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Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by raymond:

I could already see trouble on the horizon

About the moderator!!

dem PNC bais better watch out...I'll be worse on them...payback for 28 years of Burnham

awee on top

Who can we go to for complaints against the Moderator.

this is a Dictatorship...what yuh mean who yuh gon complain to

Originally Posted by Rev:


* Congratulations Raymond.


* I have already noticed an improvement in the tone in Political.


* Guess all the posters are trying to impress the new bossman.


* With great power comes great responsibility. Hope you handle your responsibility well Raymond.


* Once again CONGRATS.



Give them time...wait until POlice kill somebody...then all hell break loose

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by raymond:

I could already see trouble on the horizon

About the moderator!!

dem PNC bais better watch out...I'll be worse on them...payback for 28 years of Burnham

awee on top

Who can we go to for complaints against the Moderator.

this is a Dictatorship...what yuh mean who yuh gon complain to

Stop behaving like Jagdeo or you will end up jamming lolo.

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Rev:


* Congratulations Raymond.


* I have already noticed an improvement in the tone in Political.


* Guess all the posters are trying to impress the new bossman.


* With great power comes great responsibility. Hope you handle your responsibility well Raymond.


* Once again CONGRATS.



Give them time...wait until POlice kill somebody...then all hell break loose

or some police bugger some lil bai again

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by raymond:

I could already see trouble on the horizon

About the moderator!!

dem PNC bais better watch out...I'll be worse on them...payback for 28 years of Burnham

awee on top

Who can we go to for complaints against the Moderator.

this is a Dictatorship...what yuh mean who yuh gon complain to

Stop behaving like Jagdeo or you will end up jamming lolo.

Jagdeo was a great some respect

Originally Posted by raymond:

Give them time...wait until POlice kill somebody...then all hell break loose





* It's OK for hell to break loose.




* But you are the man with the finger on the button.


* Don't hesitate to press it when posters start attacking the mothers and wives of other posters or when they start attacking you---remember you are now the DICTATOR.


* By the way, it is senseless to lock an entire thread because one poster makes a foolish post----delete that post----and issue a warning or suspension to the errant poster.




* Emulate the great BIGGIE and you'll be a great moderator----try to be nice and you'll fail.





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:


* Congratulations Raymond.


* I have already noticed an improvement in the tone in Political.


* Guess all the posters are trying to impress the new bossman.


* With great power comes great responsibility. Hope you handle your responsibility well Raymond.


* Once again CONGRATS.



Shyte, yuh had to bring yuh antiman piktcha and feel-good androgynous stuff here?

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by raymond:

Give them time...wait until POlice kill somebody...then all hell break loose


* Don't hesitate to press it when posters start attacking the mothers and wives of other posters or when they start attacking you---remember you are now the DICTATOR.









Rev, you shameless referred to your wife as a country bumpkin. How can you disrespect her like that?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev, you shameless referred to your wife as a country bumpkin. How can you disrespect her like that?



* It's the TONE and context in which a statement is made that determines whether it's respectful or disrespectful.


* Here's the comment the Rev made  to poster ksazma in the "HELLO FEBRUARY" thread in SOCIAL


* Watch yuh rass bai. Rev's woman is a country bumpkin. And she mo cosmopolitan and sophisticated than any TOWN GAL.hahahaha





* Did you really see disrespect in that statement Mitwah ? I was praising my wife.





* Rev can refer to his wife anyway he wishes---but it is unacceptable for posters to attack the wives and mothers of other posters.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by raymond:

yall should stay away from family referrals on GNI...

What if the poster introduces the family member into the discussion?

that's his business...but if he don't like you referring to his family, then you should resist the temptation, no matter how great it is



* Listen Folks!


* Our new MODERATOR, the esteemed Mr. Raymond is already laying down the rules of proper conduct on GNI Political.


* The Rev is impressed.


* The Rev knows Mr. Raymond frowns upon race baiting so I'll refrain from doing so.





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev, I don't know your wife. I can tell she is attractive, honest, intelligent, and cultured. There is a saying that opposites do attract.


I have already responded and pointed out  the various meanings and inferences of calling your wife a Country Bumpkin.  Go check it out.



* No hard feelings. In this particular instance you said nothing negative or derogatory about my wife.


* But that post over in social in which I referred to her as a country bumpkin---the TONE was filled with love and respect.


* You perceived my tone incorrectly.


* Anyway, let's move on----no more talk about my wife.




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