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Gyal Rochelle, me cooking up some cook up rice and foo foo, you want some ? 

You hate all we Kuile but y'all all can't bully we. Dis time na laang time when Jagan used to roll over. Is Jagdeo and an eye for an eye Kuile y'all dealing wid now. 

Last edited by Former Member

I was referring to Stand down in terms of supporting a coup or illegal cabal. I am not in any way referring to BLM type of stand down.

Last edited by Former Member
@Rochelle posted:

When will y'all learn? Your "Dr." not getting into power. 


Watch and see soon, My Doctor will be your President, you are invited to bring your Cook-up, booze is free.

 As for learning, you need to start all over again, PPP RULES, never again PNC.


Looks like Guyana will have to wait a bit longer. Lowenfield along with the three Coalition Commissioners did not show up for the meeting today.

‘Guyanese have waited long enough, declare results now’ – UK Gov’t official


This racist and illegal cabal will fall very hard.

Lucifer Granger will be paraded in the streets and stoned as a warning to any future potential monster who intends to rape and violate the constitution, highest courts and the disrespect international community.

Granger is a wicked and shameless SOB !


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