.

All ayuh falling fah Old Black Woman. Don't let Carib hear.

Falling for beautiful minds so cyar you bigoted behind da side!


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