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ACTUALS G $M 2015 and prior Revised Actual
 Budget 201720162015
CURRENT REVENUES186,022.0174,802.6161,710.2
1.1 Guyana Revenue Authority162,592.0149,280.8142,896.3
1.1.1 Internal Revenue67,054.867,796.760,933.2
1.1.2 Customs and Excise15,837.415,511.713,156.3
1.1.3 Value Added and Excise Tax79,699.865,972.468,806.8
1.2 Sugar Levy   
1.3 Other23,430.025,521.818,813.9
CURRENT EXPENDITURES177,528.7166,651.9141,152.1
2.1 Personal Emoluments54,845.249,010.144,661.7
2.2 Goods and Charges51,589.248,804.343,175.9
2.3 Transfer of Payments71,094.368,837.553,314.5
INTEREST EXPENDITURE6,862.15,543.95,225.3
3.1 Domestic2,123.31,887.61,716.5
3.2 External (Cash)4,738.83,656.33,508.8
CURRENT BALANCE1,631.22,606.815,332.8
CAPITAL REVENUE13,151.86,772.56,329.2
5.1 Grants13,144.86,755.75,329.2
5.1.1 HIPC and MDRI1,484.71,484.71,484.7
5.1.2 Project and Programme11,660.15,271.03,844.5
5.2 Other (inc. Sale of Assets)7.016.81,000.0
CAPITAL EXPENDITURE56,758.447,606.530,664.9
DEBT REPAYMENT8,974.16,766.315,038.9
7.1 Domestic (Net)279.935.535.5
7.2 External (Cash)8,694.26,730.815,003.4
OVERALL BALANCE-50,949.5-44,993.5-24,041.8
TOTAL FINANCING50,949.444,993.424,041.7
9.1 External18,243.814,608.214,710.8
9.2 Domestic32,705.630,385.29,330.9
9.3 Divestment (net)   
Total Domestic and External Debt as a % of Current Revenue8.5%7.0%12.5%
Guyana Budget (Actuals for Historic Years)250,123.3226,568.6192,081.2

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Y'all eat y'all hearts out is we time now.

From Ram and McRae":

"There is an allocation of $285.5 million for the provision of buildings, facilities and alternative energy for the Office Residence of the President. This means that over the years 2015 – 2017 a total of $468 million would have been spent thereon. Is there proper procurement and real value for money?"


Ram and McRae p. 48.  Read and weep who cares 

Reputation Under Threat
The APNU+AFC earned its razor-thin, one seat majority after the public and the electorate had become completely disenchanted with the corrupt practices of the PPP/C Government. President Granger had an
impeccable record for decency, the APNU’s major coalition partner the Alliance for Change was strong on rhetoric and the WPA, though not an electoral force in its own right, enjoyed credibility among the electorate.

Yet, one and a half years into the administration the APNU+AFC government is fighting a battle to preserve its collective reputation after a series of steps that raise doubts about its integrity and that of its leading players.  The situation has been developing for some time since the Government reneged on its commitment to significantly increase public sector wages and salaries while giving itself a substantial 50% increase and then arrogantly claiming that it has no apology to make.

Apparently, mainly the self-employed professionals convinced themselves and their Cabinet colleagues about the vast monetary sacrifice in terms of earnings forgone in their “employment” as ministers. Did anyone seek any corroborating evidence that these persons were declaring as income the amount they claimed to have been losing? The problem is that everyone in that Cabinet meeting was a beneficiary of their collective decision so no one was going to act against their self-interest.

Their call for more money did not end there. In a Secret Document dated 2016-02-12, Cabinet made a decision on payment of generous overseas travel. For the President and the Prime Minister, Cabinet decided that there should be no fixed limit, no accountability and that the allowances should cover their expenses abroad, including those for their spouses when accompanying them on official business abroad.

Vice-Presidents, all Ministers, the Speaker of the National Assembly, the Chancellor and certain other persons
are entitled to business class travel, hotel suites, US$100 per day to cover meals and US$50 per day for expenses.

Some of these allowances, but not the quantum, were paid under the PPP/C and the country and then
opposition was scathing in their criticism of the apparent reckless spending. Now, this Government has
decided to increase those allowances.

It seems hard to justify unspecified, unlimited, unaccounted allowances to the President and the Prime Minister and their spouses. It does not escape notice too, that the daily amounts
for hotel, subsistence and out-of-pocket expenses for ministers that exceed an entire month’s salary of a junior public servant.

And what makes this attitude so unacceptable is that some of these ministers continue to carry on their private practice, albeit on a more limited scale. This is no rumour: Ram & McRae has seen documentary evidence of this.

The AFC found its credential tarnished after the Government was persuaded to award the Specialty Hospital
construction contract to the Indian company Fedders Lloyd which had lost out on its earlier bid but which
Cabinet restored. The Government reacted negatively to the protests of the public but as fate would have it,
the Indian Government pulled the plug on the loan and brought the project to an end.

President Granger himself acted improperly in taking gifts from businesspersons around the country for the otherwise commendable efforts to provide school children access to schools. In doing so however, Mr. Granger not only violated the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act but devalued the initiative by insisting that his name be on every bus or boat donated.


Guyana buddies:

List of Countries That Have Qualified for, are Eligible or Potentially Eligible and May Wish to Receive HIPC Initiative Assistance (as of March 2016)

Post-Completion-Point Countries (36)





The Gambia





Burkina Faso








SÃĢo TomÃĐ & Príncipe

Central African Republic





Sierra Leone




Republic of Congo



Democratic Republic of Congo



CÃīte d’Ivoire



Pre-Decision-Point Countries (3)




skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
VVP posted:

Why are the two capital expenditures for 2016 power generation different in the attached documents.  The both are from the 2016 Budget Volume 1.

One of the amount looks like money given to GPL,i may be wrong.

Why the government don't privatize GPL ?

Then them PNC boys cyan't tief.

Same for the PPP boys,look how they are wealthy today,i recalled this fella said "they can take lil bit but abhee ah see progress" he is wan "ethnocentric fella"

Django posted:
VVP posted:

Why are the two capital expenditures for 2016 power generation different in the attached documents.  The both are from the 2016 Budget Volume 1.

One of the amount looks like money given to GPL,i may be wrong.

Why the government don't privatize GPL ?

Nobody wants it.  The British firm that both it gave up and left.

I am not sure if the capital expenditures in Appendix E is reflected in the budget or they are just amounts raised by State owned enterprises outside of the NYPA and the Thruway Authority in NY.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
VVP posted:

Why are the two capital expenditures for 2016 power generation different in the attached documents.  The both are from the 2016 Budget Volume 1.

One of the amount looks like money given to GPL,i may be wrong.

Why the government don't privatize GPL ?

Then them PNC boys cyan't tief.

Same for the PPP boys,look how they are wealthy today,i recalled this fella said "they can take lil bit but abhee ah see progress" he is wan "ethnocentric fella"

PPP thief and left money for 50% raises, remodel mansions, sport up and too many to mention. PNc left the treasury empty in 1992 and is on the verge of doing so in 2017. Why you think they are trying to "squeeze blood out of baboons' balls"?


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