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cain posted:
Baseman posted:

NYC mayor and NY governor upset with the allocation of aid.  Now Cuomo wants a direct talk with Trump for mo money.

Lookuh story heh!  The same president he and his brother vilify daily!

Do you think they are asking for aid for themselves or is it for the American people who the President is supposed to assist and protect? Idiot trump doesn't need anyone to vilify him, he does it to himself because he is a jackass.

for such a powerful country dey really disorganized. More ready for war than tending to their ppl. Saw a video of ppl lining up in the wee hours of the morning for dental assistance. Sad. 

Mitwah posted:

The United States has now surpassed China and Italy as the world's coronavirus hotspot, with nearly 86,000 confirmed cases.

Seems like Canada might have to close the border. 

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said Friday that 519 people have died from the coronavirus in the state, up from the previous day's total of 385 deaths, and more than 44,000 people have been infected. Currently, 6,481 patients are hospitalized in New York and 1,583 are in ICUs. 

"We are battling a deadly virus," Cuomo said. "It's the worst news but it's not unexpected news either."  

New York has become the U.S. epicenter of the virus outbreak and Cuomo has repeatedly stressed the state's need for more ventilators and hospital beds to treat patients.

cain posted:

I've kept track of this virus and so far found from Dec to present approx 27k have died worldwide. The seasonal flu takes out approx 300k annually even though millions take the flu shot.

If the virus stays on track it would be 118k annually. Yet we dont take these drastic measures for the flu.

I think the difference is that they don't understand this one or have widespread detection techniques and treatments. It is the great unknown that is pushing the current hysteria.

cain posted:

I've kept track of this virus and so far found from Dec to present approx 27k have died worldwide. The seasonal flu takes out approx 300k annually even though millions take the flu shot.

If the virus stays on track it would be 118k annually. Yet we dont take these drastic measures for the flu.

Not seasonal.

bad for old ppl.

now I have to be more careful relying on Psalms 23, 121 and 91.

I gat to stop cussing when dem sinners provoke me. I gotta be good.


 @Siggy. You mentioned this virus is not seasonal. Let's say the virus takes out as in my figures 118k+ by is still under the 300k+ annual by seasonal flu. 

I don't mean to say we should not take precautions but somewhere..somehow..someone will be making $$$$$$ because of this and perhaps in time this will be seen as a great hoax. Probably between trump and his Chinese buddy.

The one huge positive is mother earth being cleaned.

seignet posted:
cain posted:
Baseman posted:

NYC mayor and NY governor upset with the allocation of aid.  Now Cuomo wants a direct talk with Trump for mo money.

Lookuh story heh!  The same president he and his brother vilify daily!

Do you think they are asking for aid for themselves or is it for the American people who the President is supposed to assist and protect? Idiot trump doesn't need anyone to vilify him, he does it to himself because he is a jackass.

for such a powerful country dey really disorganized. More ready for war than tending to their ppl. Saw a video of ppl lining up in the wee hours of the morning for dental assistance. Sad. 

Banna, relax.  This is way overkill.  Anyway, the reason for the mess is due to the curfew and lockdown which deny people access to non critical care. This does not occur during a war. This is a media frenzy built on something real. 

cain posted:

I would like to see those suffering and dying annually with the regular flu shown on the news as this virus is but if this is done it will be the only news being reported, there will be no time left for anything else.

Today 925 persons were discharged from Italian hospitals after recovering from Coronavirus. Did you see any news coverage?

Baseman posted:
cain posted:

I would like to see those suffering and dying annually with the regular flu shown on the news as this virus is but if this is done it will be the only news being reported, there will be no time left for anything else.

Today 925 persons were discharged from Italian hospitals after recovering from Coronavirus. Did you see any news coverage?

And 969 died in the last 24 hours in Italy. That’s why it’s a big deal. The virus spreads a lot faster than the seasonal flu and the death rate per infected people is much greater. That’s why it’s a big deal. If this thing was allowed to spread without checking it, we might have a few million dead by the time it’s all over.

cain posted:

Dem Italians probably still kiss each other pon de left cheek, then the right then the left, whenthey stop dah bad habit maybe things gon slowdown.

Joking aside, thats a lot of deaths in one day.

The US has more than six times The population of Italy so use that same death rate and we’re talking about close to 6000 deaths every day in the US. That is why we have to take this thing seriously. 


The uneasiness is that no one knows when this started and when will it end. I see Trump is bashing the democratic governors for being frank. he said thay are not nice to him. He is questioning the numbers of respirators they requested and sounds like he will determine which democratic state gets how many. Go figure. This is something else. It's all about "me" and "I".


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