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Former Member

I remember the first time I thought of myself being divorced, tears rolled down my cheeks. I felt sorry for me. I was angry and disappointed.

There are always two sides to every story, so I’ll avoid making personal comments about why I got divorced. In the most general terms, my ex-husband and I were either in disagreement and fighting about everything, or we just weren’t communicating. We became strangers under the same roof, with nothing in common anymore. 
Still, accepting that my marriage wasn’t working was not an easy task, especially because we had children together. I went through periods of depression and desperation, without even having the time to stop and analyze what was happening to me. I was too busy trying to adapt to a new life as a single mom.

Eventually, I got through these dark periods, and came out of it realizing that, guess what? Divorce is not that bad at all. All our family members’ lives have changed in the last several months, but today, I’m writing with a wonderful feeling of pride and peace. I’m happy to be me.

And here’s what I love about being a single mother of two:

- – I love making my own decisions. I know it may sound selfish, but I’m in charge of my destiny and the destiny of my kids, and I feel empowered and happy because of that.

- - I enjoy discovering my abilities to handle simple stuff that used to seem complicated to me. I recently fixed my air conditioning thermostat. I learned how to mow the grass. I have a great schedule for chores that involves everyone at home, and everybody is working hard and doing his or her best.

- – I love spending entire nights writing, reading and enjoying my solitude.

- – I’m dedicating more time to things I really enjoy doing. This is my time and it is all about me. I love running short distances, catching myself smiling at the mirror and listening at my inner voice, which never steers me wrong.

- – I love feeling that I have the power to give my kids a good life.

And I’m not saying entirely I’m self-sufficient that I have the answers to all of my problems. I understand I’ll never be a dad. I’m only one half of my kids’ parents, and their father will always be an important part of their lives.

But I’m enjoying myself and yes, I’ve learned there are many ways to adjust to your new, single status, without having to live with constant feelings of sadness and depression. 

It’s all about taking this situation as a new experience and an opportunity for transformation. You don’t need to fill the hole with a new person in order to feel complete. You have to work on yourself in order to feel happy again. You need to learn from your marriage that didn’t work, realize that you can still expect the best for yourself and your kids, and work towards getting all the wonderful things you deserve in life, married or single.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by cain:

MMMMMM!!!! Now I might have a chance,mmmmm! (rubbing my hands together with glee)


(see what I got out of all dat marcy?

lol...u shoulda see story de first time I had to  pump gas    

i spent 15 mins alone looking for the button to open de gas tank    

Originally Posted by Amral:

Marcy is a free independent woman now, no man telling she what to do

darn right! 

and guess what? ..Steve Harvey "Act like a Woman, think like a Man"   

but oh rant, it can backfire...u all think women are drama queens?  Lawd have marcy! I think men are worst   

Originally Posted by Dog Unleashed:

why did you get married in the first place?

I was in love bai..besides I wanted to practice my baby-making moves   and it did pay off, i end up with 2 amazing kids 

dont get me wrong...I did have good times, really good times too.  Best thing is, he's still a great daddy.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Not all marriages work out. I still speak to my ex wife even though we have no kids together and we split up in 1982. Mind you, she still wish for us to retire together.

Your wife was stupid to have divorced you or agreed to a divorce. She should have lived with you and make your life a miserable hell until you die.



Marcy, every woman situation is different. When you advise someone that divorce is good, you also hurting the children in between. As a man I will tell you that marriage is a wonderful thing and it should be reinforced to strengthen every family that needed it. Being free, single and disengaged is not always happy, it's also a lonely life. Just my opinion! 


Everyone's different, but I must state categorically that I like companionship. I love to share moments with a partner. Why scale Mt Everest with no one around. You see life is about a series of moments and I love companionship because I want to have someone around to record my moments in life.


Now for divorce, and I speak as a twice-married person with a child from my first marriage. First marriage. Marriage is analogous to what we in IT security call managing risk. No Relationship is 100% harmonious and do not expect it to be. It's like fighting addiction each day - trying not to fall out with your partner is work every second. So there will be down moments, but as long as there is no fundamental differences treat these as par for the course.


Getting to divorce. Sometimes it's better for the kid to not seeing two parents together who constantly fight. Growing up the parent unit must be tight or else the kid would not grow up strong. When I parted ways with my first wife it was not about the usual causes of a parting - adultery, abuse, etc (though I felt emotionally abused as I was not one to get out of the house to go to a bar, or gamble etc. - though Spotlight TV provided an escape.) It was about  a fundamental difference about how you view the world and with family exacerbating this difference.


So like talking about a prostitute, you have to walk a mile in her shoes before condemning her. Similarly divorce is a more nuanced topic than you might think. Life is not black and white - it's shades of gray. That explains my eclectic views on politics rather than a faith-like iron-fisted view of life.

Originally Posted by Amral:

As a child of divorce parents since I was 4 yrs old,i have seen the ups and downs my mother went through raising me. it aint easy Marcy.

You know what I find funny? I heard many divorced women saying, I am free, single and disengaged and I want a gooood man now. My question is, if a women hate men so much as to divorce them, why looking for another? Plenty gooooood men aah sell at Stabroek market by the fish section. They selling by the pound.   Women, no offense...the time you take to hate, complain and find faults, exercise love and understand in your relationship. It takes two to tangle. Men are humans too...please remember that.

Originally Posted by Marcy.:

I remember the first time I thought of myself being divorced, tears rolled down my cheeks. I felt sorry for me. I was angry and disappointed.

There are always two sides to every story, so I’ll avoid making personal comments about why I got divorced....

Cool as long as you do not have top move in with the parents and soon begin to hear the family casually to refer to you as "Plumpie"....

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Not all marriages work out. I still speak to my ex wife even though we have no kids together and we split up in 1982. Mind you, she still wish for us to retire together.

Your wife was stupid to have divorced you or agreed to a divorce. She should have lived with you and make your life a miserable hell until you die.


ha ha ha....advice from the ol' vindictive backbiting indo klansman. Only dumb people waste their lives that way!

Originally Posted by Prince:
Originally Posted by Amral:

As a child of divorce parents since I was 4 yrs old,i have seen the ups and downs my mother went through raising me. it aint easy Marcy.

You know what I find funny? I heard many divorced women saying, I am free, single and disengaged and I want a gooood man now. My question is, if a women hate men so much as to divorce them, why looking for another? Plenty gooooood men aah sell at Stabroek market by the fish section. They selling by the pound.   Women, no offense...the time you take to hate, complain and find faults, exercise love and understand in your relationship. It takes two to tangle. Men are humans too...please remember that.

No one ever said you were a bright bulb!!

Originally Posted by Prince:
Originally Posted by Amral:

As a child of divorce parents since I was 4 yrs old,i have seen the ups and downs my mother went through raising me. it aint easy Marcy.

You know what I find funny? I heard many divorced women saying, I am free, single and disengaged and I want a gooood man now. My question is, if a women hate men so much as to divorce them, why looking for another? Plenty gooooood men aah sell at Stabroek market by the fish section. They selling by the pound.   Women, no offense...the time you take to hate, complain and find faults, exercise love and understand in your relationship. It takes two to tangle. Men are humans too...please remember that.

I am a woman too. You are right it do take two. I always remember what my late sister said to me. why you marry him for? no one will treat you kids better than their own father .Life is short so grow up and the grass is not green on the other side. we are think we are always right ,but there is always two side to each story.That why lots of kids are so sad . Kids do have stress too .

Always sit and remember the good times.


Originally Posted by Prince:

Marcy, every woman situation is different. When you advise someone that divorce is good, you also hurting the children in between. As a man I will tell you that marriage is a wonderful thing and it should be reinforced to strengthen every family that needed it. Being free, single and disengaged is not always happy, it's also a lonely life. Just my opinion! 



u all done carry on?  First of all, I found this article online somewhere, no I didn't write  

Secondly, I can relate to it because of my personal experience and NO Prince, I ent advise anyone that divorce is good. Yes, marriage is a wonderful thing, but being married doesn't mean u are happy either, and of course you can be lonely too. Of coure not in the "honeymoon" stage, we talking about 10/15/20 yrs into a marriage.  I know lots of women  complaint.. oh meh husband this..he that..he bad! but they stay and tek the BS nice and quiet, for what? #1 for the kids' sake, #2 what the family and friend gonna say, #3 for the convience, #4 they afraid that they would be a NOBODY without a man. 5,10,15 yrs down the line, the kids gone off with their own lives, guess who leff?  two miserable, unhappy people that can't even stand to sleep in the same bed and having regrets that they did not make a change 5/10/15 yrs ago.  Kids these days are not sheltered like we were back in the days. i told my kids...adults fall in love and sometimes they fall out of love, so daddy gonna be there and mommy gonna be here. As kari say, it's better the kids not be in the environment of 2 parents constantly fighting, miserable, unhappy, and no love. Mommy happy over here and daddy happy over there is much better for them. What really makes the kids hurt is when we use them to get at each other. Yes, I admit, I did a couple of times, but I realized it should be all about them trying to cope with the changes. So I brave it out and send them every other wkend, like am suppose to. (yea, then I end up at a bar as soon as they gone).  Now, they go as ofter as they wish or need and I actually start to live a little more in a better way. (put on meh music loud, loud, have couple glass baileys,walk half naked round de house, throw a lil lime, and  all the bettah is summah now...boat cruise and ting       


Prince, u sound lil one sided u are saying men don't hate women enought to divorce them? Men shouldn't take the time to exercise love and understanding??? only the women should do that?  Dont get me wrong, there are good men out there, not all men are dogs. It takes two to make a thing go right and if either can't fess up to the wrong they are doing, it doesn't make sense to be toghther. Sometimes a separation is needed so they can realize how things were taken for granted and that the grass is not always green on the other side. And who knows, old fiyah stick...SOOOOO, after 3 yrs now..this collie gyal tek this as a life experience and now know what to look fuh in the next man. Is funny tho, how de men does end up wid worst than wha they had...karma is a byttch and who laff lass does laff de best  

But i believe everything happens for a reason; what will be, will be.  And YES!  Marcy gettin' she groove back!!!  A think this time i goin' fuh a while man      

thanks for sharing all 


Originally Posted by Marcy.:
Originally Posted by Prince:

Marcy, every woman situation is different. When you advise someone that divorce is good, you also hurting the children in between. As a man I will tell you that marriage is a wonderful thing and it should be reinforced to strengthen every family that needed it. Being free, single and disengaged is not always happy, it's also a lonely life. Just my opinion! 



 not all men are dogs. 


Whats wrong with you? Dogs are lovely.




Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Not all marriages work out. I still speak to my ex wife even though we have no kids together and we split up in 1982. Mind you, she still wish for us to retire together.

Your wife was stupid to have divorced you or agreed to a divorce. She should have lived with you and make your life a miserable hell until you die.


ha ha ha....advice from the ol' vindictive backbiting indo klansman. Only dumb people waste their lives that way!

You criticize this because if one of your wives was smart, she would have and should have put your ba**s to the massala brick. Would have taught you a lesson. Anyway, enjoy living off the American taxpayers.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Not all marriages work out. I still speak to my ex wife even though we have no kids together and we split up in 1982. Mind you, she still wish for us to retire together.

Your wife was stupid to have divorced you or agreed to a divorce. She should have lived with you and make your life a miserable hell until you die.


ha ha ha....advice from the ol' vindictive backbiting indo klansman. Only dumb people waste their lives that way!

You criticize this because if one of your wives was smart, she would have and should have put your ba**s to the massala brick. Would have taught you a lesson. Anyway, enjoy living off the American taxpayers.

First; my wife worked for three presidents and continues to work for some of the best and brightest in the nation so you insisting she is not smart speaks to your intellect not hers. Her mom is a retired college professor so I am sure she did not get schooled on the knees of an illiterate.


As for the welfare thing; that is the low life dalit in you speaking. Imagine they had you responsible for evaluating welfare recipients. You are a scumbag if you believe that people on public assistance are worthless people. Lastly, you would have wanted to have lived my go suck on that you bitter, miserable old racist fool.


I also only have had only one wife. I do have two baby mamas and hope you do not now leverage your usual "black gene deficiency" in me. One of my baby mamas is an pediatrician ( yep the indo one)  and the other  is a dentist and  still is a  commissioned officer in the US navy. Now go jump in one of the many lakes around you creep

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Marcy.:

lawd have marcy!!!  i think sooner or later i gonna be sorry i come back here.


***** man! some people can make a mountain out of a mole i tell ya  

Is who touch you soft spot, girl? 

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by raymond:

Yesterday, my wife I celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary



You did a lot better with picking your spouse than picking your sports team. 



Ray congrats to you an Da wife, you da man.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Marcy.:

lawd have marcy!!!  i think sooner or later i gonna be sorry i come back here.


***** man! some people can make a mountain out of a mole i tell ya  

Is who touch you soft spot, girl? 

SAYYYYY WHAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!  Somebody got the nerve to touch Marcy sweet spot.


Well actually if someone did touch Marcy sof spot, she WOODA never had the time to come post here, Nope, she WOODEN't




Oi Marcy dearest, dem sad an sweet stories dem does make my eye run tearwater again tarass.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Don't y'all get the impression that our venerable DannyBoy is like a Forest Gump? 

Truth is stranger than the morbid imagination of fools. Errol Arthur knows my wife and me a little. Gary Girdhari knows me call him and ask him. His son who use to post him knows of me. I am real and you fools thinking I am on welfare etc need to rethink the shit in your lives that imagine the worse for others.


By the way, I was born into a rich family and I currently own more land in Guyana than most of you shit heads here. Call that forest gumping but that is what it is.


Now did you forest Gump yourself into your life what ever it is? The point is, I am real and despite being blessed with a lot live a simple life and not running around comparing it with others others because luck and happenstance did did not favor them as it did me.


Ask Gary how much I make a year and post it so that shit head who say I am on welfare can eat crow. BTW my sister is also a millionaire. I would be on her welfare if ever the needs arise.

Originally Posted by Marcy.:

lawd have marcy!!!  i think sooner or later i gonna be sorry i come back here.


***** man! some people can make a mountain out of a mole i tell ya  

 It is not a mountain our of a mole hill. That punk who I think I know alread ( skeldon) keeps posting that I am on welfare. Karl is your friend and he can tell you if I am a candidate for such. 


My wife is exactly as I said she is. She is very smart, truly modest and loved by most. Since she lived her life in the political light she does have enemies like anyone of her position . But She is very gentle of heart and does not remotely know or even contemplate the misery that is our cultural experience.


That ******* skeldon would not use his mind to address whatever ails him with my  writing but decides he is going to count coins. Well I got as they say in Guyana , adge, ( for edge) My daddy did not bring me into the world  and left me on my own. 

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Marcy.:

lawd have marcy!!!  i think sooner or later i gonna be sorry i come back here.


***** man! some people can make a mountain out of a mole i tell ya  

 It is not a mountain our of a mole hill. That punk who I think I know alread ( skeldon) keeps posting that I am on welfare. Karl is your friend and he can tell you if I am a candidate for such. 


My wife is exactly as I said she is. She is very smart, truly modest and loved by most. Since she lived her life in the political light she does have enemies like anyone of her position . But She is very gentle of heart and does not remotely know or even contemplate the misery that is our cultural experience.


That ******* skeldon would not use his mind to address whatever ails him with my  writing but decides he is going to count coins. Well I got as they say in Guyana , adge, ( for edge) My daddy did not bring me into the world  and left me on my own. 

ask skeltonman what he do with guysuco money that he steal

Originally Posted by warrior:

ask skeltonman what he do with guysuco money that he steal



 What he stole is his business. If he worked as a welfare officer...they do not pay six figures there so he is most likely a candidate for welfare if he did not squirrel away half of what he earned for the past 20 years. Getting old in this country is a bitch

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Don't y'all get the impression that our venerable DannyBoy is like a Forest Gump? 

Truth is stranger than the morbid imagination of fools. Errol Arthur knows my wife and me a little. Gary Girdhari knows me call him and ask him. His son who use to post him knows of me. I am real and you fools thinking I am on welfare etc need to rethink the shit in your lives that imagine the worse for others.


By the way, I was born into a rich family and I currently own more land in Guyana than most of you shit heads here. Call that forest gumping but that is what it is.


Now did you forest Gump yourself into your life what ever it is? The point is, I am real and despite being blessed with a lot live a simple life and not running around comparing it with others others because luck and happenstance did did not favor them as it did me.


Ask Gary how much I make a year and post it so that shit head who say I am on welfare can eat crow. BTW my sister is also a millionaire. I would be on her welfare if ever the needs arise.


Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Marcy.:

lawd have marcy!!!  i think sooner or later i gonna be sorry i come back here.


***** man! some people can make a mountain out of a mole i tell ya  

Is who touch you soft spot, girl? 

SAYYYYY WHAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!  Somebody got the nerve to touch Marcy sweet spot.


Well actually if someone did touch Marcy sof spot, she WOODA never had the time to come post here, Nope, she WOODEN't




Oi Marcy dearest, dem sad an sweet stories dem does make my eye run tearwater again tarass.

Cainsta, you're being HARD ON Marcy bwoi? And y'all used to say Al Gore was STIFF and WOODEN....


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