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Why Trump's abortion comments scare Republicans?

APPLETON, WI - MARCH 30: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks to guests during a campaign rally at the Radisson Paper Valley Hotel on March 30, 2016 in Appleton, Wisconsin. Wisconsin voters go to the polls for the state's primary on April 5. [Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

(CNN) Donald Trump's suggestion that women who get abortions should face "some form of punishment" if the practice is banned is giving the #NeverTrump movement new urgency.

Donald Trump: Abortion is a very serious problem
Donald Trump: Abortion is a very serious problem 00:45
Faced with the prospect of Trump as the party's standard bearer, Republicans from across the ideological spectrum quickly condemned Trump's assertion -- but not before Democrats showed the damage Trump's words could have on the GOP.
And in what was a clear acknowledgment of the stakes, Trump did something he has rarely done in this campaign -- back away from his statement within hours.
baseman posted:
caribny posted:
baseman posted:

Every once in a while, you experience it!!

Yes we had the Great Depression in the early 30s, and the George Bush brought us the sequel, the Great Recession in 2008!

Only George could have accomplished this. 

So bad it was that even the wives of investment bankers had to go in food stamps when the wealth of their husbands was wiped out and they lost their jobs.

I mean a woman in Scarsdale embarrassing clutching her card at the supermarket, covered over in a shawl like some Jihadist female, ashamed to be seen doing this!

Baseman has a very short memory of what Nov 2008 was all about! 

So bad it was that even rednecks in PA told their wives to "make sure that they vote for the ni99er, because he looks smart".

Nah, I do understand and sympathize.  It's was not Bush's doing, this was a cycle about to make a hard landing.  The Feds, Clinton and much more were part of setting the stage.  Frankly, I think the successes under Clinton got way ahead of itself.  But as I said, one would have expected a better recovery than 1.1 mil jobs per year, which is the natural workforce growth!

The Next GOP president will have to loosen some regs to get things moving again.  And I don't mean back to the GoGo days of the 2000's!  It would be best under Trump, but let's see!!  He actually has the right business thinking for this!!

Mrs Clinton is winning with between 10 and 15 points and taking the down ballots in the house and senate with her. Trump is a loser all the way.

Last edited by Former Member
Cobra posted:

Why Trump's abortion comments scare Republicans?

APPLETON, WI - MARCH 30: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks to guests during a campaign rally at the Radisson Paper Valley Hotel on March 30, 2016 in Appleton, Wisconsin. Wisconsin voters go to the polls for the state's primary on April 5. [Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

(CNN) Donald Trump's suggestion that women who get abortions should face "some form of punishment" if the practice is banned is giving the #NeverTrump movement new urgency.

Donald Trump: Abortion is a very serious problem
Donald Trump: Abortion is a very serious problem 00:45
Faced with the prospect of Trump as the party's standard bearer, Republicans from across the ideological spectrum quickly condemned Trump's assertion -- but not before Democrats showed the damage Trump's words could have on the GOP.
And in what was a clear acknowledgment of the stakes, Trump did something he has rarely done in this campaign -- back away from his statement within hours.

If not for any other reason, someone with the likes of this man is a reason to support abortion.

caribny posted:


This is for Kari, stormborn, and others who understand the whole electoral college thing.

Play with it and develop scenarios.

CO, OH, VA, and FL will be the battleground states.

caribny, there's a whole lotta Dem-safe seats that are up for grabs on 270towin by default. I would go with Nate Silver's scenarios. The Mid-west and some south-west are seats for the Democratic candidate to lose.


At 179 the Democratic candidate needs 91 more electoral college seats. From PA to Wisconsin you're looking at 74 (excluding Iowa) and from Oregon to New Mexico (excluding Arizona) that's another 27. They won't even need FL.

Kari posted:
caribny posted:


This is for Kari, stormborn, and others who understand the whole electoral college thing.

Play with it and develop scenarios.

CO, OH, VA, and FL will be the battleground states.

caribny, there's a whole lotta Dem-safe seats that are up for grabs on 270towin by default. I would go with Nate Silver's scenarios. The Mid-west and some south-west are seats for the Democratic candidate to lose.


At 179 the Democratic candidate needs 91 more electoral college seats. From PA to Wisconsin you're looking at 74 (excluding Iowa) and from Oregon to New Mexico (excluding Arizona) that's another 27. They won't even need FL.

I have a feeling the VP candidate for Mrs C will be Sherrod Brown from OH so t hat is 18 electoral votes in the bag. Trump cannot win Va,NE or NM so it is a knuckle fight in the small states and he will lose in the north even if he takes the south.


The GOP are trapped in a hole that they dug.  Cruz screams that abortions should be banned, even if the result of rape, or incest.  So how can he argue that Trump is worse? 

Cruz has a man who would arrest any woman who had an abortion, once it became illegal.   This is what Cruz believes, but he will hide this, until its too late.

Trump is bad, but Cruz is worse. If he becomes president, I will seriously contemplate migrating to Cuba, because that is the only place where his tyranny wouldn't impact.

caribny posted:

The GOP are trapped in a hole that they dug.  Cruz screams that abortions should be banned, even if the result of rape, or incest.  So how can he argue that Trump is worse? 

Cruz has a man who would arrest any woman who had an abortion, once it became illegal.   This is what Cruz believes, but he will hide this, until its too late.

Trump is bad, but Cruz is worse. If he becomes president, I will seriously contemplate migrating to Cuba, because that is the only place where his tyranny wouldn't impact.

You gonna have to change the nic to caribc

Last edited by cain

Hillary Clinton has a good selection which includes Sherrod Brown and in about four months time we will know the person to be her running mate.

While Trump made strides when the candidates there were about ten candidates, now that it has reduced to three, his chance to get more than the needed number is dwindling.

It seems that with no one getting over the needed number of votes before the Republican convention, Ted Cruz may become the chosen candidate..

Kari posted:
caribny posted:


This is for Kari, stormborn, and others who understand the whole electoral college thing.

Play with it and develop scenarios.

CO, OH, VA, and FL will be the battleground states.

caribny, there's a whole lotta Dem-safe seats that are up for grabs on 270towin by default. I would go with Nate Silver's scenarios. The Mid-west and some south-west are seats for the Democratic candidate to lose.


At 179 the Democratic candidate needs 91 more electoral college seats. From PA to Wisconsin you're looking at 74 (excluding Iowa) and from Oregon to New Mexico (excluding Arizona) that's another 27. They won't even need FL.

I automatically filled in some states that they call battle grounds.  I think that they merely want to give people fun. 

Don't see OR, MI,NM, or PA being battlegrounds, unless the Dem candidate is really weak.  These states went Dem in 2004, with Kerry, and I don't think that Hillary will be that weak.  Similarly MN and WI also go Dem.  

I used 1992 as a starting point because the demographics for the electorate has drastically changed.  I just don't see CA or NY/NJ/CT going GOP, as happened during the Reagan era.

I am also sending AZ, GA, and NC as GOP, though the Dems winning is a distinct possibility if a very weakened Trump is the candidate.

The big prize is FL.  Failing that then she has to win VA, and some combination of OH, and CO.  Even though you don't state so explicitly, implicitly you say the same thing.

I think that Hillary will literally have an FL address, parking herself around Orlando/Tampa to get that swing area to vote.  She will get Dade, Broward, and the surrounding counties.  What favors her is the explosion of the PR population since 2008 as their island has virtually collapsed.  They aren't going with Cruz or Trump.

While she can win without FL, having that state will mean that she will be able to start celebrating much earlier.

Demerara_Guy posted:

Hillary Clinton has a good selection which includes Sherrod Brown and in about four months time we will know the person to be her running mate.

While Trump made strides when the candidates there were about ten candidates, now that it has reduced to three, his chance to get more than the needed number is dwindling.

It seems that with no one getting over the needed number of votes before the Republican convention, Ted Cruz may become the chosen candidate..

Having a Mid West VP is crucial as Hillary's biggest weakness is among the white male blue collars, very important demographically in the Rust belt.

Hillary is now too "East Coast".

I already hear some Bernie fanatics screaming that if he doesn't win, they will go Trump.  Yes there is emotion, as there was against Obama by the Hillary voters in 2008, but in swing states one only needs a few of these to stay home, or jump ship to make a difference.

Strip away his racism, buffoonery and overall incompetence to be POTUS, and there are elements of a Bernie in his message.  I suggest that folks watch him carefully in MI, PA, OH, MN, and WI.  Remember that not every one is  sophisticated political analyst, and Reality TV informs a certain kind of American.

If Ted Cruz becomes the GOP candidate, then Hillary can already begin her inauguration waltz.  I just cannot see a scenario where he can win.  Once we hear that he wants to ban abortion, even for rape and incest, then it is 2012 once again.

caribny posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Hillary Clinton has a good selection which includes Sherrod Brown and in about four months time we will know the person to be her running mate.

While Trump made strides when the candidates there were about ten candidates, now that it has reduced to three, his chance to get more than the needed number is dwindling.

It seems that with no one getting over the needed number of votes before the Republican convention, Ted Cruz may become the chosen candidate..

Having a Mid West VP is crucial as Hillary's biggest weakness is among the white male blue collars, very important demographically in the Rust belt.

Hillary is now too "East Coast".

I already hear some Bernie fanatics screaming that if he doesn't win, they will go Trump.  Yes there is emotion, as there was against Obama by the Hillary voters in 2008, but in swing states one only needs a few of these to stay home, or jump ship to make a difference.

Strip away his racism, buffoonery and overall incompetence to be POTUS, and there are elements of a Bernie in his message.  I suggest that folks watch him carefully in MI, PA, OH, MN, and WI.  Remember that not every one is  sophisticated political analyst, and Reality TV informs a certain kind of American.

If Ted Cruz becomes the GOP candidate, then Hillary can already begin her inauguration waltz.  I just cannot see a scenario where he can win.  Once we hear that he wants to ban abortion, even for rape and incest, then it is 2012 once again.

Perhaps a few fanatics, but the large majority of Bernie Sanders' supporters would support Hillary Clinton as the Democratic presidential candidate.


I notice that Donald Trump only wants to talk and don't listen. This will eventually get him in trouble as a presidential candidate, as it gets closer to nomination day. He made a few mistakes along the way that catch up with him. The most recent mistake is when he said women should be penalized for having abortion without explaining his position on rape and incest, which I disagree with. He later changed his mind. This will sink him before he knows it. I really hope he takes advise and follow them if he wants to stay in the race and win. I don't like the bragging attitude he has of winning and people loves him. So, Donald, please do the right thing to speak and act more presidential.

Cobra posted:

Presidential front runner of the republican party, Donald Trump is unstoppable in the polls throughout the country on this Super Tuesday.

One thing people ought to know that illegal immigrants and foreign enemies that lives here has ruin the repetition of America for too long.              

The white supremacist that supports Trump will actually help him rather than hurt him. Donald Trump will not allowed what is happening in England to happen in United States.                                                                

His call to be tough on illegal immigrants and terrorists whose aim is to destroy the country that gave them sanctuary is justifiable. 


Ow baie Cobra look what one month can do.

Cobra posted:

I notice that Donald Trump only wants to talk and don't listen. This will eventually get him in trouble as a presidential candidate, as it gets closer to nomination day. He made a few mistakes along the way that catch up with him. The most recent mistake is when he said women should be penalized for having abortion without explaining his position on rape and incest, which I disagree with. He later changed his mind. This will sink him before he knows it. I really hope he takes advise and follow them if he wants to stay in the race and win. I don't like the bragging attitude he has of winning and people loves him. So, Donald, please do the right thing to speak and act more presidential.

He does not seem to really want to be president!  He needs to develop breath on the issues!  I said this in another posts, Hillary is a master debater and versed on the issues and Trump will have to face her!  I don't really like her, but she will outmatch him with his current style!

ba$eman posted:
Cobra posted:

I notice that Donald Trump only wants to talk and don't listen. This will eventually get him in trouble as a presidential candidate, as it gets closer to nomination day. He made a few mistakes along the way that catch up with him. The most recent mistake is when he said women should be penalized for having abortion without explaining his position on rape and incest, which I disagree with. He later changed his mind. This will sink him before he knows it. I really hope he takes advise and follow them if he wants to stay in the race and win. I don't like the bragging attitude he has of winning and people loves him. So, Donald, please do the right thing to speak and act more presidential.

He does not seem to really want to be president!  He needs to develop breath on the issues!  I said this in another posts, Hillary is a master debater and versed on the issues and Trump will have to face her!  I don't really like her, but she will outmatch him with his current style!

My, my.  The rats are now deserting the sinking Trump ship.

It gets worse.  Cruz has a much harsher anti abortion attitude than the one that Trump purports to have. One of Cruz's advisors believes that abortion should not only be a criminal offense, but that those have abortions should be treated as criminals.  Cruz has never disavowed this belief.

And yet Trump got so confused that he couldn't throw Cruz under the bus, so ends up looking like the bad guy here.


Donald Trump Has The Midas Touch [Exclusive Interview] - Forbes

Donald Trump Rise Again. You Just Can't Keep a Good Man Down.

(CNN) Donald Trump is expected to win Tuesday's Pennsylvania Republican primary in a landslide, but the size of his all-important delegate haul figures to be a mystery that could stretch all the way to the convention floor in Cleveland this summer.

Leading most Pennsylvania polls by double-digits, the billionaire is a near lock to carry the 17 delegates awarded to the winner of the statewide vote. But the process is more complicated for the remaining 54. That's because they are essentially elected on the honor system.
Voters first select their preferred candidate -- that's the state-wide vote. Then, voters in each of the 18 congressional districts pick three delegates for the convention. Many of those delegates have have pledged their support to Trump, Ted Cruz or John Kasich, but the catch is that they are technically unbound and beholden to nobody -- not the voters, candidates or Republican Party.
The picture looks brightest for Trump, who could do well among the unbound delegates, according to CNN interviews with 135 of the 162 candidates on the ballot. About 25% say they'll support the front-runner, another 42% say they'll support their district's choice. This bodes well for Trump, who is poised to win most of the state's congressional districts.
Twenty percent of respondents said they will support Ted Cruz, while 11% said they planned to remain uncommitted until a later date. The Cruz campaign is urging supporters to back write-in candidates in the 10th and 17th districts.
None of the hopefuls told CNN they planned to support John Kasich.
But those delegates can still vote any way they like, and some people are happy with that setup given the possibility of a contested convention where every delegate's vote will matter.
Calvin Tucker, who is running to be a delegate out of the 2nd congressional district, is uncommitted and told CNN that if elected he will not make a decision until July.
"I'm not going to give up any leverage at this point," he said.
Most states bind delegates on the first ballot at least through a primary, caucus or convention. As Trump seeks to hit the 1,237 delegates needed to clinch the nomination, he can count the bound delegates. But the only way to know how these 54 Pennsylvania delegates actually vote will be when they cast their ballots in Cleveland.
The madcap format now has regular citizens trying their hands as political candidates, free to say almost anything but required to follow through on precisely nothing. How they break in Cleveland, if the Republican race goes to a contested convention, could go a disproportionately long way in deciding the next GOP president nominee.
On Sunday night, the Trump campaign hosted an organizing call with all 41 of their delegate candidates. On Monday, they ramped up distribution of their list at a campaign event in West Chester.
Source: CNN.COM
Last edited by Former Member
Vish M posted:

It is sad to know that there are a few on this forum that supports the "Sociopath"

Vishnu, if you're referring to Donald Trump as a sociopath, I made it public that I supported him from inception and voted for him in last week primary. BTW, he did well in NYS and expected to take Pennsylvania, plus other states in today's primary. Vishnu, don't be afraid to say something to me if you're upset. Chief never had that problem. DG don't have that problem either. 

ba$eman posted:
ksazma posted:
ba$eman posted:

Trump sweeps Penn, MD and CT

Trump is ill mannered. Yet that is better than Cruz who is a crook. Kasich is boring. Bernie has wonderful ideas but they are impractical as they were already tried and failed. That leaves Hillary as the most practical to succeed Obama.

Hillary = Obama term 3, the end of the great USA!!

Actually Obama brought the US back from the dead where Bush left it. Isn't it interesting that both Bushes screwed the country up and it needed a Democrat to revive it? The Republicans have lost the way and the current Republican primaries shows it.

ba$eman posted:
ksazma posted:
ba$eman posted:

Trump sweeps Penn, MD and CT

Trump is ill mannered. Yet that is better than Cruz who is a crook. Kasich is boring. Bernie has wonderful ideas but they are impractical as they were already tried and failed. That leaves Hillary as the most practical to succeed Obama.

Hillary = Obama term 3, the end of the great USA!!

Please provide evidence that the USA is in worse shape than it was in January 2009, when Bush was booted out, and Obama and Michelle had to wipe his tears, as he boarded that helicopter.

ksazma posted:
ba$eman posted:
ksazma posted:
ba$eman posted:

Trump sweeps Penn, MD and CT

Trump is ill mannered. Yet that is better than Cruz who is a crook. Kasich is boring. Bernie has wonderful ideas but they are impractical as they were already tried and failed. That leaves Hillary as the most practical to succeed Obama.

Hillary = Obama term 3, the end of the great USA!!

Actually Obama brought the US back from the dead where Bush left it. Isn't it interesting that both Bushes screwed the country up and it needed a Democrat to revive it? The Republicans have lost the way and the current Republican primaries shows it.

I have shown baseman that its the Democrats, and not the GOP which creates jobs.

23 million jobs were created under Clinton, which exceeded the 19 million created under Reagan and George HW COMBINED.  Over 9 million jobs were created under Obama, which is 7X that created under George W.

If Americans want a job they ought to vote for a Democrat.  In fact even the ill-fated Jimmy Carter saw more jobs created than under Nixon/Ford, even though he was a 1 term!


Its noteworthy that its only the brown bai KKK on GNI who support Trump.

ksazma posted:
ba$eman posted:
ksazma posted:
ba$eman posted:

Trump sweeps Penn, MD and CT

Trump is ill mannered. Yet that is better than Cruz who is a crook. Kasich is boring. Bernie has wonderful ideas but they are impractical as they were already tried and failed. That leaves Hillary as the most practical to succeed Obama.

Hillary = Obama term 3, the end of the great USA!!

Actually Obama brought the US back from the dead where Bush left it. Isn't it interesting that both Bushes screwed the country up and it needed a Democrat to revive it? The Republicans have lost the way and the current Republican primaries shows it.

The Republican party is wandering alone in the wilderness while the Democratic party is moving ahead and focused on the development and welfare of the country.


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