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Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by caribny:

YOU want to build a whole pyramid to the "moral superiority" of the Indian in terms of ethnic relations and politics in Guyana.  I am a threat to this concept, which is what infuriates the whole pack of you, the Indo racists, and those who PRETEND not to be.


Sheer sk0nt!

Poor Kari, cornered in a trap of his own making, and so this is the best response that he can give.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:
. A white man would not have the same visceral response to Queh Queh

And yet they rush down to Trinidad and Brazil for carnival.  If Guyana had a higher cultural profile, Kwe Kwe would definitely be of interest to them, as would Masquerade.


Not every one is a cultural "purest" who subscribes to the genetic pre determinants of culture as do you.

more sk0nt!!

Oh yes.   Kari got stuck again, as he knows fully well how African art forms are loved by many Europeans.  So realizes how stupid his comments were.


caribny, I believe I know Afro-Guyanese culture and sensibilities more than you know Indian culture and sensibilities. In fact I was described as a black man in an Indian body for the things I did and the interest I have.


I don't consider myself as an authority on race relations anywhere in the world but my experiences make some thinks immutable.


All races have differences that when celebrated can be harmonious with other races. By the same token these differences can be construed in a manner to bring out bigotry. Real life lies somewhere in between these two extremes.


In Guyana, urban experiences make both races see each other differently than the rural experience. Indians have had a more rural experience than Africans and that is a telling situation. There are those who live in both settings, like myself and in both races' environments again like myself.


You cry out for condemnation against Indians who profess hatred of Africans and that's understandable. I reiterate that this does not solve Guyana's problems of racial co-existence (note I'm not addressing that slippery phenomenon of  racial harmony). I also stick with the thesis that the Indian fear of a Black ruling class with the powers of the State as real - justified or unjustified. It's just how it is. Remove this fear and you will hear more Indians holding Indians with a hatred of Africans accountable. If I don't comment on those you classify as Indo KKK it's because it's not worth it. they cannot influence anything. But what has value is the removal of that fear.


You may scoff at my exhortations last year for the PNC to remake itself, but I believe that I have more insights of the PNC than you do possess, and that's why you should pause instead of calling me an Indo KKK (which BTW is amusing to me).


caribny, you should desist from making the same outmoded calls unceasingly year after year. You know it hasn't gotten you anywhere. President Granger has no more interest in your theories of racial behavior in Guyana than any sensible observer of it. Lose the feeling sorry for yourself and stop feeling aggrieved at some illusion of Indian self-ascribed superiority over the poor blackman.


Remove that fear and you'll see a start of the goal you want to achieve. It will make Nehru and company irrelevant.

Originally Posted by Kari:


Y I also stick with the thesis that the Indian fear of a Black ruling class with the powers of the State as real - justified or unjustified. It's just how it is. Remove this fear and you will hear more Indians holding Indians with a hatred of Africans accountable.


And once again more screams of "black man bad, Indian good, so black man has to apologize".  "Black man bruk it, so black man got to fix it"


Basivlly your thesis is that the onus is on the black man to satisfy the Indian that they will be safe.


The Indian has NO obligation to reciprocate.



FACTS of life Kari.  From 1992 to 2015 Indian elites controlled ALL ASPECTS of Guyana.  They had monopoly control of the gov't (the reason why most of the people being dismissed are Indians, but you AVOID discussions of this. AND the DOMINATE the private sector.


BLACKS were shut OUT!  You claim that you understand blacks, so why don't you understand the high degree of frustration when they saw how SHUT OUT they were during this era.


Here is another reality.  Even though Africans will now once again have control of the political apparatus the private sector remains DOMINATED by Indians.  Unlike the Burnham era when the gov't took over the market place through nationalization, Guyana will REMAIN a private sector dominated society.


BOTTOM LINE. Indians DO NOT have the experience of being shut out since May 11th, tjat Africans had when the PPP was in power.



FACT.  The African perceives the Indian as clannish, racist, and disdainful of blacks.  THIS is why political control becomes important for blacks, so that they have some lever against Indian racism.



I repeat.


The onus on BOTH the African and the Indian to be honest about levels of racism, and bigotry that BOTH have directed towards each other (and to Amerindians).


The onus is NOT on Africans to assuage the fears of Indians.  The onus is on BOTH to assuage the fears of the other.


Your failure to see this, and your REFUSAL to admit to, and condemn Indian racism marks you as another Indian who is ethnocentric, even though you might think that you will be perceived otherwise.



So continue to demand that blacks beg Indians for forgiveness. Guyana will be a land led by two groups who fear each other, and we will remain poorer than even tiny islands like St Kitts, Antigua and St Lucia, ALL THREE having LARGE Guyanese communities.


And Kari do you know how bad you look?


BOTH races have engaged in racism and ethnic exclusion. 


ONLY blacks must take actions to assuage the fears of Indians.


Blacks must then trust Indians to cease their ethnically exclusionary behavior.


MADNESS! Even YOU must see how stupid that is, and how ETHNOCENTRIC that makes you look!


Why should blacks trust Indians if Indians cannot trust blacks?


And talking about feeling victimhood.  I suggest that you take a look at all the screaming engaged in by Jagdeo.  You know the "bad black man gun rob, rape, and kill". 


Who is engaging in victimhood here, when several of these robberies and murders of Indians have been committed by other Indians?


Cease babbling that you know black people.  Maybe you knew them when they were under the PNC, but obviously you do NOT know them after 23 years of PPP rule!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:

caribny, I believe I know Afro-Guyanese culture and sensibilities more than you know Indian culture and sensibilities. In fact I was described as a black man in an Indian body for the things I did and the interest I have.


I don't consider myself as an authority on race relations anywhere in the world but my experiences make some thinks immutable.


All races have differences that when celebrated can be harmonious with other races. By the same token these differences can be construed in a manner to bring out bigotry. Real life lies somewhere in between these two extremes.


In Guyana, urban experiences make both races see each other differently than the rural experience. Indians have had a more rural experience than Africans and that is a telling situation. There are those who live in both settings, like myself and in both races' environments again like myself.


You cry out for condemnation against Indians who profess hatred of Africans and that's understandable. I reiterate that this does not solve Guyana's problems of racial co-existence (note I'm not addressing that slippery phenomenon of  racial harmony). I also stick with the thesis that the Indian fear of a Black ruling class with the powers of the State as real - justified or unjustified. It's just how it is. Remove this fear and you will hear more Indians holding Indians with a hatred of Africans accountable. If I don't comment on those you classify as Indo KKK it's because it's not worth it. they cannot influence anything. But what has value is the removal of that fear.


You may scoff at my exhortations last year for the PNC to remake itself, but I believe that I have more insights of the PNC than you do possess, and that's why you should pause instead of calling me an Indo KKK (which BTW is amusing to me).


caribny, you should desist from making the same outmoded calls unceasingly year after year. You know it hasn't gotten you anywhere. President Granger has no more interest in your theories of racial behavior in Guyana than any sensible observer of it. Lose the feeling sorry for yourself and stop feeling aggrieved at some illusion of Indian self-ascribed superiority over the poor blackman.


Remove that fear and you'll see a start of the goal you want to achieve. It will make Nehru and company irrelevant.

Nehru is NOT a pompous , pressure Foot like you. I am NOT delusional thinking that I am IMPORTANT, you live your whole life that way.   ISPEAK THE HOLY TRUTH AND I AM NOT NAIVE LIKE YOU!!!!

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

caribj's  solutuion is that afro Guyanese are better off living in the west Indies cutting and eating grass.

with his logic, ABSOLUTELY there could NEVER be solutions. 


Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

caribj's  solutuion is that afro Guyanese are better off living in the west Indies cutting and eating grass.

with his logic, ABSOLUTELY there could NEVER be solutions. 

Kari has given you full permission to engage in your demonic practices which are aimed at putting a curse on black people.


THAT is your solution.

Originally Posted by Chief:


Do not distort what I have said.


It was under the PNC that Guyanese suffered the most.


No where did I say that Blacks must apologize to Indians.

Chief, you know full well that "PNC" in Guyana is code word for blacks, in the same way as "PPP" is code word for Indians.


You also placed this in the context of the PNC appeasing Indians.  You did NOT say ALL Guyanese.


Granger didn't do that, knowing full well how his base would have interpreted this. You do know the results of the election.

Originally Posted by Chief:

The difference between the PPP and PNC IS PNC stole their way into office.


The PPP stole afterwards and then was voted out.

And so both were dysfunctional regimes, and both indulged in ethnic exclusion, so why the onus on one to apologize is baffling.


I can already hear Jagdeo ready to use this to claim that the PPP did no wrong.


Either BOTH apologize or NEITHER apologize.

Originally Posted by Chief:

 The reason  I wrote about an apology from the PNC was because I wanted the PNC to whip the PPP.


A sincere apology would have had them more votes.

A PNC groveling to Indians would have cost it African votes.  Granger would have been reduced in the eyes of most Africans, of ebing another Corbin.  You do know what happened to the PNC in 2006. 


Had the African and mixed vote not been what it was the PPP would have won, as Moses did NOT bring in enough votes to offset the surge in support which the PPP engaged in when it played to the insecurities of Indians.


Either BOTH apologize or NEITHER apologize.    The PPP continued to paint the black as a lazy savage in its rhetoric, and we know full well that when they say "PNC" they mean Africans.  They had a whole editorial in the Chronicle, where they said exactly that.


What would Granger have looked like if he apologized to Indians at the same time when the PPP was galvanizing Indian support, based on the most blatantly racist campaign since 1964?

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

But the PPP and PNC are the same. Burnham and Jagan could have told us so if they were still alive.

Luckily neither the PNC or the PPP are now in government.

The PNC is very much in government.  Do you know which parties comprise APNU, which is an umbrella group?


The reason why the PPP needs to stop their pathetic behavior and become an effective opposition is to ensure that the old Burnhamite dinosaurs remain where they are.  In the closet!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Chief:

 The reason  I wrote about an apology from the PNC was because I wanted the PNC to whip the PPP.


A sincere apology would have had them more votes.

If all it takes is an apology for the voters to decide on voting out the PPP who they know was a corrupt govt, sure is kinda pathetic.

Cain, Chief speaks from a position of understanding Indo-Guyanese sensibilities. It's not that  the PPP is corrupt and it's pathetic that Indians need some other motivation to vote them out.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Chief:

 The reason  I wrote about an apology from the PNC was because I wanted the PNC to whip the PPP.


A sincere apology would have had them more votes.

A PNC groveling to Indians would have cost it African votes.  Granger would have been reduced in the eyes of most Africans, of ebing another Corbin.  You do know what happened to the PNC in 2006. 


Had the African and mixed vote not been what it was the PPP would have won, as Moses did NOT bring in enough votes to offset the surge in support which the PPP engaged in when it played to the insecurities of Indians.


Either BOTH apologize or NEITHER apologize.    The PPP continued to paint the black as a lazy savage in its rhetoric, and we know full well that when they say "PNC" they mean Africans.  They had a whole editorial in the Chronicle, where they said exactly that.


What would Granger have looked like if he apologized to Indians at the same time when the PPP was galvanizing Indian support, based on the most blatantly racist campaign since 1964?

A PNC groveling to Indians would have cost it African votes.


This is an expression of not knowing what motivates Black Guyanese voting. Win at all costs, including grovelling to Indian Guyanese.



Had the African and mixed vote not been what it was the PPP would have won, as Moses did NOT bring in enough votes to offset the surge in support which the PPP engaged in when it played to the insecurities of Indians.


How do you know how much votes the Moses-led AFC got? You really think that the mixed-race votes (and they did not all vote APNU) provided that 1 seat difference?


The PPP's political strategy was to put in front of the voters the previous PNC regime's atrocities. It was upto the PNC part of APONU to say "look, we are not that PNC and we acknowledge that that PNC was terrible), especially to those who did not support them". If that's an apology then it is an apology. The PNC base, with a few anachronistic exceptions would say "yeah, we are a reformed us in and we will show we are better than these corrupt PPP", making the /R a real reform. The fact that the PNC part of APNU did not do that meant they had to get the Moses-led AFC to make up the difference that was plain in the 2006 elections.


caribny, it's a good thing you earn your income from things other than politics or else you would have been in a soup line by now.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Chief:

 The reason  I wrote about an apology from the PNC was because I wanted the PNC to whip the PPP.


A sincere apology would have had them more votes.

If all it takes is an apology for the voters to decide on voting out the PPP who they know was a corrupt govt, sure is kinda pathetic.

Cain, Chief speaks from a position of understanding Indo-Guyanese sensibilities. It's not that  the PPP is corrupt and it's pathetic that Indians need some other motivation to vote them out.


It is a shame "sensibilities" do not coincide with good sense. Indians as I know them ( and I grew up in the culture) are appallingly racist and disgustingly obdurate to correcting this bad habit. It only takes a little bit of reading to realize race has no grounding in biology and Intelligence is not a thing but a list of categories that we reduce to 10 or 12 parameters simply because we cannot agree on what to include or exclude from the list.


Yet Indians here and everywhere else in our society openly express their belief as to their super smarts. The banality of it is what pisses people off. I can assure you that as an amerindian, I never met an exceptionally smart indian that has astounded me more than I have been astounded by a smart black or white man.


Yes, we are all the same and only a few among of us are truly  smart. That much is borne out by the fact geniuses comes to us  far apart  and  very few. We hardly get more than 10 per generation even with our world composed of billions of people.  

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Chief:

 The reason  I wrote about an apology from the PNC was because I wanted the PNC to whip the PPP.


A sincere apology would have had them more votes.

If all it takes is an apology for the voters to decide on voting out the PPP who they know was a corrupt govt, sure is kinda pathetic.

Cain, Chief speaks from a position of understanding Indo-Guyanese sensibilities. It's not that  the PPP is corrupt and it's pathetic that Indians need some other motivation to vote them out.


And you speak from a position of NOT understanding what blacks went through under PPP rule, and how they would have responded had Greenidge apologized.  Your little boy days, when Burnham was in power, does NOT inform you of the contemporary perspective of blacks, so just toss that aside.


The AFC did NOT bring in enough votes to offset the loss of votes to APNU if the PNC base behaved as they did in 2006.  Had Region 10 turn out been what it was in 2006 the PPP would have WON. The PNC base saw Corbin grovelling to Jagdeo, and they showed their disgust by not voting.


Kari get it into your head.  There are TWO ethnically based voting blocs in Guyana, roughly the same size.  The Indian, and the African/mixed.


To adopt a strategy which alienates either is a sure path to defeat, as the PPP found out when their racism mobilized grass roots blacks who hadnt voted in YEARS, and that is IF they had voted.


Either BOTH apologize, or NEITHER does.  But you cannot have blacks alone apologizing, and begging Indians for forgiveness, when the past 23 years showed that the PPP was as racist to them as the PNC was to Indians in its 28 years.


Kari Indians are NOT the only voting bloc in Guyana, and are also no longer the majority bloc.


And spare me the nonsense that PNC is not seen as code word for blacks, because you know full well that it is so viewed by BOTH Africans and Indians.

Originally Posted by Kari:

A PNC groveling to Indians would have cost it African votes.


This is an expression of not knowing what motivates Black Guyanese voting. Win at all costs, including grovelling to Indian Guyanese.



Had the African and mixed vote not been what it was the PPP would have won, as Moses did NOT bring in enough votes to offset the surge in support which the PPP engaged in when it played to the insecurities of Indians.


How do you know how much votes the Moses-led AFC got? You really think that the mixed-race votes (and they did not all vote APNU) provided that 1 seat difference?


The PPP's political strategy was to put in front of the voters the previous PNC regime's atrocities. It was upto the PNC part of APONU to say "look, we are not that PNC and we acknowledge that that PNC was terrible), especially to those who did not support them". If that's an apology then it is an apology. The PNC base, with a few anachronistic exceptions would say "yeah, we are a reformed us in and we will show we are better than these corrupt PPP", making the /R a real reform. The fact that the PNC part of APNU did not do that meant they had to get the Moses-led AFC to make up the difference that was plain in the 2006 elections.


caribny, it's a good thing you earn your income from things other than politics or else you would have been in a soup line by now.


Kari your problem is that y7ou under estimate the level of distrust for Indians that has built up over the past 23 years, because you are locked into a notion that blacks are the ONLY guilty race in Guyana, so deserved the punishment that was meted out to them.


Please therefore explain the cries of "freedom", "finally the slow holocaust is over", and "finally I can feel like a Guyanese again".  This when it was announced that the PPP had lost the election.



Unless you calculate in your head that BOTH Indians and Africans carry their insecurities about the other, and both feel that they have suffered under the rule of the other YOU MISS the mark.


Clearly yu are an Indian so do NOT empathize with the African, because if you did it will be easier for you to admit that Africans will no more wish to submit to an apology to Indians, nor expect that their leaders should, than would Indians.


Is any one here telling Indians to apologize to blacks for the last 23 years?  No we are telling you to acknowledge Indian racism, as YOU demand that Africans acknowledge theirs.


You are well within your rights to claim that Indians don't need to acknowledge Indian racism, but then DO NOT expect Africans to empathize with Indian insecurities about them!


And do not waste time opening the door about how many votes Moses brought in.  Its a known fact that he did NOT bring in the much vaunted "11% of the Indian vote" that was promised.


1.  Vote turn out in PNC strongholds was at almost record levels.  114k vs. 81k (PNC and AFC combined)  in 2006.  In region 10 it was 17k vs. 10k in 2006.  


Now an APNU apology would gave delivered the 2006 results, as it would when Corbin was seen as selling out to Jagdeo. The PPP would have won by a LANDSLIDE!


2.   The PPP GAINED 30k MORE votes in the coastal regions, compared to 2011.  


In Berbice the PPP added 11k votes, to a mere 1k for APNU/AFC.  Given that there are substantial numbers of Africans and mixed in those areas, you bet that the increase in APNU/AFC votes DID NOT come from Indians. Unless you can tell yourself that there wasnt a similar increase oin votes from that bloc, as there was every else in Guyana.


 So I suggest to you that Nagamotoo LOST Indian votes in Berbice.


Please stop babbling about this.  The PPP ran a successful program based on demonizing Afro Guyanese.  Successful in that it mobilized the Indian vote, but too bad for them, it also mobilized the African/mixed vote, who were increasingly terrified at the prospects of continued rule by the Indian elites.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Actually the PPP rigged the election but they  did not print enough fake ballot papers. That's why they are so mad with the outcome of the election. Cheats are always in a bad temper when they know that they cheated and still lost.

In addition, when they saw the high G/T turn out, they tried their best to provoke violence from APNU supporters to give the PPP a chance to squash the elections.


Didnt work, and now the vex bad!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Actually the PPP rigged the election but they  did not print enough fake ballot papers. That's why they are so mad with the outcome of the election. Cheats are always in a bad temper when they know that they cheated and still lost.

No joke. I am sure that is what happened. But there were prayers offered to bring dem down.


Stunned, they could not believed wah had happened. Hand of God reach dem sins. 

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Actually the PPP rigged the election but they  did not print enough fake ballot papers. That's why they are so mad with the outcome of the election. Cheats are always in a bad temper when they know that they cheated and still lost.

No joke. I am sure that is what happened. But there were prayers offered to bring dem down.


Same as the prayers yuh "offering" up now to kill black man in Guyana. Meanwhile last Sunday you were in Granger's ear whispering about "eeee feeeee shansssss". Same as the serpent in Eden whispering into Eve's ear.Diabolical.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:

caribny, I believe I know Afro-Guyanese culture and sensibilities more than you know Indian culture and sensibilities. In fact I was described as a black man in an Indian body for the things I did and the interest I have.


 A perfect example of Guyana's racial quagmire. A Georgetown Indian educated at QC (seen as a "town coolie" and "wannabe blackman" by the racist rural indian) tekking up fire rage fuh he own persecutors.


Furthermore bai, socializing with black man, playing cricket together, knocking likka and sehing "ahwe is guyanese" doesn't make you close to a black man. Neither does it make me an Indian were I to do the same with Indians. During the Burnham years lots of black folks had good Indian friends, get drunk together and hug up each other. But these blacks were insensitive to the racism aimed at their indian friends. Few, if any black folks condemned the racism against Indians.


You are the same as them. You mistake "friendship" with a few blacks for empathy with the plight of black people. Your true feelings are unmasked when you insist that black people address indian security concerns (valid) but dismiss black people's ethnic security concerns outright or deny they exist altogether. Not a discussion you'll ever have when yuh hugging up dem QC fellas and reminiscing.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by seignet:

George "Seignet" Dasilva, pretend potagee man, this man's own words condemn yuh. If you had a deity living in you then how can you be such a nasty, racist, vindictive, LIARD cussbird, eh? How can you hate an entire race of people and pray fuh dem dead? Unless, unless - wha REALLY living in you are the minions of a fallen angel.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Kari:

caribny, I believe I know Afro-Guyanese culture and sensibilities more than you know Indian culture and sensibilities. In fact I was described as a black man in an Indian body for the things I did and the interest I have.


 A perfect example of Guyana's racial quagmire. A Georgetown Indian educated at QC (seen as a "town coolie" and "wannabe blackman" by the racist rural indian) tekking up fire rage fuh he own persecutors.


Furthermore bai, socializing with black man, playing cricket together, knocking likka and sehing "ahwe is guyanese" doesn't make you close to a black man. Neither does it make me an Indian were I to do the same with Indians. During the Burnham years lots of black folks had good Indian friends, get drunk together and hug up each other. But these blacks were insensitive to the racism aimed at their indian friends. Few, if any black folks condemned the racism against Indians.


You are the same as them. You mistake "friendship" with a few blacks for empathy with the plight of black people. Your true feelings are unmasked when you insist that black people address indian security concerns (valid) but dismiss black people's ethnic security concerns outright or deny they exist altogether. Not a discussion you'll ever have when yuh hugging up dem QC fellas and reminiscing.

Well said.  Kari also seems not to know that friends will often not reveal how they feel, if they value the friendship.


Blacks, after 23 years of PPP oppression, have heightened levels of distrust towards Indians that would have been less visible when they thought themselves to be part of the dominant ethnic group.


The same way that Indian distrust of blacks (generated since their arrival) worsened because of what they endured during the Burnham regime, so too did African distrust for Indians increase during the "23 years".

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Kari:

caribny, I believe I know Afro-Guyanese culture and sensibilities more than you know Indian culture and sensibilities. In fact I was described as a black man in an Indian body for the things I did and the interest I have.


 A perfect example of Guyana's racial quagmire. A Georgetown Indian educated at QC (seen as a "town coolie" and "wannabe blackman" by the racist rural indian) tekking up fire rage fuh he own persecutors.


Furthermore bai, socializing with black man, playing cricket together, knocking likka and sehing "ahwe is guyanese" doesn't make you close to a black man. Neither does it make me an Indian were I to do the same with Indians. During the Burnham years lots of black folks had good Indian friends, get drunk together and hug up each other. But these blacks were insensitive to the racism aimed at their indian friends. Few, if any black folks condemned the racism against Indians.


You are the same as them. You mistake "friendship" with a few blacks for empathy with the plight of black people. Your true feelings are unmasked when you insist that black people address indian security concerns (valid) but dismiss black people's ethnic security concerns outright or deny they exist altogether. Not a discussion you'll ever have when yuh hugging up dem QC fellas and reminiscing.

Well said mate.  Kari thinks he qualifies as black because of the couple years he spent in the QC Cadet corp. 

Bibi Haniffa
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Well said mate.  Kari thinks he qualifies as black because of the couple years he spent in the QC Cadet corp. 

1.  Kari never said that he was black.  Or even wished that he was. He said that he had black friends, so "BELIEVES" that he is knowledgeable about Afro Guyanese.


2.  Its bigots like you who make the poor man terrified about having an intelligent discussion on race in Guyana.  And yes he will deny that being ostracized by other Indians terrifies him, but if he knows blacks as well as he claims that he does, then he knows that the ethnic distrust is shared by both major races, and that both can give good reasons for this.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Kari:

caribny, I believe I know Afro-Guyanese culture and sensibilities more than you know Indian culture and sensibilities. In fact I was described as a black man in an Indian body for the things I did and the interest I have.


 A perfect example of Guyana's racial quagmire. A Georgetown Indian educated at QC (seen as a "town coolie" and "wannabe blackman" by the racist rural indian) tekking up fire rage fuh he own persecutors.


Furthermore bai, socializing with black man, playing cricket together, knocking likka and sehing "ahwe is guyanese" doesn't make you close to a black man. Neither does it make me an Indian were I to do the same with Indians. During the Burnham years lots of black folks had good Indian friends, get drunk together and hug up each other. But these blacks were insensitive to the racism aimed at their indian friends. Few, if any black folks condemned the racism against Indians.


You are the same as them. You mistake "friendship" with a few blacks for empathy with the plight of black people. Your true feelings are unmasked when you insist that black people address indian security concerns (valid) but dismiss black people's ethnic security concerns outright or deny they exist altogether. Not a discussion you'll ever have when yuh hugging up dem QC fellas and reminiscing.

Ity, you do not know me so I'll ignore what you're trying to imply. I will let you know a few things about me.


I was born on the island of Wakenaam, Essequibo and while the Indians were the majority population our village wamixed. In fact I grew up in a rented home amnd our Landlord was a Black Minitser of the Church. Oh, and that was a large family who all lived next to us.


I lived in Georgetown when I started attending QC. My non-school hours were spent mostly on the streets. My friends who I hang out with, you can say, were largely non-QC. My neighbors were a black family at whose home I ate, partied and did other things. That family is whom I stayed at in Brooklyn when I first came to New York. They put me up like family.


I shall leave it at that.


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