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Former Member

Economic downturn: Jordan blames ‘political instability’, Jagdeo cites incompetence


Monday, October 19 2015, Source


EXPLAINING the reasons which might have contributed to the slowdown of Guyana’s economy, Finance Minister Winston Jordan pointed to political instability, which he contends has plagued the country prior to the 2015 General and Regional Elections.  “When you have political instability or a political situation that is not normal people do several things. One they hold back on their investment. You tend to hold on to your money, some capital flight takes place where people try to get out their monies just in case, so unlike a tap that you can turn on and off with ease when people make those decisions it takes a while after political stability returns for those economic decisions now to be reversed,” Minister Jordan explained.

His comment were made during a recent interview with the Government Information Agency (GINA).

However, former finance minister, president and current Leader of the Opposition, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo, in a prior interview called the A Partnership for National Unity and Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) government out for what he termed incompetence.

“They have not presented a coherent plan for wealth creation and job creations,” he declared in a recent interview, “I have been talking to businessmen who fear for the future…they are fearful of the slowdown of the economy and the lack of direction and incompetence of the government to focus on issues that matter to job creation and the economy,” Jagdeo said.

In 2014, the growth of the economy was recorded at 3.8 per cent. A World Bank report in April 2015 stated that, “Growth slowed down in 2014 (3.8 percent) reflecting the softening in global commodity prices – mainly gold and bauxite.”

However, the World Bank projected that the economic outlook for Guyana is broadly positive. “Growth is projected to remain strong, averaging about 4 percent per year over the medium.”

The realization of this, according to Jagdeo, is threatened by the fact that APNU+AFC has “no coherent” economic plan.

“People are saying that we are waiting,” he had stated, adding that the current Administration is apparently still in “campaign mode” which is creating problems for the economy.

Jagdeo has also called on the APNU+AFC government to recognise their obligation to deal with the reality of Guyana’s economic troubles.

The Opposition Leader maintains his contention that “the economy is slowing down” and the measures touted by APNU+AFC do not reverse this situation.

“This budget operated on the flawed assumption that you can tackle economic development by only dealing with one element of the growth equation. It is a fallacy,” he said, explaining that increase an in private investment, private consumption, government spending, and net exports equals an better Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Guyana has recorded eight consecutive years of economic growth as at 2014.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Red Wine:

Jordan got the PNC fever to pass the buck around when things gone bad. Guyana is slipping into the grave like many had predicted. 

Guyana is not going anywhere. The lost of rice market and the downturn of gold would have been there. I am sure the US and the Canadians and the EU will drop cash where it is necessary. We will also recover rice markets. Sugar is another story. That need long term re engineering. Gold.... I wish we could do without it.Oil is cheap. We do not care for PetroCarbide anymore as a boost.  We can make money on this and not have the burden of paying millers.  This is a new revenue source.  Also, given our oil potential, our credit line is huge. We will get money to do what we have to do.


In my opinion, the APNU should start campaigning now by banking votes in areas of neglect. Give the  people in cow dam  New Amsterdam, for example, water and a road and they will show up at the polls.  Remove the 125 families from plastic city and you also have another loyal following.


Amerindians always vote for he ruling party. That means a loss of another two regions for the PPP. They can only consistently hold on to 4  districts by the numbers. They won seven and lost the Presidency. They are doomed to be in the shit box for another two decades.


Crime will come down given the crime lab and the DEA are going to be there. The PPP won or lost the last elections by a few percent. They cannot win on the numbers and since they have no history of good works in recent times they cannot win on their record. There is also no charismatic leader in their ranks. Jagdeo only appeal to Indians and he motivates non indians to the polls. Unfortunately, even if rice tanked that is a PPP constituency  in the economic dog house and no potential loss to the of votes of APNU. Rice will recover so the PPP loses here again


Both Jagdeo and Jordan are chatting nonsense.  With softening gold prices and continued problems with sugar and bauxite obviously the economy slows.  Rice is another issue, but the rice industry needs to learn to be more independent, relying on the gov't for SUPPORT and not for guarantees.


APNU/AFC have inherited a mess, and they were elected to fix it. Whining about what the PPP may or may not be doing is an excuse.  It is up to the gov't to sit down with the business community and to JOINTLY develop a way forward, while communicating that the days of crony capitalism are over.


Obviously much of the "growth" was focused in speculative sectors (real estate, construction and related to that, retail) and this was NOT sustainable.  The gov't needs to let the people know this.


APNU/AFC needs to focus on developing a real URBAN economy, which the PPP neglected.  Most Guyanese now work in or around urban areas.

Originally Posted by Nehru:


In 23 years what did the PPP run? What were the drivers of the economy? When did the balanced to books?


d2, caribj and others, you have become your own worse nightmare: apologists for the government's incompetence.  The afc/apnu are in power, now they own all good and bad that is happening in Guyana.  Jagdeo has a point, while in the opposition you folks claimed to know the solution to Guyana's economy, now you are in charge you have yet to reveal or implement your plans. Now you resort to finger pointing at the previous administration to explain away your own incompetence. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

d2, caribj and others, you have become your own worse nightmare: apologists for the government's incompetence.  The afc/apnu are in power, now they own all good and bad that is happening in Guyana.  Jagdeo has a point, while in the opposition you folks claimed to know the solution to Guyana's economy, now you are in charge you have yet to reveal or implement your plans. Now you resort to finger pointing at the previous administration to explain away your own incompetence. 

I am not a member of any club. I speak for my country. I have not seen incompetence from the government to date  that one can point to. I have had my say on the salary increases.


Jagdeo can only yammer useless bilge. 23 years and over millions of dollars to play around with in the petro carbide deal and rice had only one buyer. Add to that there was no value added industry an an convoluted  financial system of farmers funding millers who fund GPL who fund shippers who fund retailers and little trickling back to farmers. 150 million US of rice earnings went to fund projects other than rice.


Guyana has no way to go  but up.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

d2, caribj and others, you have become your own worse nightmare: apologists for the government's incompetence.  The afc/apnu are in power, now they own all good and bad that is happening in Guyana.  Jagdeo has a point, while in the opposition you folks claimed to know the solution to Guyana's economy, now you are in charge you have yet to reveal or implement your plans. Now you resort to finger pointing at the previous administration to explain away your own incompetence. 

I am not a member of any club. I speak for my country. I have not seen incompetence from the government to date  that one can point to. I have had my say on the salary increases.


Jagdeo can only yammer useless bilge. 23 years and over millions of dollars to play around with in the petro carbide deal and rice had only one buyer. Add to that there was no value added industry an an convoluted  financial system of farmers funding millers who fund GPL who fund shippers who fund retailers and little trickling back to farmers. 150 million US of rice earnings went to fund projects other than rice.


Guyana has no way to go  but up.

Why then do you feel compelled to make excuses for Guyana's troubles under this govt? Why don't you criticize them the same way you did PPP? You even found a way to rationalize/trivialize the 50% hike. When will all the far fetched plans of the afc/apnu be implemented to bring the country to prosperity and what is the tipover point that will force you to acknowledge their incompetence?

Originally Posted by ksazma:

Maybe they will improve but as of right now, the new government is hapless. Couldn't even intelligently explain the pay increase they gave themselves. 

Why are they hapless...because you say so? They only have to yell China and there is a stampeed to dump money for various and saundry projects. The US is already on stream with funds for crime, health and dozens of other targets. The brits have already given their word they will have money available and the Canadians are always on line helping us with the elections etc.

We also seem to be on the cusp of an endless funding stream of cash as soon as exxon declares a time frame for oil extraction. It means we will have credit line years in advance of even a drop of oil flowing. 


But what were the economic fundamentals of the PPP besides begging?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

d2, caribj and others, you have become your own worse nightmare: apologists for the government's incompetence.  The afc/apnu are in power, now they own all good and bad that is happening in Guyana.  Jagdeo has a point, while in the opposition you folks claimed to know the solution to Guyana's economy, now you are in charge you have yet to reveal or implement your plans. Now you resort to finger pointing at the previous administration to explain away your own incompetence. 

I am not a member of any club. I speak for my country. I have not seen incompetence from the government to date  that one can point to. I have had my say on the salary increases.


Jagdeo can only yammer useless bilge. 23 years and over millions of dollars to play around with in the petro carbide deal and rice had only one buyer. Add to that there was no value added industry an an convoluted  financial system of farmers funding millers who fund GPL who fund shippers who fund retailers and little trickling back to farmers. 150 million US of rice earnings went to fund projects other than rice.


Guyana has no way to go  but up.

Why then do you feel compelled to make excuses for Guyana's troubles under this govt? Why don't you criticize them the same way you did PPP? You even found a way to rationalize/trivialize the 50% hike. When will all the far fetched plans of the afc/apnu be implemented to bring the country to prosperity and what is the tipover point that will force you to acknowledge their incompetence?

No excuses...the PPP had only two drivers for the economy despite their endless lies of hidden robust bulwark to economic downturn. I questioned that premise here hundreds of times because we all ( except you of course) know they lied and had nothing going for them except the good fortune of gold prices ( destruction of the environment never crossed their minds) and Venezuela need for rice and willingness to barter with oil.


It is almost impossible for this government to fail. Even at half as bad as the PPP means incidental savings from graft and corruption.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Maybe they will improve but as of right now, the new government is hapless. Couldn't even intelligently explain the pay increase they gave themselves. 

Why are they hapless...because you say so? They only have to yell China and there is a stampeed to dump money for various and saundry projects. The US is already on stream with funds for crime, health and dozens of other targets. The brits have already given their word they will have money available and the Canadians are always on line helping us with the elections etc.

We also seem to be on the cusp of an endless funding stream of cash as soon as exxon declares a time frame for oil extraction. It means we will have credit line years in advance of even a drop of oil flowing. 


But what were the economic fundamentals of the PPP besides begging?

I am not interested in make believe. Until the things which you mentioned above materialize they have not done anything except give themselves a significant pay increase. That is their only real act so far. They are indeed hapless.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

d2, caribj and others, you have become your own worse nightmare: apologists for the government's incompetence.  The afc/apnu are in power, now they own all good and bad that is happening in Guyana.  Jagdeo has a point, while in the opposition you folks claimed to know the solution to Guyana's economy, now you are in charge you have yet to reveal or implement your plans. Now you resort to finger pointing at the previous administration to explain away your own incompetence. 

I am not a member of any club. I speak for my country. I have not seen incompetence from the government to date  that one can point to. I have had my say on the salary increases.


Jagdeo can only yammer useless bilge. 23 years and over millions of dollars to play around with in the petro carbide deal and rice had only one buyer. Add to that there was no value added industry an an convoluted  financial system of farmers funding millers who fund GPL who fund shippers who fund retailers and little trickling back to farmers. 150 million US of rice earnings went to fund projects other than rice.


Guyana has no way to go  but up.

Why then do you feel compelled to make excuses for Guyana's troubles under this govt? Why don't you criticize them the same way you did PPP? You even found a way to rationalize/trivialize the 50% hike. When will all the far fetched plans of the afc/apnu be implemented to bring the country to prosperity and what is the tipover point that will force you to acknowledge their incompetence?

No excuses...the PPP had only two drivers for the economy despite their endless lies of hidden robust bulwark to economic downturn. I questioned that premise here hundreds of times because we all ( except you of course) know they lied and had nothing going for them except the good fortune of gold prices ( destruction of the environment never crossed their minds) and Venezuela need for rice and willingness to barter with oil.


It is almost impossible for this government to fail. Even at half as bad as the PPP means incidental savings from graft and corruption.

The non resdident Guyanese buckman is now Ms. Cleo. Stick with cassava bread and piwari.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Maybe they will improve but as of right now, the new government is hapless. Couldn't even intelligently explain the pay increase they gave themselves. 

Why are they hapless...because you say so? They only have to yell China and there is a stampeed to dump money for various and saundry projects. The US is already on stream with funds for crime, health and dozens of other targets. The brits have already given their word they will have money available and the Canadians are always on line helping us with the elections etc.

We also seem to be on the cusp of an endless funding stream of cash as soon as exxon declares a time frame for oil extraction. It means we will have credit line years in advance of even a drop of oil flowing. 


But what were the economic fundamentals of the PPP besides begging?

I am not interested in make believe. Until the things which you mentioned above materialize they have not done anything except give themselves a significant pay increase. That is their only real act so far. They are indeed hapless.

Stormy still has his Santa Suit on from last Christmas, dat is how BRITE he is.


Jagdeo want the Govt bring back these Programs he (JAGDEO) set up where they can thief 24/7,


Drop the charges against "De Jenny" who ran these Programs and stole over One Billion Dollar......




And Bring Back "De Jenny" and "De Funny Fellas" to tell the new govt what to do with Govt Money.


And.....Reinstate all "dem thiefman" "Crab Louse" & "Parasite" who work for Jagdeo & Ramotar.


and....Stop all the Investigation of thiefing that happen before May 11th 2015.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

d2, caribj and others, you have become your own worse nightmare: apologists for the government's incompetence.  The afc/apnu are in power, now they own all good and bad that is happening in Guyana.  Jagdeo has a point, while in the opposition you folks claimed to know the solution to Guyana's economy, now you are in charge you have yet to reveal or implement your plans. Now you resort to finger pointing at the previous administration to explain away your own incompetence. 

druggie my response to you was that NEITHER the PPP nor APNU/AFC have the vaguest idea about what to do.


1.  the current gov't inherited a mess.


2.  you cannot point out what the PPP did that was so great that APNU/AFC aren't doing now.


The fact that the PPP is loud is a laugh.  Even in their ranting they are failing to say what the gov't ought to be doing.

Last edited by Former Member
Carib bai, sure the government just like the PPP had not done anything great. The problem, however, is that this government while in Opposition and during the last two general elections campaigns stated undoubtedly that they will do great things in government. With all their brilliant planning over the past 5 years they have done nothing but show their haplessness. Very disengenuous to now hide behind what the PPP did or are doing. The new government need to stand up and be counted instead of just counting their pay increases.
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

jag win

Who's incompetent Bharat?  This mess started since 2014?  Oow.  Nice one at passing the buck Bharat.


What I do know this melt down started since January 2015 it is all Bharat's fault.


However, what has the MINISTER OF FINANCE MR JORDAN done since he took office to turn around the economy?



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

d2, caribj and others, you have become your own worse nightmare: apologists for the government's incompetence.  The afc/apnu are in power, now they own all good and bad that is happening in Guyana.  Jagdeo has a point, while in the opposition you folks claimed to know the solution to Guyana's economy, now you are in charge you have yet to reveal or implement your plans. Now you resort to finger pointing at the previous administration to explain away your own incompetence. 

I am not a member of any club. I speak for my country. I have not seen incompetence from the government to date  that one can point to. I have had my say on the salary increases.


Jagdeo can only yammer useless bilge. 23 years and over millions of dollars to play around with in the petro carbide deal and rice had only one buyer. Add to that there was no value added industry an an convoluted  financial system of farmers funding millers who fund GPL who fund shippers who fund retailers and little trickling back to farmers. 150 million US of rice earnings went to fund projects other than rice.


Guyana has no way to go  but up.

Why then do you feel compelled to make excuses for Guyana's troubles under this govt? Why don't you criticize them the same way you did PPP? You even found a way to rationalize/trivialize the 50% hike. When will all the far fetched plans of the afc/apnu be implemented to bring the country to prosperity and what is the tipover point that will force you to acknowledge their incompetence?

Speaking truth to your lies is not excuse. Guyana had no economic legs to speak of. It lost its two main drivers on no account from the present admin but for except bad management of the previous administration and poor market prices on its second.


The only incompetence here is the visionless crooks who got kicked out. I have written here hundreds of times on their absence of preparedness and their lack of any real development projects.


Drugs and spending money you do no have on non productive boutique projects is not development. When this regime fail offer a creative macro economic development plan with multiple economic pillars I will complain.


Presently, they have to do t hat must be done, stem the hemorrhaging, seek external capital in grants and loans and infuse that in meaningful projects. That is their only path forward.


Originally Posted by Red Wine:

Jordan got the PNC fever to pass the buck around when things gone bad. Guyana is slipping into the grave like many had predicted. 

Guyana is headed to an Economic depression under a clueless PNC.

Last edited by Former Member

Prior to the election, the AFC/PNC claimed to a have all answers to Guyana's problems. 


PNC has no credibility by blaming their incompetence on the PPP. They either take responsibilities of their incompetence or the electorate will kick them in the rear for lying and deceiving them.


That is the reality.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Prior to the election, the AFC/PNC claimed to a have all answers to Guyana's problems. 


PNC has no credibility by blaming their incompetence on the PPP. They either take responsibilities of their incompetence or the electorate will kick them in the rear for lying and deceiving them.


That is the reality.



You got to wait for 2020.  That lil tough for you and Bharat eh.  LOL


You in the right place right now.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Prior to the election, the AFC/PNC claimed to a have all answers to Guyana's problems. 


PNC has no credibility by blaming their incompetence on the PPP. They either take responsibilities of their incompetence or the electorate will kick them in the rear for lying and deceiving them.


That is the reality.



You got to wait for 2020.  That lil tough for you and Bharat eh.  LOL


You in the right place right now.

First we take the Local Elections in April and then the National Elections.


PPP deserved a kick in the rear by losing. It needed a reality check.


Remember this, despite their best effort a New and Shiny AFC/PNC only won by ONE percent.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Prior to the election, the AFC/PNC claimed to a have all answers to Guyana's problems. 


PNC has no credibility by blaming their incompetence on the PPP. They either take responsibilities of their incompetence or the electorate will kick them in the rear for lying and deceiving them.


That is the reality.



You got to wait for 2020.  That lil tough for you and Bharat eh.  LOL


You in the right place right now.

First we take the Local Elections in April and then the National Elections.


PPP deserved a kick in the rear by losing. It needed a reality check.


Remember this, despite their best effort a New and Shiny AFC/PNC only won by ONE percent.

These are the fact:


APNUAFC won by 4,545 votes.


APNUAFC won the 33rd seat by 1 vote in Region 8.  APNUAFC 1,837 vs PPP 1,836.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
. The problem, however, is that this government while in Opposition and during the last two general elections campaigns stated undoubtedly that they will do great things in government.

And now the PPP is in the opposition, they fool themselves that they loeft Guyana in great shape, instead of at a cusp of disaster.  they also now pretend as if they can do better, even though this is NOT reflected in the ideas that they advance.


The difference is that PPP supporters screamed halleluia to Jagdeo, and interestingly still do.  There is vociferous opposition coming from APNU supporters about the salary increase, and more quietly about their lack of innovative and transformative ideas.


As GT Mosquito said "Honeymoon finish".

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Remember this, despite their best effort a New and Shiny AFC/PNC only won by ONE percent.

Remember that the PPP won less tahn 50% TWICE!


Guyanese grew tired of them.  The PPP will win most of the LGE given the rural dominance of the Indian vote.  Look to see what happens in G/town, Bartica and New Amsterdam if you wish to see evidence of the PPP growing in strength.


Until the PPP stops being a "coolie party" their future will become increasing dire.  NO party in Guyana can win based on support from a single ethnic group.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Speaking truth to your lies is not excuse. Guyana had no economic legs to speak of. It lost its two main drivers on no account from the present admin but for except bad management of the previous administration and poor market prices on its second.


The only incompetence here is the visionless crooks who got kicked out. I have written here hundreds of times on their absence of preparedness and their lack of any real development projects.


Drugs and spending money you do no have on non productive boutique projects is not development. When this regime fail offer a creative macro economic development plan with multiple economic pillars I will complain.


Presently, they have to do t hat must be done, stem the hemorrhaging, seek external capital in grants and loans and infuse that in meaningful projects. That is their only path forward.


The PPP left the Guyana in economic standing, it was only when the afc/apnu took over that we saw these declines. But let us pretend that you are correct, will you give us a timeline on when the govt will bring Guyana economic prosperity? What are their plans to fast track this? So far all you prattle about is stopping alleged hemorrhaging, but it looks like they just shifting money from one area to their pockets. 

Originally Posted by caribny:

druggie my response to you was that NEITHER the PPP nor APNU/AFC have the vaguest idea about what to do.


1.  the current gov't inherited a mess.


2.  you cannot point out what the PPP did that was so great that APNU/AFC aren't doing now.


The fact that the PPP is loud is a laugh.  Even in their ranting they are failing to say what the gov't ought to be doing.

They claim that they inherited a mess, was it comparable to what the pNC left to the PPP? So the way to fix a mess is filling their pockets with 50% increase and build up the army?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Prior to the election, the AFC/PNC claimed to a have all answers to Guyana's problems. 


PNC has no credibility by blaming their incompetence on the PPP. They either take responsibilities of their incompetence or the electorate will kick them in the rear for lying and deceiving them.


That is the reality.



Prior to the election, the country SEEMED TO BE in a great position, but when they (PPP) LOST THE ELECTION everything seemed to fall apart when in fact it was never together in the first place.

The Alliance now looks stupid to some who wear blinders,but to others, despite the govt's screw ups, they still take the present Govt to what they previously had.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The PPP left the Guyana in economic standing, it was only when the afc/apnu took over that we saw these declines. But let us pretend that you are correct, will you give us a timeline on when the govt will bring Guyana economic prosperity? What are their plans to fast track this? So far all you prattle about is stopping alleged hemorrhaging, but it looks like they just shifting money from one area to their pockets. 

Exactly how?


1.  Sugar in deep trouble with its unit production costs triple its unit revenues.  Druggie if some one produces at 45c, and then gets paid 15c is that a company in good shape.


2.  Gold prices dropping.  Gold being the sector which pulled Guyana foreard since 2008.



3. Rice onky surviving because it was being sold to a belligerent bully, who frequently invaded Guyanese terriory to seize, or evict propertyy not belonging to them, and on ocassion even assaulted Guyanese.


So really how did the PPP excel?  By building a cadre of "business men" who engaged in money laundering based on tax evasion, smuggling undeclared gold, smuggling drugs, guns and fuel, etc.  The proceeds being laundered through construction and retail.


You should know by now that one cannot build a sustainable economy based on a bubble.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
. The problem, however, is that this government while in Opposition and during the last two general elections campaigns stated undoubtedly that they will do great things in government.

And now the PPP is in the opposition, they fool themselves that they loeft Guyana in great shape, instead of at a cusp of disaster.  they also now pretend as if they can do better, even though this is NOT reflected in the ideas that they advance.


The difference is that PPP supporters screamed halleluia to Jagdeo, and interestingly still do.  There is vociferous opposition coming from APNU supporters about the salary increase, and more quietly about their lack of innovative and transformative ideas.


As GT Mosquito said "Honeymoon finish".

Maybe Guyana was left in a bad economic shape. I am not admitting, denying nor making excuses for that. However, the current government has to fix it because that is what the voters expected. The PPP and their supporters may talk till they are blue in the face. That means nothing. What matters is what the government will do to give the voters the good life they promised them. Somehow their supporters seem to want to live in the past.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

They claim that they inherited a mess, was it comparable to what the pNC left to the PPP? So the way to fix a mess is filling their pockets with 50% increase and build up the army?

The trend was already there with Guysuco bankrupting Guyana.   How can an industry survive if its productions costs are 3X its revenues?



Originally Posted by ksazma:

Maybe Guyana was left in a bad economic shape. I am not admitting, denying nor making excuses for that. However, the current government has to fix it because that is what the voters expected. The PPP and their supporters may talk till they are blue in the face. That means nothing. What matters is what the government will do to give the voters the good life they promised them. Somehow their supporters seem to want to live in the past.

The PPP screamed "28" years and even in 2015 were still screaming about a man who died THIRTY years ago.


Five months into its administration the APNU/AFC is still entitled to talk about what they inherited.  Even as we speak the PPP is still screaming "28" years! So the notion that they do not want any discussion of their "23" years is a joke.

Originally Posted by caribny:


1.  Sugar in deep trouble with its unit production costs triple its unit revenues.  Druggie if some one produces at 45c, and then gets paid 15c is that a company in good shape.


2.  Gold prices dropping.  Gold being the sector which pulled Guyana foreard since 2008.



3. Rice onky surviving because it was being sold to a belligerent bully, who frequently invaded Guyanese terriory to seize, or evict propertyy not belonging to them, and on ocassion even assaulted Guyanese.


So really how did the PPP excel?  By building a cadre of "business men" who engaged in money laundering based on tax evasion, smuggling undeclared gold, smuggling drugs, guns and fuel, etc.  The proceeds being laundered through construction and retail.


You should know by now that one cannot build a sustainable economy based on a bubble.

Given all of the above, do you think the Coalition Government is now experiencing buyers remorse or is the promise of big salaries and perks is enough of an incentive for them?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Maybe Guyana was left in a bad economic shape. I am not admitting, denying nor making excuses for that. However, the current government has to fix it because that is what the voters expected. The PPP and their supporters may talk till they are blue in the face. That means nothing. What matters is what the government will do to give the voters the good life they promised them. Somehow their supporters seem to want to live in the past.

The PPP screamed "28" years and even in 2015 were still screaming about a man who died THIRTY years ago.


Five months into its administration the APNU/AFC is still entitled to talk about what they inherited.  Even as we speak the PPP is still screaming "28" years! So the notion that they do not want any discussion of their "23" years is a joke.

The only difference is that this government campaigned on the idea that they were different. That they are not like the old PNC or PPP. That they have the brains to do better. That they are morally rich. That they yearn to serve the Guyanese people. So far, all they have done is make empty threats and allegation. And oh yes, give themselves a big pay increase.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

They claim that they inherited a mess, was it comparable to what the pNC left to the PPP? So the way to fix a mess is filling their pockets with 50% increase and build up the army?

The trend was already there with Guysuco bankrupting Guyana.   How can an industry survive if its productions costs are 3X its revenues?



I wonder how much were the losses in the sugar industry compared to what we spend on the army?  Just asking!  I ain't hitting our boys in uniform.

Last edited by Former Member

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