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So to address of race in Guyana which seems to be the hottest topic on this site.  During the Burnham regime - everyone suffered.  The policies he put into place to tear down Indian people backfired on him and more blacks ended up suffering.


You people who have chosen to enslave yourself in Donald Trump's country should come to Guyana and see what has been done.


Under the PPP regime Golden Grove/Nabaclis has become an affluent black community.  Dr.  CC Nicholson Hospital was built in Nabaclis so the the community can get immediate care.  The two large churches there were renovated to provide a nice place to worship.  There is a large supermarket with all the food you can find in Donald Trump's country.


The successful black professionals who live in Golden Grove live in grandiose homes with nice SUVs in their years.


When Trump give all of you a one way ticket back to Guyana you will envy the lifestyle of the local Guyanese people.

Bibi Haniffa
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:

caribny, you have just shown why your anger is mis-directed.


A little bit of analogy firs - when the TEA party started this whole nonsense of taking American back and Obama being a Muslim and so on, regular GOP became uncomfortable. People in America did not call all Republicans or white for that matter as bigots and intolerant.


Isn't his middle name "Hussain"?

yes . . . now, what exactly is the high ignorance quotient point u are clumsily trying to make here?

Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

So to address of race in Guyana which seems to be the hottest topic on this site.  During the Burnham regime - everyone suffered.  The policies he put into place to tear down Indian people backfired on him and more blacks ended up suffering.


You people who have chosen to enslave yourself in Donald Trump's country should come to Guyana and see what has been done.


Under the PPP regime Golden Grove/Nabaclis has become an affluent black community.  Dr.  CC Nicholson Hospital was built in Nabaclis so the the community can get immediate care.  The two large churches there were renovated to provide a nice place to worship.  There is a large supermarket with all the food you can find in Donald Trump's country.


The successful black professionals who live in Golden Grove live in grandiose homes with nice SUVs in their years.


When Trump give all of you a one way ticket back to Guyana you will envy the lifestyle of the local Guyanese people.

Gud..fuh GY after two decades out i am not impressed,

as for DT he ain't gonna be presi.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:





Under the PPP regime Golden Grove/Nabaclis has become an affluent black community.  


The successful black professionals who live in Golden Grove live in grandiose homes with nice SUVs in their years.



Haha Mitwah - I was hoping I hit your crazy nerve!!!   I did!!!   Te he he!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Originally Posted by Chief:

Mr Obama is a christian however he  was born as a Muslim. His father was a devout muslim and I am sure he had his son circumcised and the azaan was called in his ears at the time of his birth. 

What sort of crap are you talking about? First no one is born into any religion. Religion is culture. Secondly his mother was always a christian woman an his father was always absent so he cannot even be co opted to the faith that way. You are like Donald...using spurious arguments to make the man what he never was.

Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Kari cannot help himself.  He is consumed in his own narcissism.  He sees the world as black/white, black/coolie, Hindu/Muslim, this/that.  It is all about division.  How are we going to move forward as one people if we keep focusing on these type of divisions.  I am also sick of hearing about his QC rantings.  No one cares if he went to QC or wherever.  How does that make you better or worse than anyone else? 

Only  students who scored  top marks  from Common Entrance  were able to go to QC.

sO give Kari credit , the brother has every reason to be proud.

There is a difference between education and intelligence and Kari is a prime example.  He flashes his degree in front of everyone and look at his lifestyle - deplorable!!  The reason he is on this site spilling rubbish all the time is because he has nothing else to do.  He is a miserable old soul.

Shaitaan r u back. 

Originally Posted by Chief:

D2 ,

My argument is if Mr. Obama (SR) was present at the time of his birth I am almost certain the Islamic rites were performed hence he was born as a Muslim.


Is he a Muslim now, absolutely no!

When muslims leave their religion, family members tries to kill them. Maybe, the Kenyan side of family ain so much muslims. 

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Kari cannot help himself.  He is consumed in his own narcissism.  He sees the world as black/white, black/coolie, Hindu/Muslim, this/that.  It is all about division.  How are we going to move forward as one people if we keep focusing on these type of divisions.  I am also sick of hearing about his QC rantings.  No one cares if he went to QC or wherever.  How does that make you better or worse than anyone else? 

Only  students who scored  top marks  from Common Entrance  were able to go to QC.

sO give Kari credit , the brother has every reason to be proud.

Banna, I know nuff QC bais right here in the US and they are losers.  Their only claim to fame is they once attended QC, which carry some weight in certain quarters of the Guyanese diaspora.  Beyond that, it's useless.

and they are losers


Spoken like a true Trump-ian.

Originally Posted by Chief:

D2 ,

My argument is if Mr. Obama (SR) was present at the time of his birth I am almost certain the Islamic rites were performed hence he was born as a Muslim.


Is he a Muslim now, absolutely no!

That is your argument but given it takes no account of the woman who brought him into the world and who raised him christian is not unexpected. Your argument is a Muslim rationalization and not a real and rational argument.


One is what one affirms not what others stamped on their forehead as babies  by paternal protocol. Do not assume what you do not know. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Shaitaan r u back. think this Bebe is male masquarading

as a female.

Once, I knew a Bibi Annief. She was a quiet girl. This poster is not a woman. More like a meteor, here to consume anyone in its paths-lots ah fiah.  

Here is a is a gender checker algorithm. It is almost 90 percent on target. It needs 300 or more words to work.  Test it on your self and others you will see what I mean.


Oh boy - why does my gender matter?  I am a really nice, sweet coolie gyal.  Bad ass,  double-edged sword type!!!  I stand up against bullies and champion the cause of the underdog.  I preach peace and love wherever I go.  I can kill you with my charm! And paralyse you with my looks!


What else you want to know?  Speak now or forever hold your peace.

Bibi Haniffa
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Oh boy - why does my gender matter?  I am a really nice, sweet coolie gyal.  Bad ass,  double-edged sword type!!!  I stand up against bullies and champion the cause of the underdog.  I preach peace and love wherever I go.  I can kill you with my charm! And paralyse you with my looks!


What else you want to know?  Speak now or forever hold your peace.

I have been properly vaccinated against indian girls...known fact...just care about your brains...not much to go on to this point to determine its worth. Picking a fight with Kari for no reason did not earn you any merits. You could at least insist he was annoyingly bald and with a nose taking up most of the real estate of his face or that at his age he should not be wearing wife beaters.  You have to have a reason for a fight. Just saying he holds his diplomas as a shield is not enough. He has a right to do that given all the fakes around in the community beginning with Jagdeo

Originally Posted by Chief:

D2 ,

My argument is if Mr. Obama (SR) was present at the time of his birth I am almost certain the Islamic rites were performed hence he was born as a Muslim.


Is he a Muslim now, absolutely no!

Hard to say.  Maybe he is a sleeper.  I always wondered why he sat back and allowed ISIL to take over!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:

D2 ,

My argument is if Mr. Obama (SR) was present at the time of his birth I am almost certain the Islamic rites were performed hence he was born as a Muslim.


Is he a Muslim now, absolutely no!

Hard to say.  Maybe he is a sleeper.  I always wondered why he sat back and allowed ISIL to take over!

Your mother chose badly in  sourcing your y chromosomes. Blame her for your spinelessness and your capacity for nonsense.

Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:





Under the PPP regime Golden Grove/Nabaclis has become an affluent black community.  


The successful black professionals who live in Golden Grove live in grandiose homes with nice SUVs in their years.



Haha Mitwah - I was hoping I hit your crazy nerve!!!   I did!!!   Te he he!!!


Originally Posted by yuji22:

Mitwah is defending a KoKoBeah PNC. 

Hahahahahah! I believe in reincarnation milk.

Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

There is a difference between education and intelligence and Kari is a prime example.  He flashes his degree in front of everyone and look at his lifestyle - deplorable!!  The reason he is on this site spilling rubbish all the time is because he has nothing else to do.  He is a miserable old soul.

Bibi, GNI is wishing the man Happy Birthday.


So get over the fact that he rejected you because he seems to find you repulsive.

Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

So to address of race in Guyana which seems to be the hottest topic on this site.  During the Burnham regime - everyone suffered.  The policies he put into place to tear down Indian people backfired on him and more blacks ended up suffering.


You people who have chosen to enslave yourself in Donald Trump's country should come to Guyana and see what has been done.


Under the PPP regime Golden Grove/Nabaclis has become an affluent black community.  Dr.  CC Nicholson Hospital was built in Nabaclis so the the community can get immediate care.  The two large churches there were renovated to provide a nice place to worship.  There is a large supermarket with all the food you can find in Donald Trump's country.


The successful black professionals who live in Golden Grove live in grandiose homes with nice SUVs in their years.


When Trump give all of you a one way ticket back to Guyana you will envy the lifestyle of the local Guyanese people.



And yet the people in Nabaclis have a whole different narrative than you do, and poured out into the streets when they learned that the PPP LOST.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Kari cannot help himself.  He is consumed in his own narcissism.  He sees the world as black/white, black/coolie, Hindu/Muslim, this/that.  It is all about division.  How are we going to move forward as one people if we keep focusing on these type of divisions.  I am also sick of hearing about his QC rantings.  No one cares if he went to QC or wherever.  How does that make you better or worse than anyone else? 

Only  students who scored  top marks  from Common Entrance  were able to go to QC.

sO give Kari credit , the brother has every reason to be proud.

There is a difference between education and intelligence and Kari is a prime example.  He flashes his degree in front of everyone and look at his lifestyle - deplorable!!  The reason he is on this site spilling rubbish all the time is because he has nothing else to do.  He is a miserable old soul.

and you are a dude prancing around, pretending to be a woman on GNI


who's the loser here again?

Get outta here, a dude????. Here Iman gettin all hot with dem lips and is a dude? Look yeh I not gonna waste the hot feelin, if a dude got lips like dat, jus grow the bread an moustatch, pull all the teeth an Iman bang on deh.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:

D2 ,

My argument is if Mr. Obama (SR) was present at the time of his birth I am almost certain the Islamic rites were performed hence he was born as a Muslim.


Is he a Muslim now, absolutely no!

Hard to say.  Maybe he is a sleeper.  I always wondered why he sat back and allowed ISIL to take over!

I see you can't even hide the level of your stupidity baseman.


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