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Gilbakka posted:

Will David Granger run again for President next 3-4 months? If not, will Basil fight Volda for the candidacy?

With the recent diagnosis and need for follow-up treatment, it appears that David Granger, most likely, will not be the party's future presidential candidate.

It is quite possible that the PNCR will have to make quick needed choices for its presidential candidate plus the 65 candidates for MPs.

It also will be of interest if the PNCR will maintain its current associates from the smaller parties plus the AFC.

Interesting times ahead for the next few months.

Dave posted:

How Free and Fair will the election be. PPP supporters should not be over confident.

APNU has to elect a President, dont think Granger going back.

They also have fighting among themselves.. time is limited.

APNU and AFC have to go back to the drawing  board, seems like troubling (politically ) times ahead within the coming months.Granger and Naga may be out.

Mars posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

You rass hard ears. All you hate for Jagdeo blinded all you foresight. Always keep your eyes on a tiger, especially a wounded one.

So what role would he play in the PPP gov't  ? them bhais will make a killing with the oil money.

Along with their partners in T&T who sponsored the payout to the rat.

Where's Antabanta? He mentioned something recently that Jagdeo's behavior is how Mafia Dons roll. It's all about OIL. The Mafia Don is running the show. Everything is going according to plan. 

Mars posted:
VVP posted:

He's full of shit. If he was disheartened with the AFC and the Coalition in general, he should have resigned from the party because voting against them, he still has to leave. Why didn't he tell them that he wasn't voting for them when they did a head count? He knew all along that he collected his loot from Jagdeo and he would vote with the PPP. It will all come to light soon. He can't fool anyone with his nonsense. 


Baseman posted:
Mars posted:
VVP posted:

He's full of shit. If he was disheartened with the AFC and the Coalition in general, he should have resigned from the party because voting against them, he still has to leave. Why didn't he tell them that he wasn't voting for them when they did a head count? He knew all along that he collected his loot from Jagdeo and he would vote with the PPP. It will all come to light soon. He can't fool anyone with his nonsense. 


Bullshit or cowshit is the same shit he's full of. Do you know the difference?  

Leonora posted:
Mars posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

You rass hard ears. All you hate for Jagdeo blinded all you foresight. Always keep your eyes on a tiger, especially a wounded one.

So what role would he play in the PPP gov't  ? them bhais will make a killing with the oil money.

Along with their partners in T&T who sponsored the payout to the rat.

Where's Antabanta? He mentioned something recently that Jagdeo's behavior is how Mafia Dons roll. It's all about OIL. The Mafia Don is running the show. Everything is going according to plan. 

You kaaark duck now.

Bibi Haniffa
Mars posted:
VVP posted:

He's full of shit. If he was disheartened with the AFC and the Coalition in general, he should have resigned from the party because voting against them, he still has to leave. Why didn't he tell them that he wasn't voting for them when they did a head count? He knew all along that he collected his loot from Jagdeo and he would vote with the PPP. It will all come to light soon. He can't fool anyone with his nonsense. 


Please understand that in democratic societies it is very common for parliamentarians to vote with their conscience.  What happened today sets a precedence. Let's accept it with grace.  I'm drinking at this time with an apolitical with common Buxtonian roots. I will return soon. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Leonora posted:
Mars posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

You rass hard ears. All you hate for Jagdeo blinded all you foresight. Always keep your eyes on a tiger, especially a wounded one.

So what role would he play in the PPP gov't  ? them bhais will make a killing with the oil money.

Along with their partners in T&T who sponsored the payout to the rat.

Where's Antabanta? He mentioned something recently that Jagdeo's behavior is how Mafia Dons roll. It's all about OIL. The Mafia Don is running the show. Everything is going according to plan. 

You kaaark duck now.

We're waiting to see you become First Lady, a Minister. Ambassador, etc.   

Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mars posted:
VVP posted:

He's full of shit. If he was disheartened with the AFC and the Coalition in general, he should have resigned from the party because voting against them, he still has to leave. Why didn't he tell them that he wasn't voting for them when they did a head count? He knew all along that he collected his loot from Jagdeo and he would vote with the PPP. It will all come to light soon. He can't fool anyone with his nonsense. 


Please understand that in democratic societies it is very common for parliamentarians to vote with their conscience.  What happened today sets a precedence. Let's accept it with grace.  I'm drinking at this time with an apolitical with common Buxtonian roots. I will return soon. 

Laar is the medicine you take every night before you go to bed, Stupidee Bill. Drinking with a man at this time of night? Like you getting the urge for Buxtonian laar.  

It won't be uncommon for Jagdeo to pay off a former PPP man either given his greed for the upcoming oil bonanza. Especially since the government was warned a few days ago that Chandradass was in contact with Jagdeo and he should be replaced.

Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mars posted:
VVP posted:

He's full of shit. If he was disheartened with the AFC and the Coalition in general, he should have resigned from the party because voting against them, he still has to leave. Why didn't he tell them that he wasn't voting for them when they did a head count? He knew all along that he collected his loot from Jagdeo and he would vote with the PPP. It will all come to light soon. He can't fool anyone with his nonsense. 


Please understand that in democratic societies it is very common for parliamentarians to vote with their conscience.  What happened today sets a precedence. Let's accept it with grace.  I'm drinking at this time with an apolitical with common Buxtonian roots. I will return soon. 

Laar is the medicine you take every night before you go to bed, Stupidee Bill. Drinking with a man at this time of night? Like you getting the urge for Buxtonian laar.  

It won't be uncommon for Jagdeo to pay off a former PPP man either given his greed for the upcoming oil bonanza. Especially since the government was warned a few days ago that Chandradass was in contact with Jagdeo and he should be replaced.

We Indian Buxtonians wants to come over and give you some Laar tonight.  We want democracy but if requires we give you some fresh milk we will be honored to do so. 

Long live democracy!!!

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mars posted:
VVP posted:

He's full of shit. If he was disheartened with the AFC and the Coalition in general, he should have resigned from the party because voting against them, he still has to leave. Why didn't he tell them that he wasn't voting for them when they did a head count? He knew all along that he collected his loot from Jagdeo and he would vote with the PPP. It will all come to light soon. He can't fool anyone with his nonsense. 


Please understand that in democratic societies it is very common for parliamentarians to vote with their conscience.  What happened today sets a precedence. Let's accept it with grace.  I'm drinking at this time with an apolitical with common Buxtonian roots. I will return soon. 

Laar is the medicine you take every night before you go to bed, Stupidee Bill. Drinking with a man at this time of night? Like you getting the urge for Buxtonian laar.  

It won't be uncommon for Jagdeo to pay off a former PPP man either given his greed for the upcoming oil bonanza. Especially since the government was warned a few days ago that Chandradass was in contact with Jagdeo and he should be replaced.

We Indian Buxtonians wants to come over and give you some Laar tonight.  We want democracy but if requires we give you some fresh milk we will be honored to do so. 

Long live democracy!!!

No thank you. What kind of nasty men you people are that you always want to share your laar with another man? Sorry, I don't indulge in that sick behavior. Give each other your laar in your drunken stupor but I don't need to know about it. TMI. Yuck!

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:


Laar Maar started this sh...t. if he can call me goat then i have all the right in the world to hit back.

You're not only a nasty ole fagg0t but a lyin one at that. I didn't call you anything tonight. I wasn't even talking to you and you interjected with your antiman talk about Laar. Go and bugger with your Buxtonian friend that you're getting drunk with and leave me out of your fantasies. I don't play those jam lolo games you nasty ole men play. You probably smell like a goat anyway.

Last edited by Mars
Drugb posted:

They also suffered under the PPP.  Its the Hammie Greene criminals who used to beat up PPP supporters in the early 1980s who represent the type of blacks who the PPP likes.

Time will tell if the PPP learned its lesson.

Not sure how true this is, but if it is true then PPP needs to make amend by being more inclusive. Granger had he opportunity and he failed, what a shame. 

What is not true? During the Rodney Commission one of Hammie Greene's PPP thugs who is now a PPP MP boasted about how many heads he cracked and legs he broke at WPA meetings. No remorse but he is a PPP MP.

We will see if the PPP learned his lesson.  If it is some ageing PPP stooge who will bow to Jagdeo we will know that they haven't.

kp posted:
yuji22 posted:

ABC wants stability. PPP proved today that they have what it takes to govern. 

I was so embarrassed to watch Jackass William speak, I was wondering how such a person could be selected as AG ?

Dave and I observed Basil making threatening remarks to Anil. Look who will laugh last? 

I will suggest to you that if the PPP starts tomorrow with tassa drumming and screaming "ahbe pan tap" things mightn't go so well for them.

We will see if the PPP is different from that which we saw between 2000 and 2015.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:


A stable and democratic Guyana is what you should be fighting for.   

I wonder why in 2015 you didn't see democracy.  You screamed ethnic genocide.  Guyana is a multi ethnic nation and if some feel excluded because of their stable it will not be.

I suggest that President Jagdeo makes this a priority and yes I use president because his stooge will be calling Jagdeo for instructions every 6 minutes.

Baseman posted:

CaribJ said the AFC brought nothing to the Coalition.  Well now guh lick your arrogant rass!

As I said they brought nothing to the coalition.  This act confirms that.  What was this man doing all this time if the coalition was so wrong.

Reports are that he will be leaving for Canada with a bag filled with cash. Good for him because he knows that the PPP isnt going to let him back in.

Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

  What happened today sets a precedence. Let's accept it with grace.  I'm drinking at this time with an apolitical with common Buxtonian roots. I will return soon. 

And when Moses moved a vote of no confidence the PPP was running around screaming that this was a breech of democracy.

How come suddenly an NC is democratic?  You all need to grow up.

Leonora posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Leonora posted:
Mars posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

You rass hard ears. All you hate for Jagdeo blinded all you foresight. Always keep your eyes on a tiger, especially a wounded one.

So what role would he play in the PPP gov't  ? them bhais will make a killing with the oil money.

Along with their partners in T&T who sponsored the payout to the rat.

Where's Antabanta? He mentioned something recently that Jagdeo's behavior is how Mafia Dons roll. It's all about OIL. The Mafia Don is running the show. Everything is going according to plan. 

You kaaark duck now.

We're waiting to see you become First Lady, a Minister. Ambassador, etc.   

Thanks for the endorsement.

Bibi Haniffa
caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

  What happened today sets a precedence. Let's accept it with grace.  I'm drinking at this time with an apolitical with common Buxtonian roots. I will return soon. 

And when Moses moved a vote of no confidence the PPP was running around screaming that this was a breech of democracy.

How come suddenly an NC is democratic?  You all need to grow up.

Carib, you sound very bitter. You always said that the APNU/PNC was democratic. Democracy prevailed. Hope the next election is as transparent and fair as we saw last night. Dictatorship is put in check as for now.

Mars posted:
Labba posted:
Mars posted:
Rickford Burke 
38 mins Â· 

Charandass Persaud: 
Let me confirm that on November 16, 2018, we received intelligence that government MP Charandass Persaud was allegedly negotiating with the PPP to vote for the no confidence motion through thru a rich oil tycoon in Trinidad. I wrote four leaders in the coalition government and provided this information which they also possessed. I recommend to the government that this MP be recalled and that the police be directed to launch an investigation. I subsequently wrote a letter to the press on the matter, without naming the MP. I also provided a strategy to address the eventuality that played out today in the Parliamen.

In all their wisdom the leaders of this coalition government did nothing. Further I say not.

One bucket daag piss. 

How is that so? Oil don't spoil, bhai. 

Daag piss...hey hey hey...


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