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Looks like the afc/apnu is hapless as hitmen continue to ply their trade in a crime friendly environment created by the Granger administration.


Man shot at Agricola

…suspected execution attempt – Police

A Diwali lime at Agricola, Greater Georgetown, tuned bloody after a man was shot to the forehead in what appeared to be an execution attempt.
Jermaine Roberts, called “Blacka”, 22, of Agricola, was rushed to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre but was transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital and is said to be in critical condition.
According to information received, Roberts was at an “after Diwali lime” and around 20:00h, a man rode up on a bike and shot him at close range to the forehead.
After the gunshot was heard, the crowd dispersed as persons scampered to safety. It was Roberts’ cousins who realised he was shot and picked him up and rushed him to the East Bank Demerara medical facility.
The Police have launched an investigation into the shooting incident, nothing that from all indications, the shooting appears to be an execution attempt. Hospital officials confirmed that Roberts’ chances of survival are slim.
The shooter made good his escape.


Wanted man killed…trigger man’s house torched in Bagotstown


A three-year-old feud over a woman, and other gang-related issues have left one Norton Street, Bagotstown family homeless and another in fear and mourning for a man wanted by police for murder.

Dead: Jermaine Roberts

Dead: Jermaine Roberts

Just after 12:15 hrs yesterday, 34 Norton Street, Bagotstown went up in flames. This incident occurred hours after one of its occupants, Anthony Trim, was identified as the trigger man who shot and killed Jermaine Roberts, 24, just outside the gate. The police identified the victim as Jermaine Simon called ‘Lapsy’ of Lot 41 Norton Street, Bagotstown, EBD.
He was wanted by the police as the killer of Ryan Sooklall on March 1, 2015, at Providence, EBD. According to reports, he and Sooklall had a falling out that saw Sooklall shooting up his home. The next day he visited Sooklall and killed him.
Roberts (Simon) and Anthony Trim/Amsterdam (Soulgee) were said to have been friends who became long time rivals over a woman.
At the time of the fire, Trim’s 39-year-old brother, Marlon, and two of his children were at home.
He lived in the top flat while his little brother Anthony lived in the bottom flat.  The distraught man recounted, “I went upstairs with my two daughters’ (aged 9 and 6). I was lying in my bed then I feel a heavy, heavy heat, and when I look through the door all I see was sheer black smoke.”
He said that he grabbed his children and ran to safety leaving all his earthly possessions behind. “All the things burn up as well as my children clothes.  Nothing (was) saved. The cabinet, TV, fridge, gas-stove, bed, wardrobe. I stranded right now,” the man who was burnt about his body just a month ago, said.
The man said that his little brother, Anthony, called Soulgee, in his late 20s, went on the run after being accused of shooting his rival hours earlier. The alleged perpetrator is still on the run.

What remains of Lot 34 Norton Street Bagotstown after the fire.

What remains of Lot 34 Norton Street Bagotstown after the fire.

“Years ago they had problems over a girl and last night (Tuesday) they de lighting squib. Then I hear dem de hollering, ‘Ow God Soulgee, you kill me son; you kill me nephew.’  After things die down he runaway last night and me ain’t hear from he since.”
He believes that the fire was as a result of arson as he claims that persons were standing outside of his home claiming that it was his brother who was the triggerman.
“De crowd on the road de saying dem gon bun down Soulgee house since last night,” the bewildered Marlon Trim said.
The house was owned by their late mother, Barbara, and their uncle Michael Amsterdam of USA.
Compton Sparman, Guyana Fire Service Divisional Officer, said that the fire is most likely the result of arson. He said that the fire service was summoned at 12:25hrs and three vehicles were able to contain fire to the one wooden building.
Nicola Simon, 42, of 46 Norton Street, Bagotstown, the mother of the now dead Jermaine Roberts, of 24 Brutus Street, Agricola, was quick to refute allegations that her family was the perpetrator of arson.
Recounting events, the mother said that on Tuesday night, her son visited his grandmother’s home and spoke briefly then he left to find his grandmother at a shop in the street. “He was on a bicycle and his sister was behind him, walking, to go meet his grandmother in the shop. Anthony Soulgee, when he reach me son, he fire a shot to my son head and he fall off he bicycle.”
Joverna Simons, the dead man’s sister, said she stood over her brother and started hollering. “I see Soulgee with a gun in he hand and tell me get meh S@#*# from there and I run because he point the gun at me.”

Marlon Trim and his two daughters who lost everything in the fire.

Marlon Trim and his two daughters who lost everything in the fire.

The young woman who said she witnessed the shooting alleges, “When he done I see he on a phone with the gun in he hand saying that he just kill me brother.”
The gunman who has a broken leg allegedly fled the scene with the aid of a crutch.
The man was shot to the middle of his forehead and rushed to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre but was transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital because of the severity of his injury. He died at about 3:30hrs yesterday.
Dubbing the death of her second child as a surprise, Simon admitted that Jermaine and Anthony were friends but fell out about three years ago after which they were okay again.
“Not we and no fire. Me son dead; we ain’t got time with that. He shoot me son and I want the police to get him cause I see he with me own eye.”
The angry woman said that her son “had to become a fugitive because Soulgee and he friends Francis David Degou, aka Cayenne, and Arif, called Abdool Browne, come threatening we up to (yesterday) morning. (My) son born and grow here and a crew always after me son.”
The killer is said to be related to Travis Rudder who was killed at Nandy Park earlier this year. Villagers noted that there is a gang that has been creating fear in the community on a regular basis. Soulgee is a member of that gang. “When dem come dem does come with the guns and dressed in black like if is police.”
“Dem is menace and got the village in fear,” the dead man’s relative also said.


This criminal will soon be free as Granger look to appease his supporters by amnesty for "petty crimes".  Killing and robbing Indians fall under this category.


Berbice resident remanded for knife-point robbery


Forty three-year-old, Richard Bourne, of Stanleytown, New Amsterdam, Berbice, was yesterday arraigned before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan, charged with robbery under-arms.
It is alleged that on November 9, at Georgetown, while being armed with a knife, he robbed Looknarine Shaw of a gold and diamond hand band, a silver chain and $47,000 cash.
Bourne pleaded not guilty to the charge in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts and was remanded to prison until December 14.
According to the prosecution, on the day in question, the complainant was about to enter his motor car, when he was confronted by the defendant. Bourne allegedly held the man at knifepoint and demanded that he hand over the articles mentioned in the charge. Shaw, being fearful for his life, complied and Bourne made good his escape with the items.
The incident was subsequently reported to the police and investigations led to the arrest and institution of the charge against the defendant.
The prosecution revealed that the defendant is known to the police, since he was charged before for simple larceny.


Granger gallivanting around the world wasting tax payers money while second class Indians citizens bear the brunt of retribution for 23 years of PPP rule and marginalization according to CaribJ.


9mm bandits attack remigrant family


Three bandits, all armed with 9mm pistols, have left a remigrant Guyanese family traumatized after invading their home on Diwali night (Tuesday) and robbing them of an undisclosed amount in cash jewellery and high end electronic equipment.
And to make matters worse, Motielall, called Sunil, and his family are livid at the slow and callous response to their plight by the police although the Alberttown Police Station is just about four blocks away from their Peter Rose and Lance Gibbs Streets residence.
Motielall who returned with his family from Florida, USA, about two years ago, recalled that he was attending to some diyas outside his house with one of his two sons when the bandits struck.
The bandits had arrived in a white car which they parked on Peter Rose Street and entered, Motielall’s yard from the side entrance.
“I heard my wife screaming and the next thing we saw were two guys with guns in the kitchen with my wife and my older son…I saw another guy coming up the front steps,” Motielall recalled.
He said that the guns the bandits were carrying all appeared to be 9mm pistols and they were fitted with extended magazines.
According to Motielall, the men began threatening to kill them, while forcefully demanding “De gold and US (currency)”
“These guys don’t look like more than 26 years but all had 9mm,” Motielall said.
He stated that they gave the men everything they had. However, his son scuffled with one of the bandits when they tried to take his cellular phone.
“That’s when they struck me in my head with a gun,” the re-migrant stated.
In addition to the cash and jewellery, the bandits made off with five cell phones, one Ipad and a laptop computer.
Kaieteur News understands that even as the robbery was taking place, neighbours were alerted to what was taking place and they tried to contact the police on the 911 hotline but were unsuccessful.
“They (police) came about half hour later,” Motielall said.
According to an eyewitness the police gave a ridiculous excuse for not responding to the 911 call.
“They say people does call and make them fools (and) that is why they don’t respond,” the eyewitness explained.
He told this newspaper that the ordeal was especially traumatic for his children.
“They are not taking it too well. But we are thankful they did not shoot us,” he added.
No one has so far been arrested but the Police say they are investigating.


Looks like hard times under the afc/apnu driving people to kill themselves.


Seven students allegedly attempt suicide in Bartica

In what resembles a “suicide pact”, seven students in one of the dormitories of the Bartica Secondary School attempted suicide on Wednesday.
Guyana Times was informed that the students were in a dreadful state when discovered by a teacher.
According to information received, the students are currently at the Bartica Hospital undergoing medical treatment. This newspaper understands that a medical team from Georgetown will be arriving in Bartica today to meet with the local authorities there to address the matter.
There was no indication yet what prompted the students to attempt to take their lives. An investigation has since been launched into the incident.


Its "Birth of a Nation" all over again as 911 operators under the afc/apnu sport and skylark as victims suffer and operators refuse to answer the phone.


Call 911? Maybe not… Gunmen rip door apart, terrorize family during robbery


In an age when phones dominate, calling 911 might not always be the best way to report an emergency.
One man in Tucville, Georgetown, said he was on his phone calling 911 while looking at four armed men as they tried, for more than 20 minutes, to gain entry into his neighbour’s home a little after 04:00 hrs on Wednesday.
The man said he stayed on the phone even as the gunmen successfully ripped his neighbour, former Lieutenant Colonel Charles Hutson’s back door apart and shook on the grillwork until a part of it broke.
This reportedly transpired at Lot 27-912 Tucville where the former army official resides with his family. Yesterday, Roland Hutson, the son of Charles Hutson, said that he and his family were asleep when his wife, Taryn Hutson, heard a commotion in the yard and woke him.
“She heard a noise and when she peeped, she saw the four men at the back door. They jumped through the back fence by the alley way and come in the yard,” Hutson said.
He explained that just when his wife called out for him, he heard his father shouting in the bottom flat of the two-storey house.
“My mom and dad stay downstairs and me, my wife and three children live upstairs,” Hutson said, adding that when he ran downstairs and into the kitchen, the men had already opened the door.
“Two of them were pointing the gun at me while they were shaking on the grill to open it.”
The father of three said that at that point there was nothing he could have done, since the men were pointing two guns at him.
“I tell my mother and father to lock their bedroom door and when they (gunmen) come in, they tried to put me to lie down and when I refused, one of them took the gun and hit me in my head,” Hutson recalled.
He further revealed that in mere minutes, the men packed a television, a laptop computer and his cellular phone in their bag, including $100,000 and escaped after terrorizing his family.
They did not spare Hutson’s 15-year-old daughter. When she failed to follow their orders, one of the gunmen slapped her.
“They even tried to get my parents’ bedroom door open but they couldn’t,” the father of three related.
He added that after the men made good their escape, they too tried to call 911, but no one answered. According to Hutson, he even visited the East La Penitence Police Outpost but there was a padlock on the gate.
“I called and called but no one answered,” the Tucville resident stressed.
Kaieteur News understands that half hour before the Hutson family was robbed and terrorized, the men broke and entered another home in the neighbourhood.


Another afc/apnu fund raising event as Indians pay the price for their lax attitude at the polls as they help usher in a government which instructs it citizens to take as much as they can from Indians as retribution of 23 years of marginalization. 


Bandit uses gunfire to escape after $2M Cambio heist


It was near pandemonium in the New Amsterdam market yesterday morning, as a lone gunman robbed the popular Hack’s Variety Stall, owned by Rashid Hack, and escaped with a bag of cash – not before firing shots in the air, which caused those in the market and its environs to run for cover.

Hack’s Variety Stall in the New Amsterdam market

Hack’s Variety Stall in the New Amsterdam market

According to reports, a variety of items are sold at the establishment, and the owner is a licenced Cambio dealer. The stall opened for business around 08:00 hrs and it was not too long after, that an individual dressed in a red shirt and black pants went to the premises under the pretext of conducting business.
The man suddenly whipped out a gun and held employee Alvin Mature at gunpoint, and demanded cash. Whilst using expletives the unmasked bandit pressed the gun to the man’s mouth threatening to shoot, if he didn’t hand over money. Two bags of money were then grabbed by the gunman.  The bandit, before leaving took another employee hostage and fired shots in the air. This caused other vendors and shoppers to scamper for cover. The man then ran out of the market with gun and bag in hand through heavy rain. He then ran towards New Street where an accomplice was awaiting on a motorcycle.  The men then rode up the one-way before turning into Lad Lane and disappearing in the vicinity of Angoy’s Avenue.
Speaking to the media, the stall owner stated that he was at home at the time of the robbery. He said that he received a telephone call about 08:30h informing him of the incident.
The businessman stated that he was out of the country for the past four weeks and only returned to the country on Tuesday.
He had left a large quantity of cash with his employees to conduct business, including making purchases.  He said the money included sales from this cambio business. He did not have a chance to go through the books and to do any banking. He had planned to do so yesterday. He stated that he lost over $2M. The man, who sells a variety of items including household and electrical items, stated that his business has been robbed over five times, including one occasion when an entire money chest was moved out.  He has been applying for a firearm licence for a long time, but was repeatedly denied.
An eyewitness stated that the thief was seen in the vicinity for some time before the stall opened and had told those around that he was waiting to do some business and “change some money with Hack.”
A witness stated that he gave chase, but aborted his pursuit since he realized that the man had a gun and was not shy to use it.



Just like deer hunting season in the US, there is Indian robbing season in Guyana, except it is an all year round activity.


Gunmen strike at La Penitence Market stall


Vendors of the La Penitence Market on Saffon Street are calling for more security during shopping hours. This call follows a daring daytime robbery committed by two gunmen yesterday on stallholder Mahabeer Chunilall.
The man and his wife Ranie were held up by the robbers while they were conducting business at their grocery stall.
Recounting events, Chunilall said at about 15:15 hrs two “young boys” came through the middle gate of the market and before they knew it, one placed a gun to his person.
“He pointed the gun to me and said don’t move, and the other one open the stall door, walked in and picked up the two boxes of money containing the day’s sales.”

The stall which the gunmen robbed

The stall which the gunmen robbed

The owner points to the spot where the bullet struck

The owner points to the spot where the bullet struck

Most of the stalls were closed, and according to Chunilall, no constable was around at the time.
“Those constables were at the back of the market at the time and here at the market is a set of females stationed,” the stallholder for more than twenty years recounted.
The man’s wife was also in the shop. She said, “Dem youngsters fired one shot at me and missed, after I step away in the shop.” The bullet left a hole in the wall.
After the unmasked youngsters collected the money boxes they walked out of the market through the back gate and entered a white station wagon.
The stallholder said he had applied for a firearm since 1998 and is yet to get one.



The afc/apnu police should be there to protect, instead under this administration they are the thieves themselves. 


Wismar resident accuses cops of breaking into his home


Some ranks of the Guyana Police Force stationed in Linden are being accused by a Wismar resident of allegedly breaking and entering his home under the pretext of searching for guns and ammunition.
According to Nigel Sommersall of 67 ‘C’ Wismar Housing Scheme, he was not at home on October 5, 2015, when ranks visited his home and broke into it. “I was in de bush and they go by me house and break it and go in. They carry away money, household things, motorcycle and other things.”
Sommersall claims that the ranks removed $350,000 in cash, two DVD players, one 42-inch Flat screen TV, one equalizer, one amplifier, one cross over, one motorcycle and one Stihl 51 Chain Saw – a total value of $1.25 million.
Sommersall noted that the motorcycle was returned to him, but he is yet to receive the remainder of his belongings. He also noted that all the ranks were transferred from Linden, except one who was removed from the CID Department and is now in uniform. Sommersall claimed he saw the rank wearing his sunglasses. “I see he with me shades on”.
Sommersall claimed that as he was standing in the courtyard the rank spoke with him and begged him to “go light”. “You ain’t see that police who de talking to me just now? He had on me shades and now he begging me. He tell me it could cost him his job, so I must go easy.
“But I want back me things. They say they come fuh search fuh guns and ammunition. How they could go in me house and me ain’t deh home and carry away me things?”
Sommersall said that all he wants is for the police to return his things.



Even the afc/apnu supporters are not immune from crime as the party cannibalizes its own members to obtain 50% increase in lifestyle similar to their bosses in the cabinet.


Larceny offences continue to rock Wismar

As police in Linden, Region 10, work to curb the occurrence of a number of break and enter and larceny cases, there are presently complaints from more residents regarding stolen motorcycles.

One of the most recent cases involved the theft of a white Honda XR150L, valued $425,000 which was stolen from outside a home at Tank Street, Wisroc Housing Scheme, Wismar.

According to the owner of the motorcycle who spoke to this newspaper on the condition of anonymity, the motorcycle was removed from underneath the home sometime between 23:00h on Tuesday to 05:00h on Wednesday. He further related that he locked his motorcycle by way of securing it with the key and left it underneath the home at approximately 22:45h on Tuesday. Upon making checks the following morning the motorcycle was missing.

A report was made to the Wisroc Police Outpost and subsequently to the Wismar Police Station, where an investigation was launched.

When contacted by this newspaper on the issue of motorcycle thefts in the Linden community, E Division (Linden – Kwakwani) Commander Calvin Brutus confirmed two other cases which occurred in recent months at Wismar.

Residents have also voiced concerns over the issue, noting there are several cases of attempted theft and “stripping” of motorcycles that may have eventually gone unreported. Additionally, this newspaper learnt that a bicycle and other items were also stolen from outside a home at Half Mile, Wismar between the same period as the XL150L.

Only recently Commander Brutus had disclosed there was a trend in the number of break and enter and larceny cases at Wismar and named the Wisroc ‘New Scheme’ as one of the affected areas.

He also urged residents to be “vigilant” and to report any suspected cases, stating that reports will be treated with strict confidentiality.



Rape seem to have escalated under this regime which promised to put an end to all such crime. So far they have achieved zero.


Essequibo woman brutally raped



An Essequibo woman was on Friday last brutally raped at Henrietta Village, Essequibo Coast, Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam).

Guyana Times understands that victim was approached by two men, who reportedly knocked her unconscious before raping her.

According to reports reaching this newspaper, the woman related to Police that during the ordeal, she was in and out of consciousness. This publication also understands that the men violated the woman sexually with foreign objects during the ordeal.

Following the incident, a report was made to the Anna Regina Police Station and a medical examination was conducted on the woman.

Guyana Times was told by Police sources that the men reportedly videoed the rape and allegedly circulated the video. The Police have since intercepted a copy of the video and two persons have been arrested.

On Thursday, the two suspects were charged and placed before the Suddie Magistrate’s Court.

Zocan Albert, 36; and 21-year-old-year Recardo Force, both of Henrietta Village, Essequibo Coast were charged for the rape. The men were not required to plea to the charge when they appeared before Magistrate Sunil Scarce.

It is alleged that on November 6 at Henrietta, they had sexual intercourse with the victim (name withheld) without her consent. Albert is a salesman, while Forde is self-employed.

Police Prosecutor Ramsahoye Rambajue told the court that the men had brutally raped the woman, and as such, they should be remanded to prison. He added that in addition to committing the heinous act, they filmed the act and circulated it.

As such, the men were remanded to prison. The case will continue on December 9.

Good ting PPP lost though because this never would have occured under their watch, heh


On Thursday, the two suspects were charged and placed before the Suddie Magistrate’s Court.

As such, the men were remanded to prison. The case will continue on December 9.

Last edited by cain

This is the response from the Crime Chief, there is no crime. hahahah


Crime not spiraling out of control, says Blanhum


– slams ‘absurd’ media comparisons to ‘crime wave’ era

‘Absurd’ was the way that Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum yesterday described some media reports which suggested that Guyana’s crime rate is out of control and that is reminiscent of the bloody 2002 period of brazen killings and kidnappings.
Blanhum produced figures to show that the crime rate has fallen from nine percent to eight percent during his tenure. He expressed optimism that serious crimes could drop further.
The Crime Chief made these observations yesterday at the Officers’ Training Centre, Camp Road, Eve Leary, while unveiling the Force’s security plans for the Christmas season.
Noticeably absent was Commissioner of Police Seelall Persaud, who is overseas. Only a few members of the private sector attended.
Figures released by Blanhum for the period 2006 to 2015 show that there were 135 murders in 2006; 99 murders in 2007; 135 the following year; 97 in 2009; 115 in 2010; 108 in 2013; 121 in 2014; and 126 for the year.
He noted that there have been 477 fewer serious crimes this year than in 2006.
“During 2015, in June, when I took over as Crime Chief, we had a 13 percent  increase in serious crimes…and despite being bombarded by some sections of the media, we have still managed to bring the figures down from 13 percent to eight percent,” Blanhum said.
“And hadn’t we done anything, as some persons are trying to portray, we would have been by now at a 20 percent increase in serious crimes.
“So we had the figures hovering between eight and 13 per cent, and we have managed to bring it down to eight percent. We envisage that by the end of this period, with the Christmas policing initiatives, we should bring it down to at least a minus one percent increase.”
“All those headlines that we are bombarded with that crime is spiraling out of control, and nothing is being done, and that we lack the capacity to effectively deal with serious offences, is nothing short of absurd.”
The Crime Chief also noted that serious crimes tended to increase in election years. This was the case in 2006, 2011, and 2015.
But he noted that in 2013, there was also an increase in serious crimes.
“But then we have persons who are trying to equate our current period with the 2002 crime wave period. If you look at the period 2015 that we are in, and compare that with 2006, we didn’t go back to 2002 when we had the crime wave, when there was rampant murder and shooting incidents and kidnappings.
“We did a comparison with 2006 and at this period we have 477 fewer serious crimes.  So the question is how do we reconcile these reports that crime is spiraling out of control with the statistics before us?
The only possible and logical conclusion is that crime is not spiraling out of control, and we are not in those dark days.”
But Blanhum acknowledged that there was concern about the number of execution-style murders, with nine so far for the year, a figure that he said was on par with those in 2012.
There have also been six more murders than last year.
The Crime Chief also expressed concern about the spate of attacks on drivers and minibus passengers, particularly on East Bank Demerara.
He revealed that taxi drivers, particularly those working private hire, were relieved of their valuables and vehicles after unwittingly picking up criminal elements.
“So this is an area of concern and we have started to address this. When we deploy roadblocks at strategic locations we are asking members of the public to bear with us.”
Other issues of concern Blanhum raised included the lax security precautions taken by members of the business community, including when transporting large sums of cash.
Other challenges were the lack of DNA facilities, and police corruption. There have also been some 133 more break and enter and larceny incidents, due to the development of new housing schemes.
Some successes included the seizure of 98 illegal firearms.
He said that the majority of illegal firearms were coming from Brazil. Others were coming from the USA and from Europe.


Kaitieur's response to the crime chief's evaluation of the crime situation:


Bandits hit short time place fuh nutten


Thiefing get so rampant that these days people don’t care wheh dem rob and who dem rob. De bandits don’t care who see dem. Dem boys suspect this since de group rob dem money changer in America Street. To this day de police ain’t sure if dem hold de right people.
De other night a group of dem go to a soldier house. De man house got grill. De bandits force open de door and when dem meet up wid de grill, dem rock it till it fall apart. Firemen does talk bout how house so heavily grilled that dem can’t enter. From, now dem should employ bandits.
Well dem bandits tek things to a new level. Dem got people who does get away fuh some cozy time. Some of dem men got wives and some of de women got husbands.
Dem boys know de story of de husband who going to meeting and de wife who going either to she mother or she friend. Well some gunmen threaten even that li’l cozy corner pun de East Coast. This place got branch at Agricola. De bandits walk in and one stand up by de door. Up comes two people and de one by de door chase dem away.
De people get vex and dem tell de police who tun up and ketch all de bandits. But wha people didn’t know was that some policemen been in de place too having a nice time.
Dem boys seh that if was a robbery dem woulda clear out a long time ago but all of dem had interest in de activities in de place. Some of dem ask fuh de keys fuh de room and set up a peep show. In fact, de story was so nice that when de police arrest one of dem he tell de policeman to wait because he coming just now.
De Crime Chief seh that crime gone down, that it ain’t so bad but from wha dem boys seeing, things bad. Every day is a robbery and de victims often don’t got nutten.
People know that dem bandits want money fuh Christmas. All of dem coulda get a job to ketch dem hand instead of robbing people and spending Christmas in jail.
Talk half and watch how you visiting de short time place.


Its a sad day when those tasked with protecting the citizens are the criminals. This is reminiscent of the PNC days when citizens had no rights and police and government officials were the thugs. 


Georgetown businessman beaten by City Constables

Popular city businessman Paul James, owner of Fix-it Hardware located at Main and Holmes Streets, was on Tuesday logobeaten by members of the City Constabulary of the Mayor and City Council (M&CC).
According to information reaching this newspaper, James was severally beaten while some of his personal property was damaged during the ordeal.
Guyana Times understands that the issue stemmed from the removal of some building materials, which James had at his business entity on Main and Holmes Streets. Reports are that the City Constabulary Officers went to the businessman’s property and removed a quantity of steel and decking. This prompted the businessman to enquire the reason for the removal of the items. However, he was met with a hostile response, following which he was punched to the face and about the body.
This newspaper understands that the businessman’s cellular phone was smashed during the ordeal and other personal valuables were taken away.
From all indications, the attack is a clear instance of bullyism and thuggery on the part of the City Constabulary Officers.

Last edited by Former Member

Lawlessness continues under this government and citizens are left to fend for themselves with primitive weapons. Cutlass vs shotgun.


Bandit chopped in clash with cutlass-wielding businessman


…accomplices drop shotgun and flee
The police are on the hunt for two bandits who fled and left their injured cohort behind after he was cornered and chopped by the owner of the business premises they had broken into.

Injured businessman, Nicholas Harrinandan

Injured businessman, Nicholas Harrinandan

The three bandits had broken and entered the home of businessman, Nicholas Harrinandan, 38, of Tucber Park, New Amsterdam, Berbice. The thieves were armed with a shotgun and cutlass.
According to information, Harrinandan was at home alone with his wife when the three bandits entered into the house.
According to the source the businessman was reportedly on the verandah and armed himself with a cutlass and confronted the bandits when one of them who were armed with a cutlass chopped him on his head and face.
He in turn wounded the bandit who was trapped behind a wall divider. His wife was reportedly asleep when the bandits attacked her husband.  According to information the woman upon realizing what was happening went to her husband’s assistance and reportedly began throwing objects at the bandits while her husband battled with the injured one who was armed with the cutlass.
The two other bandits subsequently fled and in their haste leaving the shot gun behind. According to information when the bandit realized that he was cornered he began hollering for help after being wounded.
The police were contacted and responded. They searched the area for the other two thieves but were unsuccessful.
Despite heavy cleaning that was done during the day blood was still visible on the steps and the

Injured: The suspect at the New Amsterdam hospital yesterday.

Injured: The suspect at the New Amsterdam hospital yesterday.

yard when the media visited during the afternoon.
The bandits reportedly entered the house using the verandah. After the man reportedly heard the commotion and realized he was being attacked he armed himself with the cutlass and confronted the bandits.
It was also reported that after realizing that there were thieves around the man took off the light of the house. The two other bandits realizing that they were getting serious resistance aborted their mission and escaped by different routes.
The wounded bandit was later identified as Brian Dhanphat, 26, of Smythfield, New Amsterdam, Berbice.
Both the wounded Harrinandan and the injured bandit Dhanphat who was reportedly chopped about his body, and to the face, arms and legs were taken to the New Amsterdam Hospital. Harrinandan was subsequently transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital for further treatment.  The thief was taken to the operating theatre in New Amsterdam for emergency surgery.
Dhanphat was being held under guard in the New Amsterdam hospital.
According to a release from the police, around 01:20h three men, one armed with a shotgun and another with cutlass, broke into the home of Nicholas Harrinandan. Harrinandan armed

The home where the attack took place.



The afc/apnu bandits strike again. Their leaders in parliament gave themselves 50% wage hike and the bandits reasoned that they too deserve 50% more proceeds from robberies. 


Bush Lot jeweller robbed at Rosignol Market

A Bush Lot, Berbice jeweller who has been plying his trade for the past 15 years at the Rosignol Market, in Region Five (Mahaica-Berbice) was on Saturday morning relieved of a quantity of gold jewellery.
Brandat Singh, also called “Rakesh Singh”, of Public Road, Bush Lot, West Coast Berbice, arrived at the market at about 06:30h and was about to display his jewellery in the glass case when a man came from behind and snatched several pairs of earrings and finger rings.
The man then escaped on foot but another man suspected to have been an accomplice to the robbery was arrested by Police in the vicinity of the market.
Speaking with Guyana Times, Singh explained that the two men were seen at the market earlier purchasing watermelons.
From all indications, the two men were waiting for Singh to arrive.
The distraught businessman explained that the perpetrator came up from behind him and pushed his hand into the glass case and pulled out a handful of jewellery before escaping.
“After he pulled out the jewellery, he run up the road but I couldn’t go behind him since it was me alone. I raised an alarm and then people come to my rescue,” he stated.
Upon checking, the businessman confirmed that the bandit escaped with more than 35 pennyweight of gold worth in excess of $260,000.
He immediately contacted the Blairmont Police Station, only to be told the there was only one Police rank on duty and he could not leave the station.
The businessman then drove to the Fort Wellington Police Station and made a report. He was accompanied by Police to the scene and it was at this time that the businessman noticed the accomplice. The man was arrested and is in Police custody assisting with investigation.


The lawlessness continues under this administration as even the drunk believe they have more power than police. Imagine a drunk man trying to disarm a police, where is the respect?


2 shot as drunken man attempts to disarm Policeman

A man and a woman are now nursing gunshot injuries after a Police rank’s service weapon accidently went off during an uproar at the R&B Sports Bar, Coverden, East Bank Demerara (EBD), on Saturday morning.
Injured are Linden Samuels, 33, of Soesdyke, EBD and Odessa Glasgow, 27, of Belle Alliance, Essequibo Coast.
According to reports, Police ranks responded to a report of disorderly behavior at the bar at about 01:30h. Information further revealed that when the ranks arrived at the bar, they observed a group of individuals behaving in an obscene manner, and as such, requested that they desist from doing so. Samuels was reportedly among the group that was threatening patrons.
Guyana Times was told that Samuels, who was highly intoxicated, reportedly approached the Police rank and attempted to remove his service weapon. As such, a scuffle ensued and it was during the scuffle, that the Police Officer’s weapon went off hitting the drunken man to his abdomen and the waitress to the right thigh.
Both Samuels and the waitress were taken to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre where they were treated and referred to the Georgetown Public Hospital for further medical attention.
Guyana Times understands that several patrons have since reported that Samuels is a nuisance in the neighbourhood, since he is int he habit of creating confrontations with persons whenever he is intoxicated.
This publication also understands that several eyewitnesses have given statements and corroborated the report given by the Police rank.
The Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) and the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) have since launched an investigation into the incident.

Last edited by Former Member

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