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Former Member

For weeks Rev has been playing one singular political tune: No "Cuffy" must govern Guyana again, never mind there is massive corruption in the PPP/C regime.

Up to this morning, Rev is singing his ludicrous but dangerous Cuffy song. He says: "The CUFFY LOVERS couldn't be happier with the efforts made by Moses and Khemraj to put CUFFY in office."

According to Rev, people who oppose the corrupt PPP/C regime are "CUFFY LOVERS."

Everyone knows that Rev uses this term "CUFFY" to refer to the PNC and non-PPP Afro-Guyanese.

Rev is debasing the name of one of Guyana's national heroes to serve his racial political cause.

We must always drum into Rev's head that Indo-Guyanese are not the PPP's voting property.

Indo-Guyanese are not PPP robots.

The PPP owes Indo-Guyanese for votes at elections but Indo-Guyanese owe the PPP nothing.

Those Indo-Guyanese who want to liberate themselves from the PPP shackles must not feel embarrassed if they are labelled "Cuffy lovers."

They must stand tall and tell the "Cuffy haters" that race politics is no salvation.

Race politics has plunged Guyana near the bottom of the Caribbean community.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by JB:

Well it is obvious the managers of this board endorses the racial baitings of Mr Rev and Mr Yuji.


* You graduated from UG and you can't write a proper sentence ?


* I told you UG is a glorified high school.


* Have gilbakka give you some English lesson.





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by JB:

Well it is obvious the managers of this board endorses the racial baitings of Mr Rev and Mr Yuji.


* You graduated from UG and you can't write a proper sentence ?


* I told you UG was a glorified high school.


* Have gilbakka give you some English lessons.





I'm about to complete the ACCA studying myself. Can you do that dunce? Mr Ramotar graduated from the glorify high school. 

Originally Posted by Rev:

ha ha ha ha


* Poor JB


* He is a man pretending to be a woman on GNI.


* And now he is ashamed----4 year at UG and he can't write a proper sentence.hahahahaha




If it makes you feel like a man to say I am a man. Go ahead. You must look big and bad to make up for you 1.5 inch penis. 

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:





* As long as you have East Indians and Afros living in Guyana----come election time----85% of the East Indians will vote for the PPP and 90% of the Afros will vote for the PNC.


* The majority of East Indians are prejudiced in favor of the PPP and the majority of afros are prejudiced in favor of the PNC.




* Now! The CUFFY LOVERS want afros to keep voting for the PNC---they are OK with 90% of afros voting for the PNC----but if 85% of Indos vote for the PPP---they are deemed by the CUFFY LOVERS to be racists.


* Well tough SHYT----may the PPP rule Guyana for another 100 years----and may the CUFFY LOVERS remain mentally tortured.




I know you are vexed Gilly---that is your choice.





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:





* As long as you have East Indians and Afros living in Guyana----come election time----85% of the East Indians will vote for the PPP and 90% of the Afros will vote for the PNC.


* The majority of East Indians are prejudiced in favor of the PPP and the majority of afros are prejudiced in favor of the PNC.




* Now! The CUFFY LOVERS want afros to keep voting for the PNC---they are OK with 90% of afros voting for the PNC----but if 85% of Indos vote for the PPP---they are deemed by the CUFFY LOVERS to be racists.


* Well tough SHYT----may the PPP rule Guyana for another 100 years----and may the CUFFY LOVERS remain mentally tortured.




I know you are vexed Gilly---that is your choice.





We know that. that still leaves a large amount of people voting any side. you dunce!

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by JB:

Well it is obvious the managers of this board endorses the racial baitings of Mr Rev and Mr Yuji.


* You graduated from UG and you can't write a proper sentence ?


* I told you UG is a glorified high school.


* Have gilbakka give you some English lesson.





Why don't you take your own advice and write proper paragraphs or are you limited to stuttering prose and text that looks like finger painting from a 3 year old?

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by JB:

Well it is obvious the managers of this board endorses the racial baitings of Mr Rev and Mr Yuji.


* You graduated from UG and you can't write a proper sentence ?


* I told you UG is a glorified high school.


* Have gilbakka give you some English lesson.





Why don't you take your own advice and write proper paragraphs or are you limited to stuttering prose and text that looks like finger painting from a 3 year old?

LOL! He rights like a third grader and I am not belittling the third graders; some wright better than him. No wonder he failed common entrance.

He is Kwamee's lover.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by raymond:

yuh post like an angry man...see a therapist

* So you are infuriated by the Rev's postings in political ?hahahaha


* Listen! We don't share the same political views and beliefs---and so it is understandable that you'll find most of my postings reprehensible.



You fail comprehension....never said anything about reprehensible

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by raymond:

Rev you sound more vex than anyone else here...



* The Rev vex you say---that is your perception---grab onto it---it's yours.


* By the way, the CUFFY label has gotten to gilbakka---it's torturing him.





Gil is only doing diligence to his civic duty. It is always imperative to highlight the idiots, bigots and pretentious dullards like yourself. Do not be gratuitously slapping yourself on the back that you are affecting anyone adversely. You are just that kind of toxic person to mistake concern for truth to be a concern with you.

Originally Posted by Rev:



* As long as you have East Indians and Afros living in Guyana----come election time----85% of the East Indians will vote for the PPP and 90% of the Afros will vote for the PNC.







That's not the way it is, Rev.

In the 2011 general elections the PPP/C didn't get 85 percent of the East Indian votes.

That's why the PPP/C is now a minority government.

Based on feedback from Guyana, I am told even more Indo-Guyanese are now fed up with the PPP under the Jagdeo-Ramotar-Rohee axis.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Rev:



* As long as you have East Indians and Afros living in Guyana----come election time----85% of the East Indians will vote for the PPP and 90% of the Afros will vote for the PNC.







That's not the way it is, Rev.

In the 2011 general elections the PPP/C didn't get 85 percent of the East Indian votes.

That's why the PPP/C is now a minority government.

Based on feedback from Guyana, I am told even more Indo-Guyanese are now fed up with the PPP under the Jagdeo-Ramotar-Rohee axis.

you can take that info to the bank


they are OK with 90% of afros voting for the PNC----but if 85% of Indos vote for the PPP

Rev is correct, there is a double standard, Indians are called racist and Blacks are given a free pass with their own racist voting patterns. In fact Indians have just cause to reject the PNC, this was the party that banned the cultural foods of the IndoGuyanese community and destroyed the nation. I don't understand why Blacks keep voting for PNC when it was the party that brought rice bread and black tea while PPP share milk.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

For weeks Rev has been playing one singular political tune: No "Cuffy" must govern Guyana again, never mind there is massive corruption in the PPP/C regime.

Up to this morning, Rev is singing his ludicrous but dangerous Cuffy song. He says: "The CUFFY LOVERS couldn't be happier with the efforts made by Moses and Khemraj to put CUFFY in office."

According to Rev, people who oppose the corrupt PPP/C regime are "CUFFY LOVERS."

Everyone knows that Rev uses this term "CUFFY" to refer to the PNC and non-PPP Afro-Guyanese.

Rev is debasing the name of one of Guyana's national heroes to serve his racial political cause.

We must always drum into Rev's head that Indo-Guyanese are not the PPP's voting property.

Indo-Guyanese are not PPP robots.

The PPP owes Indo-Guyanese for votes at elections but Indo-Guyanese owe the PPP nothing.

Those Indo-Guyanese who want to liberate themselves from the PPP shackles must not feel embarrassed if they are labelled "Cuffy lovers."

They must stand tall and tell the "Cuffy haters" that race politics is no salvation.

Race politics has plunged Guyana near the bottom of the Caribbean community.


Cuffy lovers putting Cuffy in office resonates with the Hutus saying that the tutsi cockroaches must be gotten rid of.


Well Admin, if it smells like a duck, looks like a duck and tastes like a duck, it's a flucking duck

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

 I don't understand why Blacks keep voting for PNC when it was the party that brought rice bread and black tea while PPP share milk.

Because the PPP is racist, corrupt, incompetent and even many Indians are tired of them.


The man who banned food died 29 years ago.  Do you know this?

Originally Posted by caribny:

Because the PPP is racist, corrupt, incompetent and even many Indians are tired of them.


The man who banned food died 29 years ago.  Do you know this?

The party that banned food and destroyed the nation is still here under the PNC. The leader may have died but those who carried out his orders and enforced it are the ones trying to pass themselves off as angels. 

In other words Cheddi was a racist who raped the country. OK, then I agree with your thery.
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Because the PPP is racist, corrupt, incompetent and even many Indians are tired of them.


The man who banned food died 29 years ago.  Do you know this?

The party that banned food and destroyed the nation is still here under the PNC. The leader may have died but those who carried out his orders and enforced it are the ones trying to pass themselves off as angels. 


Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Because the PPP is racist, corrupt, incompetent and even many Indians are tired of them.


The man who banned food died 29 years ago.  Do you know this?

The party that banned food and destroyed the nation is still here under the PNC. The leader may have died but those who carried out his orders and enforced it are the ones trying to pass themselves off as angels. 

I see you agree with Caribj that the PPP is racist, corrupt, incompetent and even many Indians are tired of them.

Originally Posted by caribny:

This site has long been known to be a race hate site.  Its even mentioned in Barbados and other Caribbean countries as evidence that Guyana is a racist country.

I didn't know that. Thanks for telling us.

All the more reason why the Administrator should be vigilant and block racial posts. He can make a start by filtering "Cuffy lovers."

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Because the PPP is racist, corrupt, incompetent and even many Indians are tired of them.


The man who banned food died 29 years ago.  Do you know this?

The party that banned food and destroyed the nation is still here under the PNC. The leader may have died but those who carried out his orders and enforced it are the ones trying to pass themselves off as angels. 



Even you admitted that if the PNC took over there will be legions of foreign investors.  Clearly Burnham is having nightmares over what has happened to the PNC.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Because the PPP is racist, corrupt, incompetent and even many Indians are tired of them.


The man who banned food died 29 years ago.  Do you know this?

The party that banned food and destroyed the nation is still here under the PNC. The leader may have died but those who carried out his orders and enforced it are the ones trying to pass themselves off as angels. 



Even you admitted that if the PNC took over there will be legions of foreign investors.  Clearly Burnham is having nightmares over what has happened to the PNC.


I made no such admission, what I stated was that my family would survive, and they are not foreign investors.  If the PNC can assure investors that they can call off their criminals who rob and kill and control the afc criminals similarly, then after a few years investors might take a chance with a PNC govt. 


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