Trump didn't harrassed anyone. What the security service and supporters did to that woman is not Trump's problem. It will take more than a little shoving to bring a winner down on his knees.
He is beginning to come apart. He is losing the first Caucus today. It is now three straight days that he has been yelling "get them out of here". Just saw him yelling the same thing in Orlando. He is beginning to sound like Jim Jones. I think Trump's party is beginning to be over.
What was happening was the other candidates were shooting at each other and not at Trump. Only the ineffectual Bush was shooting at Trump.
Now that Rubio and Cruz are both shooting at Trump and the main stream GOP is too, the buffoonery of Trump and his supporters is coming to light.
Trump is at his best when he is screaming inanities at a crowd of belligerent bigots. In a debate, when pressed to answer questions he looks the idiot.
Cruz was right when he accused Trump of lacking the intellectual curiosity to understand, and to develop a response. Up to now he has screamed that he will get rid of Obamacare, and replace it with the "greatest plan that you have ever seen".
All that motivates baseman, yuji, cobra, seignet and others is that they align themselves with white supremacists, who have decided to endorse Trump.
Well we will see how well Trump wins tonight, but it does look like his party is coming to an end, and that he will be revealed as the buffoon that he truly is.
Trump is NOT going to stick around of it looks like he is going to be humiliated. Pity because I am more sure that he can be beaten than I am of Cruz losing.
Whereas Trump represents a great get out the vote tool for the Democratic base, as they fear his bigotry, I am less sure that their fear of Cruz will be enough to offset the fact that Hillary might fail to inspire.
A Democrat expressed a fear that the Kerry vote might show up in 2016. NOT the Obama vote of 2008, or even 2012.