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Originally posted by Sase Singh:
Originally posted by SuperMike:
Originally posted by Nehru:
I cant help but break my silence.WHAT A SHAME, DISGRACE AND HURT MOSES MUST BE FEELING. aFTER all he did for AFC he is being treated like floor cloth. I warned him that this was THE PLAN. Trotty played a wonderful Game and had Moses and ramjattan where he wanted. This should be an eye opener for others who make decisions with Anger and Frustration. PIGS are treated better in this World.

de man is a neemakaram...he gat no shame..all he wants is power... he left the PPP and went to the AFC only to get KATAHAR....what a lozer and a back stabbing collie Red Face


Good Lord, we have a nice elections, the people have spoken, this is the period of healing and yet you allow these kind of comments from the Kwame machinery.

Please man, can you raise the bar here.

Moses is a Guyanese patriot who has put his life on the line for GUYANA. Let us at least treat the man with some level of decorum. He lives the Cheddi Jagan life - financial modesty.

Admin, can you at least advise these Kwame phantom to take a chill pill.

Financial modesty is NOT LEADERSHIP QUALITIES. That is the reason CBJ put Guyana into the hands of thieves.

Moses came from a corrupted house(Freedom House). There is absolutely nothing of value he learnt there that can benefit Guyanese. He wasted 50 years of his life with loosers.

His own personal qualities should remake him. First he has to unlearn and then relearn all over again about human values and loose the idol worshipping he been doing on CBJ's name..

Bullyism is A PPP trait.
Trotman to be Speaker
-no rotation

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Alliance For Change Leader (AFC) Raphael Trotman has confirmed that he has been selected by the opposition parties as the consensus candidate for the post of Speaker of the National Assembly following the withdrawal of previous AFC nominee Moses Nagamootoo.

β€œWe have a meeting with A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) later today (yesterday) to agree and ratify issues pertaining to the Speaker, the Deputy Speaker and other matters pertinent to the first sitting of the Assembly, the swearing in of members, even the accommodation and the seating arrangement and so forth,” he said.

β€œAt this point in time we intend to present to the Guyanese public a face that says that the Opposition parties can display maturity and magnanimity and the requisite levels of patriotism and national interest that….

It's time that someone can "display maturity and magnanimity and the requisite level of patriotism..." It was in the interest of the PPP to display such maturity & magnanmity and support one of the opposition ( preferably the AFC ) for the speakership thereby showing that they were sincere in working with the oppositioin.
Angry??? Facts Baby Facts. Who cant take the bloody heat, get out the bloody kitchen. yippie yippie PPP PPP PPP Ask Colin Croft what the alternative will be. " African Style Dictatorship".. partybanana partybanana I know how much you miss getting your Ass whipped at Hope Estate by a man on a White Horse. partybanana partybanana
Originally posted by raymond:
Supa and Nehru sound very angry Big Grin

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