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Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:

For you East INdian bashers, leh meh see ayuh fight for Essequibo... 

And you don't think that Indians, as GUYANESE, should also not to do what ever is in their grasp to prevent this.


Thanks for proving that the Indo KKK don't think that they are Guyanese, even as they feel entitled to 100% rule Guyana, ignoring the non Indian population.


I am glad that you referred to the "other Indo KKK", because you are definitely an Indo KKK.

For 28 years, you all din threat Indians as Guyanese. And for 23 years Indians think they had control for evah.




This is at the heart of Guyana's race problem.

There is an entire thread in the archives baring alyuh bare naked racism against black man going back to the 50's and 60's. Rural indian racists like you, Seignet and the rest of the Indo KKK gave rise to Burnham and institutionalized racism with your lust for Hindutva in Guyana. You paid for it for 28 years, but sounds like you want a resurgence of your Hindutva shit again!

Banna, you playing with Fyah!!

Quit talking shit! Burnham practiced racism against Indians because of the apan jat hindutva shit in teh 50's 60's. It was his way of keeping power. Today you have you, yugi and the hindutva clowns screaming the same shit - Indian rule only! You and your ilk want the racism to continue.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:

For you East INdian bashers, leh meh see ayuh fight for Essequibo... 

And you don't think that Indians, as GUYANESE, should also not to do what ever is in their grasp to prevent this.


Thanks for proving that the Indo KKK don't think that they are Guyanese, even as they feel entitled to 100% rule Guyana, ignoring the non Indian population.


I am glad that you referred to the "other Indo KKK", because you are definitely an Indo KKK.

For 28 years, you all din threat Indians as Guyanese. And for 23 years Indians think they had control for evah.




This is at the heart of Guyana's race problem.

There is an entire thread in the archives baring alyuh bare naked racism against black man going back to the 50's and 60's. Rural indian racists like you, Seignet and the rest of the Indo KKK gave rise to Burnham and institutionalized racism with your lust for Hindutva in Guyana. You paid for it for 28 years, but sounds like you want a resurgence of your Hindutva shit again!

You are making your race look foolish. Stop and think before you write. You have no clue about those 28 years. If u keep going the way u going I am going to conclude that bcz ur a black person, u r  correct to hate East Indians.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:

For you East INdian bashers, leh meh see ayuh fight for Essequibo... 

And you don't think that Indians, as GUYANESE, should also not to do what ever is in their grasp to prevent this.


Thanks for proving that the Indo KKK don't think that they are Guyanese, even as they feel entitled to 100% rule Guyana, ignoring the non Indian population.


I am glad that you referred to the "other Indo KKK", because you are definitely an Indo KKK.

For 28 years, you all din threat Indians as Guyanese. And for 23 years Indians think they had control for evah.




This is at the heart of Guyana's race problem.

There is an entire thread in the archives baring alyuh bare naked racism against black man going back to the 50's and 60's. Rural indian racists like you, Seignet and the rest of the Indo KKK gave rise to Burnham and institutionalized racism with your lust for Hindutva in Guyana. You paid for it for 28 years, but sounds like you want a resurgence of your Hindutva shit again!

Banna, you playing with Fyah!!

Quit talking shit! Burnham practiced racism against Indians because of the apan jat hindutva shit in teh 50's 60's. It was his way of keeping power. Today you have you, yugi and the hindutva clowns screaming the same shit - Indian rule only! You and your ilk want the racism to continue.

How come PNC up shit creek!!

Originally Posted by seignet:

You are making your race look foolish. Stop and think before you write. You have no clue about those 28 years. If u keep going the way u going I am going to conclude that bcz ur a black person, u r  correct to hate East Indians.

The only race looking foolish hay is yours and yuh backward primitive friends. Read the thread again. Any black person reading what is written here so far would call this a hate site and call for it to be sanctioned. We have just about every racial sterotype about black man belched out hay by you and your Indo KKK contingent today.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by seignet:

You are making your race look foolish. Stop and think before you write. You have no clue about those 28 years. If u keep going the way u going I am going to conclude that bcz ur a black person, u r  correct to hate East Indians.

The only race looking foolish hay is yours and yuh backward primitive friends. Read the thread again. Any black person reading what is written here so far would call this a hate site and call for it to be sanctioned. We have just about every racial sterotype about black man belched out hay by you and your Indo KKK contingent today.

What!!  you have no heard from Pastor Manning as you, have you?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:

For you East INdian bashers, leh meh see ayuh fight for Essequibo... 

And you don't think that Indians, as GUYANESE, should also not to do what ever is in their grasp to prevent this.


Thanks for proving that the Indo KKK don't think that they are Guyanese, even as they feel entitled to 100% rule Guyana, ignoring the non Indian population.


I am glad that you referred to the "other Indo KKK", because you are definitely an Indo KKK.

For 28 years, you all din threat Indians as Guyanese. And for 23 years Indians think they had control for evah.




This is at the heart of Guyana's race problem.

There is an entire thread in the archives baring alyuh bare naked racism against black man going back to the 50's and 60's. Rural indian racists like you, Seignet and the rest of the Indo KKK gave rise to Burnham and institutionalized racism with your lust for Hindutva in Guyana. You paid for it for 28 years, but sounds like you want a resurgence of your Hindutva shit again!

Banna, you playing with Fyah!!

Quit talking shit! Burnham practiced racism against Indians because of the apan jat hindutva shit in teh 50's 60's. It was his way of keeping power. Today you have you, yugi and the hindutva clowns screaming the same shit - Indian rule only! You and your ilk want the racism to continue.

How come PNC up shit creek!!


It is starting to fly in their (PNC) faces. 

Originally Posted by Itaname:
. Any black person reading what is written here so far would call this a hate site and call for it to be sanctioned. .

Some time back some one in Canada reported that his company had blocked the site as a hate site.  It was also cited as one by people in Barbados, and in fact it was used as evidence that Indo Guyanese are black hating racists, and so should be removed from Barbados.  Needless to say shortly after a whole set of them were sent back to Guyana.


The Venezuelan Armed Forces do not have the capability to invade deep in and hold vast areas of the Essequibo.  The region does not have much of a road system therefore they will have to rely on the rivers and the air thus becoming over extended and very vulnerable to sustained Guerrilla warfare from our forces. They may take border areas but they will be beaten badly when they come deeper into the Essequibo.  

Originally Posted by Wally:

The Venezuelan Armed Forces do not have the capability to invade deep in and hold vast areas of the Essequibo.  The region does not have much of a road system therefore they will have to rely on the rivers and the air thus becoming over extended and very vulnerable to sustained Guerrilla warfare from our forces. They may take border areas but they will be beaten badly when they come deeper into the Essequibo.  

Granger is schooled in Guerilla warfare, so the Venoes will bite off more than they can chew. However, I'm afraid the Venoes will find lots of aid and comfort from indo Guyanese in Essequibo if the comments expressed here are any indication. Clearly some indians prefer Veno rule and will sell their souls and country to see our GDF defeated.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
wever, I'm afraid the Venoes will find lots of aid and comfort from indo Guyanese in Essequibo if the comments expressed here are any indication. Clearly some indians prefer Veno rule and will sell their souls and country to see our GDF defeated.

Given that Maduro is like Burnham on steroids, and Venezuela is as messed up as Guyana was in the 80s, it will be quite interesting to see if racial panic drives them in that direction.


I suspect that the results might be more nuanced as Essequibians know what is happening to the Guyanese in Venezuela, so will judge on the basis of that.

Originally Posted by Wally:

The Venezuelan Armed Forces do not have the capability to invade deep in and hold vast areas of the Essequibo.  The region does not have much of a road system therefore they will have to rely on the rivers and the air thus becoming over extended and very vulnerable to sustained Guerrilla warfare from our forces. They may take border areas but they will be beaten badly when they come deeper into the Essequibo.  

Wally, from a technical and military standpoint, Venezuela does not have to invade Guyana by sending ground troops through the present border. Venezuela already considers the Essequibo River as its border with Guyana, as its own official map shows.

So, Venezuela's air force and navy can blast their way through the Essequibo river from the Atlantic Ocean and make that river its frontline. Immediate objectives: Cut off communications between Demerara and Essequibo, and establish military bases at points along the west bank of the Essequibo.

This will force the GDF to fight from the east bank of the river. Having established that frontline, Venezuelan ground forces can then move across the present border and deal with the pockets of GDF troops there without worrying about reinforcements of Guyanese soldiers.

Of course, Essequibians could resist with guerrilla warfare between the current border and the Essequibo river. The big question is: which Essequibians will fight? Will the Indos fight?

Here is what Venezuela has to attack Guyana from the Atlantic Ocean through the Essequibo river:

35 fighter aircraft [12 American F16s +23 Russian Sukhoi]

24 Chinese counter-insurgency aircraft to bomb Guyanese rebels in Essequibo.

47 transport and air-refuelling aircraft

16 assault/transport helicopters [10 American + 6 Russian]

3 missile frigates

8 amphibious landing ships

1 German submarine

I am leaving out its ground forces: soldiers, tanks, artillery, etc.




Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Wally:

The Venezuelan Armed Forces do not have the capability to invade deep in and hold vast areas of the Essequibo.  The region does not have much of a road system therefore they will have to rely on the rivers and the air thus becoming over extended and very vulnerable to sustained Guerrilla warfare from our forces. They may take border areas but they will be beaten badly when they come deeper into the Essequibo.  

Wally, from a technical and military standpoint, Venezuela does not have to invade Guyana by sending ground troops through the present border. Venezuela already considers the Essequibo River as its border with Guyana, as its own official map shows.

So, Venezuela's air force and navy can blast their way through the Essequibo river from the Atlantic Ocean and make that river its frontline. Immediate objectives: Cut off communications between Demerara and Essequibo, and establish military bases at points along the west bank of the Essequibo.

This will force the GDF to fight from the east bank of the river. Having established that frontline, Venezuelan ground forces can then move across the present border and deal with the pockets of GDF troops there without worrying about reinforcements of Guyanese soldiers.

Of course, Essequibians could resist with guerrilla warfare between the current border and the Essequibo river. The big question is: which Essequibians will fight? Will the Indos fight?

Here is what Venezuela has to attack Guyana from the Atlantic Ocean through the Essequibo river:

35 fighter aircraft [12 American F16s +23 Russian Sukhoi]

24 Chinese counter-insurgency aircraft to bomb Guyanese rebels in Essequibo.

47 transport and air-refuelling aircraft

16 assault/transport helicopters [10 American + 6 Russian]

3 missile frigates

8 amphibious landing ships

1 German submarine

I am leaving out its ground forces: soldiers, tanks, artillery, etc.




Gil is up to date on his stats. Thanks of the info.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Wally:

The Venezuelan Armed Forces do not have the capability to invade deep in and hold vast areas of the Essequibo.  The region does not have much of a road system therefore they will have to rely on the rivers and the air thus becoming over extended and very vulnerable to sustained Guerrilla warfare from our forces. They may take border areas but they will be beaten badly when they come deeper into the Essequibo.  

Wally, from a technical and military standpoint, Venezuela does not have to invade Guyana by sending ground troops through the present border. Venezuela already considers the Essequibo River as its border with Guyana, as its own official map shows.

So, Venezuela's air force and navy can blast their way through the Essequibo river from the Atlantic Ocean and make that river its frontline. Immediate objectives: Cut off communications between Demerara and Essequibo, and establish military bases at points along the west bank of the Essequibo.

This will force the GDF to fight from the east bank of the river. Having established that frontline, Venezuelan ground forces can then move across the present border and deal with the pockets of GDF troops there without worrying about reinforcements of Guyanese soldiers.

Of course, Essequibians could resist with guerrilla warfare between the current border and the Essequibo river. The big question is: which Essequibians will fight? Will the Indos fight?

Here is what Venezuela has to attack Guyana from the Atlantic Ocean through the Essequibo river:

35 fighter aircraft [12 American F16s +23 Russian Sukhoi]

24 Chinese counter-insurgency aircraft to bomb Guyanese rebels in Essequibo.

47 transport and air-refuelling aircraft

16 assault/transport helicopters [10 American + 6 Russian]

3 missile frigates

8 amphibious landing ships

1 German submarine

I am leaving out its ground forces: soldiers, tanks, artillery, etc.




Gil is up to date on his stats. Thanks of the info.

Brahmin bhai yuji, may I remind you that I'm a kshatriya, ie, of the military caste. In addition, since the 1970s I studied guerrilla warfare and I took pains to read up extensively on conventional warfare. Up to now I pick up a soldier's memoir now and then. De ting in my genes.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Wally:

The Venezuelan Armed Forces do not have the capability to invade deep in and hold vast areas of the Essequibo.  The region does not have much of a road system therefore they will have to rely on the rivers and the air thus becoming over extended and very vulnerable to sustained Guerrilla warfare from our forces. They may take border areas but they will be beaten badly when they come deeper into the Essequibo.  

Wally, from a technical and military standpoint, Venezuela does not have to invade Guyana by sending ground troops through the present border. Venezuela already considers the Essequibo River as its border with Guyana, as its own official map shows.

So, Venezuela's air force and navy can blast their way through the Essequibo river from the Atlantic Ocean and make that river its frontline. Immediate objectives: Cut off communications between Demerara and Essequibo, and establish military bases at points along the west bank of the Essequibo.

This will force the GDF to fight from the east bank of the river. Having established that frontline, Venezuelan ground forces can then move across the present border and deal with the pockets of GDF troops there without worrying about reinforcements of Guyanese soldiers.

Of course, Essequibians could resist with guerrilla warfare between the current border and the Essequibo river. The big question is: which Essequibians will fight? Will the Indos fight?

Here is what Venezuela has to attack Guyana from the Atlantic Ocean through the Essequibo river:

35 fighter aircraft [12 American F16s +23 Russian Sukhoi]

24 Chinese counter-insurgency aircraft to bomb Guyanese rebels in Essequibo.

47 transport and air-refuelling aircraft

16 assault/transport helicopters [10 American + 6 Russian]

3 missile frigates

8 amphibious landing ships

1 German submarine

I am leaving out its ground forces: soldiers, tanks, artillery, etc.




Gil is up to date on his stats. Thanks of the info.

Brahmin bhai yuji, may I remind you that I'm a kshatriya, ie, of the military caste. In addition, since the 1970s I studied guerrilla warfare and I took pains to read up extensively on conventional warfare. Up to now I pick up a soldier's memoir now and then. De ting in my genes.


Well Guyana has a Military man in charge. This might be a good thing in this situation.


Gil, I do not believe that we will see a war but with the Venezuelan madman, you never know.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Wally:

The Venezuelan Armed Forces do not have the capability to invade deep in and hold vast areas of the Essequibo.  The region does not have much of a road system therefore they will have to rely on the rivers and the air thus becoming over extended and very vulnerable to sustained Guerrilla warfare from our forces. They may take border areas but they will be beaten badly when they come deeper into the Essequibo.  

Granger is schooled in Guerilla warfare, so the Venoes will bite off more than they can chew. However, I'm afraid the Venoes will find lots of aid and comfort from indo Guyanese in Essequibo if the comments expressed here are any indication. Clearly some indians prefer Veno rule and will sell their souls and country to see our GDF defeated.

Yes...I think you are might be largely correct. These Indos might prefer Venezuela because PPP is not in power. This behavior would have been understandable in 1985. But not in 2015 just after 23 years of PPP and the area remained very similar to 1985.

Originally Posted by TK:

Yes...I think you are might be largely correct. These Indos might prefer Venezuela because PPP is not in power. This behavior would have been understandable in 1985. But not in 2015 just after 23 years of PPP and the area remained very similar to 1985.

When danyael started a thread to discuss Indian attitudes you ran for your regression analysis and the others rushed to condemn him as anti Indian.


Kari thinks that black man is bad, so must apologize to Indians, and MAYBE Indians will forgive them.


And here we have it.  Some cuss Burnham, and yet we cannot be sure if some won't welcome Maduro, who is no better.

Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Well, given the current circumstances in the country, I am more than happy to become a Venezuelan!!!! Better must come.

The current situation in Guyana is 1 million times better than the Venezuelans have had it for the last 20 years or so. If you want to go line up for basic items, don't wait go be Venezuelan now. 

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Wally:

The Venezuelan Armed Forces do not have the capability to invade deep in and hold vast areas of the Essequibo.  The region does not have much of a road system therefore they will have to rely on the rivers and the air thus becoming over extended and very vulnerable to sustained Guerrilla warfare from our forces. They may take border areas but they will be beaten badly when they come deeper into the Essequibo.  

Granger is schooled in Guerilla warfare, so the Venoes will bite off more than they can chew. However, I'm afraid the Venoes will find lots of aid and comfort from indo Guyanese in Essequibo if the comments expressed here are any indication. Clearly some indians prefer Veno rule and will sell their souls and country to see our GDF defeated.

I doubt that. The indos here are no reflection of the brothers and sisters in GY. Were it for these few here - the PPP would still be in power .....

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Wally:

The Venezuelan Armed Forces do not have the capability to invade deep in and hold vast areas of the Essequibo.  The region does not have much of a road system therefore they will have to rely on the rivers and the air thus becoming over extended and very vulnerable to sustained Guerrilla warfare from our forces. They may take border areas but they will be beaten badly when they come deeper into the Essequibo.  

Wally, from a technical and military standpoint, Venezuela does not have to invade Guyana by sending ground troops through the present border. Venezuela already considers the Essequibo River as its border with Guyana, as its own official map shows.

So, Venezuela's air force and navy can blast their way through the Essequibo river from the Atlantic Ocean and make that river its frontline. Immediate objectives: Cut off communications between Demerara and Essequibo, and establish military bases at points along the west bank of the Essequibo.

This will force the GDF to fight from the east bank of the river. Having established that frontline, Venezuelan ground forces can then move across the present border and deal with the pockets of GDF troops there without worrying about reinforcements of Guyanese soldiers.

Of course, Essequibians could resist with guerrilla warfare between the current border and the Essequibo river. The big question is: which Essequibians will fight? Will the Indos fight?

Here is what Venezuela has to attack Guyana from the Atlantic Ocean through the Essequibo river:

35 fighter aircraft [12 American F16s +23 Russian Sukhoi]

24 Chinese counter-insurgency aircraft to bomb Guyanese rebels in Essequibo.

47 transport and air-refuelling aircraft

16 assault/transport helicopters [10 American + 6 Russian]

3 missile frigates

8 amphibious landing ships

1 German submarine

I am leaving out its ground forces: soldiers, tanks, artillery, etc.




A good tactic Gilly (entering the Essequibo river).  If the Venezuelans go with this scenario then we mine parts of the Essequibo river and Atlantic using French technology. 

Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Wally:

The Venezuelan Armed Forces do not have the capability to invade deep in and hold vast areas of the Essequibo.  The region does not have much of a road system therefore they will have to rely on the rivers and the air thus becoming over extended and very vulnerable to sustained Guerrilla warfare from our forces. They may take border areas but they will be beaten badly when they come deeper into the Essequibo.  

Wally, from a technical and military standpoint, Venezuela does not have to invade Guyana by sending ground troops through the present border. Venezuela already considers the Essequibo River as its border with Guyana, as its own official map shows.

So, Venezuela's air force and navy can blast their way through the Essequibo river from the Atlantic Ocean and make that river its frontline. Immediate objectives: Cut off communications between Demerara and Essequibo, and establish military bases at points along the west bank of the Essequibo.

This will force the GDF to fight from the east bank of the river. Having established that frontline, Venezuelan ground forces can then move across the present border and deal with the pockets of GDF troops there without worrying about reinforcements of Guyanese soldiers.

Of course, Essequibians could resist with guerrilla warfare between the current border and the Essequibo river. The big question is: which Essequibians will fight? Will the Indos fight?

Here is what Venezuela has to attack Guyana from the Atlantic Ocean through the Essequibo river:

35 fighter aircraft [12 American F16s +23 Russian Sukhoi]

24 Chinese counter-insurgency aircraft to bomb Guyanese rebels in Essequibo.

47 transport and air-refuelling aircraft

16 assault/transport helicopters [10 American + 6 Russian]

3 missile frigates

8 amphibious landing ships

1 German submarine

I am leaving out its ground forces: soldiers, tanks, artillery, etc.




A good tactic Gilly (entering the Essequibo river).  If the Venezuelans go with this scenario then we mine parts of the Essequibo river using French technology. 


Originally Posted by Jungle Girl:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Well, given the current circumstances in the country, I am more than happy to become a Venezuelan!!!! Better must come.

The current situation in Guyana is 1 million times better than the Venezuelans have had it for the last 20 years or so. If you want to go line up for basic items, don't wait go be Venezuelan now. 

Burnham days was line up time too. Forbes and Maduro has alot in common, demented just like the East Indian bashers on here. The interesting thing, the warriors sitting at the keypad pontificating will not be going to fight. If it comes to war. And as such, those living in the Essequibo have to choose. Guyana has too much hatred. It is a scourge. Perhaps, it is time for the country to be divided up. Our hatred hinders progress. 


The coolie bashers could find comfort in Maduro decision-Indians could become refugees in Essequibo. Which will solve their dislike for the Indoes. A solution is always possible.


Maybe the wisdom of the 90 year ole black gentleman would concur. Racist consult the sage.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Jungle Girl:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Well, given the current circumstances in the country, I am more than happy to become a Venezuelan!!!! Better must come.

The current situation in Guyana is 1 million times better than the Venezuelans have had it for the last 20 years or so. If you want to go line up for basic items, don't wait go be Venezuelan now. 

Burnham days was line up time too. Forbes and Maduro has alot in common, demented just like the East Indian bashers on here. The interesting thing, the warriors sitting at the keypad pontificating will not be going to fight. If it comes to war. And as such, those living in the Essequibo have to choose. Guyana has too much hatred. It is a scourge. Perhaps, it is time for the country to be divided up. Our hatred hinders progress. 


The coolie bashers could find comfort in Maduro decision-Indians could become refugees in Essequibo. Which will solve their dislike for the Indoes. A solution is always possible.


Maybe the wisdom of the 90 year ole black gentleman would concur. Racist consult the sage.

I spoke to a Venezuelan girl recently.  She is a recently arrived immigrant to America. She said you join a line then when you get the item then you go and join another line for another item.  That is how people are spending their days now.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by seignet:

You are making your race look foolish. Stop and think before you write. You have no clue about those 28 years. If u keep going the way u going I am going to conclude that bcz ur a black person, u r  correct to hate East Indians.

The only race looking foolish hay is yours and yuh backward primitive friends. Read the thread again. Any black person reading what is written here so far would call this a hate site and call for it to be sanctioned. We have just about every racial sterotype about black man belched out hay by you and your Indo KKK contingent today.

What!!  you have no heard from Pastor Manning as you, have you?

Why is this vile pastor so intriguing to you?  Imagine, Dr King'z "I have a dream speech" which caused your filthy behind to reflect on the the benefaction and grace of being treated as equals  but yet you appeal to that nasty and vile in a reprobate Manning as thanks! What nasty waste people!

Originally Posted by Jungle Girl:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Wally:

The Venezuelan Armed Forces do not have the capability to invade deep in and hold vast areas of the Essequibo.  The region does not have much of a road system therefore they will have to rely on the rivers and the air thus becoming over extended and very vulnerable to sustained Guerrilla warfare from our forces. They may take border areas but they will be beaten badly when they come deeper into the Essequibo.  

Granger is schooled in Guerilla warfare, so the Venoes will bite off more than they can chew. However, I'm afraid the Venoes will find lots of aid and comfort from indo Guyanese in Essequibo if the comments expressed here are any indication. Clearly some indians prefer Veno rule and will sell their souls and country to see our GDF defeated.

I doubt that. The indos here are no reflection of the brothers and sisters in GY. Were it for these few here - the PPP would still be in power .....



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