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Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

 Prior to the shootings there was no violence and that which occurred later happened because the crowd was enraged by the brutality showed to it.


On the contrary, the protesters blocked off the main route to the interior and in Buxtonian Freedom Fighter style demanded $25k toll from miners and others traveling through. Buildings and heavy construction equipments were set on fire and police officers, sent to keep the peace were attacked viciously by the protesters. This was the prelude to the event that left three protesters dead.

AFTER the attack by the police some of these events occurred.


Stop telling LIES.


THE POLICE WERE NOT ATTACKED.  Had this been so you would certainly have ample videos to show them having to protect themseve sfrom vioient crowds.


Yes since then there is criminal activity, but the police will rather prevent protests which were initiually peaceful than deal with this.  So no wonder some feel free to predate.


It was widely reported that prior to the police attack attempts by some to loot was stopped by the protestors who handed the recalcitrants over to the police.


How come you didnt report that part...but rather attempt to engage in lies.


Listen idiot even the police have not officially said that they werew under attack.  Guns fired by certain officers which the police force admits to used weapons not part of the GPF arsenal.


Its this behavior that is the reason behind the complete rejection of the African/mixed population ofr the PPP.  This conniving bitchy and racist attitude.


For this reason people do not have the confidence that any inquiry by the govt will have any real credibility and Guyana will lurch from crisis to crisis with no real progress for the bulk of its peoples.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

. . . the protesters blocked off the main route to the interior and in Buxtonian Freedom Fighter style demanded $25k toll from miners and others traveling through. Buildings and heavy construction equipments were set on fire and police officers, sent to keep the peace were attacked viciously by the protesters.This was the prelude to the event that left three protesters dead.

The desperate PPP lies have now become so in-your-face and incautious . . . one wonders about the limits of real-world evil these 'people' are capable of


I bet Asad said the same did did...Mubarak. There comes a time when those feel marginalized are no longer tolerant of autocrats.


The worse part is that since this fiasco started the PPP has acted just as obstinately and stupidly as those leaders mentioned above. You may not agree with them but the first rule of conflict resolution is you do not seek to aggravate already open wounds. You begin to address the problem from a needs based point of view in order to transform the conflict to something other than a stand off. \



In a few weeks, the only option will be to go in with a massive show of force and shut the place down. In time these people will lean to live with their condition and not a damn thing could be done with them. Ramotar better get off his fat bench warming backside and show his face to citizens he hope to govern.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The time has come for the residents to remove the blockage on the roads

And why should they lose their negotiating position when the PPP is more interesting in demonizing them rather than honestly sitting down with them?


How come you arent asking the PPP what are they doing to sit down with these people?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

This commonness by GINA [and the wages of PPP antimen posting it on GNI] is what my taxes are being used for . . . and, YES, I pay rates & taxes in Guyana.


in 2012 . . . how absurd!

 I cannot believe Ramotar or any prudent people in the PPP knows of this. This is the circus crew from Misir and Kwame's malice workshop. One can distinctly get the base aroma of excreting lower lifeforms here.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

This commonness by GINA [and the wages of PPP antimen posting it on GNI] is what my taxes are being used for . . . and, YES, I pay rates & taxes in Guyana.


in 2012 . . . how absurd!

 I cannot believe Ramotar or any prudent people in the PPP knows of this. This is the circus crew from Misir and Kwame's malice workshop. One can distinctly get the base aroma of excreting lower lifeforms here.

Ramotar knows of it.  He sends his GINA thugs to spread lies in the hope that it turns the rest of Guyana off Lindeners.  Neither he nor the rest of the PPP understand that they will never solve their problems with this behavior.


Look at how one of their stooges, ronald sugrim says that it is NONSENSE to discuss these issues.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

 Prior to the shootings there was no violence and that which occurred later happened because the crowd was enraged by the brutality showed to it.


On the contrary, the protesters blocked off the main route to the interior and in Buxtonian Freedom Fighter style demanded $25k toll from miners and others traveling through. Buildings and heavy construction equipments were set on fire and police officers, sent to keep the peace were attacked viciously by the protesters. This was the prelude to the event that left three protesters dead.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

 Prior to the shootings there was no violence and that which occurred later happened because the crowd was enraged by the brutality showed to it.


On the contrary, the protesters blocked off the main route to the interior and in Buxtonian Freedom Fighter style demanded $25k toll from miners and others traveling through. Buildings and heavy construction equipments were set on fire and police officers, sent to keep the peace were attacked viciously by the protesters. This was the prelude to the event that left three protesters dead.

still trying to force feed the BIG LIE, eh?


Tell us:


(i) the Mackenzie-Wismar bridge being 'occupied' by protesters on July 18 (prior to the murders), what "main route" to the interior were the extorted being permitted to use . . .?


(ii) what specific building(s) were "set on fire" prior to the deadly confrontation with Police on the bridge?


take all the time you need . . . antiman

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

 Prior to the shootings there was no violence and that which occurred later happened because the crowd was enraged by the brutality showed to it.


On the contrary, the protesters blocked off the main route to the interior and in Buxtonian Freedom Fighter style demanded $25k toll from miners and others traveling through. Buildings and heavy construction equipments were set on fire and police officers, sent to keep the peace were attacked viciously by the protesters. This was the prelude to the event that left three protesters dead.

You know you can keep on repeating a lie but that doesnt make it the truth.  What ever violence that occurred happened AFTER the police killed 3 people.  Criminal activities which occurred before resulting in the protesters catching those men and handing them over to the police.  They cannot be held responsible if the police subsequently released them.


You all cant even show a video or a cell phone lpic with p[olice ducking for civer from gun shots and bottles and yet you persist.


Sugrim do you see why we do not trust any PPP administered inquiry?  These lie scome straight from the PPP so how objective are they going to be?  In fcat how TRUTHFUL will they be?


I don't think Jagdeo has the power like he had before.  Jagdeo is a strategic thinker.  Would he have removed the subsidized electricity from Linden.  He never did when he was President.  I don't think he would have done so now.


Also Jagdeo never fired Freddy when he was President. He sued Freddy but never fired him. So I don't think Jagdeo is as powerfull now as most people think.

Open letter to the people of LindenPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Donald Ramotar, President, Republic of Guyana   
Tuesday, 07 August 2012 21:50
In an open letter to the people of Linden, President Donald Ramotar has pledged never to abandon the mining community, and to work with them to secure their well-being.
Following is the full text of the letter:

President Donald Ramotar

I AM aware of the great hardships and difficulties that you people are facing as a result of the blockading of roads and bridges within your community.
Through no fault of yours, you are being subjected to unnecessary and needless suffering. I also share in your pain and grief and the pain caused by the tragic incidents of July 18, when three of your citizens were killed and many others wounded. On that infamous day, property was also destroyed in arson attacks, leaving many persons without jobs.
I have committed to a comprehensive Commission of Inquiry into these incidents. Work is being finalised so as to have consensus on the terms of reference of the commission and its inquiry. I believe that justice will be achieved.
As President, I have undertaken to have an inclusionary approach to deal with all your concerns, including the electricity issue which precipitated the events of July 18, last. I have put on hold the new electricity tariffs and will appoint a committee to review all dimensions of this issue and to recommend options for a resolution of the problem.
This electricity problem preceded the election of the PPP/C to the office in 1992. By then the bauxite industry was in dire straits. In order to remove the financial burdens on the then bauxite company, the government was forced to assume responsibility for electricity and for the two hospitals. At the time also, the price of fuel was below US$20 per barrel. These prices have since increased astronomically, at times peaking as high as US$140 per barrel. It is because of the rise in fuel prices that the subsidy provided for electricity in Linden became unsustainable. As a result, changes were necessary.
The government never intended to remove the subsidy applied to electricity, and we are not removing the subsidy as was so dishonestly told to you. This was never our intention.
We proposed a phased programme of reductions of the subsidy. This phased reduction would have resulted in gradual increases in tariffs in a way that would have avoided hardships. We also suggested other models to minimize the impact of the increases on the vulnerable, such as bauxite pensioners. At the same time, we aimed to encourage conservation. All of these things were not told to you because desperate ‘extremists’ wanted to use this issue to promote their personal agenda for power.
The organisers of the blockades are hurting Linden and causing deep suffering to interior communities in Regions 7, 8 and 9. The hurt is not just because of what of is happening now, but also its likely effects on the future of Linden. Jobs of Lindeners are being placed in jeopardy. The call centre in Linden could face closure soon. Bosai is also being hurt. This can but only discourage that company from making the future investments that it had planned, investments that would have redounded to the benefit of the people of Linden.
The actions of the extremists are therefore jeopardizing the future of your community. Linden, as a destination for future investments, is being harmed by what is taking place at present. These actions must be halted before they inflict further harm to the future development of Linden.
I therefore urge a restoration to normalcy in the town and an end to unlawful actions.
Linden has never been neglected by the PPP/C Administrations. You are all, I am sure, well aware of the steps that we have taken over the years to support the community of Linden. We will continue to promote development in Linden.
You have my solemn pledge that my government will never abandon you, but will work with you to secure your well-being.

Yours truly

Donald Ramotar
President, Republic of Guyana

More words.


The whole of Guyana is lacking in one form or the other.


Does Ramotar realizes he is addressing Lindeners-they know exactly their hardships. And I doan think the President was ever aware of their situation.


Maybe he still doan know and never will care to know.


Maybe the people of Linden want jobs. The PPP doan know how to do that.


The Private Sector Commission (PSC) says a number of people are losing their jobs and several businesses may soon be forced to end operations if the ongoing stand-off in Linden continues.

Ronald Webster

Chairman of the PSC, Ronald Webster, said the crisis is approaching a ‘tipping point’ that could have dire consequences if left unresolved.

“People are losing their jobsâ€Ķ I believe we are approaching the tipping point if this problem does not end within the next 24 to 48 hours, the result could be seriousâ€Ķ we understand that Toucan Connections has decided to lay off its employeesâ€Ķ Bosai, which had a massive investment plan, is thinking again because they cannot even get their managers into the plant,” he said.

The PSC Chairman pointed out that significant investment in the mining sector is being curtailed, causing economic hardships for people in a number of communities which utilise Linden as the main access point.

“There is a lot of potential investment in mining, a lot of it will require a route through Linden to access minesâ€Ķ as it is the most economical way to transport equipmentâ€Ķ a problem in this nature is reflected on the stock exchange of USA and Canada, so immediately, it begins to impact investment in Guyana,” Webster said.

The Linden unrest, now approaching its fourth week, intensified after three protestors were shot dead by security forces on July 18.

The PSC, in a press release the following day, said it was deeply disturbed at the loss of life, damage to property and breakdown of law and order at Linden. The Commission said it was gravely concerned at the use of deadly force by the police and appealed for restraint by the security forces


well the stupid ppp goverment think that linden is not inportant to guyana so they left the problem to get worse,i bet non of the fool think that linden is the gateway to the gold fields now it is not easy to fix the problem without losing face and that is what the ppp cannot stand,what they want to do now is send the army to make things worse.ramotar you cannot keep asking the black people to shoot black people. 

Originally Posted by seignet:

More words.


The whole of Guyana is lacking in one form or the other.


Does Ramotar realizes he is addressing Lindeners-they know exactly their hardships. And I doan think the President was ever aware of their situation.


Maybe he still doan know and never will care to know.


Maybe the people of Linden want jobs. The PPP doan know how to do that.

No he doesnt know or care.  Black people are stupid fools who just follow "extremists".


Looking at this situation two things jump out.


1.  The AFC is tryimng to regain its credibility with the people who voted for them in 2006 but who didnt in 2011.  The AFC is tgoo weak and lacking in credibility in Linden to be able to mobilize any one do to anything, especially something as dangerous as a protest of black people in Guyana, where avolley of bullets can be expected...tear gas at a minimum.


2.  APNU doesnt appear to be that involved in the protest, apparently only enough to not lose credibility among people who might otherwise lambaste them for not supporting those who voted for them.



It does appear that a group of Lindeners are initiating this action. I will not say most Lindeners as I dont know, but enough to make APNU nervous enough to not be invisible.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Private Sector Commission (PSC) says a number of people are losing their jobs and several businesses may soon be forced to end operations if the ongoing stand-off in Linden continues.

Ronald Webster

Chairman of the PSC, Ronald Webster, said the crisis is approaching a ‘tipping point’ that could have dire consequences if left unresolved.

“People are losing their jobsâ€Ķ I believe we are approaching the tipping point if this problem does not end within the next 24 to 48 hours, the result could be seriousâ€Ķ we understand that Toucan Connections has decided to lay off its employeesâ€Ķ Bosai, which had a massive investment plan, is thinking again because they cannot even get their managers into the plant,” he said.

The PSC Chairman pointed out that significant investment in the mining sector is being curtailed, causing economic hardships for people in a number of communities which utilise Linden as the main access point.

“There is a lot of potential investment in mining, a lot of it will require a route through Linden to access minesâ€Ķ as it is the most economical way to transport equipmentâ€Ķ a problem in this nature is reflected on the stock exchange of USA and Canada, so immediately, it begins to impact investment in Guyana,” Webster said.

The Linden unrest, now approaching its fourth week, intensified after three protestors were shot dead by security forces on July 18.

The PSC, in a press release the following day, said it was deeply disturbed at the loss of life, damage to property and breakdown of law and order at Linden. The Commission said it was gravely concerned at the use of deadly force by the police and appealed for restraint by the security forces

Well apparently this is a case of too little too late and Lindeners have heard many promises and few results.


Maybe now the various stakeholderes will sit down and discuss a proper plan for Linden to allow it to rise to its full potential.   The fact is that for the time being the cheapest way to the interior is via Linden, and the interior is now vital to the economy so Linden can no longer be ignored.


The PSC needs to stop drinking PPP soup and use its full force as it represents the most powerful private sector interests in Guyana so should tell the govt what it wants done....not whimpering for a few hand outs, fearful of angering the govt.


What creative solutions do they have?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Linden is not a state within a state

Why didnt the PPP tell Lindeners of their plans BEFORE the election.  If increassing electricity is so important then they  theyshoild have told Lindeners this long ago.


But instead they tried to fool them with false promises and are now angered that Lindeners didnt bite.

Originally Posted by Conscience:
Open letter to the people of LindenPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Donald Ramotar, President, Republic of Guyana   
Tuesday, 07 August 2012 21:50

.........In order to remove the financial burdens on the then bauxite company, the government was forced to assume responsibility for electricity and for the two hospitals. At the time also, the price of fuel was below US$20 per barrel. These prices have since increased astronomically, at times peaking as high as US$140 per barrel. It is because of the rise in fuel prices that the subsidy provided for electricity in Linden became unsustainable. As a result, changes were necessary.
The government never intended to remove the subsidy applied to electricity, and we are not removing the subsidy as was so dishonestly told to you. This was never our intention.
We proposed a phased programme of reductions of the subsidy. This phased reduction would have resulted in gradual increases in tariffs in a way that would have avoided hardships. We also suggested other models to minimize the impact of the increases on the vulnerable, such as bauxite pensioners. At the same time, we aimed to encourage conservation. All of these things were not told to you because desperate ‘extremists’ wanted to use this issue to promote their personal agenda for power...........

Yours truly

Donald Ramotar
President, Republic of Guyana

BOSAI's supply of cheap electricity is a subsidy of the GoG.  This sounds much more realistic as no private Corp will volunteer to supply power at such a deep discount to the community at-large many of whom don't even work for BOSAI.


The PNC extremists aided and abetted by their side-kicks in the AFC are using the incident for a power grab.  This calls into question the entire shooting incident itself.  This is a brutal and cruel game being played out on the people of Linden so a few "sacrificial lambs" are not outside the realm of possibilities.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Conscience:
Open letter to the people of LindenPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Donald Ramotar, President, Republic of Guyana   
Tuesday, 07 August 2012 21:50

.........In order to remove the financial burdens on the then bauxite company, the government was forced to assume responsibility for electricity and for the two hospitals. At the time also, the price of fuel was below US$20 per barrel. These prices have since increased astronomically, at times peaking as high as US$140 per barrel. It is because of the rise in fuel prices that the subsidy provided for electricity in Linden became unsustainable. As a result, changes were necessary.
The government never intended to remove the subsidy applied to electricity, and we are not removing the subsidy as was so dishonestly told to you. This was never our intention.
We proposed a phased programme of reductions of the subsidy. This phased reduction would have resulted in gradual increases in tariffs in a way that would have avoided hardships. We also suggested other models to minimize the impact of the increases on the vulnerable, such as bauxite pensioners. At the same time, we aimed to encourage conservation. All of these things were not told to you because desperate ‘extremists’ wanted to use this issue to promote their personal agenda for power...........

Yours truly

Donald Ramotar
President, Republic of Guyana

BOSAI's supply of cheap electricity is a subsidy of the GoG.  This sounds much more realistic as no private Corp will volunteer to supply power at such a deep discount to the community at-large many of whom don't even work for BOSAI.


The PNC extremists aided and abetted by their side-kicks in the AFC are using the incident for a power grab.  This calls into question the entire shooting incident itself.  This is a brutal and cruel game being played out on the people of Linden so a few "sacrificial lambs" are not outside the realm of possibilities.

What the possibility of this being true? .00001%


Go peddle this nonsense to the people of Linden who lost loved ones at the hands of the PPP police. See if they don't throw a pot of stale piss on your head. 

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Conscience:
Open letter to the people of LindenPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Donald Ramotar, President, Republic of Guyana   
Tuesday, 07 August 2012 21:50

.........In order to remove the financial burdens on the then bauxite company, the government was forced to assume responsibility for electricity and for the two hospitals. At the time also, the price of fuel was below US$20 per barrel. These prices have since increased astronomically, at times peaking as high as US$140 per barrel. It is because of the rise in fuel prices that the subsidy provided for electricity in Linden became unsustainable. As a result, changes were necessary.
The government never intended to remove the subsidy applied to electricity, and we are not removing the subsidy as was so dishonestly told to you. This was never our intention.
We proposed a phased programme of reductions of the subsidy. This phased reduction would have resulted in gradual increases in tariffs in a way that would have avoided hardships. We also suggested other models to minimize the impact of the increases on the vulnerable, such as bauxite pensioners. At the same time, we aimed to encourage conservation. All of these things were not told to you because desperate ‘extremists’ wanted to use this issue to promote their personal agenda for power...........

Yours truly

Donald Ramotar
President, Republic of Guyana

BOSAI's supply of cheap electricity is a subsidy of the GoG.  This sounds much more realistic as no private Corp will volunteer to supply power at such a deep discount to the community at-large many of whom don't even work for BOSAI.


The PNC extremists aided and abetted by their side-kicks in the AFC are using the incident for a power grab.  This calls into question the entire shooting incident itself.  This is a brutal and cruel game being played out on the people of Linden so a few "sacrificial lambs" are not outside the realm of possibilities.

What the possibility of this being true? .00001%


Go peddle this nonsense to the people of Linden who lost loved ones at the hands of the PPP police. See if they don't throw a pot of stale piss on your head. 

As much as it being not true.  Some of the extremists in Linden are an extension of the Buxton FF who will stop at nothing to further their agenda.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Conscience:
Open letter to the people of LindenPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Donald Ramotar, President, Republic of Guyana   
Tuesday, 07 August 2012 21:50

.........In order to remove the financial burdens on the then bauxite company, the government was forced to assume responsibility for electricity and for the two hospitals. At the time also, the price of fuel was below US$20 per barrel. These prices have since increased astronomically, at times peaking as high as US$140 per barrel. It is because of the rise in fuel prices that the subsidy provided for electricity in Linden became unsustainable. As a result, changes were necessary.
The government never intended to remove the subsidy applied to electricity, and we are not removing the subsidy as was so dishonestly told to you. This was never our intention.
We proposed a phased programme of reductions of the subsidy. This phased reduction would have resulted in gradual increases in tariffs in a way that would have avoided hardships. We also suggested other models to minimize the impact of the increases on the vulnerable, such as bauxite pensioners. At the same time, we aimed to encourage conservation. All of these things were not told to you because desperate ‘extremists’ wanted to use this issue to promote their personal agenda for power...........

Yours truly

Donald Ramotar
President, Republic of Guyana

BOSAI's supply of cheap electricity is a subsidy of the GoG.  This sounds much more realistic as no private Corp will volunteer to supply power at such a deep discount to the community at-large many of whom don't even work for BOSAI.


The PNC extremists aided and abetted by their side-kicks in the AFC are using the incident for a power grab.  This calls into question the entire shooting incident itself.  This is a brutal and cruel game being played out on the people of Linden so a few "sacrificial lambs" are not outside the realm of possibilities.

What the possibility of this being true? .00001%


Go peddle this nonsense to the people of Linden who lost loved ones at the hands of the PPP police. See if they don't throw a pot of stale piss on your head. 

As much as it being not true.  Some of the extremists in Linden are an extension of the Buxton FF who will stop at nothing to further their agenda.

Why even go there when you know it's not true. Then anyone else can come up with all kinds of hare brained theories similar to this one.


You are sounding like those idiots who claim that Bush blew up the towers on 9/11.

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Conscience:
Open letter to the people of LindenPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Donald Ramotar, President, Republic of Guyana   
Tuesday, 07 August 2012 21:50

.........In order to remove the financial burdens on the then bauxite company, the government was forced to assume responsibility for electricity and for the two hospitals. At the time also, the price of fuel was below US$20 per barrel. These prices have since increased astronomically, at times peaking as high as US$140 per barrel. It is because of the rise in fuel prices that the subsidy provided for electricity in Linden became unsustainable. As a result, changes were necessary.
The government never intended to remove the subsidy applied to electricity, and we are not removing the subsidy as was so dishonestly told to you. This was never our intention.
We proposed a phased programme of reductions of the subsidy. This phased reduction would have resulted in gradual increases in tariffs in a way that would have avoided hardships. We also suggested other models to minimize the impact of the increases on the vulnerable, such as bauxite pensioners. At the same time, we aimed to encourage conservation. All of these things were not told to you because desperate ‘extremists’ wanted to use this issue to promote their personal agenda for power...........

Yours truly

Donald Ramotar
President, Republic of Guyana

BOSAI's supply of cheap electricity is a subsidy of the GoG.  This sounds much more realistic as no private Corp will volunteer to supply power at such a deep discount to the community at-large many of whom don't even work for BOSAI.


The PNC extremists aided and abetted by their side-kicks in the AFC are using the incident for a power grab.  This calls into question the entire shooting incident itself.  This is a brutal and cruel game being played out on the people of Linden so a few "sacrificial lambs" are not outside the realm of possibilities.

What the possibility of this being true? .00001%


Go peddle this nonsense to the people of Linden who lost loved ones at the hands of the PPP police. See if they don't throw a pot of stale piss on your head. 

As much as it being not true.  Some of the extremists in Linden are an extension of the Buxton FF who will stop at nothing to further their agenda.

Why even go there when you know it's not true. Then anyone else can come up with all kinds of hare brained theories similar to this one.


You are sounding like those idiots who claim that Bush blew up the towers on 9/11.

Tell me why you think it's not plausible?  The police are 75% Afro and voted in that proportion for the PNC.  All police at Linden that day were Afro so tell me why that scenario is not plausible?  I'm not saying it definitely is what happened, just not outside the realm of possibilities.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Conscience:
Open letter to the people of LindenPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Donald Ramotar, President, Republic of Guyana   
Tuesday, 07 August 2012 21:50

.........In order to remove the financial burdens on the then bauxite company, the government was forced to assume responsibility for electricity and for the two hospitals. At the time also, the price of fuel was below US$20 per barrel. These prices have since increased astronomically, at times peaking as high as US$140 per barrel. It is because of the rise in fuel prices that the subsidy provided for electricity in Linden became unsustainable. As a result, changes were necessary.
The government never intended to remove the subsidy applied to electricity, and we are not removing the subsidy as was so dishonestly told to you. This was never our intention.
We proposed a phased programme of reductions of the subsidy. This phased reduction would have resulted in gradual increases in tariffs in a way that would have avoided hardships. We also suggested other models to minimize the impact of the increases on the vulnerable, such as bauxite pensioners. At the same time, we aimed to encourage conservation. All of these things were not told to you because desperate ‘extremists’ wanted to use this issue to promote their personal agenda for power...........

Yours truly

Donald Ramotar
President, Republic of Guyana

BOSAI's supply of cheap electricity is a subsidy of the GoG.  This sounds much more realistic as no private Corp will volunteer to supply power at such a deep discount to the community at-large many of whom don't even work for BOSAI.


The PNC extremists aided and abetted by their side-kicks in the AFC are using the incident for a power grab.  This calls into question the entire shooting incident itself.  This is a brutal and cruel game being played out on the people of Linden so a few "sacrificial lambs" are not outside the realm of possibilities.

What the possibility of this being true? .00001%


Go peddle this nonsense to the people of Linden who lost loved ones at the hands of the PPP police. See if they don't throw a pot of stale piss on your head. 

As much as it being not true.  Some of the extremists in Linden are an extension of the Buxton FF who will stop at nothing to further their agenda.

Why even go there when you know it's not true. Then anyone else can come up with all kinds of hare brained theories similar to this one.


You are sounding like those idiots who claim that Bush blew up the towers on 9/11.

Tell me why you think it's not plausible?  The police are 75% Afro and voted in that proportion for the PNC.  All police at Linden that day were Afro so tell me why that scenario is not plausible?  I'm not saying it definitely is what happened, just not outside the realm of possibilities.

The possibility of me being God is greater than this crap you're peddling.


Don't insult my intelligence. Save that for when you're knocking back a large under a Berbice bottom house.

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by baseman:


BOSAI's supply of cheap electricity is a subsidy of the GoG.  This sounds much more realistic as no private Corp will volunteer to supply power at such a deep discount to the community at-large many of whom don't even work for BOSAI.


The PNC extremists aided and abetted by their side-kicks in the AFC are using the incident for a power grab.  This calls into question the entire shooting incident itself.  This is a brutal and cruel game being played out on the people of Linden so a few "sacrificial lambs" are not outside the realm of possibilities.

What the possibility of this being true? .00001%


Go peddle this nonsense to the people of Linden who lost loved ones at the hands of the PPP police. See if they don't throw a pot of stale piss on your head. 

As much as it being not true.  Some of the extremists in Linden are an extension of the Buxton FF who will stop at nothing to further their agenda.

Why even go there when you know it's not true. Then anyone else can come up with all kinds of hare brained theories similar to this one.


You are sounding like those idiots who claim that Bush blew up the towers on 9/11.

Tell me why you think it's not plausible?  The police are 75% Afro and voted in that proportion for the PNC.  All police at Linden that day were Afro so tell me why that scenario is not plausible?  I'm not saying it definitely is what happened, just not outside the realm of possibilities.

The possibility of me being God is greater than this crap you're peddling.


Don't insult my intelligence. Save that for when you're knocking back a large under a Berbice bottom house.

Sure, the possibility of you being "god" may be greater than the scenario I put forward as God is an entity in one's mind and if you convince yourself you are "god" over a specific domain, then you are.


I don't wish to insult your intelligence, this is why I proposed the scenario within the context of race, politics and voting in Guyana. With that, why don't you think it's a plausible scenario?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by baseman:


BOSAI's supply of cheap electricity is a subsidy of the GoG.  This sounds much more realistic as no private Corp will volunteer to supply power at such a deep discount to the community at-large many of whom don't even work for BOSAI.


The PNC extremists aided and abetted by their side-kicks in the AFC are using the incident for a power grab.  This calls into question the entire shooting incident itself.  This is a brutal and cruel game being played out on the people of Linden so a few "sacrificial lambs" are not outside the realm of possibilities.

What the possibility of this being true? .00001%


Go peddle this nonsense to the people of Linden who lost loved ones at the hands of the PPP police. See if they don't throw a pot of stale piss on your head. 

As much as it being not true.  Some of the extremists in Linden are an extension of the Buxton FF who will stop at nothing to further their agenda.

Why even go there when you know it's not true. Then anyone else can come up with all kinds of hare brained theories similar to this one.


You are sounding like those idiots who claim that Bush blew up the towers on 9/11.

Tell me why you think it's not plausible?  The police are 75% Afro and voted in that proportion for the PNC.  All police at Linden that day were Afro so tell me why that scenario is not plausible?  I'm not saying it definitely is what happened, just not outside the realm of possibilities.

The possibility of me being God is greater than this crap you're peddling.


Don't insult my intelligence. Save that for when you're knocking back a large under a Berbice bottom house.

Sure, the possibility of you being "god" may be greater than the scenario I put forward as God is an entity in one's mind and if you convince yourself you are "god" over a specific domain, then you are.


I don't wish to insult your intelligence, this is why I proposed the scenario within the context of race, politics and voting in Guyana. With that, why don't you think it's a plausible scenario?

I was referring to the God of the religious folk.


There were hundreds of people on the bridge. Many people saw the police gunning down the protesters. The crime chief has accepted that the police discharged their guns at the protesters. You said before that the police used force beyond what was necessary. What more do you want?


But after parting ways with the AFC, you have an axe to grind so you introduce this nonsense that there is a possibility that the AFC planted people in the crowd to shoot the protesters so they could use it to blame the PPP. What a bunch of hogwash. 


I have a better chance of winning the powerball lottery tonight than your baloney turning out to be true. I should make a stop at the gas station and pick up my tickets.

Last edited by Mars

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