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Originally Posted by Rev Al:



Congrats Riya! You may not be a perfect woman, no woman is. But you are a real woman---every real woman feels the same way as you do.


Real women don't want wimpy, wussy, needy, desperate men who are trying to please them endlessly---such men bore women.


Real women actually like to be challenged now and them---of course they want to be respected---even when challenged.


And yes! Every woman deserves a man who looks at her every day like it's the first time he saw her---such a man will never be boring---actually such a man is usually adventurous---and if he is a tad mysterious---the more exciting the relationship.



REAL WOMEN LIKE MYSTERY---ADVENTURE---NEWNESS---and a little argument/disagreement now and then----they love to be challenged.


Once again, congrats Riya!






PS. Hope kari doesn't show up and start yelling about this being some girlie thread.hahaha



Why thank you, kind sir!

someone once told me I'm imperfectly perfect (whatever that means ) making me a real woman. I can't argue with that

Originally Posted by Riya:

Why thank you, kind sir!

someone once told me I'm imperfectly perfect (whatever that means ) making me a real woman. I can't argue with that




That's a nice oxymoron---I like it---"imperfectly perfect".


If it's your husband who showered you with that compliment---keep him.


If it's someone else---your husband may need to


Anyway, whoever said it---What he meant was you are perfectly fine being imperfect---and he finds even your flaws




PS. I notice some of the troublemakers in political have showed up---I guess they miss the Rev tormenting and terrorizing them in political.hahaha



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