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More details about the exploits of afc/apnu supporters as they extract their salary increase from the Indians.


Good Hope man found dead in home

…foul play suspected

The lifeless body of Shiraz Ali, 22, called Ameer of 2 Good Hope Railway Embankment, East Coast Demerara was on Monday found lying face down on the bed. It is suspected to be murder.

Dead: Shiraz Ali

Dead: Shiraz Ali

Ali was discovered by his mother who went to check on him after calls to his mobile phone went unanswered.

Information reaching Guyana Times revealed that the dead man might have been murdered, since the Police have removed two knives, a hammer and several other items suspected to be the murder weapons. The hammer and the knives had what appeared to be blood stains. The Police also removed several cigarettes, which according to relatives, is a surprise since the dead man did not smoke.

A senior Police rank told this newspaper that the results of a post mortem examination will be the basis for their investigations.

The Police have questioned several persons including his neighbours. According to neighbours, Ali lived alone and was last seen on Sunday evening in his yard.

Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum on Monday said based on investigations it is believed that the perpetrator(s) attempted to burn the house following the murder.

He said several burnt electrical cords were found near the man’s body.

At the home of the dead man, his mother, Bibi Hamid was inconsolable as she sat in a hammock.

She explained that she lives in Berbice, Region Six, but suspected that something was wrong with her son since she had called him several times but her calls went unanswered.

The grieving mother said she subsequently called and asked her son’s neighbours to go check on him but they too were unable to reach Ali.

She said she travelled to her son’s home and found the door ajar. Her worst fear was confirmed when she went in and found her son’s body with several marks about his body.

Hamid stated that her son visited her in Berbice on Friday last and left on Saturday to return to ECD. The aggrieved mother is now left with questions about her son’s death.

The house was also partially ransacked but Guyana Times was unable to confirm if anything was taken.
Ali reportedly moved to the area a few months ago and leaves to mourn his parents and sisters.


These are the mixed demographic that ushered the afc/apnu into office according to caribj


Five remanded for trafficking in narcotics

Local drug cartel bust

Five persons were on Monday remanded to prison by Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan when they appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts charged with trafficking in narcotics.

Alleged drug trafficker, Marlon Scott

Alleged drug trafficker, Marlon Scott

Alleged drug trafficker, Marlyn Scott

Alleged drug trafficker, Marlyn Scott

The head of the alleged drug cartel, Gordon Williams, 52, of 12 Perseverance and 25 Section C Street, Barima, Essequibo Coast; Marlyn Scott, 49, a well known businesswoman of 25 Section C Street, Barima; Marlon Scott, 28, a miner of 503 Respect Street, Onderneeming, Essequibo, Damien George, 32, of Second Phase Sandhill, Onderneeming, and Dennis Mohabir, 50, of Lot 68 Shell Road, Kitty appeared before Magistrate McLennan charged with trafficking of cocaine and marijuana.

The five accused pleaded not guilty to the charge, which read that on October 17 at Perseverance, Essequibo Coast, they were found in possession of 3.841 kilograms of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking. Additionally, Williams and Marlyn Scott were charged separately for possession of 30.5 grams of cannabis sativa for the purpose of trafficking. Both denied the charge. Marlon Scott was charged separately for possession of 30 grams of cannabis sativa. He too denied the charge.

Police Prosecutor Corporal Deniro Jones told the Court that ranks from the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) Narcotics Branch, travelled to Essequibo Coast where they launched an operation on the premises, where the drugs were found.

The Prosecutor said that on October 17, the ranks went to the house to conduct a search, and when they entered they saw the five accused sitting around a coffee table, with the cocaine on the centre of the table.

Alleged drug trafficker, Damien George

Alleged drug trafficker, Damien George

Alleged drug trafficker, Dennis Mohabir

Alleged drug trafficker, Dennis Mohabir

Alleged drug trafficker, Gordon Williams

Alleged drug trafficker, Gordon Williams

The ranks also seized US$4010 and $258,800. A further search of the house, the Prosecutor said, resulted in 23 grams of cannabis being found under a pillow in a room that was being occupied by Williams and Marlyn Scott, and another 30 grams of cannabis discovered on the person of Marlon Scott.

Williams was represented by Attorney Glen Hanoman and Marlyn Scott was by Attorney Mark Waldron, while the others were unrepresented.

Attorney Hanoman in a bail application told the Court that his client was in bed on the day in question since he was suffering from Tuberculosis and also has a broken arm. He further revealed that five persons are being charged for narcotics which were allegedly found in a house, which is occupied by several other persons as well as the accused.

Meanwhile, Attorney Waldron in his bail application told the Court that his client is a mother of two and is a well-known businesswoman on the Essequibo Coast.

He said that on October 17, his client had gone to the building where the drugs were discovered since that is where her mechanic is located. He said his client also washes her vehicle at the same building as there is also a washbay there.
Waldron told the Court that on the day of the incident, his client took her vehicle to undergo some repairs, and sometime later she was approached and searched by the Police. The Attorney further related that nothing was found on his client and she was told that she was free to leave, however 40 minutes later she was taken into custody and escorted to the Anna Regina Police Station.

Both Attorneys posited that their clients are not flight risks and requested reasonable bail.
Prosecutor Jones objected to bail, citing that there were no special reasons given. Bail was refused and the five were all remanded to prison.

The matter was transferred to the Suddie Magistrate’s Court and will continue on October 29.


afc/apnu supporters still have a lot of guns that are used to terrorize Indians.


Kitty man nabbed with gun, ammo

Police on Sunday nabbed a Kitty, Georgetown, resident with an unlicensed .357 revolver and five matching rounds of ammunition.

According to reports, the man was stopped by Police along Alexander Street, Kitty when the unlicensed gun and ammunition were found in a bag he was carrying.

He was taken to the Kitty Police Station where he was questioned.

Over the past weeks several persons have been busted with unlicensed firearms and ammunition despite the Gun Amnesty programme. The initiative was launched as a means of allowing persons in possession of illegal guns and ammunition to hand them over without fear of prosecution.

Police have since said they have recovered a total of 186 firearms and more than 1800 rounds of ammunition during the Amnesty period but have also confirmed that none of the guns were linked to any crime.

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Guyana is no longer a safe heaven for Indos, crime has increased 21 Percent under the AFC/PNC skunks.

When are more Indians lining-up to leave Guyana and give Jagdeo more private-jet belly wuk.

He rass mus presently spend  a lot of time in the toilet, because dem coming afta de Guyanese people house, he living in.


How come crime increased after GOOD TING PPP LOST @ Cain ?

Jagdeo and the PPP are well known for their nastiness and vindictiveness, when they don't have their way.     

Grow up Tola. Mostly negroes commit these crimes.


We continue to see an uptick in criminal activity as afc/apnu supporters "get their piece of the pie"


Gunman robs, terrorises Providence teen

A mother and her teenage daughter are now traumatised after they were terrorised by a lone gunman in the wee hours

One of the rooms that the gunman ransacked

One of the rooms that the gunman ransacked

of Tuesday morning at their Providence, East Bank Demerara, home.
According to reports, Elisabeth Thomas was at her Lot 856 New Housing Scheme, Providence home with her 15-year-old daughter when the lone gunman removed three louvers from a window to gain entry into her home.
Thomas told this newspaper at about 02:00h, her husband, who is a sand truck operator, left home to go to the sandpit.
She said that she heard an unusual sound and was awoken just to see a man jumping over her bedroom wall.
“I ask who is it and the man said “don’t get up or I gon shoot you” and he come down from the wall,” she stated.
The woman added that at the time she was on the bottom of a double bunk bed, while her daughter was fast asleep on the top bunk.
According to the traumatised woman, the gunman ordered the teenager out of her bed to join her mother on the bottom bunk.
“He said he want all the money and gold, and that he has two persons waiting outside. So he hold my daughter, wrap her hair around his hand and pulling and dragging her. He was cuffing and choking her too, asking for money,” the woman said.
Thomas told Guyana Times that she handed over the valuables she had in the house in fear for her daughter’s life. These included two cellular phones, a laptop, jewellery and a quantity of cash.
The woman further stated that she got on her knees and begged the bandit not harm her daughter. “He put us to lie on the floor and lock the room door then run out through the back door,” she told this newspaper.
According to Thomas, the entire incident lasted for about 30 minutes. However, she could not say whether the man indeed had accomplices waiting outside since she and her daughter remained in the room for about 20 minutes before they came out and alerted neighbours of the robbery.
The incident has left the woman and her teenage daughter traumatised and scared for their safety. Moreover, Thomas claimed that this is not the first time a robbery has occurred in the area. She noted that there are no safety measures for residents there, pointing out that street lights are not even installed in the area.




Police nab two after high-speed chase

– narcotics, cash found; MMC guard injured

Police on Tuesday arrested two “known characters” during a high-speed chase along the East Bank Demerara (EBD)

Howard Rambarose

Howard Rambarose

Highway, which resulted in a MMC security guard receiving injuries after the vehicle in which he was travelling turned turtle.
The incident occurred sometime around 13:00h in the vicinity of Eccles, EBD. Guyana Times understands that a blue SUV motor vehicle, in which two plain clothes officers were travelling gave chase to a white Toyota Allion motorcar, which the two known characters occupied.
The chase started at the Eccles Industrial Site Access Road and proceeded into Old Road, Eccles before ended at the Atlantic Petroleum Gas Station, Eccles.
According to a staff at the gas station, the white Allion existed the street at a fast speed turning left onto the Public Road. The female staff member further related that she then noticed a blue SUV giving chase.
The woman recalled that one of the officers from the SUV fired a shot into the air, causing the Allion to stop in front of the gas station.
The officers exited the SUV and went to the car, she  said. “They went and search the guys in the Allion. They (Police) then lock-up the car and take the guys that were in it to their vehicle and left… There were two guys in the Allion,” she said.
The motorcar bearing registration number PSS 9566 was left in the vicinity of the gas station when this newspaper visited shortly after.


Civilian injured
During the chase, four ranks attached to MMC Security Force Inc were travelling in the company’s open back pick-up

Howard Rambarose

Howard Rambarose

along the Eccles Road, when they ended up in the midst of the high speed chase. In an attempt to get out of the way of the vehicles involved in the chase, the vehicle toppled at the junction of Eccles Industrial Access Road and the East Bank Public Road. One of the guards sustained injuries to his head and was rushed to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre for treatment.
An official from the security company later told Guyana Times that the injured guard was transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital where he was given an X-ray and administered saline.
“He seems to be doing fine… He said he took a hard hit in his head but the X-ray showed no damages or broken bones. Right now (late afternoon) he is still at the hospital and is conscious,” the official said.
When contacted by this newspaper, Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum confirmed that the Police was involved in the chase.
He disclosed that the two men, identified as Howard Rambarose and Lloyd Sadloo are known characters to the Police. Blanhum noted that on Tuesday, the Police received a tip about some suspicious men moving around in a motor vehicle in the Eccles area.
According to Blanhum, the plain clothes officers responded to the report which led to the chase and ultimate apprehension of the two men. The Crime Chief further disclosed that during the arrest, the ranks unearthed one kilogram cannabis along with $400,000 cash.
Rambharose, 22, of Lot 6 Second Street, Meadow Bank, Greater Georgetown, was previously charged with the $1.7 million armed robbery of Leroy Hinds at Ramchand Auto Sales, Sheriff Street, Georgetown, on July 14, 2014. The incident saw his accomplice, Kevin Fields, shot dead. Rambharose was also charged with the June 30, 2014, armed robbery at Medicare Pharmacy, Sandy Babb Street, Kitty, Georgetown, where Nalinie Kawall was robbed of $833,000 cash and other articles with a total value of $955,000.
However in February this year, the 22-year-old had the two charges dismissed against him after the Virtual Complainants in both matters failed to attend court.
Meanwhile, 35-year-old Sadloo of Lot 6 Quamina Road, Beterverwagting, East Coast Demerara, was charged back in April for the multimillion-dollar heist at the Bourda Post Office, Regent Street, Georgetown. He was the lone gunman, among three, who was caught after they grabbed several bags containing $90 million in pension and public assistance funds that was being escorted into the Post Office.
Sadloo has been in and out of the courts since 2008. Back in January, he was remanded to prison after he was charged with three counts of armed robbery. He was accused of robbing Vidya Narine of a quantity of items and cash amounting to a total value of $596,000, on December 19, 2014 at Church Street, Queenstown, Georgetown. He also allegedly robbed Clifton Thomas of $36,000 and Latchman Narine of items and cash amounting to a total value of $60,000.
The man was also charged with refusing to cooperate with the Police and submit his fingerprints as required for identification purposes while in custody on January 6, at the Prashad Nagar Police Outpost. In January 2014, he along with another was charged for attempted murder after an argument between the two over marijuana led to a shoot-out.
A resident of Eccles Public Road told Guyana Times that he was sitting in his yard when he heard a crashing sound. He said that on checking he saw the security service vehicle toppled on the road. The man said he immediately called the Fire Service.
“After I saw fuel coming out of the vehicle I called the Fire Service and I told the security men to move away from the vehicle because if it ignite, then the situation would be much worse,” he related. At the scene, a fire tender was on standby as the men tried to get the vehicle on its wheels to allow the free flow of traffic.


Apnu/afc customs security continue to steal passenger's money. This was evident during the PPP reign and continues under the afc/apnu despite all their bragging how they will clean up the country of crime. 


Security officer at CJIA fired for stealing passenger’s money

A security officer attached to a private agency who was contracted by an airline was fired for stealing a quantity of US currency from an outgoing passenger at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA).
The female officer was reportedly processing the passenger at Gate 1 around 17:21h on Friday last when she swiped the cash from the passenger’s wallet, and placed it in one of her gloves.
When the victim realised the money was missing, she immediately alerted staff in the vicinity. The security officer was subsequently searched and the money was discovered. It was returned to the passenger.
According to information reaching Guyana Times, the incident was reported to CJIA’s management by a relative of the passenger on October 18 and an internal investigation was immediately launched. Upon viewing the airport’s security footage, the story given by the relative was confirmed.
Meanwhile, the head of CJIA’s Security Department was in contact with the passenger’s relative, and on Monday last, the relative was informed of the findings of the investigation and action taken against the security officer.  The matter was reportedly to the Police and an investigation was launched.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Apnu/afc customs security continue to steal passenger's money. This was evident during the PPP reign and continues under the afc/apnu despite all their bragging how they will clean up the country of crime. 


Security officer at CJIA fired for stealing passenger’s money

A security officer attached to a private agency who was contracted by an airline was fired for stealing a quantity of US currency from an outgoing passenger at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA).
The female officer was reportedly processing the passenger at Gate 1 around 17:21h on Friday last when she swiped the cash from the passenger’s wallet, and placed it in one of her gloves.
When the victim realised the money was missing, she immediately alerted staff in the vicinity. The security officer was subsequently searched and the money was discovered. It was returned to the passenger.
According to information reaching Guyana Times, the incident was reported to CJIA’s management by a relative of the passenger on October 18 and an internal investigation was immediately launched. Upon viewing the airport’s security footage, the story given by the relative was confirmed.
Meanwhile, the head of CJIA’s Security Department was in contact with the passenger’s relative, and on Monday last, the relative was informed of the findings of the investigation and action taken against the security officer.  The matter was reportedly to the Police and an investigation was launched.

Your dislike have clouded your comprehension skills.


The incident is uncalled for and the committer was





Now that the afc/apnu in charge they fail to stop police rape of prisoner. They claimed that they would stop all this slackness once in power but it looks like it is a free for all now, buggery abound. 


Prisoner claims detective raped him in station


A 36-year-old man has come forward with harrowing claims of being forced to have unprotected sex with a police officer in exchange for a case against him being dropped, at the very Police station where the infamous case of Colwyn Harding’s baton rape made headlines in November of 2014.
The sexual assault allegedly occurred on Tuesday evening at approximately 19:30hrs in the ablution area of the Timehri Police station. Up to yesterday afternoon at 17:30hrs, the victim, the man was reportedly yet to receive medical attention.
According to the victim, who lives alone, he attended a barbecue on Saturday evening. As he was going home, he was accosted by his neighbour, who accused him of breaking into his house. He stated that his neighbour also pushed him.
“So I was going to the police station to make a report,” the victim said. “But before I meet, the police collect me at Kuru Kuru (Soesdyke, Linden highway). When I go Timehri (police station), the detectives ask the man how he suspects me (of stealing a TV and break and enter).”
He recounted that the neighbour then declared that the basis for his accusation was because “People say I am the biggest thief man.”
He related that even though he protested his innocence he was placed under arrest by the detective and put in the lockups. He alleged that at the time his step son, a minor, was with him.
“I was placed (in the lockups) since Saturday, punishing to eat. I telling them the story, (but) they bring a man who claim that he see me,” he said. However, he was adamant that his stepson had seen who really entered the house.
According to the man, for three days he languished in the lock ups, depending on food that other inmates and their families shared with him. He said that some time after 19:00hrs on Tuesday night the detective overseeing his case came to him.
“He come to the cell, took me out and said that he wants some information from me and he will send me home. Before that, he took me out and he loose the boy (step son). And he give the boy money to go back home to Berbice.”
“He took me out of the lock up and tell me to give him a deep throat, let me (perform fellatio). I did that and he told me that he wouldn’t carry the matter to court; (that) he will arrest the man that did the crime,” He said that the detective also sodomized him in the ablution area of the station. He alleged that the detective, when he had finished with the act, told him he had not ejaculated in him.
However, the victim related that after spending the night in considerable pain and discomfort, he was shocked that the next day the detective came to him and woke him up, telling him that he would have to attend court at the Providence Magistrate’s Court.
“This morning (yesterday) I was surprised to hear that he is carrying the matter to court,” he said. “Since last night I hollering out (but after hearing of the case proceeding) I start hollering out (anew). There is a guy in the lockups that see when he was (having) sex with me.”
“When I reach to court, I tell the Magistrate that I’m innocent and (after) the Magistrate put me on $75,000 bail, I also told her what he done to me,” the man said. “But while I was there, the detective brought the virtual complainant and they tell me that today I going to jail.”
He added that the Magistrate then ensured that the police escorted him to the Brickdam Police Station, after which ranks took him to the Georgetown Public Hospital at approximately 16:00hrs. Kaieteur News understands that the victim has been under police escort since leaving the Timerhi Police Station.
According to the man, he was also a witness in the Colwyn Harding baton rape case. Though he never came forward publicly for fear of discrimination, he alleged that the police nevertheless continued to harass him and accuse him of petty crimes.
“Since the Colwyn Harding story I’ve never been at peace,” he said.


Prison head to face sexual assault charge


The administration of the Guyana Prison Service is set to undergo some major changes, once the current Director of Prison Welton Trotz is charged for a sexual offence.

Welton Trotz

Welton Trotz

Kaieteur News was reliably informed that the Director of Public Prosecutions, Shalimar Ali-Hack, has advised that Trotz be charged with sexual assault of a female prison officer.
The advice to charge comes a mere two weeks after Trotz was presented with the Disciplined Service Medal at the recent investiture ceremony presided over by President David Granger.
It stems from an incident that allegedly took place in Trotz’s office at the Guyana Prisons Headquarters on Brickdam way back in January.
Kaieteur News understands that the woman, a Prison Officer One, is alleging that Trotz, who was confirmed as Director of Prisons last year July by then President Donald Ramotar, made sexual advances towards her. She rebuffed him on several occasions.
She claimed that after these advances failed, the Director invited her into his office and showed her pornographic images, after which he again made sexual advances to her.
The woman became annoyed and subsequently lodged an official complaint with the then Ministry of Home Affairs.
A Board of Inquiry, headed by the late Cecil Kilkenny, himself a former Director of Prison, was set up.
That Board, after a detailed examination of the facts of the matter had recommended that Trotz face disciplinary action.
He was also advised to apologise to the aggrieved female Prison Officer but he did not.
All of this transpired before the May 11 General Elections.
Months passed and no justice was meted out to the woman; so she went to the police with the intention of getting criminal charges instituted against the Prison Director.
After intense investigations by the police, the file was sent to the DPP who subsequently advised that Trotz, a former Assistant Commissioner of Police, be charged with sexual assault of the woman.
When contacted last evening, Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan told this newspaper, “I have no comment to make at this stage but I will be speaking to him (today).”
Three years ago, the late Commissioner of Police, Henry Greene, was forced out of office following similar allegations made by a 34-year-old mother of two.
The woman had alleged that she was forced to have sex with Greene after she was induced with cash and a promise to assist her in a matter that was engaging the attention of the police.
Greene had dismissed the woman’s claims as mere allegations and had declared that God will be his judge, although he later admitted to having consensual sex with her.
Following weeks of investigations by a team of detectives from the Jamaica Constabulary Force, under the supervision of then Crime Chief Seelall Persaud, the Director of Public Prosecution advised that Greene be charged with rape.
However, Greene successfully got the High Court to overturn the DPP’s advice with Chief Justice Ian Chang ruling that the decision to charge Greene was irrational.


The AFC/APNU claimed it would stop all sorts of crime while on the campaign trail. Now they are in power it appears that it is business as usual as criminals wreak havoc on society and fishermen have to fend for themselves, even performing citizen arrest while police twiddle their thumbs awaiting the 50% increase in salary so they can "do" their job, following the example of ministers.


Fishermen catch Corentyne pirates after robbery


Three pirates who attempted a daring attack on a group of fishermen at sea on Friday last, were on Tuesday remanded to jail by Magistrate Carlyn Artiga when they appeared before her at the Mibicuri Magistrate’s Court in Black Bush Polder

 Ram Singh

Ram Singh

on two charges of Robbery under Arms.
The men are Vickanand Chandika, 36, of 26 Block 4 Tain Settlement, Corentyne; Khemraj Persaud, 23, of the same address and Ram Singh, 52, of Cromarty Corentyne Berbice.
They are accused  on October 16, last, while armed with a gun and cutlasses, robbed Vishwanauth Ram, 39, a Captain of Lot 122 Section ‘A’ No 65 Village, Corentyne, Berbice and his crew of  their fishing boat ‘Khan 1418’,  one 248 HP Yamaha outboard engine, some fish and a quantity of fish seine.
According to Prosecutor Inspector Godfrey Playter,  boat captain Ram, supported by crew members Paul Williams, 47, of Lot 90 Alness Village, Tajraj Sudial of Lot 192 No 64 Village, and Vishanand Vandick, 19, of No 64 Village, Corentyne departed the No 66 Fisheries around 12:00 hrs on October 11 on their fishing trip.
About 13:00 hrs on Friday 16, while about 10 miles off shore in the vicinity of Bush Lot Village they were approached by the suspects in a small blue boat. The pirates ordered the fishermen into the fish pen, then took the engine from one boat, placed it on another before dumping the fishermen into the boat that had no engine.
The fishermen were left to drift for several hours before they reached land where they made a report to the Police station who responded immediately to the report.
The stolen boat was subsequently abandoned by the pirates after it got stuck.  Two of the men went back to retrieve the outboard engine from the boat. However they were intercepted, while removing the engine by another group of fishermen that was passing in the area at the time.
The boat was towed to shore and the men taken into custody.  None of the attacked fishermen were injured.
The matter has been transferred to the Whim Magistrate’s court for continuation on November 5.


Gun, cutlass toting bandits terrorise WBD family

A family of three was terrorised by five armed men on Thursday evening when they invaded a property at Samaroo Dam, Pouderoyen, West Bank Demerara.
According to information, about 20:30h, the five men – one of whom was armed with a handgun and the others with cutlasses, entered the property of Andy Sookram and tied him up, along with his wife Eswardai Sookram and teenage son Andrew.
During the ordeal, the men demanded cash and jewellery but the trio claimed they did not have cash at home, so the invaders reportedly demanded the finger rings the family were wearing at the time.
After they ransacked the home and came up empty handed, the armed men then carted off two generators, a weeding machine, two gas cylinders and four mobile phones.
They made good their escape in a waiting vehicle. After a while the businessman managed to untie himself and raised an alarm. The Police were called and an investigation launched.
No arrest has been made.


Gunmen rob Sophia Health Centre

 Police launch manhunt


The Police have launched a manhunt for two men who carried out a daring daylight robbery on the Sophia Health Centre at B Field, Sophia, Greater Georgetown.

The names and addresses given to health workers by the two men are Kevin James of 285 Festival City, Georgetown and Andre Hicken of B Field, Sophia.

According to reports received, the two men entered the health centre claiming that they were in need of urgent medical attention and stormed into a room where the nurse was attending to a patient. They then held them at gunpoint.

The senior Medex on duty explained that a patient was accompanied by an accomplice and entered the health centre under the pretext that he had sustained a back injury due to a fall.

As such, the patient was attended to by the nurses who later informed him of his condition and immediately advised treatment. However, the man bluntly refused to receive treatement. The Medex stated that he was told of the patient’s reluctance and decided to have him wait his turn.

“I then went to attend to another patient in the dressing room but while doing so, the guy walked into the dressing room, pulled out a hand gun and ordered that no one move. The gunman place the gun to my head after which he direct all of us to the back of the dressing room where he demanded that we put all out mobile handsets in a bag… he then took off my chain and hand band”, the Medex stated.

During the ordeal, the gunman had the weapon pointed at them, ordering them not to raise an alarm. After the incident, the men left and the nurses and the Medex waited for some time before coming out of the dressing room area. “I came out and enquired if the other patients saw anyone leaving in a hurry with a bag on their back but no one noticed anything”.

He told the media that he immediately instructed the clerk to contact the Police but did not get through. They finally got onto the Regional Health Office and informed them of the situation. Within a few minutes several officials arrived, along with a Police patrol vehicle but no one was seen.

The health worker explained that after the patrol had left, he was told that a young man had visited the health centre claiming that he wanted to see the clerk but she was busy, and he left. The health worker is of the belief that that man was the accomplice to the robbery.

Guyana Times understands that the gun tooting bandit is known to the health centre since he would have visited on a previous occasion and received treatment for a similar injury complaint. The police are continuing their investigation into the matter.


Gunmen rob store, terrorize staff


Staff at a Croal Street electronics store were left traumatized after gunmen posing as customers attacked and robbed them at around 15.30 hrs yesterday.
The incident occurred at the A. N. Electronics Store, with the robbers, who all had handguns, escaping in a silver-grey Toyota vehicle with computers and other items, after gun-butting at least one employee.
According to reports, one of the men first approached a staffer whom he claimed had recently sold him a cell phone. Because the store had not sold that brand recently, that staff became suspicious.
However, before they could activate an alarm, two other men, all armed with guns, joined the ‘customer’ and ordered the employees to lie on the ground, while assaulting one staffer.
The men then gathered up several items before escaping in a silver-grey Toyota Runx.
The matter was reported at the Alberttown Police Station.


Executions on the rise again, looks like the afc/apnu are clueless. They claim they will install a professional force to deal with all these matter but we see it is business as usual.


Murder accused riddle with bullets – friend shot in leg


–    friend shot in leg
A lone gunman early yesterday allegedly walked up to former murder accused, 30-year-old Stanley ‘Steve’ Lovell and pumped about a dozen bullets into him, wounding one of his friends in the process.

Executed: Former murder accused, Stanley ‘Steve’ Lovell

Executed: Former murder accused, Stanley ‘Steve’ Lovell

By the time the shooter’s clip was empty, the Prashad Nagar, Georgetown resident lay sprawled and lifeless on the bonnet of his motor car, bearing registration number, PMM 3825.
The shooting occurred at Regent and Bourda Streets, Georgetown about 3:00 hours.
The injured man has been identified as 21-year-old Anthony Lall, a welder of Bent Street, Wortmanville. He was shot in the left leg and is currently a patient at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).
According to reports, Lovell and Lall had just left a popular night spot in the city and were about to purchase breakfast at the Bourda Market when the gunman struck.
Police said that investigations have so far revealed that Lovell, a car rental agent was sitting on the bonnet of his motor car when he was confronted by a male who was armed with a handgun.
The duo had an exchange of words after which the shooter opened fire on Lovell, hitting him to his chest, head, arm, foot and abdomen. The gunman then escaped in a waiting motorcar.
Detectives recovered 14 9mm spent shells at the scene of the shooting. It is believed that Lovell’s friend was struck by a stray bullet. From all indications, the 30-year-old car rental agent was the sole target.
Yesterday, when this newspaper visited the dead man’s home, his relatives refused to speak to the media.
The car rental agent was no stranger to the Guyana Police Force. In 2008, Lovell was charged with the murder of a University of Guyana (UG) student, Dennis Edghill, at the career day fair held at the Turkeyen Campus.
The charge was later dismissed against him since there was no evidence linking him to Edghill’s death which occurred on February 15, 2008.
The 23-year-old was among several students at the UG campus when a row erupted between two students. The second-year communications student intervened since it was one of his close friends and Lovell who were involved in the argument.
During the process, he was stabbed in the neck and stomach with a broken bottle allegedly by the Prashad Nagar resident.
The victim was later pronounced dead at the GPHC and his alleged attacker went into hiding but later turned himself in with his lawyer by his side.
In 2012, the father of four allegedly stole cheques and subsequently presented several of them to obtain more than $2M worth in food and drinks at Palm Court. He was later released on $3M bail.
Early last year, one of Lovell’s friends, Jermaine Thomas, was shot to the neck outside Palm Court just as he was about to leave the night spot in a car, which the now dead man would normally use.
According to reports, Thomas was preparing to start his motor car when a lone gunman, who was the pillion rider of a CG motorcycle, jumped off the bike and opened fire on the victim.
One of the bullets struck him in the neck and he collapsed on the steering wheel. Thomas survived the shooting but later claimed that the intended target was the father of four.
Lovell’s name had also been called in a number of armed robberies.
Investigations are ongoing.

Last edited by Former Member

While Ramjattan enjoy his 50% increase, the Indians continue to bear the brunt of afc/apnu supporters fund raising activities.


Businesswoman fights off gunmen to save car


(By Mondale Smith)
Businesswoman, Nirvona Boodhoo, 36, is nursing 15 sutures to her head after fighting off three gun-toting bandits to prevent them from stealing her car.

Businesswoman, Nirvona Boodhoo speaking with this newspaper yesterday.

Businesswoman, Nirvona Boodhoo speaking with this newspaper yesterday.

Minutes after leaving her bar on Garnett Street, Newtown, she arrived at her 188 Phulwarie Street, Better Hope, East Coast Demerara, about 1:30hrs yesterday where she had what she dubbed a most frightening experience she will never forget.
The mother of two had just hosted a get together for her late husband’s death anniversary at her bar and then headed home. Though she normally would park her car in her yard she said she did not feel the urge to do so. The upshot was that she decided to park the car in front of the house.
“As I was coming out of the car I saw three strange men coming up the street towards me so I tried to go back in my car and one pulled out his gun.”
The widow could not recall what the men said to her but as fear gripped her she said she knew she had to do something as they rushed the car and grabbed her before she could close the door.
“I started to scream and they tell me to shut up but I resisted as two of them entered the car leaving me with one who had the gun to me.”
They took about $100,000 and three cell phones including a Samsung S5, a Blackberry and a Blu and a bunch of keys.
I don’t know what got into my head but when they ask for the keys I said no and when they tried to take it I just throw it in the yard over the locked gate.”
This move angered the men who were moved from pushing me to assaulting her to her head with one of the guns. “One lash me to my head with the gun and another one come up and say shoot she and I started to beg for my life. Then I hear my sister scream from upstairs and they escaped down the street.”
When the men disappeared from the scene, with blood streaming from her head and face she drove to the Sparendaam Police Station where she collected a medical to go to Georgetown Public Hospital.
“When I went in the Accident an Emergency Unit the experience was hell. I was there with blood running down my head and face and they put me to sit and tell me to wait on the doctor.”
Still fearful for her life after the harrowing ordeal and frustrated by the attitudes of the staff at the Georgetown Public Hospital Accident and Emergency Unit she opted to go to a private doctor at Woodlands. There she ended up with nine sutures in the head and six above my left eyes.
The woman said the police normally patrol in the area, one of which she saw minutes before her harrowing ordeal. “When I came in the street a patrol was actually on the road but they didn’t come in my street.
Speaking of the first time experience she said, “This crime situation is crazy; something needs to be done because I could have been dead if I didn’t think for myself on my husband’s one year death anniversary.”
She said that in her opinion, “The men really wanted my car badly and honestly I thought I was going to be killed…I have never been so scared in my life.”


Party going passengers hijack taxi driver


Taxi driver Oneil Calder, 25, of lot 72 Craig Street, Campbellville, Georgetown is thanking his lucky stars for life after three party-going passengers held him at gunpoint yesterday morning.

Hijacked car: The photo of the missing car

Hijacked car: The photo of the missing car

About 1:30hrs yesterday the father of one said that he picked up three young men on Vlissengen Road between DaSilva and Duncan Streets. The black Fielder wagon HC2738 carries a Pulse taxi service logo. “They said they were going to a party in Bel Air Gardens.”
All seemed well, until he arrived at Bel Air and was asked to stop by a cul-de-sac. One of the men who sat immediately behind him stepped out of the car and the sound of a gun cocking followed. “He opened my door pointed a silver 9mm pistol at me and say, ‘Where the money deh.’  I ask which money and he say, ‘Is taxi yah wukkin whole night so yah got to get money.’”
Fear gripped Calder but he said he kept his composure and showed the gunman the middle pocket of the car. “I had about $7000 in the pocket and the one in the front seat take it out as well as a cell phone I had in there.”
That was not enough for the gunmen, the driver said. “The other one behind me hold down me hand and they run through my pocket taking the li’l change I had in there as well as my other cell phone.”
He said the men then ordered him out of the car telling him to “cooperate and we ain’t going to do nothing to you. I was so scared that I begged them to take all what they want but don’t kill me.”
He said the men the ordered him to walk through the cul-de-sac and I started walking. “I beg dem to please don’t kill me.”
He said that as he was walking away he heard the car door close and when he looked back he saw them drive away.
He then walked to Sheriff Street and hitched a ride to the Kitty Police Station but was referred to the Prashad Nagar police outpost. Ranks visited the scene and a report was recorded.
“I’m glad to be alive but these bannaz are really crude and ruthless. I got me family to maintain, including me six-month-old son and they just take away my earnings and the car…I hope they leave the car somewhere that I can find it cause I got rent to pay and other bills and jobs ain’t deh right now. And is not even my car.”
The car is owned by businesswoman Yoland McKenzie who is seeking the public’s help to recover her vehicle. (Mondale Smith)


As fast as police close one gang down, another one pop up to fill the void.


West Dem. police dismantle robbery gang


Diligent work by ranks of ‘D’ Division has led three members of a seven man gang confessing to carrying out two recent robberies in the district.
The men were part of a gang that tortured and threatened to kill a Pouderoyen, West Bank Demerara (WBD) family before escaping with a quantity of household items on Thursday.
Commander Stephen Mansell confirmed last evening that apart from the Pouderoyen robbery, the men also claimed responsibility for a recent robbery on the Church’s Restaurant on the west side.
The men also implicated another suspect who they claimed was the mastermind of the entire operation.
Kaieteur news understands that the suspects are mostly from city areas like Riverview and North Ruimveldt.
The Guyana Police Force in a statement, yesterday, said that using all their investigative skills, ranks from the West Demerara Criminal Investigations Department were arrest the suspects.
The men will soon be charged and placed before the court.
Last Thursday’s robbery occurred some time around 20:30 hrs at Lot 82 Pouderoyen.
The men tortured the family of three for a long period with a gun, cutlasses, a piece of wood and a knife.
In the end, they escaped with $25,000, the family’s pot, silverware, clothes, two generators, two gas bottles, gold rings, a brush-cutter, two television sets and other articles.
The residents, Andy Sukhram, his wife, Esardei and their son, Andrew were bound and gagged.
According to reports, five men entered the family’s home through the back door.
Andy Sukhram explained that he, his wife and son were in the yard filling up water to take to the upper flat of the home.
“My son left to go upstairs to make tea and then we went up when he finished. We just pulled in the door because we still had to go back downstairs. I picked up the phone to make a call and then the door fly open and all five bandits entered the house,” Sukhram recalled.
He added that when the men stormed into his house, they demanded that everyone lie on the floor.
“They were cursing all the time and were demanding money and jewelry. I tell them that I am a poor man and I don’t have any sort of money but they were tumbling and torturing us all the time,” a devastated Sukhram noted.
According to the father, he explained to the men that he works at the Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL) and does not work for a lot of money.
“While the five of them were upstairs with us, it had more men downstairs because we could have hear them talking and moving around in the yard,” Sukhram said.
With a teary eye, Sukhram said that it took him a while to purchase the items the men stole. “I have a contented wife. If we want something, we would save until we come up with the money and then buy it. We don’t steal anything from anyone; we work hard for what we want.
Kaieteur News was told that one of the armed men told the family that he spent time in jail before and if they did not hand over their valuables, he is not scared to go back to prison.
“One of them was smoking in the house and my wife tell him that she suffers from Asthma and he walked up to her and blow the smoke in her face. They put a gun to my son’s head and had the shears to all our neck.”
According to Andrew Sukhram, one of the men showed him a blade and told him that he would slice Esardel’s neck with it and be the first to ever do such a thing in Guyana.
The men escaped in a tinted white Toyota 212.


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