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Berbice fuel distributor shot by bandits

– Police hunt key suspects



A Berbice businessman and fuel distributor is now hospitalised after he was attacked by armed bandits on Monday. The

The injured Deon Primus in hospital

The injured Deon Primus in hospital

attack has launched a Police manhunt for key suspects connected to the incident.
The incident occurred at New Amsterdam, Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne). According to reports reaching Guyana Times, Deon Primus, also known as “Confusion”, was shot to his jaw as he was about to drive his canter truck into his Lot 3-38 Stanleytown yard at about 19:20h.
The 38-year-old man received one gunshot to the jaw shortly after seeing two men approaching him. According to the injured man, he quickly wound up the window but was still shot.
Shortly after the shot was fired, residents saw two men riding away from the scene.
Julius Dey, an eyewitness, reported that he heard when Primus was coming down the street and was prepared to open the door for him. “The next thing I heard is a gunshot. I came out through the door and was able to distinguish that there was a short dark skin slim person that was approaching the driver… by this time the window was already shattered with the gunshot. I began shouting. Neighbours came out and he ran away.”
Dey noted that the criminals did not get to Primus because of his timely intervention.
Primus was rushed to the New Amsterdam Hospital where doctors immediately tried to stop the bleeding. According to a source close to the medical team, several pellets were lodged in Primus’ jaw and throat area.
The source said because of the continuous bleeding it was impossible to perform any surgery on Monday evening. Reports are the shooter used a shot gun in what is believed to have been a failed robbery attempt.
Primus has an arrangement where he purchases dieseline and gasoline for persons who have businesses and reside in the Upper Berbice River.
Dey explained that through that arrangement, Primus would receive cash at the New Amsterdam Market Wharf and take the fuel back to the wharf.
Earlier in the day, Primus was seen with large sums of money at a petrol station.
In April last, there was a similar attempt to rob Primus who on that occasion was hit in the head after he had arrived in his yard. He was hospitalised but was not relieved of any valuables.
Police are investigating. No arrests were made up to press time.


Lawlessness continues under this administration.


Castello man stabbed to death during brawl

– suspect hospitalised

One man is now dead and another hospitalised following a misunderstanding over a woman.
Dead is Troy Brutus, 37, of Castello Housing Scheme, Georgetown, while Michael Riley, of Lot 182 Garnett Street, Albouystown, Georgetown, is nursing his injuries at the Georgetown Public Hospital.
According to reports, Brutus was pronounced dead on arrival at the Georgetown Public Hospital after he was allegedly stabbed several times about his body by Riley about 19:30h at Albouystown.
Guyana Times understands that Riley is currently in a relationship with Brutus’s ex-girlfriend, thus sparking the feud between the men.
Reports are on Monday, Brutus reportedly went to his rival’s home, where he attacked the man upon his return from work.
Speaking with this newspaper, Brutus’s sister, Odetta, said her brother and the suspect recently had a misunderstanding at a football game and the man attacked her brother on Monday morning a short distance from their home.
However, according to the Police, later that day Brutus attacked the suspect, known as “Nice Time”, in Albouystown. At the time, he was armed with a cutlass and a knife. Brutus reportedly chopped Riley to his hand and face. However, the suspect managed to overpower him, disarm him of the knife, which he then used to stab the 37-year-old several times about his body.
Brutus’s sister explained that she was unaware that her brother had an issue with the suspect, noting that he was fine and “unarmed” when he walked past her a few minutes before they were informed of the tragedy.
“I was standing at the gate talking to someone and he pass we around 7:00 pm, but he was looking alright. Then while I was talking to the girl, I hear someone screaming for me that my brother get stab, so I left and go there,” the woman recalled.
According to Odetta, after her brother was stabbed in Albouystown, he ran all the way to the “Island” and asked for someone to call his sister, before collapsing. “When I go there, I call for Troy and he open his mouth to talk, but blood come so I tell he ‘don’t say nothing’,” she recounted.
She added that a neighbour assisted with taking the injured man to seek medical attention, but he was pronounced dead by doctors on duty. Odetta said four stab wounds were visible on her brother’s body – one on his left arm, his inner thigh, his abdomen and his back.
A post-mortem examination was expected to be conducted today.
Meanwhile, the injured suspect has been arrested and has been admitted to the Georgetown Public Hospital, where he is under Police guard.


afc/apnu police as usual a day short and a dollar late. They need to focus on crime prevention rather then arrests after the fact. Now the 13 year old's life is destroyed as this child will carry the psychological scars forever and may never recover.  But the bandit should not worry as Granger will grant him amnesty in the yearly ritual of releasing criminals of "minor crimes" back into society to rob, steal, rape and plunder.


Suspected rapist shot by police


A Middle Road La Penitence man is receiving treatment for a gunshot wound to his left leg which he sustained when he tried to escape from a policeman who was about to arrest him.

The wounded Jaime lamaison

The wounded Jaime lamaison

The man whose name was given as Jaime Lamaison was being arrested for an alleged rape he had committed earlier yesterday.
According to reports, Lamaison is accused of raping a 13-year-old girl in a house at Middle Road, La Penitence.
“People see the girl come running out the house with she bloody clothes. Then he beat out,” a source in the area told this newspaper.
The police were called in and they remained on the lookout since they were certain that he would return home.
Sure enough, Lamaison turned up to collect some of his clothes around 18:45 hours.
A police rank who was a part of the team hunting Lamaison, confronted him and during efforts to arrest him, shot Lamaison in his leg.
He was placed into a police vehicle and taken to the Georgetown Hospital for medical attention.


As usual, the afc/apnu police focus on soft targets such as business people rather than the drug lords who are the govt paymasters. This owner spending money to clean up and beautify an eyesore and the incompetent govt response was to jail and stop progress over a few mangroves.


Four arrested in Celina’s standoff


An ongoing standoff between the Ministry of Public Infrastructure (MPI) and Celina’s Atlantic Resort (CAR) over current expansion works yesterday saw four workers being arrested.

Work at Celina’s on Tuesday.

Work at Celina’s on Tuesday.

Charges are now likely against the resort operators for possible damage to the integrity of Kitty seawall, MPI said yesterday.
CAR, which has embarked on a US$5M ($1B) renovation at the hangout spot, is planning to have a modern entertainment facility complete by May next year in time for Guyana’s 50th Independence celebrations.
However, the Ministry says that the construction works are unlawful. Despite several cease work orders, CAR has refused to adhere.
Celina’s has insisted that its leased which was updated in 2011 allowed it to carry out works.
The ministry had been preparing this week to approach the courts for an injunction to stop the works.
A statement from MPI yesterday confirmed that following a formal complaint to the Criminal Investigations Department, four workers were taken into police custody after ranks visited the Kitty seawall site in the afternoon.
“For quite some time now, MPI has been concerned about the ongoing construction due to the risk it poses to sea defence. After MPI sought assistance in the matter (yesterday), the police legal advisor was contacted and informed of the situation. In turn, advice was given that the police may proceed to prosecute CAR under the Sea Defence Act,” the ministry explained.
When police visited the site at around 16:30 hrs, employees were at the time engaged in work. “While three persons were arrested on the spot, one subsequently came in. The employees were three operators and a mechanic. A police official has confirmed that an investigation has been launched into the extensive and detrimental work undertaken by CAR.”
According to the ministry, the employees have all singled out the same person as their employer. “Additionally, the police are hoping that the arrests will send a clear message to both employees and employers at CAR and will act as a deterrent in the future.”
Meanwhile, Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson, applauded the police’s swift response.
“I must commend the police for doing their job,” Minister Patterson emphasised. “The Ministry takes the protection of the sea defence and the preservation of our protection extremely seriously and we will continue to monitor the situation.”
The workers were expected to be released on station bail last evening.
On Tuesday, Celina’s spokeman, Bobby Vieira, was adamant that the current construction activities were not unlawful, but in conformity with permission granted under its lease which was renewed in 2011.
He said that the US$5M facility will boast a restaurant, bar, mini-golf course and kids’ park next year. A number of guest rooms are also planned.
At least three cease orders were issued this year to Bernard Yhun, whose name appears on the lease that was issued in 2003, under the Bharrat Jagdeo government.
Yhun has reportedly taken on an overseas-based Guyanese as a partner and developer.
Vieira said Tuesday that Celina’s has its permits and licences all paid up.
“We have the lease here which allowed the property to be developed. We have the restaurant and liquor licence paid up-to-date. You can’t have that unless you had permission in the lease that allowed you to build in the first place.”
Vieira said that works being done are not any new buildings.
“What is happening here is that workers are replacing a few windows in a building and raising the level of the area by 12 inches. What is wrong with that? The mangroves are not being destroyed by clearing the vegetation.”
The tussle with Celina’s has reportedly caused some friction between a number of ministries in the Government, with some ministers for the development and others worried about environmental impact.
Vieira noted that Celina’s is paying up to $500,000 monthly for security of the place.
Yhun was ordered to cease all work and remove the equipment and workers from the site.
In 2003, the land was leased for 50 years to Yhun for tourism purposes, for the establishment of a sea view resort. The land, east of the Kitty groyne and north of the seawall, was 1.54 acres, with Yhun asked to pay $1.5M every two years.
The lease was reportedly extended in 2011 to 100 years.
Celina’s lease barred it from undertaking any work without permits from Environmental Protection Agency. The business entity was also specifically barred from disturbing mangroves east of the property without consent of the Board.
Vieira on Tuesday claimed that no mangrove was disturbed, just vegetation.
Yhun was also told that he must move any equipment and materials to and from the area by the way of the sea. He was forbidden to move any construction plant, equipment and materials over the sea defences without the Board’s permission.


The young afc/apnu supporters continue to wreak havoc on Guyana as they seek to match the 50% pay raise by their masters in parliament.


Kaneville man shot in botched robbery


A 57-year-old man is nursing a gunshot wound to his right side chest at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) after being shot by one of two young bandits early yesterday during a botched robbery.

Wounded: Patrick Rose

Wounded: Patrick Rose

The incident which left Patrick Rose, of Lot 29 First Street, Kaneville, East Bank Demerara (EBD) hospitalized, occurred around 04:20 hrs at the man’s home.
According to reports, Rose was getting ready to leave home when the men confronted him. He was shot when he tried to chop one of them.
At the hospital yesterday, Rose, an electrician said that the men seemed young and were not masked.
“I had a job in Berbice so I wanted to leave home early so that I could come back early. I got up and I took my vehicle outside the yard. I was going to park another vehicle in the garage because a man was supposed to come weed the yard,” Rose recalled.
He added that it was while he was in the garage that he was shot. “These two people come up to me and tell me not to move but I tried to run in the house and close the door but one of them pushed the door and come in the house while the other one waited outside.”
Determined not to allow the men to get to his family who were sleeping in the house, the father of three said that despite the men instructing him not to move, he dashed to his kitchen where he would normally keep a cutlass.
“I pulled the cutlass and pelt a chop and he (one of the gunmen) jumped back and that’s when he fired a shot at me,” the electrician recounted.
He added that when the shot was fired, both men ran away. “I was determined not to allow them in my house. I didn’t want them to tumble my place because I didn’t have money. I don’t keep money at home.”
The man said that crime in Kaneville has increased. The man recalled witnessing a robbery just over two months ago during which three young bandits robbed a van.
Early this year, residents in Kaneville had called on the government to set up a police outpost in the area in an effort to tackle crime in the community. Kaneville is located between Craig and Diamond.
“The criminals normally commit the crime and run and hide in Kaneville. Most of the times when these things happen, police at Grove Station take forever to come.”
Police are yet to take a statement from Rose.


Kaieteur is not relegating crime to the back pages while the afc/apnu crooks are busy with securing sport money for the Christmas season.

Masked men rob Hamid Hardware store on Saffon Street


Gunmen are still at large after robbing a member of the staff of Hamid’s General Store  on Saffon Street , yesterday. At approximately 16:30 hours,  Nicola Kurt, the Store Supervisor for Hamid Hardware was robbed of all her personal belongings and the day’s sales from the hardware store.
According to Frank Nichols, the security guard on duty at the store, Ms Kurt was playing with a child awaiting her daily transportation unaware of what was about to happen. A black Nissan Bluebird approached with three masked men armed with guns.
One of the masked assailants emerged with a handgun and attacked Ms Kurt and helped themselves to  the store’s $713,000. They then escaped in the said vehicle.
Police ranks along with other business owners are working together to gain CCTV footage to apprehend the criminals.


The robberies continues as primarily afc/apnu supporters are criminals feeding off the labour of others. The Chinese represent soft target for these political operatives as they continue to get their piece the pie from robberies while their masters in office enjoy 50% increase in salary and left them nothing. 


Man shot during attempted robbery


A 53-year-old man was shot early yesterday at the Meadow Bank Wharf, East Bank Demerara, (EBD) during a botched robbery.
The victim has been identified as Zhifa Lu. He was shot once to the left foot by one of two armed men. The incident reportedly happened some time around 07:20 hrs.
According to reports, four Chinese nationals went to the wharf to purchase fish when the incident occurred.
Kaieteur News was told that when the men arrived at the wharf, they parked their vehicle outside and walked into the compound. While in the compound, a white tinted car pulled up and parked alongside the Chinese nationals’ vehicle.
An eyewitness yesterday said that two armed men exited the white car and broke into Lu’s vehicle and collected all the valuables, including the battery.
“They packed the things into their car and they sit and waited on the men (Chinese national) to come out the wharf. But a li’l while later, only one man (Lu) come out from the wharf and walk towards his vehicle. That’s when one of them bandits rush up to he,” the eyewitness recalled.
Kaieteur News was further told that a fight ensued after which two shots were fired one of which struck Lu.
“After the shooting, the man run through a crack that lead straight out to Rahaman’s Park and the other gunman drive away…like he went to meet up the shooter. They didn’t get anything from the Chinese man other than what they took from his vehicle,” the eyewitness said.
He further added that Lu was rushed to the hospital where he was treated and sent away.
A source at the wharf yesterday said that robberies have become a norm at the wharf. “Every day someone always gets robbed outside the wharf. The police would usually be here but what happens is when the police leave, people from the inside would inform these guys and that’s when they show up and rob people.”
Investigations are ongoing.


It looks like there is no discrimination from AFC/APNU bandits who rob and kill without regard to race or creed. They even rob and kill their own in their quest to match the 50% raise of their masters in parliament. 

Car and taxi driver, 55, missing


-relatives fear the worst   
With carjacking making a grand return to the local criminal landscape within the past year, relatives of 55-year-old taxi driver Colin Clarke fear the worst after he and his silver-grey Toyota Allion motor car disappeared since Friday.

Missing Taxi driver Colin Clarke

Missing Taxi driver Colin Clarke

Clarke, who is popularly called “Ole Boy” of Crane Housing Scheme, was reportedly last seen Friday afternoon on the West Coast Demerara where he operates.
His distraught sister, Maureen Clarke, is convinced that something bad has happened to her brother since he is not the type to stay away from home for long periods without informing relatives.
“I don’t know if somebody hire him and do he something. Since Friday we haven’t seen or heard from him. The police at Vreed en Hoop say they have no trace of the car,” Maureen Clarke said.
She told this newspaper that the car HC 4993 is owned by her niece’s mother. Clarke will usually pick it up every morning from Sister’s Village to carry out his daily work.
He would normally return the car around 19:00 hours every day, but this did not happen on Friday last.
Another sister, Gwendolyn Clarke, said that on Friday she received a telephone call from her brother’s daughter, whose mother owns the car.
“He daughter call me about minutes to ten, rowing about the car, how Colin didn’t bring in the car. I told her to cool down, that something must be happen. I then call my sister, Maureen, and she confirmed that Colin did not come home,” Gwendolyn Clarke explained.
The following day, the police were contacted and along with relatives, they began making enquiries about his whereabouts.
With every passing day, relatives’ hopes of finding Clarke alive are dwindling.
“I fear something bad happen. My brother is dead; my brother is not alive,” wailed Maureen Clarke.
“Tomorrow (Tuesday) is my birthday and I can’t see my brother,” she added.
Clarke’s disappearance comes exactly one month after another taxi driver, Shurland Dalloo, went missing.
Dalloo’s body was found one week later in a canal at Onverwagt, No 27, West Coast Berbice.
The fully clad and decomposing remains were found in a desolate area that is accessible by dam, about three and a half miles off the West Berbice Public Road.
Dalloo also operated on West Coast Demerara but was based at Parika. His car too, a silver grey Toyota Carina, has not been recovered.
Police believe that the taxi driver was taken to the location and slain.
His corpse with its head bashed in was then dumped into the canal and covered with weeds.
Meanwhile police on the East Coast of Demerara are still searching from a silver grey Toyota Premio which was stolen from its owner last Saturday night at Bachelor’s Adventure.
This newspaper understands that the driver of the car, who hails from Mahaica, had picked up three men to take them to Bachelor’s Adventure, about seven miles away.
When the car reached Church Road, Bachelor’s Adventure, the men held up the driver and relieved him of the car.


Indians however continue to be the favorite targets of the afc/apnu bandits as they normally walk around with more cash and present softer targets.


Police still hunt armed Rosignol bandit


The police are still on the hunt for a bandit who around 19:00 hrs on Thursday, robbed a businesswoman at Rosignol, West Bank Berbice. During the heist, the thief who was armed with a handgun, held up business woman Yashwanttie Deodatt, called Varisha, 21, of Lot 186 McKenzie Street, Rosignol Village, West Bank Berbice and robbed her of a number of items before escaping.
During the robbery the thief was able to steal $300,000 in local currency, two cellular phones, one gold chain, two gold bangles, one gold finger ring, US $500 and a further $10,000 in cash.
According to information the woman resides in a two storey wooden and concrete building which houses a grocery shop on the lower flat. The victim was about to lock up the shop, when the bandit entered and pointed a gun at her and demanded money and gold.
The bandit took a green Adidas bag which was in the shop and contained $300,000. The thief also grabbed $10,000 which was in a box in the shop. He then took her upstairs, where she gave him the jewellery and US$500 which was under a mattress. He then took the cellular phones from on the bed relieved her of the jewellery she was wearing before escaping down the street.
The bandit who was unmasked was described an East Indian, dark in complexion with low cut hair, tall and slim. He was clad in a green and white stripe jersey, short pants and was carrying a short gun in his hand.
The victim is positive that she can identify the bandit if she sees him again.
The police were contacted and arrived promptly on the scene.


The afc/apnu police seem complacent in stemming the tide of crime, especially those commited by CG bandits.


CG bandits shot City constable, escape with $1.8M


–  Vagrant hit by stray bullet
Two bandits on a CG Motorcycle yesterday escaped with more than $1.8M in cash after shooting a City Constable, who was escorting a Mayor and City Council (M&CC) clerk to the bank with the day’s proceedings.
A homeless woman was wounded in the process. The incident happened shortly after 18:00 hrs on Orange Walk, Bourda.
The Constable, Aaron Henderson was shot twice to the groin area. He is said to be in a stable condition at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).
Savitri Singh, a homeless woman was hit to the left thigh by a stray bullet. She too is in a stable condition at the hospital.
According to information received, Henderson, who was armed, was escorting a clerk to a city bank when the incident occurred.
Kaieteur News was told that the duo were about to enter a vehicle, which was parked on Orange Walk, when a man, jumped off a CG motorcycle and approached the couple with two guns in his hands.
“While walking, this man shooting all the time, the clerk dropped the bag with money and run. The constable was going to shoot but he got shot before and the bandit just grabbed the money and escape with his partner on the bike,” an eyewitness said.
This newspaper was told that it was while the man was firing shots in the air and at persons on the pavement, Singh was wounded.
The CG motorcycle had no number plate, according to eyewitnesses. The incident is being investigated.


Even the old are fair game, especially if guilty of being Indian.


Elderly woman choked, robbed at Bush Lot

A 63-year-old grandmother of Bush Lot, Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam) was left traumatised after she was terrorised during a robbery in the wee hours of Sunday.

Juliet Banwarie called “Doreen” is said to be still trying to come to grips with what took place early Sunday morning, but expressed her gratitude to God and her neighbours for her survival. She described her attack as horrific.

According to reports, Banwarie was attacked and robbed Sunday morning around 03:40h. During the attack, the woman was choked and robbed of $8000 cash.

Relating her ordeal, the grandmother said she was awakened by a loud noise that morning and the sound was continuous, hence she alerted neighbours. The still shaken woman recalled observing one of the louver windows was broken and a lone unmasked man was coming through it.

Subsequently, Banwarie said, the man began choking her. “He choke meh, trying to kill meh. I said ‘Ow God!’ and he still choking … my neighbours hear and come, by then he escape,” the elderly woman recounted.

After she was rescued, the elderly woman was taken to the Suddie Public Hospital where she was treated and sent away. The grandmother said she was presently recuperating from the entire ordeal and she did not want to repeat the horrific episode. She is hoping that the Police can provide justice and prevent a recurrence.

The Police were informed about the attack and immediately visited the scene. Fingerprints were taken and a 48-year-old suspect was arrested. The suspect has since confessed to stealing from the elderly woman and begged her to settle the manner out of court, stating that he was sorry. He is expected to appear before the courts shortly.

Of recent, the crime rates in Region Two have been escalating with many businessmen getting robbed and elderly women being raped. Many times Police do not have sufficient evidence and as such, the suspects walk free.


Bandits storm ECD supermarket

Three armed men carried out a brazen daylight robbery on Sunday at an East Coast Demerara supermarket.
The Odie Supermarket, Lot 3 Mon Repos Railway Embankment, is operated by Chinese nationals, one of whom was in the business place along with her staff and customers, when the men attacked. The incident occurred sometime around 15:00h.
According to information reaching Guyana Times the businesswoman was at the cash register tending to a customer when two armed men barged in. The third accomplice was already in the supermarket since he posed as a customer and bought a phone and cigarettes minutes before.

A staff related that after buying the items, the man went further into the supermarket and was seen on his phone, supposedly informing his accomplices to attack. At the time, there were three staff and four customers along with the businesswoman in the store.

The men held up the proprietor at gunpoint asking her to hand over all the money. One of them even jumped over the counter and disconnected the computer. The woman begged the men not to harm her after one of them said they should kill her.

The staff member further stated the bandits then turned their attention to the customers and other staff, ordering them to hand over their cell phones. This newspaper was told that the staff hid their phones after realising the men were taking everybody’s phone however they were not spared since they men took away the cash they had in their possession.
The bandits managed to take a quantity of cash from the register and a cell phone from one of the customers before escaping in a waiting car. That customer decided to give chase after the men but was forced to stop after the men discharged a round in his direction.

Persons in the area vented their concern about the brazenness of the bandits, pointing out that despite the business place laden with surveillance cameras they still carried out the act.


Bandits hit sleeping Zeeburg family

A Zeeburg, West Coast Demerara family is traumatised after armed bandits invaded their home early Monday morning.
Speaking with Guyana Times Anita Dindyal of Lot 121 Zeeburg Old Road, said they were asleep when her brother alerted them that bandits were in their home. The woman explained there are three houses in the yard – her brother living at the back with his family, her son at the side with his family, and her home.

The window which the bandits removed to gain entry into the house

The window which the bandits removed to gain entry into the house

Dindyal said that around 04:00h, her brother, a fish vendor, was getting ready to leave home when he saw two strange men in the yard.

“One of them was by the gate and the other one was by my door (which was opened). He didn’t realise what was happening so he ask them what they doing here. Then he saw the one by the gate with a gun and he drop everything and run at the back,” she noted.

The woman said her brother waited in hiding for about five minutes and then he called out to her son, alerting him of what was happening.

She said when her husband was alerted he noticed several of the louvers were removed as well as a wooden bar that was across the window. The door was also opened.

Dindyal added that most of their neighbours are relatives as such her daughter-in-law began screaming for help.
“Everybody start run out with cutlass and bats and so but the bandits them left already,” she noted.

The woman pointed out that they did not hear anything that would have alerted them that someone was in the house. She noted that her husband was sleeping alone in the room they broke into, while she was in another room with her 13-year-old daughter.

Dindyal disclosed that the men were able to get away with three pairs of gold earrings and two gold rings. “It look like they didn’t get to take anything much because only that they gone with… after my brother saw them, they probably get away,” she remarked.

The woman stated she is not sure how many persons were there, noting that her brother only saw two. However, Dindyal went on to say a woman in the area recalled seeing a strange red car in the community on Sunday.

She noted that her brother recalled that the man at the gate was armed and had on a black armless shirt. Further she added that another resident in the community said he saw a red car sometime around 03:30h about two streets from her house.
Dindyal told this newspaper that robberies are frequent in the area and along the West Coast. She noted that only on Sunday around 17:00h bandits attacked an overseas visitor about three streets away from her home.

In addition, she recalled that when they got to the station to make the complaint, they were three sets of people there with complaints of robbery also – from Anna Catherina; Tuschen Housing Scheme, and the Meten–Meer-Zorg Mosque, where several computers were stolen, among other things.



Eye pass as even the blind take up the afc/apnu mantra to make Indians pay for 2 decades of marginalizing the blacks.

Blind bandit granted bail for armed robberies


Nigel Ellis, one of the men accused of robbing and terrorizing several persons at a Mahaicony Supermarket, has been granted bail to the tune of $600,000 by the High Court.

Charged: Nigel Ellis

Charged: Nigel Ellis

Ellis was recently discharged from the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC). He is now permanently blind in both eyes after being shot by a vigilante.
Attorney Adrian Thompson presented a bail application for the accused two weeks ago.
Ellis of Lot 34 West Ruimveldt, Georgetown has been charged with four counts of armed robbery after he appeared in the Mahaicony Magistrate’s Courts on November 18.
He is accused of robbing four persons – Jasoda Singh, Narine Singh, businesswoman Lakeranie Singh and Natasha Bobb – at gunpoint on November 4, at LaRaisonable, Mahaicony, East Coast Demerara.
The court heard that the defendant allegedly robbed Lakeranie Singh of one Toyota IST, $300,000 cash, a quantity of gold and artificial jewellery, a quantity of phone cards, among other items all totaling $4,367,300. He was also accused of robbing Narine of a Samsung phone, US$300, a wallet and $9,000 cash – total value of $184,000.
It was further alleged that he robbed Natasha Bobb of two gold rings, $80 cash and a Nokia cell phone. And finally he allegedly robbed Jasoda Singh of a BLU phone, a bag and $3000 cash – a total of $19,000.
Additionally, Ellis was charged for illegal firearm and ammunition possession.
Ellis will return to court on January 6, 2016.
Kaieteur News caught up with Ellis yesterday at the hospital. He has denied having any involvement in the robberies. “I still don’t understand the story. How me alone do all these robberies?” He explained that on the date in question, he left his home to follow “a lil girlfriend home in Mahaicony”. The man related that while he was awaiting transportation to head to the city some people started to holler, “watch one deh deh”.
Ellis continued, “they open fire on me and I drop on the ground and start holler for my eyes. They carry me at the hospital the same day and then bring me down to town.”

Murder Accused: Stafarei Alexander

Murder Accused: Stafarei Alexander

It was reported that around 14:00hrs, on November 4, Ellis was among a group of men that entered the supermarket and held Lakeranie Singh and her employees at gunpoint. They reportedly beat the businesswoman about her body and escaped with cash, jewellery and other valuables.
According to reports, the bandits appeared to be well informed about the supermarket, since they escaped with a DVR, which recorded footage from surveillance located at strategic points on the premises. The men reportedly escaped in Singh’s Toyota IST, with the police hot in pursuit.
Another man, Stafarei Alexander, 33, of Laing Avenue West Ruimveldt was also slapped with the said charges after he appeared before the Chief Magistrate, last month. However, he was remanded to prison and is currently facing a murder charge. He is accused of murdering Linden businesswoman, Shevon Gordon on April 4.
Three other men have also been charged with the woman’s murder.


During the PPP rule, the afc/apnu would have been protesting this shooting by police and cry police abuse. Now they stay quiet as they are in charge.

Police shoot alleged wife abuser

A 30-year-old man is nursing a single gunshot wound to his foot at the Georgetown Public Hospital after he was shot resisting arrest. The incident occurred sometime around 14:45h on Tuesday.

The injured man has been identified as Tabeco Mc Kenzie of East Ruimveldt Housing Scheme, Georgetown. He was shot once to his left foot.

According to reports, the man’s reputed wife made a report of assault against him at the East Ruimveldt Police Station on Tuesday.

Guyana Times further understands that Police ranks, accompanied by the Complainant, went to East Ruimveldt where the man was seen and the ranks attempted to arrest him. However, Mc Kenzie resisted and attempted to escape from the Police. As such, the ranks opened fire in the man’s direction, hitting him to his foot.

The injured man was picked up by the Police and taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital. Investigations are continuing.



AFC/APNU fund raising in full swing as we continue to see these types of robberies. The criminal supporters of the ruling party are having a grand old time as they were given the ok by their masters in parliament to rob and steal.


2 shot, hospitalised as bandits escape with 2 M

Daring daylight robbery

Two persons have been hospitalised after they were shot during a robbery on Monday in Georgetown. The incident occurred sometime around 18:15h.

According to reports, Revenue Collector Euril Lowenfield was being escorted by City Constable Aaron Henderson at Regent Street and Orange Walk, Bourda, Georgetown, when they were held up by two men, one of whom was armed with a handgun.

The armed man shot Constable Henderson to his right foot and the perpetrators relieved Lowenfield of the two bags containing approximately $2 million before escaping on a motorcycle along Orange Walk.

However, as they were riding off, the armed man indiscriminately discharged several rounds, one of which struck a bystander, 43-year-old Savitree Singh, to her left foot. Both Henderson and Singh have been admitted at the Georgetown Public Hospital for treatment.

Police have since launched an investigation into the robbery.

Drugb posted:

AFC/APNU fund raising in full swing as we continue to see these types of robberies. The criminal supporters of the ruling party are having a grand old time as they were given the ok by their masters in parliament to rob and steal.


2 shot, hospitalised as bandits escape with 2 M

Daring daylight robbery

Two persons have been hospitalised after they were shot during a robbery on Monday in Georgetown. The incident occurred sometime around 18:15h.

According to reports, Revenue Collector Euril Lowenfield was being escorted by City Constable Aaron Henderson at Regent Street and Orange Walk, Bourda, Georgetown, when they were held up by two men, one of whom was armed with a handgun.

The armed man shot Constable Henderson to his right foot and the perpetrators relieved Lowenfield of the two bags containing approximately $2 million before escaping on a motorcycle along Orange Walk.

However, as they were riding off, the armed man indiscriminately discharged several rounds, one of which struck a bystander, 43-year-old Savitree Singh, to her left foot. Both Henderson and Singh have been admitted at the Georgetown Public Hospital for treatment.

Police have since launched an investigation into the robbery.

Inside job!!!!!


Another example of sacrificing the low level pushers while the drug lords socialize with govt officials openly.

Football Coach remanded on drug charge

Football Coach Colin John

Football Coach Colin John

A football coach was on Wednesday remanded to prison after he appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts charged with possession of narcotics for the purpose of trafficking.

Colin John, 35, of Lot 183 Eccles, East Bank Demerara, denied the charge which stated that on November 29 he was found to be in possession of 21 grams of cannabis for the purpose of trafficking.

Prosecutor Deniro Jones told the court that on the day in question, the Police stopped a car that the accused was travelling in and requested to conduct a search.

During the search, the Police reportedly found the narcotics in the passenger side seat in several transparent plastic bags.

The Prosecutor objected to bail on the grounds of the seriousness and prevalence of the offence. Bail was denied and John was remanded to prison. He will return to court on January 4.


Looks like the guns that the afc/apnu handed out to cause distrest in the nation during the PPP tenure are still being used.

Man shot during row at Aubrey Barker Road

A 39-year-old man is nursing a single gunshot wound to his left foot after he was shot during an argument. The incident occurred sometime around 09:15h on Wednesday.

The injured man has been identified as Lawrence Moore. According to reports, Moore was involved in an altercation with another man along the Aubrey Barker Road, South Ruimveldt, Georgetown. During the argument, the man reportedly discharged a round at Moore, injuring him.

The injured man was picked up and taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital, where he is currently admitted a patient.

Meanwhile, the Police have launched an investigation into the incident as the suspect is yet to be arrested.



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