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Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Conscience:
Open letter to the people of LindenPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Donald Ramotar, President, Republic of Guyana   
Tuesday, 07 August 2012 21:50

BOSAI's supply of cheap electricity is a subsidy of the GoG.  This sounds much more realistic as no private Corp will volunteer to supply power at such a deep discount to the community at-large many of whom don't even work for BOSAI.


The PNC extremists aided and abetted by their side-kicks in the AFC are using the incident for a power grab.  This calls into question the entire shooting incident itself.  This is a brutal and cruel game being played out on the people of Linden so a few "sacrificial lambs" are not outside the realm of possibilities.

Similar to the PAC/PPP and the Enmore Incident.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

 Prior to the shootings there was no violence and that which occurred later happened because the crowd was enraged by the brutality showed to it.


On the contrary, the protesters blocked off the main route to the interior and in Buxtonian Freedom Fighter style demanded $25k toll from miners and others traveling through. Buildings and heavy construction equipments were set on fire and police officers, sent to keep the peace were attacked viciously by the protesters. This was the prelude to the event that left three protesters dead.

 You straight up lie. Hopefully the PPP is not taking this lie as its central message because they will be found out to be liars.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Whatever it takes to exterminate terrorists and extremists. Wipe them out.

Totally agree...wipe out the terrorist who shoot women and children in the back at linden...from top to bottom...


Terrorists are those in Linden who destroy and burn private property and block public roads. Because they want to pay $ 5 per kilowatt while the rest of the country pay $ 53 or more for electricity.

The rest of Guyana cannot subsidize Linden with Billions of dollars.

What would it take for you and the PPP to figure that terrorist are the ones with the guns who shoot women and children in the back? Maybe when them turn on yall and stuck gun up yuh kakahole and pull the trigger until it go click...


Threats will not prevent me or anyone else from speaking out against terrorists and bullies. 

Hey keyboard warrior...weren't you the one who cried like ah baby and ran away from GNI after some verbal blows

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by baseman:

BOSAI's supply of cheap electricity is a subsidy of the GoG.  This sounds much more realistic as no private Corp will volunteer to supply power at such a deep discount to the community at-large many of whom don't even work for BOSAI.


The PNC extremists aided and abetted by their side-kicks in the AFC are using the incident for a power grab.  This calls into question the entire shooting incident itself.  This is a brutal and cruel game being played out on the people of Linden so a few "sacrificial lambs" are not outside the realm of possibilities.

What the possibility of this being true? .00001%


Go peddle this nonsense to the people of Linden who lost loved ones at the hands of the PPP police. See if they don't throw a pot of stale piss on your head. 

As much as it being not true.  Some of the extremists in Linden are an extension of the Buxton FF who will stop at nothing to further their agenda.

baseman doubling down on ignar 'logic'


doesn't even make the grade as junior high sophistry

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Conscience:
Open letter to the people of LindenPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Donald Ramotar, President, Republic of Guyana   
Tuesday, 07 August 2012 21:50

BOSAI's supply of cheap electricity is a subsidy of the GoG.  This sounds much more realistic as no private Corp will volunteer to supply power at such a deep discount to the community at-large many of whom don't even work for BOSAI.


The PNC extremists aided and abetted by their side-kicks in the AFC are using the incident for a power grab.  This calls into question the entire shooting incident itself.  This is a brutal and cruel game being played out on the people of Linden so a few "sacrificial lambs" are not outside the realm of possibilities.

Similar to the PAC/PPP and the Enmore Incident.

Ramotar is a coward. Why doesn't he go to Linden and speak to the people? This letter will back fire on him and the PPP Oligarchs.

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by God:

The possibility of me being God is greater than this crap you're peddling.


Don't insult my intelligence. Save that for when you're knocking back a large under a Berbice bottom house.

Sure, the possibility of you being "god" may be greater than the scenario I put forward as God is an entity in one's mind and if you convince yourself you are "god" over a specific domain, then you are.


I don't wish to insult your intelligence, this is why I proposed the scenario within the context of race, politics and voting in Guyana. With that, why don't you think it's a plausible scenario?

I was referring to the God of the religious folk.


There were hundreds of people on the bridge. Many people saw the police gunning down the protesters. The crime chief has accepted that the police discharged their guns at the protesters. You said before that the police used force beyond what was necessary. What more do you want?


But after parting ways with the AFC, you have an axe to grind so you introduce this nonsense that there is a possibility that the AFC planted people in the crowd to shoot the protesters so they could use it to blame the PPP. What a bunch of hogwash. 


I have a better chance of winning the powerball lottery tonight than your baloney turning out to be true. I should make a stop at the gas station and pick up my tickets.

I do believe it was excessive force but the point I made, one cannot rule out deliberate actions from elements within the police.  It's just a scenario that's why I referred to the PNC influence in the GPF.  Frankly, I'm still baffled by the force used against the protestors.


I have no specific axe with the AFC, I always did have an issue with their unbalanced approach to the two elephants in the room and felt they were sympathetic/soft toward the PNC.  This was always my beef and we saw how it played out election day.  Their further pro-PNC and agitation stance caused me to further distance myself as I can no longer reconcile and relate.


I would suggest, if you do believe in my scenario probability, then get that lottery ticket, and remember me when you do win.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by baseman:
BOSAI's supply of cheap electricity is a subsidy of the GoG.  This sounds much more realistic as no private Corp will volunteer to supply power at such a deep discount to the community at-large many of whom don't even work for BOSAI.


The PNC extremists aided and abetted by their side-kicks in the AFC are using the incident for a power grab.  This calls into question the entire shooting incident itself.  This is a brutal and cruel game being played out on the people of Linden so a few "sacrificial lambs" are not outside the realm of possibilities.

Similar to the PAC/PPP and the Enmore Incident.

Ramotar is a coward. Why doesn't he go to Linden and speak to the people? This letter will back fire on him and the PPP Oligarchs.

You should have visited Buxton in 2006.  Seriously, the security chief advised against him visiting due to extremists threats and actions.

Originally Posted by baseman:

I have no specific axe with the AFC, I always did have an issue with their unbalanced approach to the two elephants in the room and felt they were sympathetic/soft toward the PNC.  This was always my beef and we saw how it played out election day.  Their further pro-PNC and agitation stance caused me to further distance myself as I can no longer reconcile and relate.

incoherent . . . makes no real-world sense until you substitute "Blackman" for "PNC"


that's only 1 piece of clothing I've stripped off your sorry, stink behind.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I have no specific axe with the AFC, I always did have an issue with their unbalanced approach to the two elephants in the room and felt they were sympathetic/soft toward the PNC.  This was always my beef and we saw how it played out election day.  Their further pro-PNC and agitation stance caused me to further distance myself as I can no longer reconcile and relate.

incoherent . . . makes no real-world sense until you substitute "Blackman" for "PNC"


that's only 1 piece of clothing I've stripped off your sorry, stink behind.

That's your substitution, not mine.  In another post I noted I would vote for an Afro Prez under the PPP banner but not an Indian under the PNC.  Regarding my opinion of the AFC's politics, well that's my view, you don't have to like or appreciate it.  For you, any cuss-out of the PPP "coolies" and "stooges" make absolute sense.  Let's say, our positions are well defined.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Read Ramotar's speech. This was a problem before the PPP gov't. Open you ears.



The fact that this is not a recent problem is the reason why Ramotar should have informed them.  In fact reports are that Ramotar said the opposite.


Understandably Lindeners therefore feel that this is punishment by an Indian parfty which hates them because they are black.


But you think that this is nonsense because any conversation about what AfroGuyanese think or feel to you is nonsense.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Conscience:
Open letter to the people of LindenPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Donald Ramotar, President, Republic of Guyana   
Tuesday, 07 August 22 21:50


BOSAI's supply of cheap electricity is a subsidy of the GoG. 

So why is the govt paying BOSAI too much?  Chris Ram  reports are that BOSAi PROFITABLY generates electricity which means that the govt is giving them more than they need.  I havent heard any claim that he is wrong.


Maybe they could have removed the excess payment to BOSAI as a start and then found a way to introduce this topic to Lindeners integrated within a plan that would generate more employment within that much beleagured town.


People said that while campaigning for votes last year Ramotar did NOT mention and increase and some claim he even said it will be DECREASED.


Facts are that the PPP was dishonest about this whole issue.  A few months after the election this looks like revenge.  Given that oil prices are now LOWER than they were last year this is a problem that should have been raised then.


Now it looks like and smells like REVENGE, hence the hostile reaction from many in the town.


In any case the larger issue, thanks to the clumsiness and incompetence of the police, is to stabilize the situation and to have an INDEPENDENT assessment of what went wrong, and what steps can be taken to ensure that this doesnt happen next time. 


Given the fractured ethnic politics in Guyana there will be a next time.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:


Ramotar is a coward. Why doesn't he go to Linden and speak to the people? This letter will back fire on him and the PPP Oligarchs.

  The minute that the issue look like it was going to gte out of hand, rather than shooting at the people Ramotar, Rohee and yes, Granger shouild have been sent there to approach crowds and ask for reason.  It might not have worked, but at least none could have said that he didnt try.


But instead some cop got orders from G/twn (who in G.twn?) to shoot to kill,because using live bullets that was clearly the intent.



I do believe it was excessive force but the point I made, one cannot rule out deliberate actions from elements within the police.




So dont try to find some little cop as a scape goat. This isnt the case of a cop under the dark of night where there are no witnesses so they think theyt can get away with murder.  These actions were witnessed by the police on site and by the crowds. 


Only an officer who had authorization to shoot would have given the orders to shoot and no shooting would have occurred w/o orders because every one knows full well that the police were not under threat at the time of this incident,



But as Ronald sugrim says, any conversation about our ethnic tensions is NONSENSE.  Even though every thing that the major political players do is seen through ethnic eyes....note the racist rant of the Chronicle....not disavowed by Ramotar by the way.


Guyana has been destroyed by this since 1955 and yet people like him still babble that nonsense, or stick their heads in the sand because they dont feel impacted.


So nothing wil be done and this will happen again and again and again with the population becoming more and more distrustful.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Conscience:
Open letter to the people of LindenPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Donald Ramotar, President, Republic of Guyana   
Tuesday, 07 August 2012 21:50

BOSAI's supply of cheap electricity is a subsidy of the GoG.  This sounds much more realistic as no private Corp will volunteer to supply power at such a deep discount to the community at-large many of whom don't even work for BOSAI.


The PNC extremists aided and abetted by their side-kicks in the AFC are using the incident for a power grab.  This calls into question the entire shooting incident itself.  This is a brutal and cruel game being played out on the people of Linden so a few "sacrificial lambs" are not outside the realm of possibilities.

Similar to the PAC/PPP and the Enmore Incident.

Ramotar is a coward. Why doesn't he go to Linden and speak to the people? This letter will back fire on him and the PPP Oligarchs.

Ramotar doesn't have to be in Linden for the people to get his message. As I said criticism will follow the president, even if he did the right thing or not. The president will do as he sees fit and face his critics later.


You should have visited Buxton in 2006.  Seriously, the security chief advised against him visiting due to extremists threats and actions.

The PPP allowed Buxton to happen.  I have relatives who lived there and most Buxtonians were against the criminals....most NOT Buxtonians.  They sought help fom the police.  Instead the GDF went into to play football with the bandits.  And the police at Brickdam told the bandits in Buxton the names of the villagers whop had reported to the police of their presence on the vilage. Well armed bandits than visited those who complained and threatened them.  These complaints were made at Brickdam because it was thought that the bandits might have infiltrated the local police station....sadly this infiltration went very high up.


The PPP then began a process of demonizing teh ENTIRE village, much a sthey are now doing to Linden.


So dont go on as if Buxtonians are to blame for what happened.  It was ALLOWED to happen.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Ramotar doesn't have to be in Linden for the people to get his message.

yes he has to go to show that he is willing to risk his person to solve the problem and so must GENUINELY wish the problem to be resolved.


It is too late now though. He had the opportunity that afternoon, but instead allowed orders to shoot to kill to be issued.


Now he has a huge mess.

Originally Posted by baseman:


That's your substitution, not mine.  In another post I noted I would vote for an Afro Prez under the PPP banner but not an Indian under the PNC.  Regarding my opinion of the AFC's politics, well that's.

You can make this claim knowing that this will never happen.  Black man heading the PPP!!!!! Most of the votes they get is to prevent any black man gaining power.  Why do you think that there was no AfroGuyanese who was in line to replace Jagdeo and why Sam Hinds had to be replaced as President, even though the constitution states that the PM replaces the President if the latter cannot continue in office.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:


That's your substitution, not mine.  In another post I noted I would vote for an Afro Prez under the PPP banner but not an Indian under the PNC.  Regarding my opinion of the AFC's politics, well that's.

You can make this claim knowing that this will never happen.  Black man heading the PPP!!!!! Most of the votes they get is to prevent any black man gaining power.  Why do you think that there was no AfroGuyanese who was in line to replace Jagdeo and why Sam Hinds had to be replaced as President, even though the constitution states that the PM replaces the President if the latter cannot continue in office.

It will happen over time.  Right now you still running through the "supply" from the days when the PPP was in opposition and had none to few Afros of leadership calibre.  It may have been too early after Janet Jagan.  I think we will see it in the future.


I don't think any Indian ever came close to leadership potential in the PNC's 28 years.  In fact the one rising star, Teekah was assassinated without even an investigation.

Originally Posted by caribny:

You should have visited Buxton in 2006.  Seriously, the security chief advised against him visiting due to extremists threats and actions.

The PPP allowed Buxton to happen.  I have relatives who lived there and most Buxtonians were against the criminals....most NOT Buxtonians.

Well, people will say anything after the fact.  After WW11, the vast majority of Germans claimed not to have supported Hitler an his sins.   Fact is the PPP were driven out of Buxton during campaigning by aggressive violent pro-PNC mobs while the PNC campaigned and flew their banner in Enterprise and Lusignan.


Caribj, like you, who now vilify Burnham as Anti-Black, credibility is lacking.  However, I'm certain there are decent peace-loving people in their midst but the gangs did find a home and accommodation in the village.


We seem to forget:


Death threat to Chris Ram sent from β€˜hacked’ PPP e-mail address – Freedom House


April 28, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 

The People’s Progressive Party Civic has denied any involvement in the death threats against key opposition members.
A statement out of Freedom House told of a report of a death threat issued against β€œanti-government activist” Christopher Ram who apparently β€œreceived death threats via a mail he received from an e-mail address linked to the PPP/C.”
In the e-mail Ram was threatened that should the writer lose his job as a result of the budget cuts he would be burnt in his home. The threats even extended to Ram’s family as well.
The statement said that the party β€œsought advice from IT experts after it received a copy of the e-mail in question from members of the media and has been advised that this is a clear case of email Address Spoofing.”
According to the release the e-mail could have been manipulated in a number of ways to change the β€œfrom” field and to disguise the routing to make it seem as if the e-mail had come from another address.
β€œβ€¦ Someone is β€œspoofing” the PPP/C Gmail address and from the looks of it several other addresses of known individuals as well.” A report was subsequently made to Google and the violation is currently being investigated.
The statement went on to claim that the PPP/C has been β€œβ€¦ receiving abusive messages apparently originating from Ena Ram’s email address (Wife of Christopher Ram) for which we have documented evidence.”
However the release went on to suggest the possibility that Mrs. Ram’s address was likewise β€œspoofed”.
To further complicate matters it was also stated in the release that β€œsimilar threats” were issued against the lives of PPP/C officials. These threats were apparently received from what may have been the β€œβ€¦ addresses of a certain anti-government newspaper, a former opposition talk show host and a malicious anti-government blog site among others.”
In what the Party called β€œan ongoing malicious campaign by unknown individual(s) to distract from the growing resentment by Guyanese against recent developments in the National Assembly” they claimed that it was an β€œeffort to derail and distract the public from the real issues at hand … especially how they will be affected by the cuts to the National Budget by the opposition.”
The Guyana Police Force was encouraged in the release β€œto conduct a thorough investigation, given that the origins of such mail can be tracked and to hold the individual(s) responsible, accountable for their actions.”

β€œWe trust that the GPF will leave no stone unturned in their investigation …”
On Monday, Moses Nagamooto informed the house that death threats were made against him. Nagamootoo told Speaker of the House, Raphael Trotman, that there is a threat, that should he leave the protection of the People’s Progressive Party, he would meet the same fate as β€œVincent Teekah.”

Teekah, a former People’s National Congress (PNC) Education Minister, was shot and killed under suspicious circumstances on October 24, 1979. Nagamootoo told the House that should this threat be executed then β€œmy blood will run on the head of others.”

Originally Posted by caribny:


I do believe it was excessive force but the point I made, one cannot rule out deliberate actions from elements within the police.




So dont try to find some little cop as a scape goat. This isnt the case of a cop under the dark of night where there are no witnesses so they think theyt can get away with murder.  These actions were witnessed by the police on site and by the crowds. 


Only an officer who had authorization to shoot would have given the orders to shoot and no shooting would have occurred w/o orders because every one knows full well that the police were not under threat at the time of this incident,



But as Ronald sugrim says, any conversation about our ethnic tensions is NONSENSE.  Even though every thing that the major political players do is seen through ethnic eyes....note the racist rant of the Chronicle....not disavowed by Ramotar by the way.


Guyana has been destroyed by this since 1955 and yet people like him still babble that nonsense, or stick their heads in the sand because they dont feel impacted.


So nothing wil be done and this will happen again and again and again with the population becoming more and more distrustful.

No you got it wrong again. Ronald said that YOUR conversation is always about race and hate.

Gov’t, Region 10 agree on terms of reference for technical team …looking into Linden electricity tariffsPDFPrintE-mail
Written by   
Wednesday, 08 August 2012 22:43
THE GOVERNMENT and the Region 10 administration yesterday agreed on the terms of reference for the technical team to be established to examine all aspects of electricity generation, distribution and tariffs in Linden.
The terms of reference are:
1. To review the existing provision and consumption of electricity in the Linden community, including the history, the costs, the tariff structure, and the subsidies;
2. To consider arrangements to provide electricity to the Linden community and the tariffs to sustain such arrangements within a sustainable time frame;
3. To examine Region 10's economic circumstances inclusive of the affordability of increased cost;
4. To consider the advantages and disadvantages of the integration of the supply of electricity in the Linden area into the national grid; and,
5. To examine and make recommendations on cost saving measures and options for alternative energy, including the facilitation of conservation education and conservation.

The technical team will report to the two sides fortnightly and will present their final report within 60 days.
that the PM replaces the President if the latter cannot continue in office.

It will happen over time.  Right now you still running through the "supply" from the days when the PPP was in opposition and had none to few Afros of leadership calibre.  It may have been too early after Janet Jagan.  I think we will see it in the future.


I don't think any Indian ever came close to leadership potential in the PNC's 28 years.  In fact the one rising star, Teekah was assassinated without even an investigation.

I have stated many times that the PNC was/is every bit as racist, corrupt and incompetent as the PPP is so I dont know why you raise it as a comparison.  Both parties owe their appeal SOLELY to the insecurities of their respective support basesd. Clearly neither have been hugely interested in helping the masses of their support bases, and both have been quite adept at excluding the "other" side from any role in decision making, aside from a token or two.


So no baseman neither will ahve "suitable" candidates of the other race out of fear that they lose part of their base and also due to the fact that they gain limited support from the other side so the pool tends to be over loaded with soup lickers who lack any credibility.


PPP=PNC. I have said that enough.  I note though that I am called anti Indian when I tell you hopw racist the PPP is, yet I am not anti black when I tell you how racist the PNC is.  How come?   And you and I have argued over the fact that I consider Forbes Burnham to be one of the worst things that happened to AfroGuyanese.  You seem to think he "saved" them when he  reduced them to a culture of dependency on the PNC.


And the PPPs "INvestigations" arent any more credible than those of the PNC and I use Lindo Creek as evidence.  Has any one been tried for the murder of those miners, or have people just forgotten about that incident?

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

No you got it wrong again. Ronald said that YOUR conversation is always about race and hate.

ronald says that caribj is about hate because Caribj raises certain questions that ronald doesnt want to discuss.  So to avoid discussing this he erupts in a hysterical accusation that caribj is spreading hate.


Note ronald.  95% of African/mixed voters resent the PPP.  caribj didnt force them to do so.  Any idea why....or you are just afraid to talk about it.  Dont you think it odd that 95% just happen not to vote PPP when there is no ideological difference between them and the PNC, nor can any one imagine that a PNC govt will be any more competent or less corrupt.

BTW I also note ronald's silence when people like yuji and druggie are demonizing Lindeners as thugs and screaming about a danger to Indians when to date no Indian has been attacked because he is an Indian.


Any idea why your silence?


Dont worry.  I know rather than dealing with this you will have a hystericalo outurst that I am writing nonsense, life in GY is perfect and that I am spreading hate.


You will then demand that I return to Guyana even though if I did in Guyana the activities that I am involved the USA you will call me  a trouble maker.

Originally Posted by Conscience:
Gov’t, Region 10 agree on terms of reference for technical team …looking into Linden electricity tariffsPDFPrintE-mail
Written by   
Wednesday, 08 August 2012 22:43
THE GOVERNMENT and the Region 10 administration yesterday agreed on the terms of reference for the technical team to be established to examine all aspects of electricity generation, distribution and tariffs in Linden.
The terms of reference are:
1. To review the existing provision and consumption of electricity in the Linden community, including the history, the costs, the tariff structure, and the subsidies;
2. To consider arrangements to provide electricity to the Linden community and the tariffs to sustain such arrangements within a sustainable time frame;
3. To examine Region 10's economic circumstances inclusive of the affordability of increased cost;
4. To consider the advantages and disadvantages of the integration of the supply of electricity in the Linden area into the national grid; and,
5. To examine and make recommendations on cost saving measures and options for alternative energy, including the facilitation of conservation education and conservation.

The technical team will report to the two sides fortnightly and will present their final report within 60 days.

And what of the investigations into the murder of three and the injuries done to several others.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:


And what of the investigations into the murder of three and the injuries done to several others.

Different matter.

Clearly of equally vital importance given that this will color any final decision of this technical group depending on who thinks their assessment is fair and who doesnt.


maybe the PPP is hoping that every thing will blow
 over as it did with Lindo Creek.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:


And what of the investigations into the murder of three and the injuries done to several others.

Different matter.

Clearly of equally vital importance given that this will color any final decision of this technical group depending on who thinks their assessment is fair and who doesnt.


maybe the PPP is hoping that every thing will blow
 over as it did with Lindo Creek.

Actually more important as people lost lives, but different matter.  As respect, let the investigation take its course.  Their lives mean more than some terms of reference doc for electricity rates.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Well, people will say anything after the fact.  After WW11, the vast majority of Germans claimed not to have supported Hitler an his sins.   Fact is the PPP were driven out of Buxton during campaigning by aggressive violent pro-PNC mobs while the PNC campaigned and flew their banner in Enterprise and Lusignan.


Caribj, like you, who now vilify Burnham as Anti-Black, credibility is lacking.  However, I'm certain there are decent peace-loving people in their midst but the gangs did find a home and accommodation in the village.

While Buxton was in havoc both myself and a poster named Spice Girl were writing about the problems that many Buxtonians had of being held in terror by banditrs, complaining to the police about it. Then being viisted by bandits who told them that they were fully aware of their complaints to the police and isued threats of this continued...the Chesters being a victim as they persisted.  Note that the complaints were made at Brickdam, not the local police station as villagers were afraid that the police there might be friendly with the bandits but felt that Brickdam, further away might be  a safer bet.  WRONG.


What happened.  The police, who knew exactly who the bandits were and with which segment of the village they acted in consort with proceeded to arrest scores of Buxtonians.....ALL OF THEM RELEASED the same day....this an attempt to pretend as if they were doing something.


The GDF played football with the bandits.


Then on top of that racists like you proceeded to malign the ENTIRE village.  So not only did the MJORITY of Buxtonians feel threatened by the presence of vipers within their midst, but then they suffered when racists like you proceeded to treat them all as criminals.  I went to a meeting in Brooklyn where several Buxtonians came out to say that their relatives had lost their jobs as a result of the stigma that was attached to them.  No less than jagdeo was out leading the brigade against the village of Buxton.  Then you wonder why the aPPP got almsot no votes in that village!!!!  After the damage that Jagdseo did by stigmatizing him, constructing some building was no compensation.


So once again you confirm your contempt for ordinary Guyanese.  yes there were some Buxtonians who supported the bandist but everybody knew who these were, reported them to the police the police had information to act against them, but instead preferred to invade the home of an old lady, while she was atr home, breakng down her door and destroying her furniture and of course found no evidence that any criminals were housed there.



Actually more important as people lost lives, but different matter.  As respect, let the investigation take its course.  Their lives mean more than some terms of reference doc for electricity rates.

So why the silence on the Inquiry?  We have heard nothing about who will be on it and what assurances that people can look to that it will be fair and objective and that if the police and the Minister of Home Affairs are found to be in the wrong that there will be consequences.


Rohee has been an incompetent Minister of H/A and this fiasco should be used as an excuse to get rid of him. He has failed in every position.


They can give him some job at Freedom House.


And btw baseman the AFC was threatened in Region 6 when they campaigned.  Gerhard mentioned several instances when people attending meetings were threatened by PPP operatives and we know that Kwame wa sa one man terror campaign before and during the elections beating people up, knocking them down and engaging in other forms of violence.


The PPP=PNC as I keep on telling you.  What ever crimes one is guilty of the other is no more innocent.  You will recall when PPP operatives went to Ravi Dev's house in 2001, screaming obscenities and making threats because they were enraged that he was "splitting" the vote.  Yes that Indian vote which the PPP thinks it has property rights to.


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