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caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

The record shows that it was the PNC supporters who used to burn things. Your indignation is misguided.

That would be news to all of those blacks in the early 60s who had to go to bed with ample buckets of water in case Indos came to burn down their homes. And that happened often enough with naked Indos with greased down skin waiting with sharp cutlasses to chop them up. Naked and greased so that people couldn't snatch them.

You always making shit up.

Iguana posted:
seignet posted:

Just moments away from Independence, none of the races of people in Guyana never felt that pride of having a country. The only person, perhaps was Burnham. Their entire lives in the colony was to do whatever it took to progress within the confines of their race. Those in commerce enjoyed the patronage of the races but that is as far as it went.

Blacks have always looked towards the Rasta movement paying homage to Ethiopia flag and anthem. Indians had the BGEIA and homage to India.

Chinese and Putagee had their affiliations.

There was never that Guyanese thing for country, flag and anthem. Without that, there is no focus other than hate for every little thing that each race does.

Blacks, Portugese, Chinese and some Indians mix together in a "Guyanese" context. You and your Hindutva, barefoot, gold teeth, primitive backwater cronies like yuji, skeldon, ksazma, dave, baseman, nehru etc. choose not to join that mix. Alyuh want bharat mata in Guyana.

YOU were trained professionally by and enjoyed the generosity of blacks (your testimony) that helped elevate you out of the canal in which you were raised. Yet you are an ungrateful, lying, bastard.

True that Blacks were very generous and they educated me to recognize nappy hair dunce black skonts. U r a disgrace to decent black folks.

Reading your comment, tells me yuh doan know skont about the peoples of Guyana. Typical dunce's rants.

Never raised in Canal, spent 4 year in Albion Front, 7 years in Rosignol, 5 years in Port Mourant, 2 years in Kitty and 3 years in Bairmont.

I am Indan, sorry that you ain born in that great race of mankind. A people of great culture. 

caribny posted:
Iguana posted:
Baseman posted:
Iguana posted:
Baseman posted:

Nah, Ksaz dishing back shyte.  That’s all!

Good to see the real you re emerge from your sabbatical into pretense. Care to tell us who of the 3 black man hay "dished" vitriolic racism toward yuh bai "ksaz" suh he can "dish back"?

I have always been an honest broker, non prejudiced, non racist poster on GNI. You can count on that!

...not according to the archives. Poor Ronan gon choke after he read yuh post.

Baseman used to be every bit as Indo supremacist as Ksazma now is. He used to scream that without Indians Guyana would be a Haiti. That blacks should be grateful to Indians for feeding them. Ad he used to regale us of stories of stupid black people who couldn't handle their money so starved their kids as a result. Claiming that this was normal black behavior.

Now his Indo supremacist attitudes are under cover. Dave and Ksazma are carrying that flag.

Liar.  You misrepresent many things said in a different context and purpose and make it into your own story line just like you knew what was in the heads of Indians as they disembarked the boat.

You will end up in Purgatory!  Change your attitude!

caribny posted:
Iguana posted:
Baseman posted:

Talk about prejudice!  You knew what was in their heads as the disembarked the boat!  You must have known more of them than they knew of them!

Well, you should not complain about profiling in the US.  You are a grandiose version what you accuse others of!

the formation of the BGEIA and the subsequent behavior of indians (apna jat etc.) bears out the truth of Carib's post. The BGEIA, an Indian organization, wanted to import Indians and make Guyana into a little India. You know this full well. Thank goodness the Indian govt. saw fit to end alyuh mad excursion into bigotry.

In fact the West Indian immigrants also had friction with the Guyanese blacks as their attitude was to accept what the planters paid them as it was better than what they got back home.

But they realized that it was in their interests to cooperate with the local blacks to battle against structures that threatened them both.

Did the BGEIA seek to cooperate with the black groups to allow a collective confrontation of the colonial system and its abuse of non whites?  No!  They sought to set up an ethnic enclave and sweep the blacks into a marginal position.

This is why the suspicion that blacks had towards them festered while that directed towards the Islanders declined.


Yuh know, the internet is the great history tool since the beginning of time. One can read, anything on there.

"The West on Trial" Jagan gave the impression he started the dialogue for independence. He lied, if I read his book is correct.

Self-government presentations were made to a Commission from Britain in the late twenties. And a number of prominent GT Indians made their presentations along with the Colored. Continuation of talks postponed because of the wars.

Your failure to know that, perhaps, bcz no Congo Blacks were mentioned or you have not come upon that as yet.

Yuh black fellas on here are plain racial.

yuji22 posted:
Iguana posted:
yuji22 posted:

All this BS talk about Kwayana. He turned around and bit the PPP in the rear. His party joined forces in installing a dictator Granger. 

He proved that in Guyanese politics, Blackman fuh Blackman. It is time that we call a spade a spade and stop beating around the bush. 

ou. During that period when Indians had no voice, Kwayana (then Sydney King) spoke for  you.

Kwayana is an ass who did not fight for me. Last time I checked, PPP fought for me when I lived in Guyana.

He is one of those Blackman fun Blackman type. His party is currently in Granger's Anus and part of an emerging dictatorship. 

Who cares what a bigoted ass like you thinks about black people? When you were drinking from the enamel cup of hatred served to you in the lil racist enclave you lived, Kwayana was with the WPA and Rodney fighting Burnham.

Cheddi was fighting fuh you by agreeing with everything Forbes did, never even TRYING to oppose him. I know it galls you to think that blacks fought their mattie black but that don't change history.

What do you know about Guyana's complex history other than what you were fed by your bigot relatives, you first class moron?

caribny posted:
antabanta posted:

You and I know what you said. That's all that matters. Ranting about people's medication still is your favorite go-to insult. What a shame.

I know what I said and you know that you had some thing which hampered your cognitive ability.

But look at this logically.  If my intent was to expose Indo racism why would I boast about being a racist myself?  Makes no sense so clearly something was missing in your cognition at the time.

You were confessing, not boasting. Your intent has always been the same intent of any racist. You spent, and probably still do, countless hours scouring the Internet for any anti-Indo garbage to regurgitate. And the only response you ever had to anyone who called out your vitriol is some crap about medication. From your rambling, mumbling BS, I'll bet my bottom dollar you are probably one of the most medicated people on this forum.


Yujji, ignore that parasite. He’s a mental case ... that erupts around full moon - his history on this site will prove such. 

He is one of the Black mother fkers who live in the GETTOS in NY and who was born with the sin of sufferment  ... he will remain that way for the rest of his life. blaming Indians for their downfalls. 

 Haul he mother skont, he don’t know where his next meal coming from . Fking bitch gutter rat. 

antabanta posted:
seignet posted:
antabanta posted:
seignet posted:

Blacks have always looked towards the Rasta movement paying homage to Ethiopia flag and anthem.

  Where in God's name did you get the idea that all AfroGuyanese are Rastas or have any interest in the Rastafarian movement?

Marcus Garvy.

He's Jamaican.

He was head of a movement to return to Africa.

seignet posted:
antabanta posted:
seignet posted:
antabanta posted:
seignet posted:

Blacks have always looked towards the Rasta movement paying homage to Ethiopia flag and anthem.

  Where in God's name did you get the idea that all AfroGuyanese are Rastas or have any interest in the Rastafarian movement?

Marcus Garvy.

He's Jamaican.

He was head of a movement to return to Africa.

Kwayana is a Shyte Head. His party is deep inside The PNC anus. He is one of those Blackman fuh Blackman types. 

Last edited by Former Member
seignet posted:
cain posted:

Oh oh black people racial coolie people all good dem doan do anything bad like get drunk an chop up dem wife an so on.

Whilst we killing one another, the putagee laffing all the way to the bank.

Black man hay ain't bothered by alyuh. Iz you and yuh shitabatty choir of emasculated indian racists hay running mad. Dem bais banging pon dem keys and posting wid sheer rage and grinding dem teeth.

antabanta posted:
seignet posted:

He was head of a movement to return to Africa.

And from that you deduce all Afros in Guyana are Rastas?

fella go and read. the man had a following of afroes all over the world. wanted to take dem back to Halle Sallasse. Sallasse even gave lands for the colony, something like Jim Jones plans. there is a colony of rastas in ethopia, today. Marcus Garvy is revered among rastas, back then they din call rastas.

Now, to be specific. Marcus Garvy visited British Guiana at an invitation by the Negroes of GT. And they embraced his call singing Ethiopia national anthem and embracing the flag. 

All this black nationalism Caribj talking about never existed in BG. Everybody in the colony stick to their tribes.

Iguana posted:
seignet posted:
cain posted:

Oh oh black people racial coolie people all good dem doan do anything bad like get drunk an chop up dem wife an so on.

Whilst we killing one another, the putagee laffing all the way to the bank.

Black man hay ain't bothered by alyuh. Iz you and yuh shitabatty choir of emasculated indian racists hay running mad. Dem bais banging pon dem keys and posting wid sheer rage and grinding dem teeth.

We are not racist. If these chaps were racist, their commentaries would take on a different tone. I believe they expressing their experiences. And yuh think their experiences are racists. 


seignet posted:
antabanta posted:
seignet posted:

He was head of a movement to return to Africa.

And from that you deduce all Afros in Guyana are Rastas?

fella go and read. the man had a following of afroes all over the world. wanted to take dem back to Halle Sallasse. Sallasse even gave lands for the colony, something like Jim Jones plans. there is a colony of rastas in ethopia, today. Marcus Garvy is revered among rastas, back then they din call rastas.

Now, to be specific. Marcus Garvy visited British Guiana at an invitation by the Negroes of GT. And they embraced his call singing Ethiopia national anthem and embracing the flag. 

All this black nationalism Caribj talking about never existed in BG. Everybody in the colony stick to their tribes.

I'm actually working through two books now: Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee and A Moveable Feast (this one is a re-read). But what do you recommend I go and read? You have to be completely out of touch with Afro Guyanese to assume they're all Rastas or have any interest in the Rastafarian movement. Have you ever gotten within less than 20 feet of an Afro Guyanese?

seignet posted:

We are not racist. If these chaps were racist, their commentaries would take on a different tone. I believe they expressing their experiences. And yuh think their experiences are racists. 

damn banna, wha “tone” would that be . . . for example?


upon reflection, given the sick sick stuff you have posted here over the years, i believe you actually believe what you are saying

you’re THAT much unhinged, fanatically evil and invincibly stupid

seignet posted:

the man had a following of afroes all over the world. wanted to take dem back to Halle Sallasse. Sallasse even gave lands for the colony, something like Jim Jones plans. there is a colony of rastas in ethopia, today. Marcus Garvy is revered among rastas, back then they din call rastas.

Now, to be specific. Marcus Garvy visited British Guiana at an invitation by the Negroes of GT. And they embraced his call singing Ethiopia national anthem and embracing the flag. 

cartoonish nonsense!

Marcus Garvey was a Pan Africanist not a Rastafarian

he led a Back-to-Africa movement, not a back-to-Abyssinia movement

that movement started nearly 2 decades before Ras Tafari ascended to the Ethiopian throne

it is a well-know fact that Garvey regarded Selassie with disdain and actually didn’t care much for the feudal nonsense that blighted his rule

Rastas navigate that history very carefully since both these men are foundational heroes in their Afro-Nationalist pantheon

you are a very stupid man marinating your last days on earth in a pit of feces-laden bigotry and gross ignorance

Last edited by Former Member

Haile Selassie never believed that one day he would be overthrown so he never gave the foreigners official titles to the 500 acres of land that he gave them.  The 500 acres of land was the personal property of Selassie that was given to these people. As a result, a major chunk of the land that Selassie gave to the Jamaicans, other West Indians and African Americans were taken away from them when the Communists overthrew Selassie. Also to be an Ethiopian citizen at least one of your parents have to be of ethnic Ethiopian descent.  Therefore these children of Jamaican, other West Indian and African American parents have no citizenship in Ethiopia even though they were born in the country, therefore, they cannot get certain government services and resources.  

Last edited by Prashad
yuji22 posted:
seignet posted:
antabanta posted:
seignet posted:
antabanta posted:
seignet posted:

Blacks have always looked towards the Rasta movement paying homage to Ethiopia flag and anthem.

  Where in God's name did you get the idea that all AfroGuyanese are Rastas or have any interest in the Rastafarian movement?

Marcus Garvy.

He's Jamaican.

He was head of a movement to return to Africa.

Kwayana is a Shyte Head. His party is deep inside The PNC anus. He is one of those Blackman fuh Blackman types. 

don't insult a person who has made a contribution to building his country. You cannot even lick his toes.

ronan posted:
seignet posted:

the man had a following of afroes all over the world. wanted to take dem back to Halle Sallasse. Sallasse even gave lands for the colony, something like Jim Jones plans. there is a colony of rastas in ethopia, today. Marcus Garvy is revered among rastas, back then they din call rastas.

Now, to be specific. Marcus Garvy visited British Guiana at an invitation by the Negroes of GT. And they embraced his call singing Ethiopia national anthem and embracing the flag. 

cartoonish nonsense!

Marcus Garvey was a Pan Africanist not a Rastafarian

he led a Back-to-Africa movement, not a back-to-Abyssinia movement

that movement started nearly 2 decades before Ras Tafari ascended to the Ethiopian throne

it is a well-know fact that Garvey regarded Selassie with disdain and actually didn’t care much for the feudal nonsense that blighted his rule

Rastas navigate that history very carefully since both these men are foundational heroes in their Afro-Nationalist pantheon

you are a very stupid man marinating your last days on earth in a pit of feces-laden bigotry and gross ignorance

Suh Seignet is a crass, lying, ignorant, bigoted clown. No wonder he's never appeared again since this post proving he is such!


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