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Preach it Sister, preach the gospel truth. Halleluja!! Prem Bolo bhagwan Ki Jai.
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:
...I do not believe the AFC will fall by the way side, I think their negotiations with APNU for the Speaker is just proof that they are a practical Political Party. Here's a bold prediction: If a no cofidence vote is brought against the Gov't in the next 3 years, look for the APNU and AFC to form a coalition party led by Khemraj or Moses. These guys are talking and they have very similar mandates, its only a matter of time before the light bulb goes on.

Take off your blinders! APNU is PNC and PNC did not want to be led by Winston Murray although he was clearly the best man for the job. Roopnarine had to crawl and beg them to give him the deputy spot, and he turned out to be the best on the campaign field. Like PPP, which had Hinds step down from the presidency after he assumed it on Cheddi's death, both of these parties will only allow a particular etnicity at the top.
Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:
Originally posted by Pointblank:

I was informed that AFC nominee Raphael Trotman was assured support to be Speaker of the National Assembly after I withdrew my candidature in favour of a compromise and to break the opposition grid-lock. This is a great day for Guyana and for democracy, that the parties receiving the majority of votes, could find common ground. I have been named among the 7 MPs from the AFC and look forward to resume my role as parliamentarian in our 3-party House. I thank all of you for your kind support and encouragement, which have made me strong to make the decision I made today. The team work among AFC leaders saw us through in this delicate and critical stage of our new democracy.

Moses Nagamootoo

Awesome!!! I really respect Mose's Country First attitude! This makes me so proud as a Guyanese to have a strong majority oppostion party that will bring the fight to PPP front-door, lead by Moses!

Moses has once again validated himself as a true patriot who is willing to put the interest of the country first and above party politics.....

I am concerned however that the APNU wanted to work with an AFC Trotman as opposed to an AFC Nagamootoo .....
Churchill, Concerned??? You are much SMARTER than that. I understand all his friend will also try and limit the SHAME and I understand and appreciate that.
Originally posted by Churchill:
Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:
Originally posted by Pointblank:

I was informed that AFC nominee Raphael Trotman was assured support to be Speaker of the National Assembly after I withdrew my candidature in favour of a compromise and to break the opposition grid-lock. This is a great day for Guyana and for democracy, that the parties receiving the majority of votes, could find common ground. I have been named among the 7 MPs from the AFC and look forward to resume my role as parliamentarian in our 3-party House. I thank all of you for your kind support and encouragement, which have made me strong to make the decision I made today. The team work among AFC leaders saw us through in this delicate and critical stage of our new democracy.

Moses Nagamootoo

Awesome!!! I really respect Mose's Country First attitude! This makes me so proud as a Guyanese to have a strong majority oppostion party that will bring the fight to PPP front-door, lead by Moses!

Moses has once again validated himself as a true patriot who is willing to put the interest of the country first and above party politics.....

I am concerned however that the APNU wanted to work with an AFC Trotman as opposed to an AFC Nagamootoo .....
Originally posted by Churchill:

Moses has once again validated himself as a true patriot who is willing to put the interest of the country first and above party politics.....

I am concerned however that the APNU wanted to work with an AFC Trotman as opposed to an AFC Nagamootoo .....
Moses is way too close to the PPP. He may have had bad blood with Jagdeo ... but of those 32 sitting members for the PPP in parliament, I guarantee you he is still tight with 25 of them.

This is the best scenario for the speaker case.
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:
...I do not believe the AFC will fall by the way side, I think their negotiations with APNU for the Speaker is just proof that they are a practical Political Party. Here's a bold prediction: If a no cofidence vote is brought against the Gov't in the next 3 years, look for the APNU and AFC to form a coalition party led by Khemraj or Moses. These guys are talking and they have very similar mandates, its only a matter of time before the light bulb goes on.

Take off your blinders! APNU is PNC and PNC did not want to be led by Winston Murray although he was clearly the best man for the job. Roopnarine had to crawl and beg them to give him the deputy spot, and he turned out to be the best on the campaign field. Like PPP, which had Hinds step down from the presidency after he assumed it on Cheddi's death, both of these parties will only allow a particular etnicity at the top.

The APNU had primary elections that Mr. Granger won, so your point is incorrect about the best man not getting the job. Second, my point was about the AFC not the PNC. I don't understand why you are so afraid of the PNC anyway. For the last 20 years the country was ruled by the PPP. The PNC myth is a bogey man that the PPP volleys to minds like yours to maintain the status quo. It's like Bush and the WMD's. Let it go girl, its a scare tactic.
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
Originally posted by raymond:
I am concerned however that the APNU wanted to work with an AFC Trotman as opposed to an AFC Nagamootoo .....

APNU still think Moses is PPP...

...then APNU thinks Trotman is still PNC. I and many who supported AFC also believe this to be true.

There you go again with this PNC stuff. What is your obsession with this now defunct politcal party. Tim Tebow = PNC. lol
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
Originally posted by raymond:
I am concerned however that the APNU wanted to work with an AFC Trotman as opposed to an AFC Nagamootoo .....

APNU still think Moses is PPP...

...then APNU thinks Trotman is still PNC. I and many who supported AFC also believe this to be true.

then you also believe Ramjattan is still PPP Roll, allyuh full of "thoughts"

BTW, you are not an AFC supporter..stop the BS and talk straight!
Originally posted by Nehru:
And listen and learn " PNC know Trotty is theirs"
Originally posted by raymond:
I am concerned however that the APNU wanted to work with an AFC Trotman as opposed to an AFC Nagamootoo .....

APNU still think Moses is PPP...

Seriously, what am I missing here with these guys and this PNC bogey man. It's like you guys can't make a point without mentioning them and I don't understand what is so scary about them? The last time the PNC was revelant Michael Jordan had 1 Championship. I'm more scared of the guys in power now and how they pillage our country. $27.6 Billion secret deals with Chinese companies, $10.4 Billion deal for Marriot that no one knows who owns its. This was all done in 1 year, can you imagine what damage they did for the 11 years Jadego was President? So spare us this PNC bogey man crap.
I suggest you take many Lessons on Guyana's Politics and then come back.
Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:
Originally posted by Nehru:
And listen and learn " PNC know Trotty is theirs"
Originally posted by raymond:
I am concerned however that the APNU wanted to work with an AFC Trotman as opposed to an AFC Nagamootoo .....

APNU still think Moses is PPP...

Seriously, what am I missing here with these guys and this PNC bogey man. It's like you guys can't make a point without mentioning them and I don't understand what is so scary about them? The last time the PNC was revelant Michael Jordan had 1 Championship. I'm more scared of the guys in power now and how they pillage our country. $27.6 Billion secret deals with Chinese companies, $10.4 Billion deal for Marriot that no one knows who owns its. This was all done in 1 year, can you imagine what damage they did for the 11 years Jadego was President? So spare us this PNC bogey man crap.
Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:

I don't understand why you are so afraid of the PNC anyway. For the last 20 years the country was ruled by the PPP.

Your post was addressed to spicy but I'll respond.

Yes! The past 20 years Guyana has been ruled by the PPP, and let's take a look at some of the progress made.

1. GDP PER CAPITA...In 1991 when the PNC was in office GDP per capita in Guyana was $250 US---after 20 years of the PPP, GDP per capita is around $2500 US---that's nearly a 1000% increase.

2. TOTAL DEBT...In 1991 when the PNC was in office Guyana's total debt was $2.1 billion US---after 20 years of the PPP, Guyana's total debt is now around $1.04 billion US

3. GROSS FOREIGN RESERVES...In 1991 when the PNC was in office, Gross foreign reserves was around 123 million US---after 20 years of the PPP, gross foreign reserves is around $780 million US

4. GOLD AND RICE PRODUCTION---I'm sure you are aware of the impressive numbers compared to 1991 when the PNC was in charge.


Guyanese do not want to return to the days when the PNC bankrupted the nation and Guyana was the 2nd poorest country in the southern hemisphere after Haiti.


The PPP has been good for Guyana; the PNC was destructive.

I dont expect a response from you---like most PNC supporters---you're full of HOT AIR.

Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:

Seriously, what am I missing here with these guys and this PNC bogey man. It's like you guys can't make a point without mentioning them and I don't understand what is so scary about them? The last time the PNC was revelant Michael Jordan had 1 Championship. I'm more scared of the guys in power now and how they pillage our country. $27.6 Billion secret deals with Chinese companies, $10.4 Billion deal for Marriot that no one knows who owns its. This was all done in 1 year, can you imagine what damage they did for the 11 years Jadego was President? So spare us this PNC bogey man crap.

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Nehru:
I suggest you take many Lessons on Guyana's Politics and then come back.[QUOTE]

I guess its only corrupt when the other person does it, when its your guy its "Lessons of Guyana Politics". LOL. You shouldn't use the name Nehru, some shoes are way too big to fill bro.
Originally posted by raymond:
Originally posted by alena:
Does Ramotar have the right to reject Trotman and call for new elections??

ayuh wish..hahahahah Big Grin maybe if you PPPites could have been smart enuff to come up with a new constitution, things would be different

With a snap election, the PPP will risk losing more members to the AFC; Moses started the trend, and they also risk losing more seats in Parliament.
Totally NOT True Mits. If there is a Snap Election, AFC will go down like UF and if Moses dont put his act together he will be SPIT on when he campaign next in berbice. Hold me to this.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by raymond:
Originally posted by alena:
Does Ramotar have the right to reject Trotman and call for new elections??

ayuh wish..hahahahah Big Grin maybe if you PPPites could have been smart enuff to come up with a new constitution, things would be different

With a snap election, the PPP will risk losing more members to the AFC; Moses started the trend, and they also risk losing more seats in Parliament.
Originally posted by Nehru:
Totally NOT True Mits. If there is a Snap Election, AFC will go down like UF and if Moses dont put his act together he will be SPIT on when he campaign next in berbice. Hold me to this.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by raymond:
Originally posted by alena:
Does Ramotar have the right to reject Trotman and call for new elections??

ayuh wish..hahahahah Big Grin maybe if you PPPites could have been smart enuff to come up with a new constitution, things would be different

With a snap election, the PPP will risk losing more members to the AFC; Moses started the trend, and they also risk losing more seats in Parliament.

The empty promises of the PPP and the buse down of prominent Berbicians like Moses, Dr. Ramaya by Ramotar and Jagdeo is still fresh in the Berbician minds. The Skeldon Estate, blackouts more than days in the years for the past 20 years and the threat of de-recognising the Sugar Workers union by Ramotar will come back to bite the PPP in the butt. With a snap election, more Berbicians will vote on the issues and not traditionally PPP. Trotman might even be able to mobilise the votes in New Amsterdam which is dying a slow death under the PPP.

If Donald calls a snap election, he does not have enough of a performance record, hence he would be judged on Jagdeo's and the PPP record over the past 20 years. He stands to loose. Just my opinion.
Berbicans and Guyana in general are ALL aware of THE MOLE and how the PNC penetrated the Political System using BOTH Moses and Ramjattan. Guyanese ARE NOT STUPID. I just had a conversation with someone who observedthe Election in Guyana and spent time around the Country.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by Nehru:
Totally NOT True Mits. If there is a Snap Election, AFC will go down like UF and if Moses dont put his act together he will be SPIT on when he campaign next in berbice. Hold me to this.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by raymond:
Originally posted by alena:
Does Ramotar have the right to reject Trotman and call for new elections??

ayuh wish..hahahahah Big Grin maybe if you PPPites could have been smart enuff to come up with a new constitution, things would be different

With a snap election, the PPP will risk losing more members to the AFC; Moses started the trend, and they also risk losing more seats in Parliament.

The empty promises of the PPP and the buse down of prominent Berbicians like Moses, Dr. Ramaya by Ramotar and Jagdeo is still fresh in the Berbician minds. The Skeldon Estate, blackouts more than days in the years for the past 20 years and the threat of de-recognising the Sugar Workers union by Ramotar will come back to bite the PPP in the butt. With a snap election, more Berbicians will vote on the issues and not traditionally PPP. Trotman might even be able to mobilise the votes in New Amsterdam which is dying a slow death under the PPP.

If Donald calls a snap election, he does not have enough of a performance record, hence he would be judged on Jagdeo's and the PPP record over the past 20 years. He stands to loose. Just my opinion.
Originally posted by Nehru:
Berbicans and Guyana in general are ALL aware of THE MOLE and how the PNC penetrated the Political System using BOTH Moses and Ramjattan. Guyanese ARE NOT STUPID. I just had a conversation with someone who observedthe Election in Guyana and spent time around the Country
You are right, they are not stupid. They came out and voted the PPP into a minority party putting an end to elected dictatorship.

The Guyanes people won!!!
Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:

I don't understand why you are so afraid of the PNC anyway. For the last 20 years the country was ruled by the PPP.

Your post was addressed to spicy but I'll respond.

Yes! The past 20 years Guyana has been ruled by the PPP, and let's take a look at some of the progress made.

1. GDP PER CAPITA...In 1991 when the PNC was in office GDP per capita in Guyana was $250 US---after 20 years of the PPP, GDP per capita is around $2500 US---that's nearly a 1000% increase.

2. TOTAL DEBT...In 1991 when the PNC was in office Guyana's total debt was $2.1 billion US---after 20 years of the PPP, Guyana's total debt is now around $1.04 billion US

3. GROSS FOREIGN RESERVES...In 1991 when the PNC was in office, Gross foreign reserves was around 123 million US---after 20 years of the PPP, gross foreign reserves is around $780 million US

4. GOLD AND RICE PRODUCTION---I'm sure you are aware of the impressive numbers compared to 1991 when the PNC was in charge.


Guyanese do not want to return to the days when the PNC bankrupted the nation and Guyana was the 2nd poorest country in the southern hemisphere after Haiti.


The PPP has been good for Guyana; the PNC was destructive.

I dont expect a response from you---like most PNC supporters---you're full of HOT AIR.


Your Math is misleading, so yes even Math can lie.

1. The Real GDP as of 1992 was $736. The Real GDP as of 2011 is $1,293. This is a 75% increase over the past 20 years. Let's take a look at Trinidad, which has a very similar economy. It's real GDP in 1992 was $6368, to 2011 where it is now $15,722. That almost double the increase in Guyana's economy.

2. Guyana received debt relief from the HIPC and IDB for as follows: US$329M in 1999, US $65M in 2005, US$454 in 2007. That's US$858M in debt relief or 40% of the 1992 debt. So if your point was that they paid our debt, it is inaccurate, they were aided because of the poverty of the country.

3. In 1990 GYD exchange rate for the US Dollar was $39.533, today it sits at $204. When your currency is that devalued, you hold a lot more foreign reserves. It just means we are more succeptible to external markets. I do not see why this is even relevant a statistic of economic improvement.

4. Increase of the Gold and Rice production is due to improved effeciency. So I will give the government kudos for this measure, however it is still not improved by the margins that say Trinidad or other developing third world producers have.

Lastly, yes Guyana is no longer the 2nd poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, it's the "third". Beating out Nicaragua. My argument was never to return Guyana to the PNC, just that they are not the scapegoats anymore for the fail policies and corruption of the past 20 years.
Yuh kno Trini gat wan ILE industry right???
Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:
Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:

I don't understand why you are so afraid of the PNC anyway. For the last 20 years the country was ruled by the PPP.

Your post was addressed to spicy but I'll respond.

Yes! The past 20 years Guyana has been ruled by the PPP, and let's take a look at some of the progress made.

1. GDP PER CAPITA...In 1991 when the PNC was in office GDP per capita in Guyana was $250 US---after 20 years of the PPP, GDP per capita is around $2500 US---that's nearly a 1000% increase.

2. TOTAL DEBT...In 1991 when the PNC was in office Guyana's total debt was $2.1 billion US---after 20 years of the PPP, Guyana's total debt is now around $1.04 billion US

3. GROSS FOREIGN RESERVES...In 1991 when the PNC was in office, Gross foreign reserves was around 123 million US---after 20 years of the PPP, gross foreign reserves is around $780 million US

4. GOLD AND RICE PRODUCTION---I'm sure you are aware of the impressive numbers compared to 1991 when the PNC was in charge.


Guyanese do not want to return to the days when the PNC bankrupted the nation and Guyana was the 2nd poorest country in the southern hemisphere after Haiti.


The PPP has been good for Guyana; the PNC was destructive.

I dont expect a response from you---like most PNC supporters---you're full of HOT AIR.


Your Math is misleading, so yes even Math can lie.

1. The Real GDP as of 1992 was $736. The Real GDP as of 2011 is $1,293. This is a 75% increase over the past 20 years. Let's take a look at Trinidad, which has a very similar economy. It's real GDP in 1992 was $6368, to 2011 where it is now $15,722. That almost double the increase in Guyana's economy.

2. Guyana received debt relief from the HIPC and IDB for as follows: US$329M in 1999, US $65M in 2005, US$454 in 2007. That's US$858M in debt relief or 40% of the 1992 debt. So if your point was that they paid our debt, it is inaccurate, they were aided because of the poverty of the country.

3. In 1990 GYD exchange rate for the US Dollar was $39.533, today it sits at $204. When your currency is that devalued, you hold a lot more foreign reserves. It just means we are more succeptible to external markets. I do not see why this is even relevant a statistic of economic improvement.

4. Increase of the Gold and Rice production is due to improved effeciency. So I will give the government kudos for this measure, however it is still not improved by the margins that say Trinidad or other developing third world producers have.

Lastly, yes Guyana is no longer the 2nd poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, it's the "third". Beating out Nicaragua. My argument was never to return Guyana to the PNC, just that they are not the scapegoats anymore for the fail policies and corruption of the past 20 years.
Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:

Your Math is misleading, so yes even Math can lie.

1. The Real GDP as of 1992 was $736. The Real GDP as of 2011 is $1,293. This is a 75% increase over the past 20 years. Let's take a look at Trinidad, which has a very similar economy. It's real GDP in 1992 was $6368, to 2011 where it is now $15,722. That almost double the increase in Guyana's economy.

According to the world bank, world development indicators these were the GDP per capita(current US dollars) figures for Guyana:

1992: Guyana's GDP per capita = $508.95

2010: Guyana's GDP per capita = $2945.16

That's a 578% increase in the GDP per capita under the PPP.

RE: TRINIDAD (data from world bank, world development indicators)

1992: Trinidad's GDP per capita = $4483.97

2010: Trinidad's GDP per capita = $15205.94

That's a 338% increase in GDP per capita in Trinidad.


Guyana's GDP per capita(based on current US dollars) increased 578% between 1992 and 2010; Trinidad's GDP per capita inceased 339% between 1992 and 2010.

Link: world bank, world development indicators

Please provide the link to the data you provided. Thanks.

Snakeoil, Thiefing SOBS, SHAMELESS!!!! Ah namba yuh want ah namba yuh gun get. partybanana partybanana yippie yippieOH Squat dah gat to be TK in disguise. Make up Economics. partybanana partybanana yippie yippie
Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:

Your Math is misleading, so yes even Math can lie.

1. The Real GDP as of 1992 was $736. The Real GDP as of 2011 is $1,293. This is a 75% increase over the past 20 years. Let's take a look at Trinidad, which has a very similar economy. It's real GDP in 1992 was $6368, to 2011 where it is now $15,722. That almost double the increase in Guyana's economy.

According to the world bank, world development indicators these were the GDP per capita(current US dollars) figures for Guyana:

1992: Guyana's GDP per capita = $508.95

2010: Guyana's GDP per capita = $2945.16

That's a 578% increase in the GDP per capita under the PPP.

RE: TRINIDAD (data from world bank, world development indicators)

1992: Trinidad's GDP per capita = $4483.97

2010: Trinidad's GDP per capita = $15205.94

That's a 338% increase in GDP per capita in Trinidad.


Guyana's GDP per capita(based on current US dollars) increased 578% between 1992 and 2010; Trinidad's GDP per capita inceased 339% between 1992 and 2010.

Link: world bank, world development indicators

Please provide the link to the data you provided. Thanks.

Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:

Your Math is misleading, so yes even Math can lie.

1. The Real GDP as of 1992 was $736. The Real GDP as of 2011 is $1,293. This is a 75% increase over the past 20 years. Let's take a look at Trinidad, which has a very similar economy. It's real GDP in 1992 was $6368, to 2011 where it is now $15,722. That almost double the increase in Guyana's economy.

According to the world bank, world development indicators these were the GDP per capita(current US dollars) figures for Guyana:

1992: Guyana's GDP per capita = $508.95

2010: Guyana's GDP per capita = $2945.16

That's a 578% increase in the GDP per capita under the PPP.

RE: TRINIDAD (data from world bank, world development indicators)

1992: Trinidad's GDP per capita = $4483.97

2010: Trinidad's GDP per capita = $15205.94

That's a 338% increase in GDP per capita in Trinidad.


Guyana's GDP per capita(based on current US dollars) increased 578% between 1992 and 2010; Trinidad's GDP per capita inceased 339% between 1992 and 2010.

Link: world bank, world development indicators

Please provide the link to the data you provided. Thanks.


1. GDP PER CAPITA...In 1991 when the PNC was in office GDP per capita in Guyana was $250 US---after 20 years of the PPP, GDP per capita is around $2500 US---that's nearly a 1000% increase.

How do you reconcile the two different sets of numbers you reported? The first time around you stated $250/capita, now its $508. The first time it was 1000% increase, now its 578%. As you can see my numbers are REAL GDP, not NOMIAL GDP, which is less reliable indicator of purchasing power of the population.

Please find the source of my Real GDP Figures below.
Originally posted by raymond:
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
Originally posted by raymond:
I am concerned however that the APNU wanted to work with an AFC Trotman as opposed to an AFC Nagamootoo .....

APNU still think Moses is PPP...

...then APNU thinks Trotman is still PNC. I and many who supported AFC also believe this to be true.

then you also believe Ramjattan is still PPP Roll, allyuh full of "thoughts"

BTW, you are not an AFC supporter..stop the BS and talk straight!

I would like a refund. Mad
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
I hope Mr. Nagamootoo decide to NOT ACCEPT the MP seat for AFC. He should gracefully decline and retire from Guyana politics. History will still judge him kindly.

Now this is what AFC had to do. Find some one who APNU could work with and then insist that the AFC gets the slot. So said, so done.

Nagamootoo has to play his dues like any new member of a party. If he isnt willing to do this then he shouod leave politics. He cant walk into a new situation and then want to call the shots.
Originally posted by marlon:
1. Does this mean that the PNC will not deal with anyone who was linked to the PPP?

marlon aside from a few criminals the PPP usually doesnt deal with the PNC, or with people they PERCEIVE to be PNC...any AfroGuyanese who isnt a PPP stooge, token, or thug.

So why do they weep when APNU treats them likewise.
Originally posted by BOURDABOY:
This AFC party has a smart bunch of fellows. Both the PPP and APNU were set up. Why y'all think Trotty was not assigned a seat in the House from day one? Like they say in chess "Checkmate!" clever Moses will do very well in the House. cheers Now stay tuned. Fireworks on the way!! lol clever

I am sure that APNU held out against Nagamootoo to force the AFC to chose Trotman. Granger is cut from the same clothe (knife and fork Gtwn black people) so they trust each other implicitly. Corbin is another breed of AfroGuyanese.
Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:
Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:

Your Math is misleading, so yes even Math can lie.

1. The Real GDP as of 1992 was $736. The Real GDP as of 2011 is $1,293. This is a 75% increase over the past 20 years. Let's take a look at Trinidad, which has a very similar economy. It's real GDP in 1992 was $6368, to 2011 where it is now $15,722. That almost double the increase in Guyana's economy.

According to the world bank, world development indicators these were the GDP per capita(current US dollars) figures for Guyana:

1992: Guyana's GDP per capita = $508.95

2010: Guyana's GDP per capita = $2945.16

That's a 578% increase in the GDP per capita under the PPP.

RE: TRINIDAD (data from world bank, world development indicators)

1992: Trinidad's GDP per capita = $4483.97

2010: Trinidad's GDP per capita = $15205.94

That's a 338% increase in GDP per capita in Trinidad.


Guyana's GDP per capita(based on current US dollars) increased 578% between 1992 and 2010; Trinidad's GDP per capita inceased 339% between 1992 and 2010.

Link: world bank, world development indicators

Please provide the link to the data you provided. Thanks.


1. GDP PER CAPITA...In 1991 when the PNC was in office GDP per capita in Guyana was $250 US---after 20 years of the PPP, GDP per capita is around $2500 US---that's nearly a 1000% increase.

How do you reconcile the two different sets of numbers you reported? The first time around you stated $250/capita, now its $508. The first time it was 1000% increase, now its 578%. As you can see my numbers are REAL GDP, not NOMIAL GDP, which is less reliable indicator of purchasing power of the population.

Please find the source of my Real GDP Figures below.
Do we need figures to demonstrate that Guyana is more mediocre than any other Caribbean Island or country?
Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:

1. GDP PER CAPITA...In 1991 when the PNC was in office GDP per capita in Guyana was $250 US---after 20 years of the PPP, GDP per capita is around $2500 US---that's nearly a 1000% increase.

How do you reconcile the two different sets of numbers you reported? The first time around you stated $250/capita, now its $508. The first time it was 1000% increase, now its 578%. As you can see my numbers are REAL GDP, not NOMIAL GDP, which is less reliable indicator of purchasing power of the population.

Please find the source of my Real GDP Figures below.

The $250(1991)-->$2500(2010) figures were from an unofficial source--obviously not based on current USD.

The $508(1992)--->$2945(2010) gdp per capita(based on current US$) were from the world bank, world development indicators.

The reality is 20 years ago Guyana was classified as a highly indebted poor country---thanks to debt writeoffs---compliments of the paris club and developed countries---Guyana's debt load was significantly reduced---inflation has been tamed---and the mining, agri, and other sectors have prospered.


Absolutely! And I hope the opposition parties(pnc and afc) stem the corruption.

Going forward I am confident Guyana is better off under the PPP's leadership.

The PNC was corrupt and destroyed the country; the PPP has been corrupt, but at least the country has experienced significant progress.


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