Putagee man is good man. If it was a Blackman he would a buss up she face and bruk she foot.
Cain should witness what PNC has in store for Putagee.
Yearwood in defending himself is arrested by the Police while Carol is allowed to continue threatening persons.
@Former Member I am Totaram. Tolaram a me mamoo from tap side.
Association of criminals dictators and *******s ACDA
Totaram is busted once again for her lies. That woman had no right approaching Yearwood. He was already leaving.
This APNU/AFC junkie was sent to attack persons who objected to the rigging of elections at GECOM.
Cain ran from Guyana since 1975. He was not there during the years when Burnham became a lunatic and madman.
She had to be a junkie to charge Yearwood unprovoked. Maybe she is related to that PTSD poster here. He too acts like a junkie.
People will see what they want to see. Don't try and convince them @Totaram. Hitting is apparently allowed and accepted. Of course if the tables were turned....
On a related note, realize how PPP/C reps have become silent on social media? The GECOM process will continue and conclude and they cannot stop it. They were present and chose to walk out. That was their choice.
Declaration to be made shortly. Forward ever, backward NEVER.
So Rochelle, yuh have any plans to attend the crabdance celebrations?
Statement from the Secretary-General of the Commonwealth on Guyana
2460 2384 71 2
On 11 March 2020, the Acting Chief Justice of Guyana was unambiguous that public and transparent tabulation of the Statement of Polls is required to ensure the credibility of the process and address continued contentions regarding the tabulation and declaration of election results.
I am deeply concerned that the Returning Officer for Region 4 has so far refused to comply with the ruling of the Court.
Further, it is regrettable that contempt of court proceedings against the Guyana Elections Commission had to take place today 13 March. This morningâs 13 March ruling from the Chief Justice leaves no doubt that the Returning Officer for Region 4 is now required to ensure that all those present can transparently view the actual Statement of Polls during the tabulation process. The tabulation of results in Region 4 must be fully conducted in accordance with the ruling of the Acting Chief Justice.
The Commonwealth Charter, to which Guyana ascribes, recognises the inalienable right of individuals to participate in democratic processes, in particular through free and fair elections in shaping the society in which they live.
There is still time for the Guyana Elections Commission, including the Chairperson, the Commissioners, the Chief Elections Officer, and Returning Officer for Region 4 to ensure democracy is preserved in Guyana. The people of Guyana are fully deserving of this.
I have noted the concerns contained in previous statements issued by the Commonwealth Observer Group in Guyana, and those issued by other observers and member governments on the ongoing vote tabulation process in Guyana. If the tabulation of Region 4 results is not immediately and satisfactorily addressed in accordance with the ruling of the Acting Chief Justice, this would represent a serious violation of the fundamental political values of the Commonwealth.
Try not to be too generous with the crabs though.
Thanks Dave. More to come. Granger will be so isolated, he would wish to exchange places with Saddam Hussein right now.
Look ya'll try wid dem, I dont tek too long fuh trip out pon foolish people. Trust me budday this nonsense at Gecom is overbearing.Nothing but a circus of jokers. Who dem foolin not me..The law mek a judgement and the Retarded officer sorry Returning Officer keep breaching the process. Big people walk out pon dem cause is a set a wrong numbers dem calling out with inflation in certain areas. Meh got friends all over and most of them is afro brothers and sisters. Dont feel this is bout race, the average person out deh would tell u is bare stupidness goin on at Gecom..Another show tomorrow who Goin.....

These are the things APNU-PNC CHRISTIAN supporters want u guys to Believe as they sit quietly watching our country enter UNCHARTED TERRITORY...
I need no friends or family who supports this blatant theft of our DEMOCRATIC RIGHT to choose our GOVERNMENT
I received some text concerning me calling out Christians for their HYPOCRISY..
Why the police didn't arrest Carol the same as how they arrested Yearwood. It took two to tangle and that monkey carol instigated the scrummage.
Yes it is the same mingo voice you hearing
box by box.
Looks like the Party start at state house
@Former Member please note the correct tabulation which was published and can be found on GECOM's website:
Fellas look at this video clearly at 0:18 - and you will see who is the aggressor
Let GECOM produce the original SOPâs with the serial numbers and case closed. If not let the licks begin!!
A Afro speaks.....
Police allows APNU/AFC thugs sent to threaten and intimidate those exposing the rigged elections while they refuse to let accredited representatives of political parties past the very barricades.
Today is a product of PPP antimanishness for 23 years. PNC donât give one shyte what jagdeo says. They will find accommodation with the western world and carry on.
PPP coolies, ayuh guh suck wind. Cuss the Blackman for joining the military, he lazy, want free food. Cuss the white man, dem want exploit we.
Well ayuh be contented mekking nuf nuf money, big house, nice car and couple woman. And who canât, cut cane, kech fish and plant garden. And there is defined the success of coolie society. Meanwhile Blackman joined the services, eat free and carry the gun.
PNC knows who control Guyana. If the end, who has the guns makes the rules!
According to Vincent Alexander on Prime News, the count for Region 4 General is complete. They are now doing Regional.
I would presume swearing-in is in short order when completed with declaration.
That theory was applicable 25 years ago, these are the days of internet, cell phone cameras, twitter etc, .Sanctions and embargo have Iran , Cuba and Venezuela starving. Venezuela has oil, but they have shortages for medical supplies, food and other essential products.
Let the PNC try deh, there will be a South American Uprising, and when Uncle Sam comes he will do a Two for ONE.
Base,what ratio of Indians to blacks in the GDF or GPF do you think is necessary to neutralize what the PNC did this week and last?
Donât worry about GDF, the US army is mightier than all. And Brigadier Mark Phillips is no spring chicken.
@Former Member,
Thank you for posting a 2014 photo of Venezuela.
Don't forget to cite your source from the Business Insider!
Source: https://www.businessinsider.co...-in-venezuela-2014-2
That will be a reflection of Guyana under a PNC RIGGED government.
I asked Base a few days ago that while he knew since 2011 that the PNC would pull this stunt if they ever got back into government, he never said a word. He continued to keep that information to himself when information like that could bring people to consider what they were getting into when they voted like bosses back in 2015. One cannot sit on such information and now argues that Indians not being in the GDF and GPF is why the PNC can do what they did this week and next week. Base has still not told me why he kept that information to himself but that is fine with me as it is not my business really. The moment that the AFC had that Valentines Day kiss of death with the PNC I stopped seeing the AFC as credible.
The picture was posted to show people like you where Guyana is heading dummy
The silence from PPP/C supporters is deafening. They were always the first to post online, contesting this or that. Always the first to host a press conference, always the first to demand justice.
Where is Anil now? Sanjeev? Irfaan? Jagdeo? Anyone home? Perhaps they have come to the realization that all the noise, threats, outcries and demands have come to nought.
Perhaps they are planning their next move, but however destructive, Mr. Granger will be sworn in, and the Americas will find a way to still broker a deal to gain access to our oil. ExxonMobil is still at play here, and oil prices will bounce back by the time they are due to extract.
See you all at the swearing in.
kp, Guyana already had those long lines for everything. By the time I left Guyana in 1987, people were eating boil and fry for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And that boil and fry was made possible because of Indian farmers.
Havenât heard a word from AFC and WPA? What happened? They are afraid of the Dictator.
ACDA and their families should be the first to receive international sanctions. Black power ended when Burnham put all of them in jail in the 1970s. Someone should remind them.
The trouble is that even if the PNC gets their dirty crooked hands on the oil money they will not know how to properly utilize it. But I don't think they will get their hands on it. The PNC insulted the US Ambassador today and we all know how Trump doesn't like black people. God bless Trump and God bless the USA.
Look story hay - rockfell clocking out.. she finish she 12 hour wok . I hope the door en hit she on the way out.
@ksazma, Joe Biden is about to be elected the new US President. Wishful thinking that Trump will be around for the next 4 years.
Bhai Kaz, Wasn't it the same reason he run to uncle Sam... just look at them banna this.
Bibi come in ... what you think about Base comment.
Them boys you asking about are having sex with some Black bunnies, while Granger is screwing the country.
Maybe you would like to be with those boys? other than with an old man dying of cancer.

The big squeeze
The low price of oil will test governments in the Middle East and Africa
With less cash to bribe the people, some strongmen will resort to repression
âIn the history of any nation there are special moments and seminal events,â said President Uhuru Kenyatta in August. He was celebrating Kenyaâs entry to the club of oil producers with a symbolic shipment of 200,000 barrels. âThe first export of crude oil by our nation...marks a special moment in our history,â he declared.
Politicians love oil. Selling it generates easy money for governments; much easier than taxing citizens, who might then demand services, democracy and good governance. Petrodollars also lubricate patronage networks. They can be used to buy votes, silence rivals or, if that fails, fund a comfortable retirement abroad.
Don't count on it Rochelle. White people don't like black people either.
Was Ramjattan invited to the victory party?
@Former Member where is your source?!
Looks like Rochelle wet she panty ...
Follow the link for yourself.
I am no fan of Bharat Jagdeo or Irfan Ali. I campaigned vigoursly against them and for the APNU + AFC coalition in these, and in previous, elections.
I consider the new smaller parties to be a mixed bag of decent Guyanese, political opportunists and disgruntled persons - i.e. no different from any other party. For the record, I consider Jonathan Yearwood to be a decent Guyanese and a person I respect. I was sorry to see what happened to him today
I believe I am a rational person capable of independent thinking, despite my political affiliation. Given all that has taken place over the last twelve days I am not sufficiently convinced that the results of the Region 4 elections as declared by the GECOM RO last Thursday (March 5th) accurately reflect the results recorded on the various statements of poll collected from the 879 polling stations.
I see worse than this happening to Guyana because at least these people have oil on their land where they can reach it. Guyana is so fvcked that theirs in in the sea where Guyana cannot get to it. They will not know that the oil has been drawn and the proceeds deposited into a frozen account in the US.
So Rochelle still here? Looks like she was not invited to the celebrations.
She was asking for Jagdeo, Friday night Action.
@Dave. I never lived one single day under PPP rule. We all knew what the GDF under the PNC represented. My reference to the failure of the PPP relates to their 23 years. I was long gone.
@Ksazma Regarding what I heard in 2011 while with the AFC, I mentioned that multiple times over the years on this forum. That's why I was so apprehensive about the PNC taking power. But dem Coolie crabs wanted to see the back of Jagdeo! Maybe you missed in, but I mentioned it several times.
Ayuh full with excuses for the strategic failure of the PPP which produced today. Not like Indians did not join, they did, but in small numbers. How did Gajraj, Joe Singh, etc rise in the GDF?
PNC now got lil oil money coupled with the Venezuela threat, they will increase the forces to 10,000 with 95% Afros and PPP days done!
AFCâs Gaskin says not âsufficiently convincedâ about Region Four ROâs figures

This story is developing and will be updated.
Alliance For Change (AFC) executive Dominic Gaskin today said he was not âsufficiently convincedâ that the results declared by the Returning Officer (RO) for Region Four on March 5th accurately reflected the statements of poll from the 879 polling stations.
In a Facebook post tonight, he said had a difficulty accepting that all the persons and organizations who have so far deemed the process to lack credibility have gotten it wrong.
He said he also has a difficulty understanding why GECOM, specifically the Region 4 RO, would not be bending over backwards to convince the various observers that his tabulation process was sound and the results credible.
The RO, Clairmont Mingo has been roundly criticised by the observer groups for not complying with the the order on Wednesday of Chief Justice Roxane George.
@Baseman.. nah tek worries bhai, we like pull each other foot. What story hay with Granger son in law
Granger son in law should seek safety lol
Revolting against the establishment.
Base, I have never heard you mention that 2011 encounter prior to very recently and I am here 24/7. Maybe you did when I didn't visit Political as almost all of my early times were spent on Social.
Rochelle and Totaballs always quote the PNC thugs and terrorists. They never post anything here what the observers have experienced. Looks like anytime they see the observers' statements they seem to be crossing their legs.
Dave, are there any rumors or talk of approaching the court to file an election petition or challenging the SOP count process?
@Ksazma, I don't have to go and seek them out. As I said, I mentioned it on several occasions and as to why I did not trust any alliance with the PNC. This, among others, was part of my distrust of the AFC's strategy against the PPP. If you missed it, well that does not mean I did not mention and on several occasions.
@Dave, regarding Gaskin, me hear a lil rumor there is a back story!
Heh Heh --- ayo watch story hay. Remember Brian Maxx, Django Source that there was no protest - ayo listen
No worries Base. I accept your explanation. I have never had the reason to question your credibility. I was just musing that maybe you did when I did not visit Political. back in the days, Social was where I preferred.
Bryan Maxx sounds really pissed there.
Bhai, all them main stream media carrying this story. Look at the comments and check out Guyana news.- more Black people speaking out.
There is more fall out- watch whats going on. they afraid of the sanction - lol
@Former Member, big up Maxx Headroom!!!!
Granger/Coalition will get a more difficult time to rule Guyana than the past term. Oil will not save them!
@Former Member: If the US and the EU along with the other countries impose sanctions on them, doesn't it mean the oil money would be sanctioned too and they can't touch it?
Brian Max is a Bad ass
@ Skeldon_man
Is that ....
etc., etc., etc..
Rochelle and Totaballs always quote the PNC thugs and terrorists. They never post anything here what the observers have experienced. Looks like anytime they see the observers' statements they seem to be crossing their legs.
Just posted on APNU FB. these irresponsible comments can have serious implication.
Will the PPP/C and the other parties join in seeking an injunction to prevent the swearing in of the lone Granger?
Region 4 winner declared!
APNUAFC won the 2020 General Elections of Guyana!!! Celebrations everywhere. Have a wonderful night everyone!!!!!
From a column I did last year (SN: Sep 29, 2019): "Having said that, is it just guile which allows the president to go against the very constitution of his hero, Forbes Burnham? That tinkered Burnham-Shahabuddeen constitution, which Professor Rudy James noted was built on the foundation of a one-party or dictatorial constitution of Tanzania?
I donât think it was guile. It was power! As a thought experiment, ask yourself whether the PPP could have delayed elections for close to one year if it had lost a no-confidence vote. As Mr. Ravi Dev said, the PNCR controls the âdisruptive arms of the State.â I like to think about it this way: the PNCR had a credible strategy of destabilisation when it was in opposition and the PPP/C has none. The PNC demonstrated this clearly after the 1997 general election. The protests established the conditions for the more violent outcomes after the jailbreak in February 2002. In other words, the PNCR has de facto power and the PPP/C does not. When in government the PPP/C has to hope the âdisruptive arms of the Stateâ provides it with some de jure power. This fact has not yet been considered in the PPP/Câs post-2015 strategy set.
Mr. James Bond and Mr. Rickford Burke of the APNU/AFC have placed a target on my back and that includes my family. They want to publisize where I live so their goons can attack me.
This is the type of Government Guyana has.
Decent people are being targeted because they stand up for.
Dave, can you dig a little bit more into the Gaskin fallout? Seems like the coalition is about to fall apart.
@Former Member
stay safe and don't stress bro, thanks for the selection updates
On a lighter note...the caretaker security minister is singing like a bangamary to the ABCEU diplomats
@Former Member Rochelle and tota from day one was pnc die hard was not hard to miss but ahyu boy jhango had a lot of yâall fooled- rub shoulder and hang with yall for a good while as neutral. Didnât fool me though, knew he was a snake. He even achieve moderator status and sanction Free speech in PNC favor for a good while before he was busted and strip. Kinda remind me the devil bitch Claudette ...I think they are related...
Heard some rumors, but will see what i can get.
Django did say he knew who is Totaram.
ITâS 11PM....
And Iâm forced to report that all is not well in our country.
1. RO Mingo is preparing to make a declaration based on a fraudulent ascertaining process.
2. The Statements of Poll were scanned and projected on the stained bed sheet/cardboard contraption that served as a screen.
3. The Statements of Poll were evidently tampered with. There were visible alterations...figures changed, numbers scratched out and replaced.
4. The physical infrastructure and circumstances of the facility used leaves much to be desired.
5. There were boisterous mobs outside the GECOM High Street Office who physically prevented free ingress and egress by persons entitled by law to be present, verbally assaulted persons trying to do so and actually hit some persons going into the office, including me.
6. Even though the proffered excuse for the shift in venue was the availability of equipment to comply with the CJâs ruling, there was similar equipment at Ashminâs and preparations under the supervision of PA to the CEO, Duarte Hetsberger, were ongoing since yesterday.
7. The Police condoned the behavior of the mob, because even though they observed clearly breaking the law were left to do so.
But alas...I am aware that representatives of several parties are prepared to make requests for recounts and I not that the Chairman made certain pronouncements about the recount process.
This is a sad and dark day in the history of Guyana. I really never envisaged that my beloved country would have to suffer through in 2020, or ever again!!
RO Mingo refused to allow any requests for objections to be filed. Whisked away under heavy presence!!!
Picture was moments before the process was completed
RO Mingo refused to allow any requests for objections to be filed. Whisked away under heavy presence!!!
Picture was moments before the process was completed.
With the declaration of region 4 result, is now left to see what declaration the chairwoman will make... interesting times ahead for Guyana.
Interestingly, the only 'witness' who signed was the embattled APNU+AFC Coalition's Carol Joseph.
This is a clear attempt to obfuscaste the conspiracy between the PNCR-led APNU+AFC Coalition and complicit GECOM officials â a conspiracy to perpetrate electoral fraud â which led to signature of Volda Lawrence appearing on last weekâs fraudulent declaration for Region 4.
The fact remains that in ALL nine other Regions, only the stamp and signature of the Returning Officer was on the official declarations of election results in those areas. This move will not absolve those implicated in the private criminal charges that have been filed with the court

For days now Mr Lowenfield was preparing a site with chairs outside of the GECOM headquarters. The Commissioners saw it and they didnt know why. Tonight the plan was revealed. The police were brought to the site in large numbers, they allowed APNU+AFC protesters to have free reign outside. The protesters were allowed to abuse the media, candidates and observers and also, prevented them from getting in.
Then the RO showed up with a police escort, made the fradualent declaration then was surrounded by police and taken away before the party agents had a chance to give him the request for a recount.
There are some elements in the Guyana Police Force that are working as part of the APNU+AFC plan to rig the elections. We have already identified them to the international community and will expose the others.
The party will speak more on this issue tomorrow.
If amral gives Django this site after his bullshit rationalizing of the theft of our nation's franchise I will not be here. Let this f u***king one die. I cannot abide with the those who deliberately sought to ruin my country with crass and ignorant lies. Actually, I am deleting my name.