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Danyael posted:
VVP posted:

D2 - 2% external vs 16% internal is good?  The problem it looks like they are not able to secure external funding at consessional rates.  The only benefit of the internal funding is that it will be paid back in G$.

So who is the Finance guru on this site.  I would like to hear some opinions.

At 40 percent of GDP Guyana's external debt is not suffocating. Large external debt is an actual transfer of real assets to an external entity in the paying back. It can ruin a nation if  growth is slowed and it begins to accrue interests as it fall behind in payments. Internal debt is what the nation owes itself ie credit card, student loans and does not incur real asset loss. It is merely redistribution of monies in the state.

Commercial banks hold most of the domestic debt.  Many of the commercial banks have foreign interests meaning they move the profits out of Guyana.

I wish if TK was here to discuss this.  

VVP posted:
Danyael posted:

 Pre Chavez they barely got 3 cent to the dollar for their oil and they became rich. 

Where did you get this from?

We are slated to get 12 cents on a dollar in our present contract with EXXON and that is considered by those in charge to be on the high side.

I read of that amount being received by Venezuela when I was looking into what CGX will pay. I will try to find the document.

CGX also claim they are going to give up 12 cents on the dollar but I seriously doubt that. We may be getting as little as 3 cents on the dollar from them. They deny that.

Last edited by Former Member
Danyael posted:

We are slated to get 12 cents on a dollar in our present contract with EXXON and that is considered by those in charge to be on the high side.


Do you have the document for this?  I need to catch up on these things...been extremely busy over the last year.  I think I will get a lil break over then next couple weeks. 

VVP posted:
yuji22 posted:
VVP posted:

Guyana got a good bracing from Venezuela in prior years through the Petrocaribe deal.  Shit is going to hit the fan because now they are relying on domestic borrowing at very high interest rates.

Well tek the shyte because you supported the PNC.

It was people like you who supported the UF in the past and other parties in the past which made Indos suffer in wilderness for 28 years of PNC racism and dictatorship.

Guess what ? Those days are back. History is repeating itself.

WTF you talking bout??

This is what happens when we allow people with extremely low iq's to post here.

VVP posted:
Danyael posted:

We are slated to get 12 cents on a dollar in our present contract with EXXON and that is considered by those in charge to be on the high side.


Do you have the document for this?  I need to catch up on these things...been extremely busy over the last year.  I think I will get a lil break over then next couple weeks. 

Confirmed in the news recently. I do not believe it.  One of the things about the oil trade is crude increase in volume and in value after processing so One barrel of crude can be purchased at 30 dollars and sold with by products for a hundred or more. Are we getting the 12 cents on the crude? If so how are we accounting for what amount passes into the tankers except as they tell us? The oil industry is worse than the music industry and there every artiste gets screwed.

VVP posted:
yuji22 posted:
VVP posted:

Guyana got a good bracing from Venezuela in prior years through the Petrocaribe deal.  Shit is going to hit the fan because now they are relying on domestic borrowing at very high interest rates.

Well tek the shyte because you supported the PNC.

It was people like you who supported the UF in the past and other parties in the past which made Indos suffer in wilderness for 28 years of PNC racism and dictatorship.

Guess what ? Those days are back. History is repeating itself.

WTF you talking bout??

Yes, you supported the AFC/PNC. It is folks like you who put Guyana where it is today. A bunch of filth heads are running Guyana, it is bankrupt, corrupt and a crime haven and you supported these clowns.

Danyael posted:
yuji22 posted:

Yes, you supported the AFC/PNC. It is folks like you who put Guyana where it is today. A bunch of filth heads are running Guyana, it is bankrupt, corrupt and a crime haven and you supported these clowns.

Dumb as a skunk as usual and completely in the dark as the the discussion here.

No, he's on-point.  It's people like VVP who helped put the hapless, racist PNC in power, now they all wringing their hands as they realize they threw their mattie under the bus.  They have to face their people, you don't.  Also, the fullah crew enjoy each other company!

ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
yuji22 posted:

Yes, you supported the AFC/PNC. It is folks like you who put Guyana where it is today. A bunch of filth heads are running Guyana, it is bankrupt, corrupt and a crime haven and you supported these clowns.

Dumb as a skunk as usual and completely in the dark as the the discussion here.

No, he's on-point.  It's people like VVP who helped put the hapless, racist PNC in power, now they all wringing their hands as they realize they threw their mattie under the bus.  They have to face their people, you don't.  Also, the fullah crew enjoy each other company!

The PNC are in power because the PPP were crooks that needed to be removed. Even now they still do not seem to have the moral fortitude to auto correct and modify their policies or their message. They are the same old corrupt mess and on that account Granger could note lose. The PPP failed because they were corrupt to the bone.

ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
yuji22 posted:

Yes, you supported the AFC/PNC. It is folks like you who put Guyana where it is today. A bunch of filth heads are running Guyana, it is bankrupt, corrupt and a crime haven and you supported these clowns.

Dumb as a skunk as usual and completely in the dark as the the discussion here.

No, he's on-point.  It's people like VVP who helped put the hapless, racist PNC in power, now they all wringing their hands as they realize they threw their mattie under the bus.  They have to face their people, you don't.  Also, the fullah crew enjoy each other company!

My interest was not to put the PNC/ACF in but to take the PPP OUT.  I don't regret the choice.  Hopefully come 2020 there will be a new force on the block to take all of them out.  Guyana would have had  a chance to see incompetence back to back. Guyana is full of useless politicians.

Last edited by Former Member
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
yuji22 posted:

Yes, you supported the AFC/PNC. It is folks like you who put Guyana where it is today. A bunch of filth heads are running Guyana, it is bankrupt, corrupt and a crime haven and you supported these clowns.

Dumb as a skunk as usual and completely in the dark as the the discussion here.

No, he's on-point.  It's people like VVP who helped put the hapless, racist PNC in power, now they all wringing their hands as they realize they threw their mattie under the bus.  They have to face their people, you don't.  Also, the fullah crew enjoy each other company!

The PNC are in power because the PPP were crooks that needed to be removed. Even now they still do not seem to have the moral fortitude to auto correct and modify their policies or their message. They are the same old corrupt mess and on that account Granger could note lose. The PPP failed because they were corrupt to the bone.

Just like the democrats heh! How come you support the democrats(losers) and you don't support the PPP. Instead you support apex predators.

VVP posted:
ba$eman posted:

No, he's on-point.  It's people like VVP who helped put the hapless, racist PNC in power, now they all wringing their hands as they realize they threw their mattie under the bus.  They have to face their people, you don't.  Also, the fullah crew enjoy each other company!

My interest was not to put the PNC/ACF in but to take the PPP OUT.  I don't regret the choice.  Hopefully come 2020 there will be a new force on the block to take all of them out.  Guyana would have had  a chance to see incompetence back to back. Guyana is full of useless politicians.

So, you throw out the baby and bathwater.  What a foolhardy position.   Go tell that to all the Indians facing PNC racism!  Tell them you hated BJ and the PPP for personal reasons and wanted them out.  You had hoped the tooth-fairy will get elected and not the racist PNC.

You funny bai, now you telling the Americans what's good for them!

That's BS, you preferred the PNC but now you are ashamed and saying you were just against the PPP.  In the eyes of the Indians, it just don't hold water.  It's a unforgivable lack of judgement!

Danyael posted:

I mentioned exactly that to someone on SN comment section. It is not for love of Granger that  many voted against the PPP but for a dire need to stop the PPP corruption

For the years I read you here, yopu have a deep hatred for Indians and frankly, you did not care.  VVP has his sleepless nights when he see/hear of the consequences of his irrational decision!

skeldon_man posted:
Danyael posted:

Just like the democrats heh! How come you support the democrats(losers) and you don't support the PPP. Instead you support apex predators.

Democrats are the ones who over the past half century has always resurrected the economy and stabilized social life. Republicans on the other hand are deficit spenders and always end up screwing up everything.  I am a social Keynesian so I am for a balance of government oversight and intervention not laissez-faire markets.

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:

I mentioned exactly that to someone on SN comment section. It is not for love of Granger that  many voted against the PPP but for a dire need to stop the PPP corruption

For the years I read you here, yopu have a deep hatred for Indians and frankly, you did not care.  VVP has his sleepless nights when he see/hear of the consequences of his irrational decision!

I will be going down to RH find that coolie/indian who destroyed this man's life.

ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:

I mentioned exactly that to someone on SN comment section. It is not for love of Granger that  many voted against the PPP but for a dire need to stop the PPP corruption

For the years I read you here, yopu have a deep hatred for Indians and frankly, you did not care.  VVP has his sleepless nights when he see/hear of the consequences of his irrational decision!

you read your own reality. I hate crooks and copruptocrats and where they lurk I shine a light. VVP is doing as he always done, commenting as a guyanese not as an indian or a black one at what he thinks about social or political questions.

skeldon_man posted:
ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:

I mentioned exactly that to someone on SN comment section. It is not for love of Granger that  many voted against the PPP but for a dire need to stop the PPP corruption

For the years I read you here, yopu have a deep hatred for Indians and frankly, you did not care.  VVP has his sleepless nights when he see/hear of the consequences of his irrational decision!

I will be going down to RH find that coolie/indian who destroyed this man's life.

You will be doing what you imagined not what you think is real.  As I know it my life is complete in every way I conceived it to be and more.


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