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ksazma posted:The AFC was only there to vote for PNC whims and fancies. His actions were brilliant and by operating as astute as he did, he effectively put the country ahead of everything and everyone, even himself.

Stop your bleeding heart nonsense. The AFC was happy with the arrangement because this was the only way that they would have had the power that they had. The PPP didn't need them.

With all the MPs and cabinet members please dont scream that the AFC was powerless to actions of APNU. These two were in bed together. That every AFC member wasnt happy meant that they could have protested against their leadership.

They did NOT until Judas money showed up.

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
cain posted:
Mars posted
Only two weeks ago the man voted yes on the budget and gave an overwhelming speech in favor of the government. If he had a beef with the government, he should have done the honorable thing and resigned. 

I agree the government needed a wake up call but what you said here is also correct.

The man did what every dam politician does, he put himself first before party and country.

Cainsta, I think that voting for the budget was a brilliant move by Charandas. The NC motion was filed in mid November and the Coalition immediately went into panic mode to the point of not showing up for work that day. After they regrouped, they demanded that the budget be voted on before any debate or vote on the NC motion. A good lawyer never ask a question he does not already know the answer to and Charandas is a lawyer. Had he shown his hand on the budget debate, he would be irrelevant to the NC motion which was already in filed by the Opposition. So he glorified the budget and voted for it perhaps knowing fully well that even if he had a problem with it, it may not come to fruition. Then he sat and waited for the only opportunity possible to stop the actions of the Coalition government which had effectively became a PNC government shortly after the 2015 elections. The AFC was only there to vote for PNC whims and fancies. His actions were brilliant and by operating as astute as he did, he effectively put the country ahead of everything and everyone, even himself.

I agree 100%.  I don't understand why people don't see why he did what he did despite the Budget vote.  The NC was the vote he wanted, budget was irrelevant!  Showing his hand earlier, he would not be the one voting!

The coolie banna out-witted them and left them shell shocked!

A drowning man (or woman) hangs on to a straw. Hoping that he showed his hand before the NC motion vote would have rendered him irrelevant to the NC motion and those who argue that he should are now in retrospect regretful that he didn't as he was able to topple their chosen government. The banna played his cards like a genius poker player. 

Gilbakka posted:
Prashad said Indians are still the MAJORITY in Guyana. The 2012 Census said Indians are below 40%. Is that MAJORITY?

This why Jagdeo plays the "straight hair" game and tells Amerindians that blacks will rape and kill them (he uses GDF and police as a dog whistle).

He thinks that he can run Guyana and isolate blacks.

ksazma posted:
cain posted:
Mars posted
Only two weeks ago the man voted yes on the budget and gave an overwhelming speech in favor of the government. If he had a beef with the government, he should have done the honorable thing and resigned. 

I agree the government needed a wake up call but what you said here is also correct.

The man did what every dam politician does, he put himself first before party and country.

Cainsta, I think that voting for the budget was a brilliant move by Charandas. The NC motion was filed in mid November and the Coalition immediately went into panic mode to the point of not showing up for work that day. After they regrouped, they demanded that the budget be voted on before any debate or vote on the NC motion. A good lawyer never ask a question he does not already know the answer to and Charandas is a lawyer. Had he shown his hand on the budget debate, he would be irrelevant to the NC motion which was already in filed by the Opposition. So he glorified the budget and voted for it perhaps knowing fully well that even if he had a problem with it, it may not come to fruition. Then he sat and waited for the only opportunity possible to stop the actions of the Coalition government which had effectively became a PNC government shortly after the 2015 elections. The AFC was only there to vote for PNC whims and fancies. His actions were brilliant and by operating as astute as he did, he effectively put the country ahead of everything and everyone, even himself.

I watched those videos again focusing on him and not the speakers.  This dude deserves an Academy award.  He sat through over six hours of debate and smiled through the whole thing knowing that he was about to bring down the whole government.  And then further proceeded to give a press interview after he brought down the Gov’t.  That Rass is nerves of steel. And then skeddadle out of the country while they are looking for him at CJIA.  This guy needs to star in his own James Bond movie.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
The AFC was only there to vote for PNC whims and fancies. His actions were brilliant and by operating as astute as he did, he effectively put the country ahead of everything and everyone, even himself.

Stop your bleeding heart nonsense. The AFC was happy with the arrangement because this was the only way that they would have had the power that they had. The PPP didn't need them.

With all the MPs and cabinet members please dont scream that the AFC was powerless to actions of APNU. These two were in bed together. That every AFC member wasnt happy meant that they could have protested against their leadership.

They did NOT until Judas money showed up.

It is not my bleeding heart nonsense bai. Charandas stated in the KN article that the AFC was a rubber stamp for the PNC. Regarding all the positions that the AFC has, lets evaluate the highest one to see how much power it has. Nagamootoo was named VP and Prime Minister. However, Harmon was appointed to oversee Nagamootoo. The Coalition government only use Nagamootooo when they need a paper tiger to cuss out the PPP.

All the talk anoy pay is just talk. Until someone of you Sherlock Williams present proof of it.

Baseman posted:

The man complained about PNC Bullyism and Racists within the ranks of the APNU.  

So in December 2018, having been part of the coalition for almost 4 years he only just discovered this.

Any mention of this in June 2015 by which time he should have known the dynamics? No.

Tell you Judas money sweet, sweet, sweet!

Btw black people hate Jagdeo's bullying and clandestine violence that he engaged in using people connected to Columbian drug cartels.

Tell you what. Black people mightn't like Granger but they hate Jagdeo and Anil even more!

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:The AFC was only there to vote for PNC whims and fancies. His actions were brilliant and by operating as astute as he did, he effectively put the country ahead of everything and everyone, even himself.

Stop your bleeding heart nonsense. The AFC was happy with the arrangement because this was the only way that they would have had the power that they had. The PPP didn't need them.

With all the MPs and cabinet members please dont scream that the AFC was powerless to actions of APNU. These two were in bed together. That every AFC member wasnt happy meant that they could have protested against their leadership.

They did NOT until Judas money showed up.

Dude, get over it.  The world has not ended.  You can still win the election in 2019.  Focus on that.  Your rants are becoming irrelevant and useless.  

Bibi Haniffa
ksazma posted:

A drowning man (or woman) hangs on to a straw. Hoping that he showed his hand before the NC motion vote would have rendered him irrelevant to the NC motion and those who argue that he should are now in retrospect regretful that he didn't as he was able to topple their chosen government.

The banna played his cards like a genius poker player.  

Political strategy.  


Cribby does not have any confidence in the PNC winning the elections next year. He knows that the PNC never won an election in the 50+ years of Guyana independence. He also see the WPA jumping ship and the AFC will soon follow. That is certainly going to return the PNC to a minority party. I can understand his distress. 

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

The man complained about PNC Bullyism and Racists within the ranks of the APNU.  

So in December 2018, having been part of the coalition for almost 4 years he only just discovered this.

Any mention of this in June 2015 by which time he should have known the dynamics? No.

Tell you Judas money sweet, sweet, sweet!

Btw black people hate Jagdeo's bullying and clandestine violence that he engaged in using people connected to Columbian drug cartels.

Tell you what. Black people mightn't like Granger but they hate Jagdeo and Anil even more!

Because black people are easily bought you think all Indos are the same. Volda statement is the straw that broke Charrandas back, this was the appropriate time where his move made a tsunami change where the entire country witness and heard  his reason


kp posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

The man complained about PNC Bullyism and Racists within the ranks of the APNU.  


Because black people are easily bought you think all Indos are the same. 


Charrandass took Judas money.  If he was a true hero and a true patriot, when Moses Nagamootoo tossed out David Hinds when David Hinds began to reveal the truths about the coalition, he would have spoken out.

He said NOTHING and in fact now boasts that he was a YES Man.  Judas money is really needed for those cold Canadian winters!  Better than the MP money that he was getting that he didn't want to risk losing.

ksazma posted:

Cribby does not have any confidence in the PNC winning the elections next year. He knows that the PNC never won an election in the 50+ years of Guyana independence. He also see the WPA jumping ship and the AFC will soon follow. That is certainly going to return the PNC to a minority party. I can understand his distress. 

Don’t tell him who will become Minister of State if PNC loses. We might have a new Harmon in town.  He and Lennox will be doing backflips and cartwheels all day here on GNI.

Bibi Haniffa
Demerara_Guy posted:
ksazma posted:

A drowning man (or woman) hangs on to a straw. Hoping that he showed his hand before the NC motion vote would have rendered him irrelevant to the NC motion and those who argue that he should are now in retrospect regretful that he didn't as he was able to topple their chosen government.

The banna played his cards like a genius poker player.  

Political strategy.  

And now we will have President Anil and co President Bharat. What a team of honest and humble men.  Aside from sharing ethnicity with these characters what the hell do these two monsters reveal that is any better from the likes of Granger?

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

Cribby does not have any confidence in the PNC winning the elections next year. 

They lost but what happened to the PPP between 1999 and 2002.  Continue to think that alienating 45% of the population is a good idea.

Incidentally the speakers in the debate spoke of some of the events during that period. They pointed out the many times that the PNC sought to destabilize the PPP government. I don't think that alienating anyone is a good idea. Guyana situation is not unique but it does need improvement. But if your concern is that alienating 45% of the population, you should also be concerned that alienating the other 55%.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Don’t tell him who will become Minister of State if PNC loses. We might have a new Harmon in town.  He and Lennox will be doing backflips and cartwheels all day here on GNI.

I see still delirious from your all night party "we tek way de government from black man".  

If you had the slightest bit of integrity you would be very upset that Anil is the candidate that Jagdeo will install.  But you dont as all you want is "ahbe pan tap".  So putting in two monsters in power doesnt bother you.


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