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Former Member



I created a thread like this a few years ago. Our community recently sent out a flyer on emergency preparedness with a list of necessary precautions. This and the fact my friend in Sonoma California lost his home and everything but the clothes on his back in a fire,  reminds me that I should once again heighten awareness that this is a very important aspect of modern life. You need to ask yourself that in case of a disaster, are you prepared? Disasters do not tell you they are coming and they can come in one of a thousand faces.


Think on it.... I will come back later to address the obvious that steps everyone should take. You can start if you think of the obvious.

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First rule: Do not take advice from  sofa survivalists. Take the time to get a good book on the subject or read up on it from the internet or look for survivalist meet ups in your neighborhood and take the time to go. Most of the survival information in general  will be over simplified. You need to arm yourself with information on your own initiative because this is a matter of life and death.




Often with respect to survival of air mishaps, the ones who listened to the routine address by the stewardess about air safety are the ones that survives. The lot of you would rather be reduced to scavenging in event a disaster scenario plays out in your neighborhood than show some enthusiasm for this topic.


In our lifetime we have seen and some have personally experienced or know what I am talking about. From Hurricane ravaged New Orleans,  to Flood devastated South Carolina or fire scourged California disaster stalks all of us.


But we are faced with even more possibility of devastation in every day events, dam bursting, power plants going down, oil spill, gas explosions or any other failures of technology that results in threatening our lives. We have no control of these things but we can prepare to survive if only we take the time to prepare.


For example if cell towers are down and you have to evacuate your neighborhood how will you reunite with relatives if they are caught in different parts of the state or city while the event unfold? Those of you who lived through 9/11 knew what I am talking about. Take the time to prepare yourselves in the eventuality you do have to abandon your home with seconds to spare.


What it means to BUG OUT.

This word came from survivalists or more generally, "preppers" who Prep pr prepare for disaster as a matter of daily life.


To "bug out" means to abandon home or place of security for the "wild yonder" were one would be without life's necessities and where one has to rely on the barest minimum to survive.


To prepare to bug out, every family member must have a special pre prepared backpack secured at an easily accessible place and retrievable in seconds, packed with what is necessary to survive in the environment in which one find themselves. For urban dwellers this is essentially a 72 hour care package. For rural residents, it would be what one need for long term survival.

Last edited by Former Member

Rule of thumb

Disasters will bring out the worse in people. Often we are deluded to think it brings out the best in us but this is not borne out with the facts. If there is wide spread destruction in your city and the lights go out   there will be  looting almost immediately. If that goes on for an extended period, desperate people will do desperate things. Do not depend on others helping you.


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