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Here is what the heads of mission of the US, UK, EU and Canada had to say about the election results of the March 2020 poll.
I quote; “We call on all to ensure proper procedures are in place to yield a credible election result. A fair and free process is vital for the maintenance and reinforcement of democracy in Guyana.
“We call on President Granger to avoid a transition of government which we believe would be unconstitutional as it would be based on a vote tabulation process that lacked credibility and transparency.”
I would suggest you read three words in the last line. I repeat them; “it would be based.” Those words had to be chosen carefully. Those words did not go like this, “it could be seen,” ”it may be seen.”
“Could be seen” or “may be seen” lack the strength and definitiveness of “would be seen.” In explanatory terms, the ABC/EU diplomats are saying that if Mr. Granger becomes the next president based on the shape of the current election results, it would (note the word “would”) be an unconstitutional presidency since it would be based on a flawed tabulation process.
Here is what the Resident UN representative said; “We encourage the relevant Guyanese authorities to finalise the process in a manner which leaves no doubts as to the credibility of the results that reflect the will of the Guyanese people.”
The operative word here is “finalise.” If the UN Rep used that , it means she does not accept GECOM’s final declaration which was made on Thursday by Returning Officer Mingo because her statement came out on Friday.
She could not have accepted Thursday’s GECOM’s declaration yet urged that the finalisation process come into reality.
Here is what the US State Department wrote; “No candidate should declare victory or be sworn in while serious questions remain about credibility of March 2 elections and whether procedures were followed.”
As in the position of the UN Rep, the US Government has not accepted Thursday’s GECOM declaration. Here is what a bi-partisan delegation of four US House of Representative lawmakers said; “We call on the Election Commission (GECOM) to return to the established procedure and not to declare a winner until a credible vote tabulation process has been completed.”
Again, I repeat, the Thursday GECOM announcement has not been accepted by important international observers.
Let’s do some logical thinking. Why would these international stakeholders embrace these positions if the APNU+AFC asserts victory and GECOM has made its final decision?
If we put that question to the leadership of APNU+AFC what answer can we anticipate? It could only be one of two. These international stakeholders are biased in the direction of the PPP or they are not in possession of the facts?
Let’s discuss number two first. From the time of the close of poll until confusion rained down on GECOM operation in the Ashmin’s building on Wednesday, the international and locally accredited observers have been actively involved in watching the different stages unfold.
My question is, “What facts do APNU+AFC have in its possession that the observers are not aware of?”
The first question is bias towards the PPP. The man who led the PPP government from 1999 and had a huge influence over the Ramotar presidency is Bharrat Jagdeo. But he never had a cozy relationship with western countries.
What is the relationship between the PPP and the ABC/EU states that would make them reject a GECOM declaration of the results of the elections? I can only give my opinion. I don’t think there is anything special or has been anything special when Jagdeo was president.
Here is my answer as to why the global community has not accepted GECOM’s final statistics. The observers, including all the ABC/EU diplomats, the Carter Center, former Prime Minister of Jamaica, Bruce Golding, and former Barbados Prime Minister saw the tabulation process late Monday night and into the uncivilised hours of Tuesday morning. They have the results.
Mr. Gerry Gouveia in his capacity as Chairman of the Private Sector Commission (PSC) issued a press release on Tuesday afternoon stating that the PSC went at length to witness the tabulation and the PSC and is puzzled why the GECOM Chair had not made the declaration as yet (meaning Tuesday morning).
The ABC/EU diplomats did not get their information by second-hand means. They saw the tabulation of the statements of poll soon after the counting was done therefore they are in shock as to what took place on Wednesday.
I end with my opinion that I have a right to. I do not believe the APNU+AFC won the election. My belief is that the PPP did.

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Amral, it would be extremely interesting if indeed Granger is sworn in as President despite all of the news showing great inconsistency with the tally of votes.

Extremely important is that the SOPs do not match the total provided by GECOM office.


Ksazma and Amral ---

The international observers clearly stated that the published results by GECOM do not match the SOPs which are in their hands plus numerous others, including the leaders of each political  group.


Fundamental issue is that the process by GECON does not confirm to the specific provisions of the Representation of the People Act, 1964.

I had provided on previous threads the relevant sections of the Act which GECOM ignored.


Harmon posted last night that the injunction matter will be in court at 10 this morning and after that Granger will be sworn in.  For what ever it means. Cannotbtrust anythingbthat these people say.

  • Norway says final elections results need to be credible

Norway says final elections results need to be credible


Norway has joined the international community in calling for the final results of the March 2 general and regional elections to be credible and transparent.

Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway, Nils Martin Genneng posted on twitter that “Norway shares concerns expressed regarding recent electoral developments in Guyana. The final election results needs to be credible and transparent.”

Senior members of the diplomatic community in Guyana have joined with international observers to urge that the electoral process follows all transparent and credible procedures.

The Heads of Mission of the A,B,C countries and the European Union on Friday expressed deep concern over credible allegations of electoral fraud.

They also called on President Granger to avoid a transition of government which they believe would be unconstitutional at this time.

The U.S. Department of State has also urged that no candidate be sworn in until issues are resolved surrounding the declaration of unverified results for the country’s largest voting district.

Meanwhile, the international observer missions from the Commonwealth, the Organization of American States, the European Union, and The Carter Center has called for the transparent tabulation of results for Region 4 be resumed in order to proceed to the establishment of national results.

The observer groups said until this occurs, the result of these elections cannot be credibly declared.


i will be posting a few article from Mark Benchop ... i hate to do it, but just to show the extend of hate . He was recently given an award from Granger om Feb 23rd.

Last night he posted pictures of Hindu gods and was comparing the darkness and features of animals. That post has since been deleted but his supporters nasty comments  are  there ... here is a screenshot.

He had posted pictures of Hanuman, Ram and Sita.

The individual Zaheer Khan who asked him to desist, came in for criticism. They both went a far way... i knew of their  relationship.  I knew who Zaheer is ... dont wanna disclose the relationship.  


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We have decided to withdraw all support for APNU+AFC


We in OVP are first and foremost truth warriors. We pledged from our inception to tell the people the truth – whether it is popular or not.
We have stated on many occasions that we would rather tell the truth and get 100 votes, than lie to the people to get 100,000 votes. We cannot join forces with any persons or organisations that spread deception and lies. We are leaders, not duped followers, no matter what the cost.
While understanding the many flaws and contradictions in the electoral system, OVP decided to participate in what we were told would be free and fair elections, and to abide by the rules laid out by GECOM. We weathered the serious disadvantages experienced by small parties, and our members worked tirelessly to spread our message and campaign with very limited financial resources.
Despite everything being stacked in favour of the two major players, PPP/C and APNU+AFC, and despite the fact that the system is clearly rigged long before we even get to the polls, we took part in good faith.
Sadly, today our members and supporters are left feeling angry and disillusioned. It is obvious for all to see that while we abided by the rules of this game, we call ‘electoral democracy’; others did not.
We witnessed, first hand, the rules of the game being flagrantly violated. Many of our members and supporters, especially young people who were voting for the first time, have informed us that they will never vote again, as it was a waste of time. They no longer see elections as a viable means of bringing about political change.
This does not bode well for Guyana. We must remember the words of John F. Kennedy: “Those who make peaceful change impossible will make violent change inevitable”.
The 2020 elections were as usual reduced to an ‘ethnic contest’. Racial division was dangerously and deceptively utilised by the political elites of both major political formations. Conveniently, this once again distracted the electorate from the real contradictions which exist; oppressor and oppressed, exploiter and exploited, haves and have-nots.
When we reflect on our increasingly tragic political culture, it becomes clear that the trajectory that led us to this moment of crisis was inevitable.
Following the close of polls on March 2, OVP first appeared on the results table as having 155 votes in Region 1, a region we did not contest. This then quickly disappeared and was replaced with an allocation of 250 votes in the General Election, although we only contested at the regional level. Finally, we were allocated an absurd and most definitely inaccurate 117 votes.
The count for Region 4 was halted in the presence of our observers, when only a tiny fraction of the region’s votes had been counted and verified. We join with all patriotic forces demanding that the count in Region 4 be resumed and completed using the verification process prescribed by law.
In the 2015 and 2020 elections, OVP urged the electorate to give APNU+AFC their presidential vote, while giving us their regional vote. We pledged that an OVP-controlled regional council would act as a voice for the people, to keep Central Government in check.
Despite serious political and ideological differences with the ruling Coalition, we offered them critical support to prevent the return of a Jagdeo-led PPP/C regime. Following the events of Thursday, our National Directorate has now taken a decision to withdraw forthwith all support for APNU+AFC.
Gerald A. Perreira
Organization for the Victory of the People


Hopefully in the end the Coalition will be like a pariah and they will peacefully do the right thing and step down.

The 2015 elections was not without controversy. The PPP have still not been given a date in court for the case they brought for a recount but still they peacefully left office and allowed the Coalition to take over the government. It is now the Coalition to behave in like manner and hopefully they do. Guyana and Guyanese cannot afford more slo fiah mo fiah violent campaigns.


Mark Benschop's mother is a coolie and Hindu. He has a sister who once lived in Minneapolis. I once met Benjie in Minnesota doing some kind of filing for the company I worked for. He is related to people I know and my former roommate. When the white man is objective and calls it as he sees it, it's interference. When the white man instructed Surujbali to refuse a recount, it was all fine with them and they labeled it as democracy.


Coolie Prashad got more black in him than Ben Chopsticks. Ben Chop sticks is a koolie. When push comes to shove. He will never be accepted by these racist anti koolie when they finish using him. 

Last edited by Prashad

Coalition don’t give one fly fk who withdraws support not. They got power and control everything. I predicted this in 2011 but dem bais seh nah, me bin too far away, PNC tun good and Jagdeo was di bad man!


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