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Dr Barton Scotland

STABROEK NEWS --- Former senior diplomat of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dr Barton Scotland is to be the Speaker of the 11th Parliament, well-placed sources say.

The decision comes after several weeks of deliberations among senior members of the new APNU+AFC coalition government.  APNU+AFC had agreed that the new Speaker would be selected from civil society.

Scotland held various diplomatic posts and once headed the Department of International Economic Co-operation under the late President Desmond Hoyte.  He served as an advisor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2012 and was part of the team that accompanied then Foreign Minister Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett in April of that year when she made an oral presentation in support of Guyana’s  submission for an extended continental shelf to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf at the headquarters of the United Nations in New York. Scotland is also an acknowledged expert on the Law of the Sea.Scotland also served as a Commissioner on the Caricom Competition Commission which was launched in 2008. Scotland worked in private practice in the areas of Natural Resources and Investment Law, Negotiations and International Law. He holds a Master of Laws degree and a PhD in International Law.

The 11th Parliament is set to convene on Wednesday.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Man got a good resume arrite

He is over 75 years old. 

And what is wrong with that. I am insulted-in 70 meself. And still ..................... 

Is not like we pushing him to take Shiv place in the WI team!

On that Shiv thing, dem black bois always tried to keep him down. Remember when he got started, that red skin chap insulted him almost all the time. Shiv should move on-people would remember him for that. Lloyd was always a Burnhamite-those chaps just despised East Indians just for being East Indian. And we have no choice in the matter on how the Almighty chooses to assign souls. I am grateful He choose the Indo-European race for me-born and bread in Guyana. Experiencing Black culture even though some Black folks may hate me just for being an East Indian.



Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Good choice.


Experience, talented, fair human being.


I know you have a problem with the man because he is a blackman Baseman, but there is no place in the new Guyana for your kind of racism.

Check my first post on the thread Mr "BT".  Reverting to "race" is a loser's approach.  I don't know the banna, but he has an impressive resume.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

East Indians have to blame themselves for losing political power.  They chose the PPP AND the PPP was an ideologically bankrupt political forces that did not care for the working class after 1999.


Why did the PPP not balance the police force and army?



True, but that went back beyond 1999.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

East Indians have to blame themselves for losing political power.  They chose the PPP AND the PPP was an ideologically bankrupt political forces that did not care for the working class after 1999.


Why did the PPP not balance the police force and army?



Under the present conditions the GPF will never be balance. Just look at the recent issue. Two EI policemen dismissed for the torture while an EI commissioner promoted them.  

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Have to say, thought PPP once said there was not enough "qualified" Afros.  Where are PNC finding these bais, their resumes look hatt hatt hatt.

And yet you call me a racist when I drew attention to that.


Now compare this with your typical PPP idiot.

Go back to sleep. But before u do. Guyanese are well aware of their racism. I wish u come to grips wid it.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Go back to sleep. But before u do. Guyanese are well aware of their racism. I wish u come to grips wid it.

Left to people like you the narrative of racism is "black man baad, Indian good, so black man has to apologize".  Look how often Wismar is discuss with no mention of the Sun Chapman. 


Now we have increasing examples of qualified Afro Guyanese occupying posts when the chief PPP Uncle Tom wailed that blacks are unqualified.


When I drew attention to that people like YOU called me a racist.


Until people like YOU own up to the role that Indo Guyanese and the PPP have made in this racism I will not cease to repeat it.  Racism exists among BOTH races, and both races have been victimized.  Not the usual rant of the black brute and the Indo victim.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:

Have to say, thought PPP once said there was not enough "qualified" Afros.  Where are PNC finding these bais, their resumes look hatt hatt hatt.

I think it is an assumption on the part of Blacks not to even apply for any position in an Indian government. Believing they will not be considered. Also, maybe dey doan want no part of dem kulie ppl.


Now we have Granger-Indians will keep their distance, thinking the same as Blacks did.


I waiting to c when Granger goes to Civil Society and choose a completely unknown highly talented EI for a key position in his inner circle.   

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Go back to sleep. But before u do. Guyanese are well aware of their racism. I wish u come to grips wid it.

Left to people like you the narrative of racism is "black man baad, Indian good, so black man has to apologize".  Look how often Wismar is discuss with no mention of the Sun Chapman. 


Now we have increasing examples of qualified Afro Guyanese occupying posts when the chief PPP Uncle Tom wailed that blacks are unqualified.


When I drew attention to that people like YOU called me a racist.


Until people like YOU own up to the role that Indo Guyanese and the PPP have made in this racism I will not cease to repeat it.  Racism exists among BOTH races, and both races have been victimized.  Not the usual rant of the black brute and the Indo victim.

And u dam right on that. Kulie ppl love to hate black folks. I makes their day. Yuh believe dat, don't yuh? 

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Have to say, thought PPP once said there was not enough "qualified" Afros.  Where are PNC finding these bais, their resumes look hatt hatt hatt.

I think it is an assumption on the part of Blacks not to even apply for any position in an Indian government. .   

Quit your nonsense.  When they applied for work with the gov't or in certain Indo owned companies for jobs other then low level they were often told "wrong hair, is not Burnham time now". 


Folks like you love to pretend that the only racism which existed was when Burnham was in power.  The PPP and many of its elite supporters are equally guilty.  Now that many rush to impress Granger I can well imagine that SUDDENLY they can find qualified blacks to hire as professionals and managers.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by caribny:

 Racism exists among BOTH races, and both races have been victimized.  Not the usual rant of the black brute and the Indo victim.

And u dam right on that. Kulie ppl love to hate black folks. I makes their day. Yuh believe dat, don't yuh? 

I believe that I said that racism exists among BOTH and BOTH have been victimized.  But if being an ex PPP means that their ignorance still defines your cognitive abilities than believe what you wish.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by seignet:
Under the present conditions the GPF will never be balance. Just look at the recent issue. Two EI policemen dismissed for the torture while an EI commissioner promoted them.  

seignet, your regressive spewing of racist bile of late makes me despair for Guyana


but, what exactly is the point you are making above, eh?



Originally Posted by baseman:

Have to say, thought PPP once said there was not enough "qualified" Afros.  Where are PNC finding these bais, their resumes look hatt hatt hatt.

Baseman lets be honest....

PPP were only pushing

Black Criminals,


Jagdeo was a Political Dunce....


Granger & Moses are eating up

 Jagdeo & Ramotar and

Spitting them out.


And I am glad

you are wiping that

Racist Bo-bo from your eyes

which messing up how you

see the new Guyana Govt.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Prashad:
Well said Sig. We East Indians of Guyana must always guard against racial hate towards us that comes in a disguised form. That is the reason why we must always keep the option on the table of an independent state for us Indians and our supporters.

sorry, in every instance where there is a claim for independence on ethnic claims there exists an primordial claim of ancestral lands. Indians can make no such claim here.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
Well said Sig. We East Indians of Guyana must always guard against racial hate towards us that comes in a disguised form. That is the reason why we must always keep the option on the table of an independent state for us Indians and our supporters.

sorry, in every instance where there is a claim for independence on ethnic claims there exists an primordial claim of ancestral lands. Indians can make no such claim here.

Granger said, Corentyne could be a country on its own-dem gat plenty talent. I will say to Prasahd-forge a change. Be progressive within Guyana. Show the rest of the country the way forward.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Have to say, thought PPP once said there was not enough "qualified" Afros.  Where are PNC finding these bais, their resumes look hatt hatt hatt.

And yet you call me a racist when I drew attention to that.


Now compare this with your typical PPP idiot.

Carib bai, you must have know, I was unhappy when the comment regarding "unqualified" Afros circulated some time ago.


On the other hand, don't call all "typical PPP" (Really mean Indians) Idiots.  His resume certainly looks impressive, but we must now see him deliver.


BTW, you are a racist.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Have to say, thought PPP once said there was not enough "qualified" Afros.  Where are PNC finding these bais, their resumes look hatt hatt hatt.

I think it is an assumption on the part of Blacks not to even apply for any position in an Indian government. .   

Quit your nonsense.  When they applied for work with the gov't or in certain Indo owned companies for jobs other then low level they were often told "wrong hair, is not Burnham time now". 


Folks like you love to pretend that the only racism which existed was when Burnham was in power.  The PPP and many of its elite supporters are equally guilty.  Now that many rush to impress Granger I can well imagine that SUDDENLY they can find qualified blacks to hire as professionals and managers.

I [somewhat] agree with you.  If the PPP was smart enough to share the honey around some more, they would still be in power.  Nuff nuff Afros would have gone for the honey.  Honey talks, bullsh1t walks!

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Have to say, thought PPP once said there was not enough "qualified" Afros.  Where are PNC finding these bais, their resumes look hatt hatt hatt.

I think it is an assumption on the part of Blacks not to even apply for any position in an Indian government. Believing they will not be considered. Also, maybe dey doan want no part of dem kulie ppl.


Now we have Granger-Indians will keep their distance, thinking the same as Blacks did.


I waiting to c when Granger goes to Civil Society and choose a completely unknown highly talented EI for a key position in his inner circle.   

Bai, me hear nuff Indians applying fuh jobs, Guysuco and others.  Granger now control the honey comb bai.  Everybody gon run daside now, C00lie and Blackman, Putagee and White man, Chinee and Buckman, all ahwe ah wan...when it comes to "honey".

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Under the present conditions the GPF will never be balance. Just look at the recent issue. Two EI policemen dismissed for the torture while an EI commissioner promoted them.  

seignet, your regressive spewing of racist bile of late makes me despair for Guyana


but, what exactly is the point you are making above, eh?



I believe u r reading me wrong.


We cannot fool ourselves of racism in Guyana.


Burnham blacks were terrible. They demanded sexual favours for food.For a coolie man to have cutlass fr his farming he had to get a special permit signed by atleast 3 black person. His cutlass was considered a weapon. 


It is no wonder, vegetation took over the villages, town and city. And GT became a dutty place. Cause and effect.


The good mayor, intimidated East Indians by twirling his revolver whilst talking to them. Many felt the kick of his booths. Some beaten. Others supposedly killed, a threatening man to Desmond Hoyte for wanting fair and free elections.


The Order of Roraima was bestowed upon him. Reconciled. Hoyte was rebuked for his Statesmanship.  


Before leaving Guyana in 1967, I felt the tyranny of racism. At Blairmont Sugar Estate, three black senior officials tried to get me fired-Curry, Parris and Tyrell. A coolie man even lost his job over 1/8 cake of salt soap. Black journeymen used to cover themselves with tarpaulin so taht I couldn't learn from them. Which they will shared before Burnham blacks took over.


 In 1979, as a graduate engineer, I returned to Guyana. Couldn't get a job at DEmba, Guysuco or the Ministry of Works.


Indians with Anglo names got scheduled interviews, when they showed up, the blacks saw a cooolieman. Without any explanation, the job was no longer available.


Shyte, fella Burnham Blacks tried their very best to marginalized EasT INdians.


I AM NOT A RAcist. But I experienced Burnham Black racism.


It is a pride thing for both black and indians.


I am happy for Granger, he cannot change our racism. The mere act of recognition of the mayor is downright racist. He honoured a man who is living example of a Burnham Black racist. It is an expression of piss on alyuh kulies. Granger is as old as the history of our racism. Doan tell me he doan know of the mayor's atroscities.


Now, for this. I watched an interview with our President and a young Black interviewer. I saw the pride in him. He was interviewed by a race, that were denied before. It was a privilize to speak to one of his own. And I doan consider taht to be racist. That is the reality.


I am yet to see a collie interviewer. The President would be more than to be interviewed. But weh dem dey. Are they racist or keeping dem distance.


Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Good choice.


Experience, talented, fair human being.


I know you have a problem with the man because he is a blackman Baseman, but there is no place in the new Guyana for your kind of racism.

Check my first post on the thread Mr "BT".  Reverting to "race" is a loser's approach.  I don't know the banna, but he has an impressive resume.

Your problem is: he is a blackman.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Under the present conditions the GPF will never be balance. Just look at the recent issue. Two EI policemen dismissed for the torture while an EI commissioner promoted them.  

seignet, your regressive spewing of racist bile of late makes me despair for Guyana


but, what exactly is the point you are making above, eh?



I believe u r reading me wrong.


We cannot fool ourselves of racism in Guyana.


Burnham blacks were terrible. They demanded sexual favours for food.For a coolie man to have cutlass fr his farming he had to get a special permit signed by atleast 3 black person. His cutlass was considered a weapon. 


It is no wonder, vegetation took over the villages, town and city. And GT became a dutty place. Cause and effect . . .

delusionary nonsense beyond measure! . . . no need to read beyond your 1st couple of paragraphs


but wait, ther's more . . . check your profound 'economic' wisdom here a couple of days ago:


Seignet: "Bauxite had a limited market, suh when the prospects dried up. The choice was made for the government. Close it up. Besides, they [blackman] had to pay for their sins of beating up the cooolie people living among them."


ahmmm . . . nothing "racist here" nuh?


i use the term "regressive" because long, long ago i had reason to point out that "[Linden] has not suffered enough" was not the proper posture for a believing Christian man (you) reflecting on the destitution visited upon that community by the vindictive, not-so-benign neglect policies of a racist PPP regime


seignet, you are an educated man, albeit one whose core racism, freighted with perverted end-of-days evil and malign intent, is beyond cure or reason . . . so, for all the above and much much more, please do not insist on insulting everybady's intelligence with your silly protestations . . . arite?

Last edited by Former Member

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