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Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
I hope Mr. Nagamootoo decide to NOT ACCEPT the MP seat for AFC. He should gracefully decline and retire from Guyana politics. History will still judge him kindly.

Now this is what AFC had to do. Find some one who APNU could work with and then insist that the AFC gets the slot. So said, so done.

Nagamootoo has to play his dues like any new member of a party. If he isnt willing to do this then he shouod leave politics. He cant walk into a new situation and then want to call the shots.

yeah and you so happy it's one of your bruda..a PNC thug the kind you supports
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
I hope Mr. Nagamootoo decide to NOT ACCEPT the MP seat for AFC. He should gracefully decline and retire from Guyana politics. History will still judge him kindly.

Now this is what AFC had to do. Find some one who APNU could work with and then insist that the AFC gets the slot. So said, so done.

Nagamootoo has to play his dues like any new member of a party. If he isnt willing to do this then he shouod leave politics. He cant walk into a new situation and then want to call the shots.

What AFC supporters have since discovered is that is that AFC is a junior member APNU.
Originally posted by Rev Al:

Absolutely! And I hope the opposition parties(pnc and afc) stem the corruption.

Going forward I am confident Guyana is better off under the PPP's leadership.

The PNC was corrupt and destroyed the country; the PPP has been corrupt, but at least the country has experienced significant progress.


This is unfortunately where I disagree with you. Corruption is not bias, there is no good or bad corruption. It just is. Take for example the US$138M CJIA rennovation project and the US$52M Marriott Hotel. Instead of spending almost US$200M on effectively one sector: Tourism, where Guyana is ranked dead LAST in the Caribbean. Why not a capital investment in "Inter-Region Highway System" that would provide access to all areas of Guyana. That would increase production, tourism, development and export. My guess is those 2 contracts were rigged with kickbacks for a select few individuals that negotiated them. This to you is Good corruption I guess, to me its just deporable.
Originally posted by raymond:
What AFC supporters have since discovered is that is that AFC is a junior member APNU.

I am an AFC supporter and I know many more who don't think this way...stop telling lies...admit you were always PPP pretending to support AFC

Prior to being an AFC supporter, you were a damn PNC apologist like Chief. You and chief attitude continues to decay on this board daily.
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
Originally posted by raymond:
What AFC supporters have since discovered is that is that AFC is a junior member APNU.

I am an AFC supporter and I know many more who don't think this way...stop telling lies...admit you were always PPP pretending to support AFC

Prior to being an AFC supporter, you were a damn PNC apologist like Chief. You and chief attitude continues to decay on this board daily.

there is no law against who one should support...after all, you supported a corrupt fag who had a fake marriage, then proceeded to lock his wife out the bedroom...yu don't see me rediculing you for that, do you?
there is no law against who one should support...after all, you supported a corrupt ****** who had a fake marriage, then procedded to lock his wife out the bedroom...yu don't see me rediculing you for that, do you?

The AFC is no different from the PNC so you're still a PNC apologist to date. Your attitude stinks and you speak crap. You do not represent the Indians of Guyana.
look how he stupid running around like a chicken without head. partybanana partybanana
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
there is no law against who one should support...after all, you supported a corrupt ****** who had a fake marriage, then procedded to lock his wife out the bedroom...yu don't see me rediculing you for that, do you?

The AFC is no different from the PNC so you're still a PNC apologist to date. Your attitude stinks and you speak crap. You do not represent the Indians of Guyana.
Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:
This is unfortunately where I disagree with you. Corruption is not bias, there is no good or bad corruption. It just is. Take for example the US$138M CJIA rennovation project and the US$52M Marriott Hotel. Instead of spending almost US$200M on effectively one sector: Tourism, where Guyana is ranked dead LAST in the Caribbean. Why not a capital investment in "Inter-Region Highway System" that would provide access to all areas of Guyana. That would increase production, tourism, development and export. My guess is those 2 contracts were rigged with kickbacks for a select few individuals that negotiated them. This to you is Good corruption I guess, to me its just deporable.

Listen! You're reading me wrong. I find corruption abhorrent.

But I am a realist--and I know as long as politicians have power---they will be corrupt---it is only the rare politician who is not corrupt or corruptible---Jagan and Nagas were not corrupt.

I was reading an article recently about Newt Gingrich---when he entered congress he had a net worth of 10,000---when he left his net worth was 7.5 million.


My point in my previous post was the corrupt PNC bankrupted Guyana---while the country has seen some progress under the corrupt PPP. Therefore I suggested that the PPP continue running the country---the lesser of 2 evils.


Those are small potatoes---Guyanese politicians will make tens of millions in bribes and kickbacks if Amalia falls hydro ever becomes a reality----2 years ago that project was slated to cost around 450 million---now I am reading the costs will be nearly a billion---politicans---not just the PPP---afc and pnc also---will be smiling broadly if amalia hydro ever becomes a reality---their bank balances will balloon. Smile

That is why my Business will pick up. I am going to sell Washinton Bridge, Holland Tunnel and other properties i own to many on this Board.!!!
Originally posted by albert:
Its amazing....Trotman less than a year ago refuse to be the prime ministerial candidate of the A.F.C because of health reasons, (he got high cholesterol), then all of a sudden he accepts the speaker's position....interesting indeed
Originally posted by Rev Al:
Listen! You're reading me wrong. I find corruption abhorrent.

But I am a realist--and I know as long as politicians have power---they will be corrupt---it is only the rare politician who is not corrupt or corruptible---Jagan and Nagas were not corrupt.

I was reading an article recently about Newt Gingrich---when he entered congress he had a net worth of 10,000---when he left his net worth was 7.5 million.


My point in my previous post was the corrupt PNC bankrupted Guyana---while the country has seen some progress under the corrupt PPP. Therefore I suggested that the PPP continue running the country---the lesser of 2 evils.


Those are small potatoes---Guyanese politicians will make tens of millions in bribes and kickbacks if Amalia falls hydro ever becomes a reality----2 years ago that project was slated to cost around 450 million---now I am reading the costs will be nearly a billion---politicans---not just the PPP---afc and pnc also---will be smiling broadly if amalia hydro ever becomes a reality---their bank balances will balloon. Smile


If your only problem with the PNC was that they bankrupted the country through corruption, then give thes guys in power another 10 more years and you see the national debt of the country. They have increased the debt by US$600M over the past 4 years alone.

To your point about corrupt politicans, my solution is simple. Appoint qualified individuals as Ministers, not politicans. Its one thing to make money off of your influence, which I am pretty sure Mr. Gingrich did, it's another to pocket tax payers money. That's stealing. The Amalia Hydro Project, which generates about 165MW of energy will cost US$835M. Compare this to the Aldeadavila Dam in Portugal (construction cost US$443.5M ), which can produce 1200MW of energy.

Time to put country first and stop this pillaging of our country. I don't care what you letters you affliate with politically, the only letters that should matter is G.U.Y.A.N.A.
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
there is no law against who one should support...after all, you supported a corrupt ****** who had a fake marriage, then procedded to lock his wife out the bedroom...yu don't see me rediculing you for that, do you?

The AFC is no different from the PNC so you're still a PNC apologist to date. Your attitude stinks and you speak crap. You do not represent the Indians of Guyana.

why would I want to represent the Indians of Guyana? You are one dotish person....please, buy some sense...
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
In the next General Elections, AFC will follow the route of TUF. The battle will be between APNU and PPP, and the latter can rest assured it will garner no less than 55%.
Ramotar should set about rebuilding the party's grassroots and reinstate democracy within PPP. Once a year, he should review the Cabinet and make changes where necessary. He should improve relations with the private sector and work with it to increase job creation. Public servants must be promoted by merit and not party or ethnic affiliation. Stamp out blatant corruption and initiate serious police reform. Reinstate the Death penalty. Work with Local Authorities to improve conditions in the municipalities and return Georgetown to its garden city status. He will earn the love and respect of Guyanese and be entrusted with another term with a convincing mandate.

Spice Girl.....let us make it simple for Ramotar to see if he can win back our support????

I would cut your list down to the Basic....just these 3 things you mention....ONLY THIS...."Stamp out blatant corruption and initiate serious police reform. Reinstate the Death penalty."

Short, Simple and Sweet
(1) Yes....Immediately Initiate Investigation of 4 Persons in the Previous Administration for Corruption.(Lets start Investigating Jagdeo, Robert, Irfan and Ramsammy.
(2) Yes .....Reform the Police and Judicary to tackle the serious Crime Problem.
(3) Yes.....Reinstate the Death anyone (PNC, WPA, AFC or PPP) Criminal or Corrupt Official caught know 2012 is different from 1964-2011.

Lets stop all the small talk here.....and see which Parties want change....and will support change now.
Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:
Time to put country first and stop this pillaging of our country. I don't care what you letters you affliate with politically, the only letters that should matter is G.U.Y.A.N.A.

Well, the Rev sees good things ahead for Guyana.


The mines will be completed and become operational by 2014. It is expected that this project will generate 1.6 billion US in revenues for the government over a 20 year period.


Say a prayer Berlin--in 6 months we shall know if Guyana has oil in commercial quantities. More revenues for the country if oil is found---also lots of spin off industries---fertilzer, oil refinery, etc, etc


Such a project will take Guyana to another level economically---cheaper energy means indutries such as aluminium refining can be developed.


The Russians will be increasing production in bauxite, right ?


Politicians will fill their pockets---but the Guyanese people will also benefit.

Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by BOURDABOY:
This AFC party has a smart bunch of fellows. Both the PPP and APNU were set up. Why y'all think Trotty was not assigned a seat in the House from day one? Like they say in chess "Checkmate!" clever Moses will do very well in the House. cheers Now stay tuned. Fireworks on the way!! lol clever

I am sure that APNU held out against Nagamootoo to force the AFC to chose Trotman. Granger is cut from the same clothe (knife and fork Gtwn black people) so they trust each other implicitly. Corbin is another breed of AfroGuyanese.

Now yuh ga reason foa celebrate, nuff Afro ambassador and an Afro speaker. Now stop complaining and get bak to wuk before da white bass put too lash pon yuh rass.
Originally posted by albert:
Its amazing....Trotman less than a year ago refuse to be the prime ministerial candidate of the A.F.C because of health reasons, (he got high cholesterol), then all of a sudden he accepts the speaker's position....interesting indeed

What does one have to do with the other? Did he not become the Prime Ministerial candidate when Ms. Holder unfortunately passed away. Lastly, I don't understand this conspiracy that a lot of you are trying to trump up here. The APNU said no to Mr. Nagamootoo because is only a member of the AFC for less than 4 months as of today.
Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:
Originally posted by albert:
Its amazing....Trotman less than a year ago refuse to be the prime ministerial candidate of the A.F.C because of health reasons, (he got high cholesterol), then all of a sudden he accepts the speaker's position....interesting indeed

What does one have to do with the other? Did he not become the Prime Ministerial candidate when Ms. Holder unfortunately passed away. Lastly, I don't understand this conspiracy that a lot of you are trying to trump up here. The APNU said no to Mr. Nagamootoo because is only a member of the AFC for less than 4 months as of today.

That's only the excuse they give.

Moses will demand an open vote for the leadership and when he does not get it, will quit like Peter ramsaroop did.

Moses is the wedge with which the PPP will split the AFC into two factions. Stay tuned..
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Can someone please name all of the speakers we've had since Independence??

Sir Eustace Gordon Woolford

Sir Donald Edward Jackson

Mr. Rahman Baccus Gajraj

Mr. Aubrey Percival Alleyne

Mr. Rahman Baccus Gajraj

Mr. Sase Narain

Mr. Derek Chunilall Jagan

Mrs. Clarissa S. Riehl (acting)

Mr. Martin Zephyr

Mr. Hari "Ralph" Ramkaran
Originally posted by Nehru:
That is why my Business will pick up. I am going to sell Washinton Bridge, Holland Tunnel and other properties i own to many on this Board.!!!
Originally posted by albert:
Its amazing....Trotman less than a year ago refuse to be the prime ministerial candidate of the A.F.C because of health reasons, (he got high cholesterol), then all of a sudden he accepts the speaker's position....interesting indeed
like you want to go and bugger with amad
Nah me ah do dat wid someone you kno. Wink
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Nehru:
That is why my Business will pick up. I am going to sell Washinton Bridge, Holland Tunnel and other properties i own to many on this Board.!!!
Originally posted by albert:
Its amazing....Trotman less than a year ago refuse to be the prime ministerial candidate of the A.F.C because of health reasons, (he got high cholesterol), then all of a sudden he accepts the speaker's position....interesting indeed
like you want to go and bugger with amad
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:
Originally posted by albert:
Its amazing....Trotman less than a year ago refuse to be the prime ministerial candidate of the A.F.C because of health reasons, (he got high cholesterol), then all of a sudden he accepts the speaker's position....interesting indeed

What does one have to do with the other? Did he not become the Prime Ministerial candidate when Ms. Holder unfortunately passed away. Lastly, I don't understand this conspiracy that a lot of you are trying to trump up here. The APNU said no to Mr. Nagamootoo because is only a member of the AFC for less than 4 months as of today.

That's only the excuse they give.

Moses will demand an open vote for the leadership and when he does not get it, will quit like Peter ramsaroop did.

Moses is the wedge with which the PPP will split the AFC into two factions. Stay tuned..

Mr. Ramsaroop is a smart individual. I read his book "Road to El Dorado", so I respect his vision of Guyana. However, I don't understand how you can criticize the Government as he did vehmently in his book, then turn around and support them. It does not reconcile to me.
Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:
Originally posted by albert:
Its amazing....Trotman less than a year ago refuse to be the prime ministerial candidate of the A.F.C because of health reasons, (he got high cholesterol), then all of a sudden he accepts the speaker's position....interesting indeed

What does one have to do with the other? Did he not become the Prime Ministerial candidate when Ms. Holder unfortunately passed away. Lastly, I don't understand this conspiracy that a lot of you are trying to trump up here. The APNU said no to Mr. Nagamootoo because is only a member of the AFC for less than 4 months as of today.

That's only the excuse they give.

Moses will demand an open vote for the leadership and when he does not get it, will quit like Peter ramsaroop did.

Moses is the wedge with which the PPP will split the AFC into two factions. Stay tuned..

Mr. Ramsaroop is a smart individual. I read his book "Road to El Dorado", so I respect his vision of Guyana. However, I don't understand how you can criticize the Government as he did vehmently in his book, then turn around and support them. It does not reconcile to me.

Those months before the elections were weird.
I was shocked beyond belief about the happenings amd marriages of these politicians. I don't have an explanation for you..
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:
Originally posted by albert:
Its amazing....Trotman less than a year ago refuse to be the prime ministerial candidate of the A.F.C because of health reasons, (he got high cholesterol), then all of a sudden he accepts the speaker's position....interesting indeed

What does one have to do with the other? Did he not become the Prime Ministerial candidate when Ms. Holder unfortunately passed away. Lastly, I don't understand this conspiracy that a lot of you are trying to trump up here. The APNU said no to Mr. Nagamootoo because is only a member of the AFC for less than 4 months as of today.

That's only the excuse they give.

Moses will demand an open vote for the leadership and when he does not get it, will quit like Peter ramsaroop did.

Moses is the wedge with which the PPP will split the AFC into two factions. Stay tuned..

Mr. Ramsaroop is a smart individual. I read his book "Road to El Dorado", so I respect his vision of Guyana. However, I don't understand how you can criticize the Government as he did vehmently in his book, then turn around and support them. It does not reconcile to me.

Those months before the elections were weird.
I was shocked beyond belief about the happenings amd marriages of these politicians. I don't have an explanation for you..

That's because you are drunk most of the time.
Originally posted by albert:
Its amazing....Trotman less than a year ago refuse to be the prime ministerial candidate of the A.F.C because of health reasons, (he got high cholesterol), then all of a sudden he accepts the speaker's position....interesting indeed

Trotman is a PNC to the bone and we will see his true colors when this parliament convenes. APNU and the AFC should thank to all those ungrateful collies who was too drunk to go out and vote and those neemakaras who went with the AFC.
Originally posted by SuperMike:
Originally posted by Nehru:
I cant help but break my silence.WHAT A SHAME, DISGRACE AND HURT MOSES MUST BE FEELING. aFTER all he did for AFC he is being treated like floor cloth. I warned him that this was THE PLAN. Trotty played a wonderful Game and had Moses and ramjattan where he wanted. This should be an eye opener for others who make decisions with Anger and Frustration. PIGS are treated better in this World.

de man is a neemakaram...he gat no shame..all he wants is power... he left the PPP and went to the AFC only to get KATAHAR....what a lozer and a back stabbing collie Red Face


Good Lord, we have a nice elections, the people have spoken, this is the period of healing and yet you allow these kind of comments from the Kwame machinery.

Please man, can you raise the bar here.

Moses is a Guyanese patriot who has put his life on the line for GUYANA. Let us at least treat the man with some level of decorum. He lives the Cheddi Jagan life - financial modesty.

Admin, can you at least advise these Kwame phantom to take a chill pill.
Originally posted by SuperMike:
Originally posted by albert:
Its amazing....Trotman less than a year ago refuse to be the prime ministerial candidate of the A.F.C because of health reasons, (he got high cholesterol), then all of a sudden he accepts the speaker's position....interesting indeed

Trotman is a PNC to the bone and we will see his true colors when this parliament convenes. APNU and the AFC should thank to all those ungrateful collies who was too drunk to go out and vote and those neemakaras who went with the AFC.

OK Supa, put up or shut up. Show us the evidence that Trotty is PNC to the bone. A waiting. Let us take this debate to the facts.

A waiting.
Originally posted by Sase Singh:
Originally posted by SuperMike:
Originally posted by albert:
Its amazing....Trotman less than a year ago refuse to be the prime ministerial candidate of the A.F.C because of health reasons, (he got high cholesterol), then all of a sudden he accepts the speaker's position....interesting indeed

Trotman is a PNC to the bone and we will see his true colors when this parliament convenes. APNU and the AFC should thank to all those ungrateful collies who was too drunk to go out and vote and those neemakaras who went with the AFC.

OK Supa, put up or shut up. Show us the evidence that Trotty is PNC to the bone. A waiting. Let us take this debate to the facts.

A waiting.

Lbael are nothing else than labels. I went down to GT sued the NCN, Guyana Chronicle and Faizul Ali for 100 million. Did you know to this day the Court Marshall cannot find Fizul Ali. He has gone into hidding. If he allegations are so true, why is he hiding?

Please help me here. But who man miss, God does catch. Time will catch up with Fizul and the US$20,000 that he was paid by the BIG-RAT, it will finish and what will he do next?

I am free in my mind, is Fizal and his political handlers free in their mind Nehru. Prisoners in their own world.

Label on brother, it does not chnage the truth.

You can now carry your thought to the PPP and the people Rupert Roopnarine refer to as Ali Baba and his gang of 40 you know what.

Originally posted by Nehru:
Originally posted by Sase Singh:
Originally posted by SuperMike:
Originally posted by albert:
Its amazing....Trotman less than a year ago refuse to be the prime ministerial candidate of the A.F.C because of health reasons, (he got high cholesterol), then all of a sudden he accepts the speaker's position....interesting indeed

Trotman is a PNC to the bone and we will see his true colors when this parliament convenes. APNU and the AFC should thank to all those ungrateful collies who was too drunk to go out and vote and those neemakaras who went with the AFC.

OK Supa, put up or shut up. Show us the evidence that Trotty is PNC to the bone. A waiting. Let us take this debate to the facts.

A waiting.

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