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baseman posted:

Baseman does not support the acts of these few misguided individuals.  They had no right to mishandle the young woman!!  This reminded me of getting caught up in a PNC crowd in Guyana, except in Guyana, you are not able to speak to a camera after, you are usually bloodied or in the hospital!!

You are funny. The reality is a clans man was pushing her out and it is a Trump rally.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

For my idrines, Baseman, Cobra and Yujii, check out yuh boy Trump's supporters put this ISIS sympathizer in her place.

Why the shock?  Its clear that they share the same hatred of blacks that many of Trump's supporters have.

Trump was speaking to HIS supporters. They understand his values and they share in it. The Black woman was there ONLY for mischief. She just exposed Black folks who want to bully White Americans of their FREEDOM OF Choice.



seignet posted:

She just exposed Black folks who want to bully White Americans of their FREEDOM OF Choic

the illiteracy/incoherence of your post aside, i guess alyuh Guyana antiman need badly to twin the weakest Black person with "bully" . . . even when it's some poor WOMAN protester being roughed up by a rale 'macho' crew of  ignar White men

strange diseased creatures posting on this BB

seignet posted:
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

For my idrines, Baseman, Cobra and Yujii, check out yuh boy Trump's supporters put this ISIS sympathizer in her place.

Why the shock?  Its clear that they share the same hatred of blacks that many of Trump's supporters have.

Trump was speaking to HIS supporters. They understand his values and they share in it. The Black woman was there ONLY for mischief. She just exposed Black folks who want to bully White Americans of their FREEDOM OF Choice.



Dat woman thought that she was going to do what the woman in Guyana in Guyana by attacking peaceful Indo sugar workers in front of police and the Parliament of Guyana.

This is America, no bullying of peaceful supporters are allowed. They will not stay quiet like the peaceful Indo Sugar workers in Guyana.

No more bulling will be tolerated by these types of hooligans.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
seignet posted:
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

For my idrines, Baseman, Cobra and Yujii, check out yuh boy Trump's supporters put this ISIS sympathizer in her place.


Why the shock?  Its clear that they share the same hatred of blacks that many of Trump's supporters have.

Trump was speaking to HIS supporters. They understand his values and they share in it. The Black woman was there ONLY for mischief. She just exposed Black folks who want to bully White Americans of their FREEDOM OF Choice.



Dat woman thought that she was going to do what the woman in Guyana in Guyana by attacking peaceful sugar Indo workers in front of police and the Parliament of Guyana.

This is America, no bullying of peaceful supporters are allowed. They will not stay quiet like the peaceful Indo Sugar workers in Guyana.

No more bulling will be tolerated by these types of people.

You are clearly a moron. If it happened once one would say it was  oversight. If it did twice one would say simple negligence exuberance  or oversight. When it happens three times or more one begins to conclude it constitute practice. Trump has assumed the role of the classic populist fascist. Those like you who endorse such practices are not only bigots but stupid bigots.

yuji22 posted:

Dat woman thought that she was going to do what the woman in Guyana in Guyana by attacking peaceful sugar Indo workers in front of police and the Parliament of Guyana.

This is America, no bullying of peaceful supporters are allowed. They will not stay quiet like the peaceful Indo Sugar workers in Guyana.

No more bulling will be tolerated by these types of people.

i suppose this is your antiman way to 'challenge' my post while avoiding lash

banna, stop and juss listen to yourself lil . . . u are a frightened little man ready to run and hide screaming "bully" if/when a Black WOMAN raises her voice at u

where is your shame?

further, u aren't a citizen of and don't even live in America

alyuh wan crew of strange diseased refugees posting on this BB


The anti-Trump campaign is an opportune time to spark racial tension and steal Trump's popularity with the American people. I read somewhere that said Trump told his supporters to get violent with protesters. In any political rally, protesters are supposed to say within certain parameters to protest. Here you have a black woman claiming harassment at Trump's rally and get her two minutes of fame. Not so long ago, a Muslim woman tried the same stunt and was asked to leave. She too get her moment of fame. This is not the end, folks. I watched the video and I can tell you it's a setup. 

Trump didn't harrassed anyone. What the security service and supporters did to that woman is not Trump's problem. It will take more than a little shoving to bring a winner down on his knees. 

Mitt Romney's words against Trump came and went like feathers on a windy day. He spoke highly about Donald Trump when he received Trump's endorsement during his presidential bid. Now he changed his tune to criticised Trump. Who look more like a fool today? 

Last edited by Former Member
Cobra posted:

Trump didn't harrassed anyone. What the security service and supporters did to that woman is not Trump's problem. It will take more than a little shoving to bring a winner down on his knees. 

He is beginning to come apart. He is losing the first Caucus today. It is now three straight days that he has been yelling "get them out of here". Just saw him yelling the same thing in Orlando. He is beginning to sound like Jim Jones. I think Trump's party is beginning to be over.

ksazma posted:
Cobra posted:

Trump didn't harrassed anyone. What the security service and supporters did to that woman is not Trump's problem. It will take more than a little shoving to bring a winner down on his knees. 

He is beginning to come apart. He is losing the first Caucus today. It is now three straight days that he has been yelling "get them out of here". Just saw him yelling the same thing in Orlando. He is beginning to sound like Jim Jones. I think Trump's party is beginning to be over.

First, I didn't appreciate that you called me out when you posted that video. I will ask you right now never to do that again. I have nothing further to say to you, sir. 

Cobra posted:

The anti-Trump campaign is an opportune time to spark racial tension and steal Trump's popularity with the American people. I read somewhere that said Trump told his supporters to get violent with protesters. In any political rally, protesters are supposed to say within certain parameters to protest. Here you have a black woman claiming harassment at Trump's rally and get her two minutes of fame. Not so long ago, a Muslim woman tried the same stunt and was asked to leave. She too get her moment of fame. This is not the end, folks. I watched the video and I can tell you it's a setup. 

Trump didn't harrassed anyone. What the security service and supporters did to that woman is not Trump's problem. It will take more than a little shoving to bring a winner down on his knees. 

Mitt Romney's words against Trump came and went like feathers on a windy day. He spoke highly about Donald Trump when he received Trump's endorsement during his presidential bid. Now he changed his tune to criticised Trump. Who look more like a fool today? 

My dear man, Ms Clinton gets the same protests. Alison Williams from Black Lives Matter recently interrupted her with a shout down. I did not see her using a Clansman to eject the young woman. Note I at first disagreed vehemently with Ms Williams  until my wife give me a lecture as to what was actually going on and cast a new perspective on what happened. Note, my wife is eminently dedicated to her and democratic causes.

Trump is a crass windbag. I just saw one of his people excusing his behavior from the perspective of one who spends lots of time on construction sites. I took that with some salt. The fellow is a blue blood with a Wharton background so his horrible frat boy behavior is endemic. It is who he is a rude, crude, opportunistic windbag that tolerates these incidents of bigotry because he grasps what can move his constituents. He appeals to the worse in people.

Mitt spoke well of him as did others because, as we have, they have come to know him via this campaign. None of us knew of his inane habit of belittling others and pompous moronic claims of being the best while never backing anything up with substance. Most of us also had inklings he was an egoist but that he was mean, nasty, and crude was a new understanding.

The man we have come to know is not one many would ever care to hold the office of President. He will make the nation the laughing stock of the world. It is a good thing we are assured he will never be the president. He cannot even keep his own party together.

They are in open revolt against him and are leveling charges of of fraud, conman, crook, racist etc at him. His fate is sealed.  There is an onslaught of ads on the air in every crucial state yet to go to the polls. They are from his own people cautioning against his outlandish, fascistic behavior and advising their constituency to vote against him.

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:
Cobra posted:

Trump didn't harrassed anyone. What the security service and supporters did to that woman is not Trump's problem. It will take more than a little shoving to bring a winner down on his knees. 

He is beginning to come apart. He is losing the first Caucus today. It is now three straight days that he has been yelling "get them out of here". Just saw him yelling the same thing in Orlando. He is beginning to sound like Jim Jones. I think Trump's party is beginning to be over.

What was happening was the other candidates were shooting at each other and not at Trump.  Only the ineffectual Bush was shooting at Trump.

Now that Rubio and Cruz are both shooting at Trump and the main stream GOP is too, the buffoonery of Trump and his supporters is coming to light.

Trump is at his best when he is screaming inanities at a crowd of belligerent bigots.  In a debate, when pressed to answer questions he looks the idiot. 

Cruz was right when he accused Trump of lacking the intellectual curiosity to understand, and to develop a response.  Up to now he has screamed that he will get rid of Obamacare, and replace it with the "greatest plan that you have ever seen".

All that motivates baseman, yuji, cobra, seignet and others is that they align themselves with white supremacists, who have decided to endorse Trump.

Well we will see how well Trump wins tonight, but it does look like his party is coming to an end, and that he will be revealed as the buffoon that he truly is.

Trump is NOT going to stick around of it looks like he is going to be humiliated.  Pity because I am more sure that he can be beaten than I am of Cruz losing. 

Whereas Trump represents a great get out the vote tool for the Democratic base, as they fear his bigotry, I am less sure that their fear of Cruz will be enough to offset the fact that Hillary might fail to inspire.

A Democrat expressed a fear that the Kerry vote might show up in 2016.  NOT the Obama vote of 2008, or even 2012.

Last edited by Former Member

Strange that the Republican establishment thinks that Trump could be the reason the Republican party gets destroyed when the destruction began after Obama was elected President in 2008. On that day, the Republican establishment refused to recognize Obama as the rightful occupier of the White House and set out to deny him every facility to do something good for America. However, in spite of their efforts he still got many things accomplished including killing Bin Laden who his predecessor wished earnestly to either capture or kill. Even his $25M reward offer did not produce the result Obama accomplished for a fraction of that amount. They created the Tea Party to poison a segment of their followers to the point of bigotry and even that did not create the result they wanted. Then Obama stuck it to them again in 2012 when he was reelected and then again they couldn't deal with it. You see the fringes of their group taking center stage to deny Obama the tools he need to do his job including his right to nominate a replacement for Justice Scalia. Donald Trump is exactly what the doctor ordered for that fringe but they prefer Rubio because they don't see Trump as part of their clique. Unfortunately Rubio is not finding any traction because he feels entitled even though he has not done anything to earn that privilege. Cruz could take traction but he will not be able to lie during the general election campaign as he is doing now. In a nutshell, the Republican party may need to do some serious soul searching because they have become so poisoned since Obama had the audacity to be President of the United States. One thing is certain, they will not oppose Hillary the same way if she is elected President because at least, she is white.

ksazma posted:

Strange that the Republican establishment thinks that Trump could be the reason the Republican party gets destroyed .

What enrages the GOP about Trump isn't the buffoonery, or the racism and xenophobia.  In fact Rubio has also become a buffoon, though more of the college kid type.

Its the fact that when Trump moves away from his buffoonery he isn't all that conservative.  This is what frightens the GOP.  They have nightmares of a President Trump negotiating deals with the Democrats, as his NY instinct might lead him to do.  Hence the screams of "NY values".

Because when Trump began his xenophobia, Cruz, Rubio, Bush, Christie and the others ran right behind him, when they saw how well this played to the GOP base.

Last edited by Former Member

Trump got exposed by Chris Wallace when he put up the budgets for the Department of Education and Medicaid and asked Trump how he can 300B from those two budgets that totals about 150B. There is a strange obsession between Republicans and the desire to deny education. Every Republican running for office and being asked which departments they will eliminate always says DOE first and then they kind of struggles to list the others they say they will eliminate. There is a direct correlation between the Republican base and people with no tertiary education. Nonetheless, Fox's Anna Kooiman is hot. They don't make legs like those anymore.

Sorry for getting distracted there.  I once had a discussion with an Obama hater although he was a Democrat all his life but chose to vote for McCain. He was also in the Military back in the 70's. He never hid his dislike for blacks. Incidentally, many Whites don't group Indians with blacks as part of the black race. He once told me that he knows that God is white because in the Bible God said "I am who I am". He said that if God was black, he would have said "I is who I is". This guy got so worked up after Obama got elected in 2008 that he ended up passing away a year later in 2009. After he began parroting the same argument that they should get rid of the DOE, I pointed out to him that while the DOE's budget was around 60 something billion, the DOD was ten times larger at more than 600B. I told him that they should cut the DOD budget instead of their nonsense of eliminating the DOE. He wondered what will the soldiers do is their incomes was cut off. I told him that they can always be retrained to become teachers which were desperately in need given the class sizes that teachers were burdened with. 


Marco Rubio defends Donald Trump attacks

Washington (CNN)Florida Sen. Marco Rubio defended his position in the Republican presidential race, insisting his campaign doesn't ride on whether he wins his home state's March 15 winner-take-all primary.

Rubio also defended the nasty rhetoric of the Republican presidential debate in an interview with CNN's Dana Bash held in front of a live audience at the Conservative Political Action Conference and aired Sunday on "State of the Union."

Cobra posted:

Marco Rubio defends Donald Trump attacks

Washington (CNN)Florida Sen. Marco Rubio defended his position in the Republican presidential race, insisting his campaign doesn't ride on whether he wins his home state's March 15 winner-take-all primary.

Rubio also defended the nasty rhetoric of the Republican presidential debate in an interview with CNN's Dana Bash held in front of a live audience at the Conservative Political Action Conference and aired Sunday on "State of the Union."

Why doesn't Rubio just drop out and let Trump and Cruz battle over FL?

Rubio has only won 1 caucus in a state which he cannot carry in the fall, as it is quite liberal.  If his own state rejects them then who wants him.

His frat boy antics have merely indicated to people that he is a little kid and so unsuitable for the role of president.

Cobra posted:


Trump didn't harrassed anyone. What the security service and supporters did to that woman is not Trump's problem.

Yet you blame Granger for every thing that you scream that blacks do to Indians.

When these incidents happened Trump was in the room. He told his goons to put the black protestors out.  The goons assumed that all blacks present were protestors so racial brawls emerged.

This isn't one event, or two.  This happens at almost every Trump event.


Ryan refuses to join Romney in Trump criticism

Washington (CNN) House Speaker Paul Ryan refused to join his former running mate Mitt Romney and other Republicans who warn Donald Trump will destroy their party, instead telling reporters Thursday he would speak out when "conservatism is being disfigured" by those in the presidential race.

Ryan told reporters on Capitol Hill that he "laughed out loud" when he watched Trump say on Tuesday night that he would "pay a big price" if the two of them didn't get along.


Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a caucus night watch party at the Treasure Island Hotel & Casino on February 23, 2016 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

At long last, the media move toward Trump.

Las Vegas, Nevada (CNN) The press is coming around to Donald Trump.

After nine months of doubt -- doubting that he would run, doubting that he would stay in the race, doubting that he could win a single primary -- Trump's victories in New Hampshire, South Carolina and most recently a landslide win in Nevada have convinced some pundits and reporters that he is racing toward the nomination.

baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Cobra posted:


Trump didn't harrassed anyone. What the security service and supporters did to that woman is not Trump's problem.

Yet you blame Granger for every thing that you scream that blacks do to Indians.

When these incidents happened Trump was in the room. He told his goons to put the black protestors out.  The goons assumed that all blacks present were protestors so racial brawls emerged.

This isn't one event, or two.  This happens at almost every Trump event.

Trump made it clear, he will not tolerate being shouted down and his events shut down like Hillary's and Sanders's.  His supporters ensured that was not going to happen.  Then you should racist slurs at them.  As long as people accept your form of bullyism and accept what you mete out, then all's well.  When they react, they are racists!!

As I told you, this is not Guyana!!

I am assured this fascist will never see the inside of the white house. America always gets it right

Stormborn posted:
baseman posted:

Trump made it clear, he will not tolerate being shouted down and his events shut down like Hillary's and Sanders's.  His supporters ensured that was not going to happen.  Then you should racist slurs at them.  As long as people accept your form of bullyism and accept what you mete out, then all's well.  When they react, they are racists!!

As I told you, this is not Guyana!!

I am assured this fascist will never see the inside of the white house. America always gets it right

Don't worry with baseman.  When he goes to one of Trump's events and they call him a ragheaded ni99er then he will learn sense.

In fact blacks have long been humiliated at GOP events. At the last convention in Tampa even a GOP official had to complain, when some one who didn't know her, used racial language against her. 

All of these folks who pretend as if bigotry in the GOP only began under Trump, are the hypocrites. 

Nixon decided to win in 1968 by capturing the Dixiecrat votes, as LB predicted would happen. 

Reagan doubled down on this by celebrating the murders of the 3 civil rights heroes in Miss, by hosting a campaign event in that town.  Like baseman, Reagan pretended that blacks are nothing but a welfare loving group when more than 70% have NEVER received any welfare payments in their lives.

George HW then won an election with the infamous Horton ad.

The Tea Party started its presence with caricatures of Obama with a bone in his nose and rants that he is a "witch doctor who needs to go back to Africa".  They then demand proof that he was born in the USA, even as their second largest candidate was born in Canada with a Cuban father.  No claims that he shouldn't be allowed to be president.

No wonder Baseman feels so at home in this den of racist vipers!

baseman posted:
.  As long as people accept your form of bullyism and accept

Big grown 250lb white men pushing around black females, some half their weight, screaming racial epithets at these WOMEN, and you scream that they were being bullied by blacks.

You really need to get over this feeling of being emasculated by black women.  I know this is a PPP racist trait, but you all need to quit.


Some Rubio advisers say get out before Florida

Washington (CNN) A battle is being waged within Florida Sen. Marco Rubio's campaign about whether he should even remain in the Republican presidential race ahead of his home state primary on March 15, sources say.

Rubio himself is "bullish" on his odds of winning the critical primary, despite some advisers who are less hopeful and believe a loss there would damage him politically in both the short- and long-term.


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