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Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Stormborn posted:
. And since 90 percent are from the unscheduled castes I cannot refer to them in any other general category but dalits. It is a sacred designation!

In fact the British were adamant that all indentures had a background in agriculture and were aggressive in preventing Brahmins and other high caste people from entering their sugar producing colonies in the Caribbean, and in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.  They didn't want to allow those who had the potential to lead the indentures to enter these colonies.

That's a lie.  The colonial Indian Govt ensured that the contract (Indentured) workers had all the needed in the new environment, this included religion.  They had mandirs and pandits, etc.  The only thing lacking were women as most workers were single men.  Some pretty women/wives traded up when they arrived.  Some men found comfort in the arms (and legs) of African women, and so began Duglarization.

Some women also serviced multiple partners to alleviate the shortage of punani situation.

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Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Stormborn posted:
. And since 90 percent are from the unscheduled castes I cannot refer to them in any other general category but dalits. It is a sacred designation!

In fact the British were adamant that all indentures had a background in agriculture and were aggressive in preventing Brahmins and other high caste people from entering their sugar producing colonies in the Caribbean, and in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.  They didn't want to allow those who had the potential to lead the indentures to enter these colonies.

That's a lie.  The colonial Indian Govt ensured that the contract (Indentured) workers had all the needed in the new environment, this included religion.  They had mandirs and pandits, etc.  The only thing lacking were women as most workers were single men.  Some pretty women/wives traded up when they arrived.  Some men found comfort in the arms (and legs) of African women, and so began Duglarization.

What sort of lie are you telling? Where in India is the hinduism as constituted in mainly sanathan Dharm with no emphasis on cast and with a constituency of made up of mainly dalit origins? The Hinduism we see in guyana is a product of the Ruhomon brothers beginning in 1917 who began to formally consolidate the various practices into a unitary whole we see today. None of the tribal belief systems remain and note there were more than 20 tribes with their own household gods and rituals.  We only have remnants of south india kali culture, and a remnant of arya samaag.

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Baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
yuji22 posted:
VishMahabir posted:
yuji22 posted:

I thank my liberal minded Bramhana foreparents who came from what is now Haryana, India. Like them, we are also charting a new course for future generations in North America.

Most likely your parents came from UP or Bihar, loke most Indians.

Vish you are dead wrong. There is this misinformation that ALL Indos came from UP/Bihar. I followed records and went all the way back to India, DNA test and all.

Yes, my foreparents are from Haryana, India.

Reminds me of the misinformed D2 who labels ALL Indos as dalits.

Dumdum...presently on this site there is possibly a post where I detailed the breakdown of the origins of indians. As with the above post where you misquote Vish, you cannot help being wrong. He said "most likely" your parents are from UP etc...not "all indos" are from UP/Behar. And since 90 percent are from the unscheduled castes I cannot refer to them in any other general category but dalits. It is a sacred designation!

Dummy, UP/Bihar does not only have Dalits.  Mr father’s clan is from the Ahir caste of UP.  That caste was responsible for all milk supplies!

and where did I say that? I said the overwhelming majority were from   low caste tribals. Where was your mother's clan from?

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yuji22 posted:

Hey D2/Storm/whatever/ watch your mouth !

I clearly stated that my foreparents came from what is now Haryana, India. In spite of my clearly stating the fact, he still wanted to "correct" me. I need to get the facts straight. 

Yes, you have constituently labelled ALL Indos at GNI as Dalits while you remain a toothless/clueless Buckman.

What a pitiful ignoramus! I am culturally amerind as opposed to you being pretentiously brahamin...a parasitic caste that leeched off the others for 6000 years. One of my great grandfather  and grand mother  were  Amerindian.They had Jewish and Scots surnames so they were also culturally amerindians.

On my paternal side my grandfather was Scott and my grandmother Indian. The only thing clueless here was the reality that had my entry into this world in an academic environment and was raised on the knees of an educated amerindian women. You on the other hand was raised on the knees of an literate and so failed to grasp that the naked clinging to class by origins has no value in the real world. You get that from the environment. proper social learning and surrounded by people with good sense at a critical age. Otherwise one grow up to be a dunce like you.

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We have chief a brown artificial jew. Now we have stormborn an Amerindian jew.

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yuji22 posted:
Prashad posted:

We have chief a brown artificial jew. Now we have stormborn an Amerindian jew.

GNI has a Buckman who lies through his teeth. He is so dumb that he called a Sakawinki a Bird. That is the limit to his mental capacity. 

He choked on cassava juice and piwari at a very young age.

Living on park benchs and access to library computers are part of his daily routine. Panhandling with a guitar in hand is his trademark.

Lord, please help that delusional Buck Bai. His lies are unbearable.

We all know who you referring to. Admin should ban you for you personal attacks. Not that I support banning. But this one is unprovoked. 


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Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:
Prashad posted:

We have chief a brown artificial jew. Now we have stormborn an Amerindian jew.

GNI has a Buckman who lies through his teeth. He is so dumb that he called a Sakawinki a Bird. That is the limit to his mental capacity. 

He choked on cassava juice and piwari at a very young age.

Living on park benchs and access to library computers are part of his daily routine. Panhandling with a guitar in hand is his trademark.

Lord, please help that delusional Buck Bai. His lies are unbearable.

We all know who you referring to. Admin should ban you for you personal attacks. Not that I support banning. But this one is unprovoked. 


One of the reasons they go to the pen.

They get personnel when their poor intellect are hammered.

Take Action
Django posted:
Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:
Prashad posted:

We have chief a brown artificial jew. Now we have stormborn an Amerindian jew.

GNI has a Buckman who lies through his teeth. He is so dumb that he called a Sakawinki a Bird. That is the limit to his mental capacity. 

He choked on cassava juice and piwari at a very young age.

Living on park benchs and access to library computers are part of his daily routine. Panhandling with a guitar in hand is his trademark.

Lord, please help that delusional Buck Bai. His lies are unbearable.

We all know who you referring to. Admin should ban you for you personal attacks. Not that I support banning. But this one is unprovoked. 


One of the reasons they go to the pen.

They get personnel when their poor intellect are hammered.

Yugi is a congenital racist. He thinks that the "Buckman" is backward in their ways. Little does he know that this "Buckman" he is attacking is much more educated than him.

Take Action
Mitwah posted:
Django posted:
Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:
Prashad posted:

We have chief a brown artificial jew. Now we have stormborn an Amerindian jew.

GNI has a Buckman who lies through his teeth. He is so dumb that he called a Sakawinki a Bird. That is the limit to his mental capacity. 

He choked on cassava juice and piwari at a very young age.

Living on park benchs and access to library computers are part of his daily routine. Panhandling with a guitar in hand is his trademark.

Lord, please help that delusional Buck Bai. His lies are unbearable.

We all know who you referring to. Admin should ban you for you personal attacks. Not that I support banning. But this one is unprovoked. 


One of the reasons they go to the pen.

They get personnel when their poor intellect are hammered.

Yugi is a congenital racist. He thinks that the "Buckman" is backward in their ways. Little does he know that this "Buckman" he is attacking is much more educated than him.

Also he is part East Indian.

Take Action

Ma’shAllah to the Ruhamon brothers for helping out the Hindu community in Guyana. 

Take Action
Last edited by Former Member


Prashad posted:

We have chief a brown artificial jew. Now we have stormborn an Amerindian jew.

Where did I say I was a jew. I said that many amerindians have jewish names and my maternal great grandfather was a Jacobi. Check fool; the Ashkenazim were the first dutch settlers so Guyana had a long association with Judaism. Jews did not disappear from guyana until the 1930's. Some will say their siblings still remain. Many portuguese have Jewish origins. Portuguese and Amarindians intermarry and it is the reason we have lots of portuguese last names in our culture as well as Jewish last names. There are two Scottish clan names in my family also Those did not drop out of the sky. They had meaning for the people who tool them. Where did you think the Campbell, Melville, Rose, MacDonald  etc came from?
Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Prashad posted:

We have chief a brown artificial jew. Now we have stormborn an Amerindian jew.

GNI has a Buckman who lies through his teeth. He is so dumb that he called a Sakawinki a Bird. That is the limit to his mental capacity. 

He choked on cassava juice and piwari at a very young age.

Living on park benchs and access to library computers are part of his daily routine. Panhandling with a guitar in hand is his trademark.

Lord, please help that delusional Buck Bai. His lies are unbearable.

 I presume you believe the above with all your heart and senses. Well, that is what racist pricks do when they cannot handle the truth. Brahaminism as an exclusive select cast and not religious leaders is and remains a form of religious and economic parasitism in india.

Cassava bread is as cultural as rotie and the same as piwari. It takes a miserable mind to see a peoples food as a pejorative. But you are a dunce.

It would be blissful to live in a park. You ought to try it. I will post a picture from my second floor window so you can see its natural beauty. Sorry, I do not have a bench there.

As for things being unbearable....try not to hold more than two bits of information in your head, especially if you are trying to imagine it. It would be too taxing for your  oxygen starved brain. As I said, one cannot grasp so much ignorance residing in the same place in an older gentleman unless he was oxygen starved as a baby.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

ADMIN - please close this thread.  This is race baiting and personal attacking on individuals.  This is a political forum.  Let’s stay within the realms of that purpose.

Thank You!

Lady shut up....did you see that ship brahmin yelling buck this and buck that? Where was your outrage then.

This is an information based thread to inform the resident nit that Jews were among the first settlers in Guyana and of course they left their legacy in the land with place names and of course  as surnames to some they consorted with...amerindians.

It is a fact that many of our Amerindians with  have Jewish names  and many of the traditional portuguese last names they have may also be Jewish names. Your last name  for example, has a high possibility of being  of spanish jewish origin.

Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:
Django posted:

You got me giggling with the last paragraph in the reply.

Small things amuses small minds.

It was offered up in explanation why the man is such an invertebrate...a worm...and absent a brain.

By the way...paying attention to the small things....Leeuwenhoek, a dutch autodidact, looked through some magnification lens he ground and screamed " wow...wee little beasties"...hence disease pathology to disease! We can go on to the thinking of thinking ie cutting things mentally into the smallest atomism and modern science reductionism!

Nehru posted:

Al YUh worry about what happened in the past BUT are practicing Biases and IGNORANCE for all to see, Laad Ah Mercy!1  Well, is Guyanese we dealing with. Can anyone tell me what they gained form this conversation, if any

if they were discerning they would know that Jews lived in Guyana and that their legacy is in our surname about that for one?

Need another....Ugli is a nit!


This thread is so funny. D2 calls me and everyone else a Dummy, Ass, personally attacks them and talks about peoples mothers and when someone dishes it back out, he runs like a cry baby.

What a cry baby:


Not once has he been given a warning for calling posters all sorts of names. 


Images (1)
  • Unknown
Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

ADMIN - please close this thread.  This is race baiting and personal attacking on individuals.  This is a political forum.  Let’s stay within the realms of that purpose.

Thank You!

Why are you being so bird brained today? You must be demented. It was only the other night  you went on a personal rampage with your pejoratives against GTAngler, Baseman and Leonora on the "Families Affected" thread. 

Fool, please explain as per your standards how that was fitting for this political forum?

Do suh na like suh eh.

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

ADMIN - please close this thread.  This is race baiting and personal attacking on individuals.  This is a political forum.  Let’s stay within the realms of that purpose.

Thank You!

Why are you being so bird brained today? You must be demented. It was only the other night  you went on a personal rampage with your pejoratives against GTAngler, Baseman and Leonora on the "Families Affected" thread. 

Fool, please explain as per your standards how that was fitting for this political forum?

Do suh na like suh eh.

GNI is not a therapy forum for those suffering from acute loneliness or need anger management.   The purpose here is for political discussions.

Bibi Haniffa
Stormborn posted:
Nehru posted:

Al YUh worry about what happened in the past BUT are practicing Biases and IGNORANCE for all to see, Laad Ah Mercy!1  Well, is Guyanese we dealing with. Can anyone tell me what they gained form this conversation, if any

if they were discerning they would know that Jews lived in Guyana and that their legacy is in our surname about that for one?

Need another....Ugli is a nit!

Jews never lived in Guyana.  Unless you talking about Janet Jagan. There may have another one during the Dutch occupation of Guiana in the early 1600s.  But that was it!!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

ADMIN - please close this thread.  This is race baiting and personal attacking on individuals.  This is a political forum.  Let’s stay within the realms of that purpose.

Thank You!

Why are you being so bird brained today? You must be demented. It was only the other night  you went on a personal rampage with your pejoratives against GTAngler, Baseman and Leonora on the "Families Affected" thread. 

Fool, please explain as per your standards how that was fitting for this political forum?

Do suh na like suh eh.

GNI is not a therapy forum for those suffering from acute loneliness or need anger management.   The purpose here is for political discussions.

So why did go on a personal rampage with your pejoratives against GTAngler, Baseman and Leonora on the "Families Affected" thread?

You must be looking in the mirror as you typed this note to yourself: "GNI is not a therapy forum for those suffering from acute loneliness or need anger management."

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Stormborn posted:
Nehru posted:

Al YUh worry about what happened in the past BUT are practicing Biases and IGNORANCE for all to see, Laad Ah Mercy!1  Well, is Guyanese we dealing with. Can anyone tell me what they gained form this conversation, if any

if they were discerning they would know that Jews lived in Guyana and that their legacy is in our surname about that for one?

Need another....Ugli is a nit!

Jews never lived in Guyana.  Unless you talking about Janet Jagan. There may have another one during the Dutch occupation of Guiana in the early 1600s.  But that was it!!

The history of the Jews in Guyana began in the mid-1600s, when Jewish settlers arrived in the Dutch colony of Essequibo, the forerunner of what became British Guiana and today's Guyana. In 1658, the Dutch agreed with David Nassy to establish a colony of Jews on the Pomeroon River, which flourished, becoming a prized possession of the Dutch, until its destruction in 1666 by an incursion by the English from Barbados under Major John Scott.[1] The Jews of Pomeroon (Bowroom) fled, following the destruction of their colony, mostly to Suriname, where they were granted unprecedented religious freedoms.


kp posted:
Django posted:

You got me giggling with the last paragraph in the reply.

Small things amuses small minds.

So if you laugh at something trivial or casual, you're small-minded? Doesn't that contradict the whole concept of laughter being the best medicine and the benefits of finding amusement wherever you can?

How long did you have to contemplate to come up with such a ridiculous declaration?

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

ADMIN - please close this thread.  This is race baiting and personal attacking on individuals.  This is a political forum.  Let’s stay within the realms of that purpose.

Thank You!

Why are you being so bird brained today? You must be demented. It was only the other night  you went on a personal rampage with your pejoratives against GTAngler, Baseman and Leonora on the "Families Affected" thread. 

Fool, please explain as per your standards how that was fitting for this political forum?

Do suh na like suh eh.

GNI is not a therapy forum for those suffering from acute loneliness or need anger management.   The purpose here is for political discussions.

Why do you like to self reflect so openly!

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

ADMIN - please close this thread.  This is race baiting and personal attacking on individuals.  This is a political forum.  Let’s stay within the realms of that purpose.

Thank You!

Who is the culprit ?

Half the fish market posts was deleted then requested it closed.

Do you know of a condition called obsessive, compulsive disorder?

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

ADMIN - please close this thread.  This is race baiting and personal attacking on individuals.  This is a political forum.  Let’s stay within the realms of that purpose.

Thank You!

Who is the culprit ?

Half the fish market posts was deleted then requested it closed.

Do you know of a condition called obsessive, compulsive disorder?

How do you know everytime I log into GNI?  That is an example of Obsessive, Compulsive Disorder.   People who have jobs don't suffer from this condition.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Jews never lived in Guyana.  Unless you talking about Janet Jagan. There may have another one during the Dutch occupation of Guiana in the early 1600s.  But that was it!!

You are a dunce. How many years you spent at QC? 

Don't let your anger compensate for your lack of knowledge.

Bibi, it’s a great pity, I always said this to you, all my family who met you, the lady from Pa, all read this site said the same.  You need to get a grip of yourself and control your anger.  You don’t need to out-do everyone.  

You are actually a clever and witty woman.  You have some good attributes and people will appreciate you more if you are not compelled to always be right.

You have so much that is good, yet you destroy it with this compulsion.  

I’m not putting you down or belittling you.  This comes from someone who cared a whole lot for you.

There is a better you inside of you.  I know that. Take it for what it’s worth!  

Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Jews never lived in Guyana.  Unless you talking about Janet Jagan. There may have another one during the Dutch occupation of Guiana in the early 1600s.  But that was it!!

You are a dunce. How many years you spent at QC? 

Don't let your anger compensate for your lack of knowledge.

Bibi, it’s a great pity, I always said this to you, all my family who met you, the lady from Pa, all read this site said the same.  You need to get a grip of yourself and control your anger.  You don’t need to out-do everyone.  

You are actually a clever and witty woman.  You have some good attributes and people will appreciate you more if you are not compelled to always be right.

You have so much that is good, yet you destroy it with this compulsion.  

I’m not putting you down or belittling you.  This comes from someone who cared a whole lot for you.

There is a better you inside of you.  I know that. Take it for what it’s worth!  

Stop telling dirty lies and stalking me.  Get a job for the sake of your children.  

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

ADMIN - please close this thread.  This is race baiting and personal attacking on individuals.  This is a political forum.  Let’s stay within the realms of that purpose.

Thank You!

Who is the culprit ?

Half the fish market posts was deleted then requested it closed.

Do you know of a condition called obsessive, compulsive disorder?

How do you know everytime I log into GNI?  That is an example of Obsessive, Compulsive Disorder.   People who have jobs don't suffer from this condition.

I actually don’t babe.  I don’t check on you.  But on breaks I take a peek on my iPhone.  If there seems a correlation, it’s purely coincidental.  

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Jews never lived in Guyana.  

You are a dunce. How many years you spent at QC? 

Don't let your anger compensate for your lack of knowledge.

Bibi, it’s a great pity, I always said this to you, all my family who met you, the lady from Pa, all read this site said the same.  You need to get a grip of yourself and control your anger.  You don’t need to out-do everyone.  

You are actually a clever and witty woman.  You have some good attributes and people will appreciate you more if you are not compelled to always be right.

You have so much that is good, yet you destroy it with this compulsion.  

I’m not putting you down or belittling you.  This comes from someone who cared a whole lot for you.

There is a better you inside of you.  I know that. Take it for what it’s worth!  

Stop telling dirty lies and stalking me.  Get a job for the sake of your children.  

Those are no lies.  Many of my fam read this site.  They know you.  And my kids are just fine thank you!  Samantha had her wisdom teeth extracted and was in pain.  She is now ok and wearing bracers.  

Last edited by Former Member

I try to not have fights with the ladies but I will make an exception here. I don’t think it is nice to keep demeaning Base over this job issue. Consider the movie Waqt. No one really knows their future and it is more than how we prepare for it. We all go through good times and bad times and none of us is immune to having bad times. It is a good idea to refrain from commenting on Base’ situation for any of us can find ourself in a similar one.

ksazma posted:

I try to not have fights with the ladies but I will make an exception here. I don’t think it is nice to keep demeaning Base over this job issue. Consider the movie Waqt. No one really knows their future and it is more than how we prepare for it. We all go through good times and bad times and none of us is immune to having bad times. It is a good idea to refrain from commenting on Base’ situation for any of us can find ourself in a similar one.

I actually don’t know why she thinks this.  I was on a lucrative consulting assignment when we dated.  She even admitted to me my comp was almost twice hers.  The project finished just when we broke up.  Less than a month later I got another as a corporate controller.  Still on that.  Telling lies long enough and frequently don’t make it truth.


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