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kp posted:
Mars posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Charrandas Persaud is a patriot of Guyana. He voted with his conscience, not thinking about fat parliamentary pay and perks. Charrandas has made history and his name will be remembered for putting people before profits.

APNU+AFC will be kicked out of government by May next year, thanks to Bharrat Jagdeo. He will ensure a PPP victory in general election as he did at the LGE.

Most likely the PPP will provide Charrandas with security cover tonight and onwards as necessary. 

I look forward to seeing Charrandas's name on the PPP list next year.

What conscience? He probably got a fat bag of cash from the PPP to defect. Jagdeo didn't go into this venture without knowing that he had already bought out a rat. 

Charrandas was first a PPP and later joined the AFC , he was never happy when the AFC joined the APNU. Now that the AFC is dead he does not want to be a pallbearer .he made the right move he came back Home.

So he was a grasshopper like Labbaman TK? Looks like they didn't trust TK but they didn't realize they had another sellout in their midst.

Last edited by Mars
Drugb posted:
Django posted:

To the PPP supporters on GNI, you have your day, congrats.Politically there are tough times  ahead, the distrust within the Coalition gov't  was revealed, tough times ahead, the people will be come more divided.

You sound bitter still, even with your contrived congrats. How do you know that the PPP will not strive to be more inclusive? Don't you believe that they  learnt from their mistakes? If they didn't then they will be booted similarly. 

Bitterness !!! where ??

Django posted:

To the PPP supporters on GNI, you have your day, congrats.Politically there are tough times  ahead, the distrust within the Coalition gov't  was revealed, tough times ahead, the people will be come more divided.

I tell you rass you too over confident.  BJ did not put that bill forward with no hope.  He had the feeling!

Drugb posted:
Mars posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Charrandas Persaud is a patriot of Guyana. He voted with his conscience, not thinking about fat parliamentary pay and perks. Charrandas has made history and his name will be remembered for putting people before profits.

APNU+AFC will be kicked out of government by May next year, thanks to Bharrat Jagdeo. He will ensure a PPP victory in general election as he did at the LGE.

Most likely the PPP will provide Charrandas with security cover tonight and onwards as necessary. 

I look forward to seeing Charrandas's name on the PPP list next year.

What conscience? He probably got a fat bag of cash from the PPP to defect. Jagdeo didn't go into this venture without knowing that he had already bought out a rat. 

Not every Indo for sale, many of us have a conscience too. We are not all crookish as per your generalization. 

When did I ever say that every Indo is crookish? 

Jagdeo played a master stroke there approaching a Berbice Indo with PPP roots. Not too hard to get him to defect. 

Baseman posted:
Django posted:

To the PPP supporters on GNI, you have your day, congrats.Politically there are tough times  ahead, the distrust within the Coalition gov't  was revealed, tough times ahead, the people will be come more divided.

I tell you rass you too over confident.  BJ did not put that bill forward with no hope.  He had the feeling!

That's what I'm saying and now you just confirmed it. The man had already passed off the brown paper bag to the rat and he had confidence in the defection.

Mars posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Charrandas Persaud is a patriot of Guyana. He voted with his conscience, not thinking about fat parliamentary pay and perks. Charrandas has made history and his name will be remembered for putting people before profits.

APNU+AFC will be kicked out of government by May next year, thanks to Bharrat Jagdeo. He will ensure a PPP victory in general election as he did at the LGE.

Most likely the PPP will provide Charrandas with security cover tonight and onwards as necessary. 

I look forward to seeing Charrandas's name on the PPP list next year.

What conscience? He probably got a fat bag of cash from the PPP to defect. Jagdeo didn't go into this venture without knowing that he had already bought out a rat. 

Hey hey hey...and now welcome to Presi Irfaan. Hey hey man gat business interest foh look after. 




Gov’t falls after APNU+AFC MP Charrandass Persaud votes yes to no confidence motion

FILE PHOTO: Charrandass Persaud taking the oath in 2015

A high-stakes gambit by the PPP/C paid off tonight when APNU+AFC MP Charrandass Persaud voted for the opposition motion of no-confidence meaning that fresh general elections will have to be held in three months.

Persaud, an attorney, who represents the AFC wing of the coalition, voted yes when it was his turn tonight, stunning the National Assembly and clearly taking the government benches by surprise.

His vote brought proceedings to an immediate halt as government MPs attempted to have him change his vote. Both APNU+AFC Chief Whip Amna Ally and MP Volda Lawrence who is the chairman of the PNCR rounded on him to no avail.

Persaud, a Berbician,   proceeded to repeat at least four times that he was in favour of the motion when Speaker Dr Barton Scotland had the process restarted. The vote was then concluded and the no-confidence motion succeeded 33 to 32 meaning that the government had fallen.

The voting came at the end of nearly seven hours of gruelling debate on the PPP/C’s motion which had had the political class on tenterhooks.

The collapse of the government comes at a particularly precarious time with President David Granger being unwell and the Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission also unwell.

November 12 local government elections where the PPP/C stormed to impressive wins.

The PPP/C lost the 2015 general elections by a mere 4,500 votes and will now fancy its chances at the new polls. It however has to decide who its presidential candidate will be.

With first oil set for 2020, the outcome will rock the entire country and particularly the investment community.

Tonight’s outcome will be a particularly bitter outcome for Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo who was one of the speakers on the motion tonight and who up to last night had boldly said that no APNU+AFC MP would vote for the PPP/C motion.

There is great irony to the no-confidence motion. Nagamootoo and the AFC had tabled one against the PPP/C in 2014 and to avoid losing it, the President Donald Ramotar prorogued and then dissolved Parliament leading to the 2015 elections which APNU+AFC won.

There would now be great uncertainty as whether the APNU+AFC coalition would survive this collapse.

Tonight’s development may also impel the formation of new groupings to occupy the third party space.

In September 2013, Persaud had a falling out with the AFC. He told Stabroek News then that he left the AFC because he was treated as second class and taken for granted. He later patched up with the AFC in time for the 2015 general elections and was named a member of Parliament.

The collapse of the government has once again underlined the fragility of the government going back to 2011 when the Ramotar administration government with a minority. In 2015, APNU+AFC won only a one-seat majority.

Article 106 (6) of the constitution says that “The Cabinet including the President shall resign if the Government is defeated by the vote of a majority of all the elected members of the National Assembly on a vote of confidence”.

This would then necessitate a formal resignation by the APNU+AFC Cabinet and the President.

Article 106 (7) of the constitution says that “Notwithstanding its defeat, the Government shall remain in office and shall hold an election within three months, or such longer period as the National Assembly shall by resolution supported by not less than two-thirds of the votes of all the elected members of the National Assembly determine, and shall resign after the President takes the oath of office following the election”.

Last edited by Former Member

Django, I told you "hedge"!  I watch the PNC behavior and they knew they had a problem.


They got too arrogant too fast.  PPP took 15 years to get arrogant, PNC got arrogant to 15 weeks!


Moses challenged Jagdeo to bring it on and Jagdeo Buss Moses Balls.  President Granger should have never put Moses in Charge of the PNC flock. This was a strategic error.

Harmon was sidelined and he should have been the man to keep the PNC flock together including Charandass. Harmon would have arranged a bigger brown paper bag for him.

Dem PNC allowed Volda and Moses bring them down.

Will President Granger resign now ? I would like to see him in a senior role in healing Guyana.

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Django posted:

To the PPP supporters on GNI, you have your day, congrats.Politically there are tough times  ahead, the distrust within the Coalition gov't  was revealed, tough times ahead, the people will be come more divided.

I tell you rass you too over confident.  BJ did not put that bill forward with no hope.  He had the feeling!

Bhai, i was caught by surprise never expected a defector.

Labba posted:
Mars posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Charrandas Persaud is a patriot of Guyana. He voted with his conscience, not thinking about fat parliamentary pay and perks. Charrandas has made history and his name will be remembered for putting people before profits.

APNU+AFC will be kicked out of government by May next year, thanks to Bharrat Jagdeo. He will ensure a PPP victory in general election as he did at the LGE.

Most likely the PPP will provide Charrandas with security cover tonight and onwards as necessary. 

I look forward to seeing Charrandas's name on the PPP list next year.

What conscience? He probably got a fat bag of cash from the PPP to defect. Jagdeo didn't go into this venture without knowing that he had already bought out a rat. 

Hey hey hey...and now welcome to Presi Irfaan. Hey hey man gat business interest foh look after. 

President in waiting Irfaart seh he gon correct all the facts.

Listening to the debates today, there are a bunch of dunces on both sides of the aisle in Guyana. We used to have eloquent and educated people in politics but sadly, those days are a distant memory.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:

To the PPP supporters on GNI, you have your day, congrats.Politically there are tough times  ahead, the distrust within the Coalition gov't  was revealed, tough times ahead, the people will be come more divided.

I tell you rass you too over confident.  BJ did not put that bill forward with no hope.  He had the feeling!

Bhai, i was caught by surprise never expected a defector.

Banna, you rass was too deep in just like the PNC.  I thought is was 50/50 and the PNC behavior showed they were not confident, no pun intended.

This time nah lang time!

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:
yuji22 posted:


Time for Moses to ride off into the sunset. He cannot complain because his pension is now bigger than Jagdeo's.

Can he still collect pension if he doesn’t serve out his term?  Hey hey hey!!

O rass, Jagdeo will probably use that to kick Moses in the delicate spot for a second time. 


Good to see that there are still people with integrity in Guyana.  Democracy in Guyana owes a big favor to Charrandass Persaud.  Hope the people understand that this man has single-handily done democracy a great favor in Guyana.

He gave an excellent interview that everyone needs to listen to.  He was not bought by the PPP and I hope he will not sell his soul to the PPP in the future.

People must understand that the PPP and PNC are vultures on Guyana's sole.  The first thing the APNU/AFC did was to feed themselves at the trough taking over right where the PPP left.  

The wheels of democracy turns slow but today is a great start.

I salute Charrandass Persaud.

Rickford Burke 
38 mins Â· 

Charandass Persaud: 
Let me confirm that on November 16, 2018, we received intelligence that government MP Charandass Persaud was allegedly negotiating with the PPP to vote for the no confidence motion through thru a rich oil tycoon in Trinidad. I wrote four leaders in the coalition government and provided this information which they also possessed. I recommend to the government that this MP be recalled and that the police be directed to launch an investigation. I subsequently wrote a letter to the press on the matter, without naming the MP. I also provided a strategy to address the eventuality that played out today in the Parliamen.

In all their wisdom the leaders of this coalition government did nothing. Further I say not.

Demerara_Guy posted:
kp posted:
yuji22 posted:

You rass hard ears. All you hate for Jagdeo blinded all you foresight. Always keep your eyes on a tiger, especially a wounded one.

Was Granger in Parliament,  I did not see him.

Presidents are not in parliament for these occasions.

Thanks. Good he did not have to witness sorrowfull  behavior of his ministers thus causing his party defeat.

Baseman posted:
Django posted:

To the PPP supporters on GNI, you have your day, congrats.Politically there are tough times  ahead, the distrust within the Coalition gov't  was revealed, tough times ahead, the people will be come more divided.

I tell you rass you too over confident.  BJ did not put that bill forward with no hope.  He had the feeling!

Yea. Lewe hope he can run de kuntry with same precision. Hey hey hey...yea dem bais pay nuff money. Charran was easy. But dem disrespect dem AFC bais. 

VVP posted:

Good to see that there are still people with integrity in Guyana.  Democracy in Guyana owes a big favor to Charrandass Persaud.  Hope the people understand that this man has single-handily done democracy a great favor in Guyana.

He gave an excellent interview that everyone needs to listen to.  He was not bought by the PPP and I hope he will not sell his soul to the PPP in the future.

People must understand that the PPP and PNC are vultures on Guyana's sole.  The first thing the APNU/AFC did was to feed themselves at the trough taking over right where the PPP left.  

The wheels of democracy turns slow but today is a great start.

I salute Charrandass Persaud.


Bibi Haniffa
Labba posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:

To the PPP supporters on GNI, you have your day, congrats.Politically there are tough times  ahead, the distrust within the Coalition gov't  was revealed, tough times ahead, the people will be come more divided.

I tell you rass you too over confident.  BJ did not put that bill forward with no hope.  He had the feeling!

Yea. Lewe hope he can run de kuntry with same precision. Hey hey hey...yea dem bais pay nuff money. Charran was easy. But dem disrespect dem AFC bais. 

Suh BJ will run the country from behind the curtain.

Last edited by Django
VVP posted:

Good to see that there are still people with integrity in Guyana.  Democracy in Guyana owes a big favor to Charrandass Persaud.  Hope the people understand that this man has single-handily done democracy a great favor in Guyana.

He gave an excellent interview that everyone needs to listen to.  He was not bought by the PPP and I hope he will not sell his soul to the PPP in the future.

People must understand that the PPP and PNC are vultures on Guyana's sole.  The first thing the APNU/AFC did was to feed themselves at the trough taking over right where the PPP left.  

The wheels of democracy turns slow but today is a great start.

I salute Charrandass Persaud.

Do you have a link to the interview?

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

You rass hard ears. All you hate for Jagdeo blinded all you foresight. Always keep your eyes on a tiger, especially a wounded one.

So what role would he play in the PPP gov't  ? them bhais will make a killing with the oil money.

Along with their partners in T&T who sponsored the payout to the rat.

Last edited by Mars
Django posted:
Labba posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:

To the PPP supporters on GNI, you have your day, congrats.Politically there are tough times  ahead, the distrust within the Coalition gov't  was revealed, tough times ahead, the people will be come more divided.

I tell you rass you too over confident.  BJ did not put that bill forward with no hope.  He had the feeling!

Yea. Lewe hope he can run de kuntry with same precision. Hey hey hey...yea dem bais pay nuff money. Charran was easy. But dem disrespect dem AFC bais. 

Suh BJ will run the country from behind the curtain.

Hey hey hey...

Baseman posted:
VVP posted:

Good to see that there are still people with integrity in Guyana.  Democracy in Guyana owes a big favor to Charrandass Persaud.  Hope the people understand that this man has single-handily done democracy a great favor in Guyana.

He gave an excellent interview that everyone needs to listen to.  He was not bought by the PPP and I hope he will not sell his soul to the PPP in the future.

People must understand that the PPP and PNC are vultures on Guyana's sole.  The first thing the APNU/AFC did was to feed themselves at the trough taking over right where the PPP left.  

The wheels of democracy turns slow but today is a great start.

I salute Charrandass Persaud.

Do you have a link to the interview?

It's on facebook.  I'll see if I can find it because things change quickly on FB.

Mars posted:
Rickford Burke 
38 mins Â· 

Charandass Persaud: 
Let me confirm that on November 16, 2018, we received intelligence that government MP Charandass Persaud was allegedly negotiating with the PPP to vote for the no confidence motion through thru a rich oil tycoon in Trinidad. I wrote four leaders in the coalition government and provided this information which they also possessed. I recommend to the government that this MP be recalled and that the police be directed to launch an investigation. I subsequently wrote a letter to the press on the matter, without naming the MP. I also provided a strategy to address the eventuality that played out today in the Parliamen.

In all their wisdom the leaders of this coalition government did nothing. Further I say not.

One bucket daag piss. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

You rass hard ears. All you hate for Jagdeo blinded all you foresight. Always keep your eyes on a tiger, especially a wounded one.

So what role would he play in the PPP gov't  ? them bhais will make a killing with the oil money.

How you mind gone till to oil money now??

What do you think is behind all of this? The greed for oil money.

So how come y'all accuse the US of installing the Coalition Government and they couldn't even get the government to vote for themselves. Y'all  narrative full of holes. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

You rass hard ears. All you hate for Jagdeo blinded all you foresight. Always keep your eyes on a tiger, especially a wounded one.

So what role would he play in the PPP gov't  ? them bhais will make a killing with the oil money.

How you mind gone till to oil money now??

This will be their new subject for discussion,  all this time oil money was not an issue.

Labba posted:
Mars posted:
Rickford Burke 
38 mins Â· 

Charandass Persaud: 
Let me confirm that on November 16, 2018, we received intelligence that government MP Charandass Persaud was allegedly negotiating with the PPP to vote for the no confidence motion through thru a rich oil tycoon in Trinidad. I wrote four leaders in the coalition government and provided this information which they also possessed. I recommend to the government that this MP be recalled and that the police be directed to launch an investigation. I subsequently wrote a letter to the press on the matter, without naming the MP. I also provided a strategy to address the eventuality that played out today in the Parliamen.

In all their wisdom the leaders of this coalition government did nothing. Further I say not.

One bucket daag piss. 

How is that so? Oil don't spoil, bhai. 


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