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New Amsterdam rocked by a spate of robberies

Police in Berbice are investigating a seven-man armed gang operating out of Mount Sinai, one of the suburbs of New Amsterdam, referred to as Angoy’s Avenue. One of the gang members was arrested on Friday 17 June.
On the morning of Sunday 18 June, the gang reportedly responded by attacking four homes, successfully entering two and terrorizing the families, as they took away cash and other valuables.
Divisional Commander, Assistant Commissioner Ian Amsterdam is of the view that Sunday’s attack was in retaliation of the arrest of a gang member on Friday.
Veronica Balak, 69, of Lot 5 Mount Sinai, was reportedly beaten and robbed by the said gang. According to Balak who lives alone, at about 03:00h on Sunday she heard banging on her door and then four men appeared in her bedroom: “When them come in me tell them me na go holla, an they ask fo money and gold but I tell them that I is a pensioner.”
The elderly woman noted that of the four men, one was armed with a gun, one with a cutlass and one with a crowbar. The defenceless woman related: “When me tell them that me na get gold, them start beat me up, dem knock me all up in me head….”
She said that they ransacked her home and took all of the money she had which was less than $20,000.

Veronica Balak was beaten and robbed of all her money

Veronica Balak was beaten and robbed of all her money

Within the hour, four other places were attacked: Budhan’s Housing Scheme, Mount Sinai, including a grocery store, and three houses.
Oliver Ross says his wife was assaulted and a shot fired at him as bandits entered his home. He said it was after 04:30 on Father’s Day when three men entered his Lot 39 home while two remained under his house: “Two of them had guns and one was armed with a cutlass. By the time I heard strange sounds they were already in the house. They put the guns to our head and said bring all the money and the gold and everything that you got.”
Ross said he appealed to the thieves saying that he and his pregnant wife were only middle class and not wealthy but it made no difference as there were threats made to rape his wife: “He grab my wife and pulled her by her hair and I tried to stop him and then he fired a shot at me.”
He said the men ransacked the home during the five minutes they spent and took what they could. It was reported to Police that the bandits relieved Ross of $78,000, a cellular phone, a television set, a tablet and a laptop computer.
At Lot 31 Budhan’s Housing Scheme, Ingrid Soohan, 67, reported that bandits broke the padlock off of her gate and were attempting to get into the downstairs apartment. At the time, she was up already doing her morning chores and thought it was her downstairs tenant returning home. The elderly woman said she called out to her tenant, greeting him and that might have scared the bandits off.
Also at Lot 9 Budhan’s Housing Scheme, householders were alerted after two men with guns had wrenched open a kitchen window. They called out to a neighbour who reported that they were two others under the house.
After the alarm was raised the men jumped over a fence at the front yard and ran further into the scheme.
According to Amsterdam, during last week Police officers were on patrol and in the vicinity of the Berbice River Bridge they intercepted a car and took the driver into custody after not being convinced that he was waiting for a passenger to return with his $300 taxi fare.
However, the following day surveillance footage revealed that a car fitting the description of the one that was parked at D’Edward Village was the car which

Budhan’s Housing Scheme

Budhan’s Housing Scheme

dropped the men off before the robbery at D’Edward Village earlier that night.
Based on information provided by the driver of the alleged getaway car, Police arrested a suspected gang member on Friday.
The gang is also linked to a robbery of a New Amsterdam Market vendor at his New Street, East Canje home three weeks ago when $1 million in cellular phone cards were stolen.
Meanwhile, two persons are in custody in connection with the Father’s Day robberies. Andrew Carmichael


Looks like it is business as usual under the PNC. They claimed to be able to stop crime but the honeymoon is over and the chinese businesses returns to be the favorite target of PNC supporters looking to rob and kill.

Looks like the PNC police looking for a raise everytime they do their jobs:

The Chinese national said, “I call police long, long time. They take long to come but when they want something they come quick. They here in no time…”

One captured, hunt on for 3 supermarket robbery


A Chinese-owned supermarket located along Aubrey Barker Road was robbed yesterday

An image of the robbery taken from the CCTV footage

An image of the robbery taken from the CCTV footage

by four armed bandits. However, the efforts of public spirited citizens and police officers led to the successful capture of one of them. The incident took place around 12: 00 hrs.

Footage from GST supermarket’s CCTV cameras showed that the four men rode into the store’s compound and entered the building under the guise of regular customers. Minutes later, two of the men who were armed, approached the cashier and demanded cash and other valuables. Meanwhile, one of the bandits kept watch at the supermarket’s door. Another took cell phones from other employees along with gold chains and rings.
One of the bandits, dressed in jeans and what appeared to be a white shirt and red cap, secured the backpack with the ill-gotten gains and fled the scene. Alarmed by the screams of the owners, neighbours gave chase to the men who ran into Festival City Exit.
One eye witness said, “We hear de people dem screaming out ‘Thief !Thief! And we come out and we see them so we run behind them. But they run into the streets over there (Festival City Exit) thinking that they gun get away. But remember now, dem street got a set ah cul-de-sac and duh is how we know that dem bannas is nah from round here.

GST Supermarket which was robbed yesterday.

GST Supermarket which was robbed yesterday.

“But the police an all is another session because we call dem long, long and dem ain’t turn up. If they de turn up quick we woulda ketch dem other two men who run in the same area. But is just a few of us went behind them and we couldn’t handle all of them by we self.”
The owners of the supermarket were however, reluctant to speak to the media. One employee nonetheless expressed his disappointment with the tardiness of the police.
The Chinese national said, “I call police long, long time. They take long to come but when they want something they come quick. They here in no time…”
This newspaper understands that the police are treating the matter as an attempted robbery and it is currently being investigated.


Kurupung gold miner bound, beaten to death

Shawn Mc Donald, the porkocker who was found dead at Kurupung last Monday, was bound hand and foot and beaten to death.

This was revealed yesterday during a postmortem, which showed that the 43-year-old sustained a brutal beating.
The attack left him with injuries to the head, a broken shoulder, and a deep cut to the mouth that reportedly caused him to suffocate on his own blood.
His brother, Odinga Mc Donald, who witnessed the postmortem, said that he was also told that there was evidence that the killers had tied his sibling’s limbs.
A police source said that a length of rope was tied to one of the slain man’s wrists.
While the motive for the killing is unclear, Kaieteur News understands that police are looking for three suspects in connection with the killing.
There are reports that the men were seen placing the body in a metal container.
Odinga Mc Donald said that information he received indicated that his brother, who is from Amelia’s Ward, Linden, was slain some time between last Sunday and 16.00 hrs on Monday.
But relatives only learnt of the tragedy on Wednesday, when someone contacted his mother and said, ‘Shawn dead and the body coming out.”
The brother said that he travelled to CID Headquarters, Eve Leary, where police confirmed that they had brought out the body of a ‘Shawn Mc Donald’ from the interior. He subsequently identified the body.
Odinga Mc Donald said that his brother was the eldest of four siblings and had worked in the interior for several years.
Shawn Mc Donald is the ninth person murdered in an interior location for the year.


Bandits broke into vehicle of overseas-based Guyanese

An overseas-based Guyanese who recently returned home on vacation fell victim to the country’s current crime situation, after his car was broken into on Wednesday and an undisclosed sum of cash and other valuables stolen.
Reports are that around 14:00h, Dr Rudy Jadoopat parked his vehicle a short distance from the popular M&M Snackette in the vicinity of the Demerara Harbour Bridge, Peters Hall, East Bank Demerara and went into the Snackette to make a purchase when the bandit(s) struck.
Reports are that upon return, Dr Jadoopat found a window of the vehicle smashed and a number of items, including his cellular phones, cameras, important documents and an undisclosed sum of cash, along with other items missing.
It is suspected that the perpetrator(s) had been trailing the overseas-based Guyanese and as he stopped, the opportunity was used to break into the vehicle.
The police were summoned and have since secured the footage from surveillance cameras in the area, which they are reviewing for clues and the possible identities of the bandit(s).


Is this what Granger's Ministers went to NY and Toronto begging Guyanese to return to?  Beloved Guyana, sweet paradise, land of milk and honey!  All the PNC defenders, when are you returning?

Last edited by Former Member
Home > TOP STORY > Bandits shoot, rob Canal #1 businessman
The property which was ransacked by bandits
The property which was ransacked by bandits

Bandits shoot, rob Canal #1 businessman


By Rabindra Rooplall

ARMED bandits stormed the home of 36-year-old businessman Dhaniram Tirbeni at Lot 13 Studley Park, Canal Number One, West Bank Demerara at about 1:00hr on Monday, gaining access to the home by prising open a window in the lower flat of the building.Two of the four unmasked bandits then proceeded to the upper flat of the building, where four persons were asleep: the businessman and his wife in one room, and their two children in another.

Injured businessman: Dhaniram Tirbeni

Injured businessman: Dhaniram Tirbeni

Tirbeni was then awakened by gun butts to the head, whilst the bandits demanded cash and jewellery. He was placed to kneel with his hands behind his head, and then shot once to the right arm. He also received cuts to the head from the beating.

The bandits then ransacked the entire home before making good their escape with jewellery and an undisclosed sum of cash.

Relatives rushed Tirbeni to a city hospital, where he was admitted and is said to be in a stable condition.

The Tirbeni family operates a grocery shop and poultry business, and relatives say the Tirbenis are traumatised and are calling on police to bring the perpetrators to justice.

Police found the keys of the businessman’s vehicle in a neighbour’s yard, as investigations into the robbery continue.


PNC operatives continue the age old PNC tradition of raping by police and solders.

Soldiers accused of raping teen


By Rabindra Rooplall

Two soldiers are under investigation as police examine an allegation made by a 17-year-old girl that she was raped by the duo, police said.The teen and soldiers reside in Tuschen, East Bank Essequibo.

According to reports, the teen is known to the two men and they were at a birthday party in Tuschen.

After the party ended in the wee hours of the morning of Sunday morning, the girl was reportedly taken to one of the soldier’s house in the same village where they took turn in raping her.

She was allegedly beaten about the face and other areas of the body after putting up a resistance.

The traumatised young lady, following the incident, made a report to the police, and an investigation has since been launched into the incident.

The 2015 United States Department report on Human Rights said a high number of unreported cases of rape and sexual assault continues to haunt Guyana.


What improvement in crime as claimed by the pNC supporters? Indians continue to bear the brunt of the assault.

Belvedere gang prey on residents

Robbed: Zabida Ali

Robbed: Zabida Ali

Several residents in the Belvedere Corentyne area were mugged and relieved of personal belongings by men residing in the area.
The first incident occurred last Monday on 41-year-old Nalini Narine whose bag was snatched from her person while the woman was walking out her street. It was about 10:00 am.
Narine said that she saw two suspicious boys with bicycles coming towards her.
“When I see them coming, I move out of the way. The younger one passed and snatched my bag but I pull back and the other older one came and he wrenched it out my hand and they rode away.
“I start holler for help and this guy came with his car and we chased them for a good 10 minutes till they drop the bag and jump in the trench”. Narine stated that the muggers who were unmasked were seen in the area one day before another resident was targeted.
“These guys don’t care about anyone. They doing it in broad daylight.”
Another resident also suffered at the hands of the muggers. This time, 60-year-old Nazim Habil was choked and relieved of his bicycle while venturing to the community masjid last Thursday about 19:30 hours. The man said that he was accosted by the two men who demanded that he hand over his cash.
“One of them pull me off me bike and choke meh and holler ‘gimme all de money’ and me seh meh nah get none and them search up meh pockets and shove me down and go way with me bicycle.”
Habil stressed that although a report was made at the Police station, no progress has been made in the investigations.
“You can’t go station and mek report cause them nah do nothing. This thing overbearing. Everyday you ah hear that somebody ah get rob and nobody nah do nothing about it.”
Zabida Ali of Lot 3 B’ Belvedere road was relieved of $42,000 in cash by the said bandits. She stated that last Friday around noon, she was venturing to the Masjid when she noticed a suspicious man riding in circles. She said that the man stopped at a nearby shop before making his move.
“When he stop at the shop, he keep staring in me direction so I get frighten and start run like and when I run, I see he riding coming one full speed and he stretch out he hand and grab me purse and ride away.”
Ali added that an attempt was made to follow the man but that was aborted after he quickly disappeared into the Belvedere backlands.
The victims gave identical descriptions of the unmasked muggers who were riding the same bicycles and clothing when carrying out the attacks.
According to unconfirmed reports, three other residents were also attacked.
Commander of B’ Division, Ian Amsterdam, disclosed that investigations are being conducted into the incidents.


Police track cell phone, nab bandits in Berbice hotel


Quick action and brilliant thinking by ranks in Berbice, and by detectives attached to the Blairmont Police Station, led to the capture of two bandits who had earlier robbed a Chinese national. They made the arrests in a hotel.
According to reports, about 14:15 hrs on Sunday, businessman, Shan Goasu, 47, of Regent Street, Georgetown was on his way from Suriname to Georgetown. He reportedly joined the taxi (a black Vehicle) at Springlands with two other passengers. However in the vicinity of No2 village West Coast Berbice the driver took a detour South of the main road and drove the vehicle for about 400 feet.
The hapless man before he realized what was happening was choked into unconsciousness and relieved of his belongings including one gold chain, one gold ring, $300,000, one Iphone, a passport and S’name $2,500.
The man was then dumped out of the car without shirt. The badly bruised Goasu, subsequently regained consciousness and realized he was lying on a dam. The man began running towards the road and upon reaching the main road was rescued by a minibus driver who immediately took him to the Blairmont Police Station where a report was made.
The ranks immediately went into action and a detective decided to place a phone call to the man’s missing phone which gave them a location. The police began tracking the number and came up on the Church View International Hotel.
They quickly cordoned off the location. Getting full cooperation from the owners of the business entity. The police moved in and located the men who had minutes earlier checked in and hadn’t any time to settle. The two were nabbed and searched. During the search the police recovered $200,000, S’name $2500, one Iphone, a passport and a bag containing clothing belonging to Goasu were found.
The men were taken into custody. A search is out for the car and driver who it is believed was a part of the robbery. The missing $100,000 was reportedly taken by the driver as his part in the robbery.
The men are from Corentyne and East Coast Demerara. Efforts are being made to get some assistance from the Berbice Bridge.
Investigations are ongoing.

Drugb posted:

What improvement in crime as claimed by the pNC supporters? Indians continue to bear the brunt of the assault.

Belvedere gang prey on residents

"Several residents in the Belvedere Corentyne area were mugged and relieved of personal belongings by men residing in the area."


You digging and scratching,before you wrote the statement have you ponder what kind of individuals commit these acts,they are products of their own society if their actions were clipped at an early stage,the villagers would not have to deal with the menace.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

What improvement in crime as claimed by the pNC supporters? Indians continue to bear the brunt of the assault.

Belvedere gang prey on residents

"Several residents in the Belvedere Corentyne area were mugged and relieved of personal belongings by men residing in the area."


You digging and scratching,before you wrote the statement have you ponder what kind of individuals commit these acts,they are products of their own society if their actions were clipped at an early stage,the villagers would not have to deal with the menace.

Apparently you are losing your marbles. Granger et al are responsible for curbing crime, what are they doing to prevent crime? Nothing when it comes to Indian areas. 


2 arrested after robbing city-bound passenger

Two men are now in Police custody after executing a robbery on a passenger in a taxi who was travelling from Berbice to Georgetown on Sunday afternoon.
The men were reportedly apprehended at Church View International Hotel, at Main Street, New Amsterdam with a quantity of foreign and local currency.
Police investigations revealed that the victim, Shan Goasu of Regent Street, Georgetown, boarded a taxi with two other men and in the vicinity of Number 2 Village, West Coast Berbice, the driver drove the motor car along a desolate road.
One of the occupants then choked the victim and relieved him of the gold jewellery he was wearing, $300,000 in local currency, $2500 in Surinamese currency, one iPhone and a passport.
The man was then ordered out of the car and his assailants drove away. The matter was reported to the Blairmont Police Station and based on information received; Police went to the hotel where they arrested the two men.
The Police then conducted a search of the men and found the $200,000 in local currency, $2500 in Suriname currency, iPhone, passport and a bag containing clothing belonging to the victim.


Isis has landed:


Man claiming he’s ISIS member threatens to bomb bank, demands $10M – deemed psych patient, charged for similar offence in 2007


Pandemonium erupted at a Regent Street commercial bank yesterday, after a suspected mentally ill man who claimed to been ISIS member threatened to blow up the bank while demanding $10M. He was quickly apprehended. A search revealed that he had no bomb, and this is the second time he has pulled such a stunt.
The drama began at around 09.30 hrs when the 35-year-old man, toting a shoulder bag, entered the Regent Street branch of the Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry. He then headed to the upper flat, went to a female supervisor, and said:
“I want money, or I will blow up this bank.” According to a police official, the ‘terrorist’ then handed the terrified supervisor a note which read: “ISIS: There is a bomb in this bag. Give us $10M or we will blow up this bank.”
Instead, the supervisor screamed for security, and guards who were nearby grabbed and subdued the ‘terrorist.’
Bomb experts who were summoned searched the suspect’s bag, and found a knife and a few documents.
Police are attempting to have the suspect undergo psychiatric evaluation, since his actions have led them to surmise that he may be mentally unsound.
This appears to be the case, since Kaieteur News has confirmed that the Charlotte Street resident pulled a similar stunt almost nine years ago at another commercial bank.
It is alleged that on November 8, 2007, the same man entered the Citizen’s Bank in Camp Street and gave a teller a note in which he demanded $1M, while claiming to have a gun.
Instead, the teller reportedly activated an alarm and security staffers apprehended the ‘robber.’ No gun was found on him. Reports at the time indicated that he had been recently deported from Canada. He appeared in court on November 14, and pleaded not guilty to attempting to commit a felony.
His attorney told the court that the accused is a vendor and had a problem of “mental delusion” and that he is frequently examined by a doctor. He reportedly did not take his medication on the day of the alleged robbery attempt. His counsel also said that the offence was a bailable one and there was no allegation of any weapon being used.
The accused was granted bail in the sum of $150,000.


"Pandemonium erupted at a Regent Street commercial bank yesterday, after a suspected mentally ill man who claimed to been ISIS member threatened to blow up the bank while demanding $10M. He was quickly apprehended. A search revealed that he had no bomb, and this is the second time he has pulled such a stunt."

Big news.... sounds more like a drowning ant.

Jalil does seh alyuh "Digging and Scratching" he is correct.


Armed bandits beat, rob Corentyne businesswoman

Two armed bandits on Monday evening beat and robbed a Corentyne businesswoman, taking hundreds of thousands in cash and valuables.
The incident occurred about 18:35h.
Reports are that two masked men – one armed with a cutlass and the other with a gun –pounced on businesswoman Savitry Jagnandand, 44, at Number 72 Village, Corentyne, and demanded cash. This publication was told that at the time of the incident, Jagnandand was in a hammock with her son.
The men, after entering the yard, immediately started demanding valuables. The intruders beat and bound the woman’s son, before locking him in a storeroom in the lower flat of the two-storey house. Guyana Times was told that the men then took the businesswoman into the upper flat where they further demanded cash and jewellery.
This publication was told that she handed over an undisclosed quantity of jewellery along with $775,000 in cash and an electronic tablet. The bandits also took a Samsung Galaxy cellular phone and a quantity of phone cards before escaping.
Up to press time, no arrest was made; however, B Division Commander, Assistant Commissioner Ian Amsterdam said that Police were looking for two men who previously committed robberies on the Number 63 Beach in April. According to him, since then Police have stepped up their surveillance and conducted several searches in the area.
“They went quiet for a while, but we are suspecting that they would have committed these two robberies, but we are not getting a description as to how they look,” he told this publication.
In April, a vehicle operator was robbed of valuables which included cellular phones, cash, and jewellery while driving along a lonely spot on the Number 63 Beach. During that same period, a couple relaxing on the beach also suffered a similar fate. On both occasions, the perpetrators were a man carrying a shotgun and another one carrying a cutlass.


Bandits invades La Penitence beer garden, brutally beats proprietor – robbery captured on camera

One of the bandits known as “Pragso”

One of the bandits known as “Pragso”

BL Beer Garden

BL Beer Garden

During the wee hours of Sunday, three men broke down the backdoor of popular drinking spot, BL Beer Garden at Lot 9 Public Road, Albouystown, and robbed businessman Giriraj Bridgelall aka Rocky, savagely beating him in the process.
The entire robbery was captured on camera. The video clearly shows the face of at least two of the bandits. A third partially concealed his face with a piece of cloth.
Footage captured by an outdoor surveillance camera shows the three men approaching the back of the building around 2am, checking a window and upon noticing the camera, removing it. Kaieteur News had an opportunity to view the security footage that was captured by internal cameras. They show a sleeping Bridgelall and his wife in the shop. Upon hearing the noise of the door being breached, Bridgelall rushed out of bed only to be thrown into a corner by one of the men.
While Bridgelall was being assaulted, one of the bandits stuck a gun to his wife’s head and relieved her of her wedding and engagement rings. The men continued beating Bridgelall, stomping him to the brink of unconsciousness.
The video shows one of the men about to strike Bridgelall in the back with a heavy wooden stool but his accomplice stopped him. Bridgelall’s father posited that had the bandit hit Bridgelall, his son would have sustained a broken back at the very least.
After the savage beating, the men gagged and bound Bridgelall and proceeded to search the premises for valuables.
The bandits carted off $497,000 in cash and a number of miscellaneous articles. They subsequently made good their escape with their loot.
Shortly after the ordeal, Bridgelall recovered enough to go to the Ruimveldt Police Station and lodged a report. The police reportedly went to the location and reviewed the surveillance footage. According to reports the police have identified at least one of the perpetrators as “Pragso”.
Some close friends of Bridgelall have also identified another of the robbers by his alias “Turrell”. The men are reportedly well known criminals.


Newspaper vendor suspected killed


Shock and disbelief gripped the Wismar, Linden community of One Mile as news spread of the suspected murder of popular newspaper vendor, Albert Ashby, popularly known as ‘Finny’.
The body of the middle aged man, was last evening removed from his residence and taken to the Linden Hospital Complex.
According to sketchy reports Ashby was earlier robbed by a youth, who ran away leaving his slippers behind.
The man had been vending newspapers for more than two decades, according to reports.
“Finny was a simple easy going chap. At first was he and he wife used to sell papers, then she died and he continued the business alone. But he never used to trouble nobody, so I don’t know who would want to kill him”, one man pointed out.
A former employer said that Finny once worked with him as a security guard, before he became involved in the newspaper business.


One man in custody as bandits shoot security guard during school invasion


One man is in custody as investigation continues into the shooting of a security guard who was on duty, at the Berbice Educational Institute (BEI), Town Savannah New Amsterdam, allegedly by five bandits. The shooting reportedly stemmed from a botched robbery.
Shot and injured is 64-year-old Campton Charles, of Wapping Lane, New Amsterdam, a security guard attached to the Home Safe Security Service.
According to reports, Charles and two other guards were on duty at the school when the men attacked around 02:50 hrs. The other guards on duty were Neville Roberts, 55, of Charles Place and Genevieve Crandon, of Angoy’s Avenue.
The five bandits, one of whom was armed with a handgun, were dressed in black and had black toques over their heads and black cloths tied over their noses.
Three of the bandits first approached Crandon who was on the northern side of the building. He was tied up and assaulted by the bandits who demanded of him how many guards were on duty. They were then joined by two other bandits. The man was taken where the other guards were. The bandits subsequently accosted Crandon who was in the lower flat, on the southern side. They then went to the upper flat of the building where Charles was.
The bandits, after being told no money was available decided to open fire hitting Charles on his forearm.
Charles was picked up and rushed to the New Amsterdam Hospital where he is receiving treatment.
The bandits escaped by jumping over the northern fence. The police were informed and responded promptly. During investigations one man, who is a known character and part of a gang, was arrested and taken into custody.
Investigators are also looking for a car in which the men allegedly escaped.
Investigations are continuing.

Stormborn posted:

Where is you post of Omar Shariff carting off the whole treasury?

U keeping tabs on Guyanese Muslim Crooks?

Dem bois intend to show you who are the criminals in Guyana.

Last edited by seignet

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