Brian Max is a Bad ass
@ Skeldon_man
Is that ....
etc., etc., etc..
Rochelle and Totaballs always quote the PNC thugs and terrorists. They never post anything here what the observers have experienced. Looks like anytime they see the observers' statements they seem to be crossing their legs.
Just posted on APNU FB. these irresponsible comments can have serious implication.
Will the PPP/C and the other parties join in seeking an injunction to prevent the swearing in of the lone Granger?
Region 4 winner declared!
APNUAFC won the 2020 General Elections of Guyana!!! Celebrations everywhere. Have a wonderful night everyone!!!!!
From a column I did last year (SN: Sep 29, 2019): "Having said that, is it just guile which allows the president to go against the very constitution of his hero, Forbes Burnham? That tinkered Burnham-Shahabuddeen constitution, which Professor Rudy James noted was built on the foundation of a one-party or dictatorial constitution of Tanzania?
I donât think it was guile. It was power! As a thought experiment, ask yourself whether the PPP could have delayed elections for close to one year if it had lost a no-confidence vote. As Mr. Ravi Dev said, the PNCR controls the âdisruptive arms of the State.â I like to think about it this way: the PNCR had a credible strategy of destabilisation when it was in opposition and the PPP/C has none. The PNC demonstrated this clearly after the 1997 general election. The protests established the conditions for the more violent outcomes after the jailbreak in February 2002. In other words, the PNCR has de facto power and the PPP/C does not. When in government the PPP/C has to hope the âdisruptive arms of the Stateâ provides it with some de jure power. This fact has not yet been considered in the PPP/Câs post-2015 strategy set.
Mr. James Bond and Mr. Rickford Burke of the APNU/AFC have placed a target on my back and that includes my family. They want to publisize where I live so their goons can attack me.
This is the type of Government Guyana has.
Decent people are being targeted because they stand up for.
Dave, can you dig a little bit more into the Gaskin fallout? Seems like the coalition is about to fall apart.
@Former Member
stay safe and don't stress bro, thanks for the selection updates
On a lighter note...the caretaker security minister is singing like a bangamary to the ABCEU diplomats
@Former Member Rochelle and tota from day one was pnc die hard was not hard to miss but ahyu boy jhango had a lot of yâall fooled- rub shoulder and hang with yall for a good while as neutral. Didnât fool me though, knew he was a snake. He even achieve moderator status and sanction Free speech in PNC favor for a good while before he was busted and strip. Kinda remind me the devil bitch Claudette ...I think they are related...
Heard some rumors, but will see what i can get.
Django did say he knew who is Totaram.
ITâS 11PM....
And Iâm forced to report that all is not well in our country.
1. RO Mingo is preparing to make a declaration based on a fraudulent ascertaining process.
2. The Statements of Poll were scanned and projected on the stained bed sheet/cardboard contraption that served as a screen.
3. The Statements of Poll were evidently tampered with. There were visible alterations...figures changed, numbers scratched out and replaced.
4. The physical infrastructure and circumstances of the facility used leaves much to be desired.
5. There were boisterous mobs outside the GECOM High Street Office who physically prevented free ingress and egress by persons entitled by law to be present, verbally assaulted persons trying to do so and actually hit some persons going into the office, including me.
6. Even though the proffered excuse for the shift in venue was the availability of equipment to comply with the CJâs ruling, there was similar equipment at Ashminâs and preparations under the supervision of PA to the CEO, Duarte Hetsberger, were ongoing since yesterday.
7. The Police condoned the behavior of the mob, because even though they observed clearly breaking the law were left to do so.
But alas...I am aware that representatives of several parties are prepared to make requests for recounts and I not that the Chairman made certain pronouncements about the recount process.
This is a sad and dark day in the history of Guyana. I really never envisaged that my beloved country would have to suffer through in 2020, or ever again!!
RO Mingo refused to allow any requests for objections to be filed. Whisked away under heavy presence!!!
Picture was moments before the process was completed
RO Mingo refused to allow any requests for objections to be filed. Whisked away under heavy presence!!!
Picture was moments before the process was completed.
With the declaration of region 4 result, is now left to see what declaration the chairwoman will make... interesting times ahead for Guyana.
Interestingly, the only 'witness' who signed was the embattled APNU+AFC Coalition's Carol Joseph.
This is a clear attempt to obfuscaste the conspiracy between the PNCR-led APNU+AFC Coalition and complicit GECOM officials â a conspiracy to perpetrate electoral fraud â which led to signature of Volda Lawrence appearing on last weekâs fraudulent declaration for Region 4.
The fact remains that in ALL nine other Regions, only the stamp and signature of the Returning Officer was on the official declarations of election results in those areas. This move will not absolve those implicated in the private criminal charges that have been filed with the court

For days now Mr Lowenfield was preparing a site with chairs outside of the GECOM headquarters. The Commissioners saw it and they didnt know why. Tonight the plan was revealed. The police were brought to the site in large numbers, they allowed APNU+AFC protesters to have free reign outside. The protesters were allowed to abuse the media, candidates and observers and also, prevented them from getting in.
Then the RO showed up with a police escort, made the fradualent declaration then was surrounded by police and taken away before the party agents had a chance to give him the request for a recount.
There are some elements in the Guyana Police Force that are working as part of the APNU+AFC plan to rig the elections. We have already identified them to the international community and will expose the others.
The party will speak more on this issue tomorrow.
If amral gives Django this site after his bullshit rationalizing of the theft of our nation's franchise I will not be here. Let this f u***king one die. I cannot abide with the those who deliberately sought to ruin my country with crass and ignorant lies. Actually, I am deleting my name.