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VishMahabir posted:
VishMahabir posted:
antabanta posted:

The accusation that PNC must rig is based on the conceited assumption that PPP will win because their supporters are docile sheep and will ignore the PPP's two decades of corruption, nepotism, and not only association with but dependence on known criminals.

Others might, I am not making that assumption...

your argument flies in the face of history...guess the PNC in your eyes done wid dem old ways...suddenly now turn Angels in defense of democracy.. its too early to make that assumption because we have not seen an "institutionalization"  of this tradition in Guyana, and elections are generally contested. 

PPP's corruption and nepotism has nothing to do with people are using this as a straw man to argue that the opposition should not be elected to office...because of their past...thats not yours or my decision to make...its the people vote...

"The accusation that PNC must rig is based on the conceited assumption that PPP will win" know better...its based on a historical practice...certified by international observers...

But we must discount the well-known and established corruption of the PPP?

antabanta posted:
VishMahabir posted:
VishMahabir posted:
antabanta posted:

The accusation that PNC must rig is based on the conceited assumption that PPP will win because their supporters are docile sheep and will ignore the PPP's two decades of corruption, nepotism, and not only association with but dependence on known criminals.

Others might, I am not making that assumption...

your argument flies in the face of history...guess the PNC in your eyes done wid dem old ways...suddenly now turn Angels in defense of democracy.. its too early to make that assumption because we have not seen an "institutionalization"  of this tradition in Guyana, and elections are generally contested. 

PPP's corruption and nepotism has nothing to do with people are using this as a straw man to argue that the opposition should not be elected to office...because of their past...thats not yours or my decision to make...its the people vote...

"The accusation that PNC must rig is based on the conceited assumption that PPP will win" know better...its based on a historical practice...certified by international observers...

But we must discount the well-known and established corruption of the PPP?

Multiple general election rigging by the PNC and their corruption are like comparing apples and oranges when you refer to the PPP. PNC election rigging...a more serious crime.

skeldon_man posted:

Multiple general election rigging by the PNC and their corruption are like comparing apples and oranges when you refer to the PPP. PNC election rigging...a more serious crime.

Is that a fact? Which is the apple and which the orange? The PNC's corruption pales in comparison to the PPP's blatant disregard for law and order. They didn't just disregard it. The embraced chaos in the country. How else could they distract from what they were really doing?

VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:
I am absolutely certain that the coalition (PNC primarily) is taking steps to rig the election, given the fact that the last one was a close election and new parties may siphoon off a handful of votes away from the coalition. They have to have a plan to ensure that the PPP does not get back into office, at least not when the stakes are so high.

The Minister of Citizenship, which is responsible for determining citizenship and issuing birth certificates is in a position to facilitate the rigging.

based on what sir?

'ah doan trust dem' is not a credible reason

that's labbaspeak when he was caught with a backpack full of lies and disinformation

you tek a public sh!t here and call it "evidence"


"I am absolutely certain..."


Writings on the wall i need to spell it out?


-Hammie cussin Carter Center (preemptive strike to prevent observers)...not to mention his physical threats to Carter

-Felix... "the caught on tape fella" charge of birth certificate

-Coalition won by one vote....possibly diminished now with AFC losing support

-Small parties capturing handful of coalition votes

-Oil money near flowing...stakes are high

-Poor showing at LGE

-History history and history of rigging

-Beware...Jagdeo and the PPP are bloodsuckers, not good enough to get their corrupt hands on government

-Granger's infatuation with Burnhamism.. .


Tek you pick......Plenty evidence, and a pattern to foolish as Guyanese may be....dem know there is a foul smell in de air...some gon throw their hands in de air, others gon hold their nose and smile...after the election.

You dont think Jagdeo have a right to be nervous? 

Dat is solid logic bai Vish. Dem one love bais will try foh rig foh true. Dem bais now control Gecom. Hey hey hey...

VishMahabir posted:
VishMahabir posted:
antabanta posted:

The accusation that PNC must rig is based on the conceited assumption that PPP will win because their supporters are docile sheep and will ignore the PPP's two decades of corruption, nepotism, and not only association with but dependence on known criminals.

Others might, I am not making that assumption...

your argument flies in the face of history...guess the PNC in your eyes done wid dem old ways...suddenly now turn Angels in defense of democracy.. its too early to make that assumption because we have not seen an "institutionalization"  of this tradition in Guyana, and elections are generally contested. 

PPP's corruption and nepotism has nothing to do with people are using this as a straw man to argue that the opposition should not be elected to office...because of their past...thats not yours or my decision to make...its the people vote...

"The accusation that PNC must rig is based on the conceited assumption that PPP will win" know better...its based on a historical practice...certified by international observers...

So the fact that elections were rigged in the 1970's and 80's means that they will be rigged this time around? It seems like I've been giving you too much credit for a little bit of intelligence. I may have to rethink my position.

Last edited by Mars
Mars posted:
VishMahabir posted:
e...certified by international observers...

So the fact that elections were rigged in the 1970's and 80's means that they will be rigged this time around? It seems like I've been giving you too much credit for a little bit intelligence. I may have to rethink my position.

Hey hey yuh miss Hammie letter bai...hey hey hey.

cain posted:
VishMahabir posted:

............your argument flies in the face of history...guess the PNC in your eyes done wid dem old ways...suddenly now turn Angels in defense of democracy.. its too early to make that assumption because we have not seen an "institutionalization"  of this tradition in Guyana, and elections are generally contested. 

PPP's corruption and nepotism has nothing to do with people are using this as a straw man to argue that the opposition should not be elected to office...because of their past...thats not yours or my decision to make...its the people vote...

You better go over your post.

You don't accept the fact the  PNC made errors in dem ole ways and must have suddenly turn angels but do accept the PPP's past should be of no consequence?

They both made grade errors...and Jagdeo and the PPP made more, and were the more corrupt ones (I made reference to that before...)...

But there is a barefacedness here...both sides claim to moral arbiters, but many skeletons in their closet...

You cant make an argument about how good or different you are today by harping or referring the opposition and say they did worse...this is what Django has done with his long intrusive quote...we need to raise the bar...

antabanta posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Multiple general election rigging by the PNC and their corruption are like comparing apples and oranges when you refer to the PPP. PNC election rigging...a more serious crime.

Is that a fact? Which is the apple and which the orange? The PNC's corruption pales in comparison to the PPP's blatant disregard for law and order. They didn't just disregard it. The embraced chaos in the country. How else could they distract from what they were really doing?

This is the problem with you knuckleheads...

you ant see your toes because your beer belly is in the way...

when you get into this tit for tat miss the a mile

Why measure malfeasance and questionable practices today by PPP standards????...

VishMahabir posted:
antabanta posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Multiple general election rigging by the PNC and their corruption are like comparing apples and oranges when you refer to the PPP. PNC election rigging...a more serious crime.

Is that a fact? Which is the apple and which the orange? The PNC's corruption pales in comparison to the PPP's blatant disregard for law and order. They didn't just disregard it. The embraced chaos in the country. How else could they distract from what they were really doing?

This is the problem with you knuckleheads...

you ant see your toes because your beer belly is in the way...

when you get into this tit for tat miss the a mile

Why measure malfeasance and questionable practices today by PPP standards????...

Right. I'm 6' tall, 175 pounds with a six pack abs. I not only see my toes but can touch them. The people on GNI who are acquainted with me can vouch. Despite my being a knucklehead, either you did not read my comment or don't understand it. Allow me to reiterate.

The accusation that PNC must rig is based on the conceited assumption that PPP will win because their supporters are docile sheep and will ignore the PPP's two decades of corruption, nepotism, and not only association with but dependence on known criminals.

You subsequently summarily dismissed the corruption, etc. of the PPP over the recent two decades as unimportant while contending that the PNC's infractions over thirty years ago are significant. Pray tell, Knucklehead, where is the measuring of malfeasance and questionable practices by PPP's standards? While you're at it, take some time to bring me up to speed on what the ball is.

antabanta posted:

Your conviction of the actions of the PNC based on their past while chastising my opinion of the PPP based in their past is nothing short of hilarious. PPP's corruption and nepotism has much to do with the fact that many PPP supporters are not as stupid as you want to think and can see the PPP for what they are. [Assumption: the country is divided by race, if Irfaan was an angel he would not garner Afro votes] Your contention that the people will vote the PPP into office but only by rigging can the PNC retain office is even more hilarious. Your logic is conflicting. Why have you decided to discount the PPP's performance in office in the recent two decades as a factor in the elections while propagating the PNC's performance thirty years ago is significant? [Because the coalition has not done anything to reduce the racial divide] Please explain the logic behind this reasoning.

Dudeâ€Ķlets keep this simpleâ€Ķ

My contention is that the PNC will rig if they have to (given past practice and current concerns)

â€Ķ. I provided the “evidence” from previous behavior. There is nothing about the behavior of these politicians that convince me otherwise (coalition, opposition).  I am questioning the assumption of people like Django who said that the PNC don’t have to rig to win an election. 

Nowhere in my post did I intimate that the PPP will win â€Ķthat’s your assumption because like the typical Guyanese, yall cant seem to get over this PNC/PPP race thing.


Mars posted:

So the fact that elections were rigged in the 1970's and 80's means that they will be rigged this time around? It seems like I've been giving you too much credit for a little bit of intelligence. I may have to rethink my position.

"Little bit of intelligence"...means I still gat some..

Yes, that is a part of it...but consider this...

[ this is like me saying that since the PPP was corrupt in the past, they will not be corrupt if elected buy that argument?] If your answer is NO, consider this...

the coalition will not want to find itself with a 1 seat majority...this created too many headaches for them.

I say again...Guyanese would be naive to believe that there is not a Plan B in place...

Ask Kissoon to do a poll to see how many people believe the PNC will rig if they have to...I can predict the response...its beyond a perception... 

VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:

So the fact that elections were rigged in the 1970's and 80's means that they will be rigged this time around? It seems like I've been giving you too much credit for a little bit of intelligence. I may have to rethink my position.

"Little bit of intelligence"...means I still gat some..

Yes, that is a part of it...but consider this...

[ this is like me saying that since the PPP was corrupt in the past, they will not be corrupt if elected buy that argument?] If your answer is NO, consider this...

the coalition will not want to find itself with a 1 seat majority...this created too many headaches for them.

I say again...Guyanese would be naive to believe that there is not a Plan B in place...

Ask Kissoon to do a poll to see how many people believe the PNC will rig if they have to...I can predict the response...its beyond a perception... 

Vish, tell him, you don't need Django lesson you have it right.

VishMahabir posted:
antabanta posted:

Your conviction of the actions of the PNC based on their past while chastising my opinion of the PPP based in their past is nothing short of hilarious. PPP's corruption and nepotism has much to do with the fact that many PPP supporters are not as stupid as you want to think and can see the PPP for what they are. [Assumption: the country is divided by race, if Irfaan was an angel he would not garner Afro votes] Your contention that the people will vote the PPP into office but only by rigging can the PNC retain office is even more hilarious. Your logic is conflicting. Why have you decided to discount the PPP's performance in office in the recent two decades as a factor in the elections while propagating the PNC's performance thirty years ago is significant? [Because the coalition has not done anything to reduce the racial divide] Please explain the logic behind this reasoning.

Dudeâ€Ķlets keep this simpleâ€Ķ

My contention is that the PNC will rig if they have to (given past practice and current concerns)

â€Ķ. I provided the “evidence” from previous behavior. There is nothing about the behavior of these politicians that convince me otherwise (coalition, opposition).  I am questioning the assumption of people like Django who said that the PNC don’t have to rig to win an election. 

Nowhere in my post did I intimate that the PPP will win â€Ķthat’s your assumption because like the typical Guyanese, yall cant seem to get over this PNC/PPP race thing.


Simplicity is great. Thank you for labeling me a typical Guyanese. And Knucklehead. Do you understand why some people have to resort to such labels when in a discussion? Think about it.

To respond to your points. The last presidential election proved a diminishing of the racial division. Hence, the PPP lost. You may be tempted to argue that the coalition won by rigging (re: your conviction that the current administration can only win by rigging) but you cannot provide any evidence. That argument is based on the erroneous assumption that ALL indo-Guyanese are happy with the PPP. You are probably not aware that Afro-Guyanese are generally less racist than Indo-Guyanese. Any PPP candidate has a greater chance of attracting Afro votes than any coalition candidate has of attracting Indo votes. That's a fact.

How does the status quo of the racial divide discount the PPP's performance over the recent decades but makes the PNC's performance thirty years ago significant?

The coalition does not have to rig to win the election for three reasons:1. Demographics have changed dramatically. 2. They did not have to rig to win the last election. 3. The PPP's performance over two decades in power is far from stellar. If your argument is that the PNC has to rig to win, isn't the inference that the PPP will win without the PNC's rigging? That is clear intimation that the PPP will win. It's simple.

Last edited by antabanta
antabanta posted:

Right. I'm 6' tall, 175 pounds with a six pack abs. I not only see my toes but can touch them. The people on GNI who are acquainted with me can vouch. Despite my being a knucklehead, either you did not read my comment or don't understand it. Allow me to reiterate.

  1. Good for youâ€Ķ

The accusation that PNC must rig is based on the conceited assumption that PPP will win because their supporters are docile sheep and will ignore the PPP's two decades of corruption, nepotism, and not only association with but dependence on known criminals.

OKâ€Ķso let me ask this:

  • Do you think the PNC are suddenly angels who now, given a historical pattern, will take a chance that they may loose the election in 2020 without resorting to a Plan B?
  • Do you really believe that all of those people who were concerned about 2 decades of PPP corruption and nepotism are seeing the light and that they will cast their vote for the PNC and AFC?

You are as naive as they come...

VishMahabir posted:
antabanta posted:

Right. I'm 6' tall, 175 pounds with a six pack abs. I not only see my toes but can touch them. The people on GNI who are acquainted with me can vouch. Despite my being a knucklehead, either you did not read my comment or don't understand it. Allow me to reiterate.

  1. Good for youâ€Ķ

Thank you.

The accusation that PNC must rig is based on the conceited assumption that PPP will win because their supporters are docile sheep and will ignore the PPP's two decades of corruption, nepotism, and not only association with but dependence on known criminals.

OKâ€Ķso let me ask this:

  • Do you think the PNC are suddenly angels who now, given a historical pattern, will take a chance that they may loose the election in 2020 without resorting to a Plan B?
  • Do you really believe that all of those people who were concerned about 2 decades of PPP corruption and nepotism are seeing the light and that they will cast their vote for the PNC and AFC?

You are as naive as they come...

Shouldn't you know me more before flinging out all these labels? So far we have knucklehead, typical Guyanese, and now naive. I would recommend you take a step back considering you know nothing about me.

Point 1. If they did not need a plan B in 2015, why would they need one in 2020?

Point 2. Are you saying that Indo-Guyanese are too docile and ill-informed to not be aware of the criminality the PPP represents? Did these same people not see the light in 2015?

Last edited by antabanta
antabanta posted:
You are probably not aware that Afro-Guyanese are generally less racist than Indo-Guyanese. Any PPP candidate has a greater chance of attracting Afro votes than any coalition candidate has of attracting Indo votes. That's a fact.


Bai doh is de biggest LAFF me get foh de month? Dem blackman vote foh dem mattie at 99% in de lass eleckshun. Dem collies touch 86%. Hey hey hey. Awww...dem is all one lovers like Carib and Snowier dan though...hey hey hey 

Labba posted:
antabanta posted:
You are probably not aware that Afro-Guyanese are generally less racist than Indo-Guyanese. Any PPP candidate has a greater chance of attracting Afro votes than any coalition candidate has of attracting Indo votes. That's a fact.


Bai doh is de biggest LAFF me get foh de month? Dem blackman vote foh dem mattie at 99% in de lass eleckshun. Dem collies touch 86%. Hey hey hey. Awww...dem is all one lovers like Carib and Snowier dan though...hey hey hey 

So you saying most blacks and some Indians voted against the PPP in 2015? When you done laff, tell abie wah mek da happen.

antabanta posted:




To respond to your points. The last presidential election proved a diminishing of the racial division. Hence, the PPP lost.

Does that condition still hold? Are Guyanese more united today? I guess your informed views will challenge those of the GHRA, TI, social observers, etc..

You may be tempted to argue that the coalition won by rigging (re: your conviction that the current administration can only win by rigging) but you cannot provide any evidence.

Here we go againâ€Ķyou miss the pointâ€Ķ

You are probably not aware that Afro-Guyanese are generally less racist than Indo-Guyanese.

Not from what I am reading here on this site dailyâ€Ķthere is an imbalance yes, but there is a great divide and anger from both sidesâ€ĶBTW: what scientific evidence are you basing this statement on?

Any PPP candidate has a greater chance of attracting Afro votes than any coalition candidate has of attracting Indo votes. That's a fact.

LOLâ€Ķand WOW!â€Ķscientific data par excellenceâ€Ķor Houdini magicâ€Ķwhere is the evidence?

 The coalition does not have to rig to win the election for three reasons:1. Demographics have changed dramatically. 2. They did not have to rig to win the last election. 3. The PPP's performance over two decades in power is far from stellar. If your argument is that the PNC has to rig to win, isn't the inference that the PPP will win without the PNC's rigging? That is clear intimation that the PPP will win. It's simple.

More piffleâ€Ķor pufferyâ€Ķdemographics changedâ€Ķyesâ€Ķbut a revived coalition will not take a chance of winning with a one seat majorityâ€Ķwhat evidence you have that suggest that there is no Plan Bâ€Ķare there not discontented supporters who are dissatisfied with what this government has done since 2015, who might be tempted to throw their lot elsewhereâ€Ķjust as how you are so enormously certain that the PPP has lost votes?  

antabanta posted:
VishMahabir posted:
antabanta posted:

Right. I'm 6' tall, 175 pounds with a six pack abs. I not only see my toes but can touch them. The people on GNI who are acquainted with me can vouch. Despite my being a knucklehead, either you did not read my comment or don't understand it. Allow me to reiterate.

  1. Good for youâ€Ķ

Thank you.

The accusation that PNC must rig is based on the conceited assumption that PPP will win because their supporters are docile sheep and will ignore the PPP's two decades of corruption, nepotism, and not only association with but dependence on known criminals.

OKâ€Ķso let me ask this:

  • Do you think the PNC are suddenly angels who now, given a historical pattern, will take a chance that they may loose the election in 2020 without resorting to a Plan B?
  • Do you really believe that all of those people who were concerned about 2 decades of PPP corruption and nepotism are seeing the light and that they will cast their vote for the PNC and AFC?

You are as naive as they come...

Shouldn't you know me more before flinging out all these labels? So far we have knucklehead, typical Guyanese, and now naive. I would recommend you take a step back considering you know nothing about me.

Point 1. If they did not need a plan B in 2015, why would they need one in 2020?

Point 2. Are you saying that Indo-Guyanese are too docile and ill-informed to not be aware of the criminality the PPP represents? Did these same people not see the light in 2015?

Banna...stop with your foolishness

1...How do you know there wasnt one in 2015? If I am are you so CERTAIN there wont be a plan next election? 

2. Partially, yes...Indos will vote primarily for the leader of that party, same for Afros and the PNC...and those concerned about criminality will weigh that against what they experienced since 2015...

Gilbakka posted:
Ronan posted:

Gilbakka, like plenty here drinking deep from the race CUP done gone cynic tribal and isn't even pretending at reason anymore

Ro, I'm sorry you've got that impression but it's not true. For starters, I don't believe the PPP is all about race. And I don't believe that Jagdeo is the PPP's be-all-and-end-all. But I definitely think that the PPP needs him now. And, yes, I am convinced the PNC hasn't changed its power-drinking pre-1992 undemocratic ways. Granger fooled me in 2015. Nevermore. Nothing to do with race.

That is way much words than that fool deserves. He cares not for decency but only for his mattee to remain in power even if it is illegally.

VishMahabir posted:

Right. I'm 6' tall, 175 pounds with a six pack abs. I not only see my toes but can touch them. The people on GNI who are acquainted with me can vouch. Despite my being a knucklehead, either you did not read my comment or don't understand it. Allow me to reiterate.

  1. Good for youâ€Ķ

The accusation that PNC must rig is based on the conceited assumption that PPP will win because their supporters are docile sheep and will ignore the PPP's two decades of corruption, nepotism, and not only association with but dependence on known criminals.

OKâ€Ķso let me ask this:

  • Do you think the PNC are suddenly angels who now, given a historical pattern, will take a chance that they may loose the election in 2020 without resorting to a Plan B?
  • Do you really believe that all of those people who were concerned about 2 decades of PPP corruption and nepotism are seeing the light and that they will cast their vote for the PNC and AFC?

You are as naive as they come...

sir, what exactly is the “historical pattern” of “PNC” you have fastened on to?

the last election rigged by “PNC” was 34 years ago [BEFORE YOU WERE BORN] under Desmond Hoyle who then scrapped the planned marriage of the communist PPP and the communist PNC agreed-upon just before kabaka kicked the bucket

oh yes, on the way to 1992, Hoyle abandoned “Burnhamism” (PNC communism) and placed Guyana on the path of market-oriented economic reform 

so, let’s talk about the “historical pattern” of the PPP . . . from the fellow-traveling Stalinist days to [CURRENT] Yeltsinite tiefmanism and murderous druglordism under bharrat jagdeo

yes, let’s talk about the “stakes” and the charandass gambit by the PPP to coerce ‘elections’ with a “rigged” voters roll

let’s talk about the multiple LG elections that the PPP refused to hold in violation of the Constitution because they could not win the big municipalities . . . they choose to control those through IMCs

how are we defining “rigging” again?

yes, let’s talk about Gocool Boodhoo and PPP rigging operations in 2011 and 2015

and finally, let’s talk about the two RECENT, clean LG elections held under the auspices of “PNC” . . .  that PPP ‘won”

oh wait . . . you want to talk about a dictator dead before you were born

my bad

this is the last rodeo for the jagdeoite scum . . . that’s where your “taking a chance” ruminations should be directed

banna, you not ready for prime time


Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:

Banna...stop with your foolishness

1...How do you know there wasnt one in 2015? If I am are you so CERTAIN there wont be a plan next election? 

2. Partially, yes...Indos will vote primarily for the leader of that party, same for Afros and the PNC...and those concerned about criminality will weigh that against what they experienced since 2015...

1. How do you know there was one? I recommend you stop asking me for evidence of absence. I doubt you understand what that means. Please look it up.
2. Ah. So you are saying that Indos will vote PPP and Afros will vote PNC. What's the matter? Are you unable to get over this PNC/PPP race thing?

VishMahabir posted:

To respond to your points. The last presidential election proved a diminishing of the racial division. Hence, the PPP lost.

Does that condition still hold? Are Guyanese more united today? I guess your informed views will challenge those of the GHRA, TI, social observers, etc..

You may be tempted to argue that the coalition won by rigging (re: your conviction that the current administration can only win by rigging) but you cannot provide any evidence.

Here we go againâ€Ķyou miss the pointâ€Ķ

You are probably not aware that Afro-Guyanese are generally less racist than Indo-Guyanese.

Not from what I am reading here on this site dailyâ€Ķthere is an imbalance yes, but there is a great divide and anger from both sidesâ€ĶBTW: what scientific evidence are you basing this statement on?

Any PPP candidate has a greater chance of attracting Afro votes than any coalition candidate has of attracting Indo votes. That's a fact.

LOLâ€Ķand WOW!â€Ķscientific data par excellenceâ€Ķor Houdini magicâ€Ķwhere is the evidence?

 The coalition does not have to rig to win the election for three reasons:1. Demographics have changed dramatically. 2. They did not have to rig to win the last election. 3. The PPP's performance over two decades in power is far from stellar. If your argument is that the PNC has to rig to win, isn't the inference that the PPP will win without the PNC's rigging? That is clear intimation that the PPP will win. It's simple.

More piffleâ€Ķor pufferyâ€Ķdemographics changedâ€Ķyesâ€Ķbut a revived coalition will not take a chance of winning with a one seat majorityâ€Ķwhat evidence you have that suggest that there is no Plan Bâ€Ķare there not discontented supporters who are dissatisfied with what this government has done since 2015, who might be tempted to throw their lot elsewhereâ€Ķjust as how you are so enormously certain that the PPP has lost votes?  

I think you're confused. I have addressed your posts point for point to some of which you cannot respond. To put things into perspective,
you accused me of not being able to get over the PNC/PPP racial thing while at the same time YOU are intent on propagating the same PNC/PPP racial thing. This makes you the typical Guyanese you referred to with such scorn.
First point: You do know the PPP lost the last election? They did so because of less race-based voting. Basically, many Indos (including wealthy Indos) had enough of the Jagdeo cabal. What reason do you have to believe Guyanese are less united in 2019 than they were in 2015? When last were you in Guyana?
Second point: What is it?
Third point: My opinion is based on personal experience. You probably don't read enough on this forum or have blinds on for posts made by Indos. BTW, I've been a member since 2001 with tremendous participation in my first ten years. Your experience on this forum is minimal compared to mine. For your information, I have had many long online battles with Carib and others about their racism. Yes. I am mostly of East Indian descent.
Fourth point: That is well-known. Your amazement gives an accurate indication of your knowledge of Guyana.
Fifth point: How is it piffle-puffery if you agree that demographics changed? If you are a student pursuing tertiary education, please desist from asking someone to prove something that isn't. The 2015 elections proved, quite enormously, that the PPP has lost votes. Again, you do know the PPP lost the last election... right?

ronan posted:

4th grade nonsense from Jagdeo

of a piece with the supposed 5,000 newly naturalized "Haitians" put on the voters roll by the PNC . . . that nobody, not even the ELITE LIARS at Freedom House can 'find'

labba running with duh though . . . he mussbe hiding them in he bt

Gilbakka, like plenty here drinking deep from the race CUP done gone cynic tribal and isn't even pretending at reason anymore

that's y'all right

i watch and am not amazed



This is the primary reason why the PNC wants house to house registration to rig the voter's list. 


Citizenship Dept caught in immigration fraud – Opposition

â€Ķpublishes alleged fraudulent naturalisation notices

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo has express grave concern over what he believes is an immigration racket going on at the Citizenship Department within the Ministry of the Presidency.
Jagdeo told reporters at his weekly press conference on Wednesday that there is an “enormous cesspool of corruption” at the Citizenship Department, which among other things, has seen fraudulent applications for citizenship here by foreign nationals.
He pointed to several such publications in the State’s newspaper over the past months that showed individuals applying for citizenship on more than one publications with different names and addresses.
For instance on February 5, 2019, a notice along with photograph was published of a young man by the name of Gabriel St Juste of Lot 56 Burma Mahaicony, East Coast Demerara, “applying to the Minister for naturalisation”. However, two days later on February 7, 2019 a similar notice carrying the same photograph was published but with a different name and address – Daniel Garcia Farres of Lot 1010 Norton Street, Cemetery Road, Georgetown.
The same was done last month. Another notice published on March 27, 2019 stating that Rubesh Abdus of Lot 0 Tabatinga, Lethem, Region Nine (Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo), was also applying for naturalisation. But, again, another publication two days later on March 29, 2019 saw the same photograph published with a different name and address, Hajime Beltran Abreu, of Lot 39 Owen Street, Kitty, Georgetown.
According to Jagdeo, these are just a few of several other cases found by persons from his party who are looking into the matter including Opposition Chief Whip Gail Teixeira, who chairs the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs.
The Opposition Leader does not believe that these were mistakes but rather a “tip of the iceberg” of what he describes as a “deep dark hole of corruption” at the Department of Citizenship, which is headed by Minister Winston Felix.
“So it’s just the tip of the iceberg, they found several other examples so that cannot be mistakes. This is a pattern and it’s happening right before our eyes in Chronicle. They believe that people are not (noticing it) because most of us don’t pay attention to this issue and so we are very, very concerned,” Jagdeo said at his press conference on Thursday.
He went on to state that this is part of a larger corruption racket to give out citizenship to hundreds, possibly thousands, of foreign citizens, who may be either paying for it or were deliberately brought here for other reasons.
“So it something that we will be following up on seriously,” he asserted, noting that they have already brought it up with several authorities. Jagdeo added, however, he hopes the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) has taken notice of these activities, which he said, poses risks for Guyanese.

Enhance scrutiny
He mentioned the economic citizenship programme that some Caribbean countries had implemented, whereby foreigners who invest certain amounts of money in the country were given passports, which subsequently begun attracting sanctions from the international community regarding the use of passports from those countries by ordinary people.
Jagdeo said Guyanese are likely to face the same fate and could be subjected to intense scrutiny since the integrity of Guyanese documents will be questioned.
“So they will put at risk our passport. When we go abroad now, we will now be faced with enhanced scrutiny across the Region because if the people in the Region and the US and other places feel that our passports are porous and anyone can get a passport – a person coming from Bangladesh or Brazil or Haiti or DR (The Dominican Republic) or wherever else, can easily get a (Guyanese) passport and then use that to travel on then they will start paying more attention to those of us who travel using Guyanese passports,” he stressed.
On the other hand, the Opposition Leader went on to highlight that they also have concerns when it comes to the increasing number of foreign nationals entering the country. He said figures from COPA Airlines show that from October last year to March this year, some 3800 Haitians came through Guyana and most are still likely here.
Jagdeo pointed out that Guyanese have been complaining that these foreigners are here looking for jobs and are making it difficult for locals because they (foreigners) work for less pay and so they get hired over Guyanese.
Further, the Opposition Leader also questioned the integrity of the entire system, saying the “digitisation of records” is particularly suspicious since false data can be inputted into the system, which can then be used to give false identification to the masses of foreigners coming in the country.
The parliamentary Opposition had long been saying that the coalition Government is granting thousands of Haitians and Cubans citizenship in order for them to get voting rights for the upcoming elections. But Government had rejected this notion.
A meeting of the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs back in June 2018 had revealed alarming statistics which thousands of Haitians and Cubans are not only overstaying their time in Guyana but cannot be accounted for.
As of April 30, 2018, a total of 1238 Haitians arrived in Guyana but only 85 left the country. In 2017, 3515 Haitian nationals entered Guyana and 291 left, while the year before out of 722 Haitians who came here, only 451 were on record as leaving. There were 770 Haitian nations who arrived in 2015, 227 in 2014 and 188 in 2013 but only 136, 113 and 99 left the country respectively.


System mix-up caused incorrect publication of naturalisation notices

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One of the two two naturalisation notices which were published in February. The photograph of the individual seen in this ad was incorrectly published two days earlier next to the particulars of another individual.

A mix-up in the computer system at the Advertising Department of the Guyana Chronicle was responsible for the incorrect names and photographs of persons seeking naturalisation status here being published recently.

General Manager (ag) of the Guyana National Newspapers Limited (GNNL) ,Ms Donna Todd explained that the incorrect information published on the individuals seeking naturalisation in Guyana was corrected within the days immediately after they were first carried.

She reiterated that the errors were genuine mistakes which were corrected immediately.

The issue surrounds two notices which were published during the months of February and March respectively.

On February 6 and 7, 2019 , a notice in the form of an advertisement bearing the name of Daniel Garcia Farres of Cemetery Road in Georgetown was published in the daily newspaper. That information was the CORRECT version of another advertisement which was published on February 4 and 5, 2019.

On the latter dates, the photograph of Mr Farres was incorrectly placed next to the name Gabriel St Juste of Mahaicony.

A similar mistake was made in March.

On March 29 and 30, 2019 , another naturalisation notice  in the name of Hajime Beltran Abreu of Owen Street, Kitty Georgetown was published in the daily newspaper.

One of the two two naturalisation notices which were published in March. The photograph of the individual seen in this ad was incorrectly published two days earlier next to the particulars of another individual.

That information was a CORRECTION of a similar advertisement which was published on March 27 , 2019 when Mr Abreu’s information appeared next to the name Rubesh Abdus of Tabatinga, Lethem.

The management of the GNNL disputed comments made by the Opposition this week regarding the notices.

It was noted that although Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo has indicated that the party was researching the issue, the group failed to notice the corrected copies of the persons seeking naturalisation status were published following the mistakes.

The GNNL management also noted that steps were immediately taken to ensure that there were no recurrence of such mistakes.



Guyana Chronicle accepts blame for erroneous citizenship notices; Citizenship Ministry not responsible for publications


Minister of Citizenship, Winston Felix.

The state-owned Guyana Chronicle newspaper on Thursday accepted responsibility for a mix-up in the publication of notices by foreigners who have applied to become Guyanese.

“A mix-up in the computer system at the Advertising Department of the Guyana Chronicle was responsible for the incorrect names and photographs of persons seeking naturalisation status here being published recently,” the newspaper quoted Donna Todd, General Manager of the Guyana National Newspapers Limited (GNNL), as saying.

The Department of Citizenship and Immigration also said it played no part in submitting the notices. Minister of Citizenship, Winston Felix said his ministry had nothing to do with the publications. He said it is the applicants who interface with the newspapers.

“The Department has nothing to do with the publication. That is a function of the applicant for naturalisation. It becomes a fraud when the publication is presented to the Department by the person who is attempting to perpetrate the fraud. We have nothing to do with the publication except to require it to be done as part of the process,” Felix told Demerara Waves Online News.

Curiously, the Guyana Chronicle questioned how the Opposition Leader’s Office did not pick up the corrected notices within the days immediately after they were first carried in the same way it had spotted those with mistakes. “Although Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo has indicated that the party was researching the issue, the group failed to notice the corrected copies of the persons seeking naturalisation status were published following the mistakes,” the newspaper said.

The Guyana Chronicle newspaper further stated that the GNNL management also noted that steps were immediately taken to ensure that there were no recurrence of such mistakes.

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo on Wednesday used the two erroneous publications as the basis for levelling charges of a human smuggling racket and the granting of Guyanese citizenship ahead of any possible house-to-house registration.

antabanta posted:
Labba posted:
antabanta posted:
You are probably not aware that Afro-Guyanese are generally less racist than Indo-Guyanese. Any PPP candidate has a greater chance of attracting Afro votes than any coalition candidate has of attracting Indo votes. That's a fact.


Bai doh is de biggest LAFF me get foh de month? Dem blackman vote foh dem mattie at 99% in de lass eleckshun. Dem collies touch 86%. Hey hey hey. Awww...dem is all one lovers like Carib and Snowier dan though...hey hey hey 

So you saying most blacks and some Indians voted against the PPP in 2015? When you done laff, tell abie wah mek da happen.

YES! the results...this election, like previous ones, will reflect an alignment towards race.... asking too many questions that others can help you with...I gat a class to go to....

VishMahabir posted:
antabanta posted:
Labba posted:
antabanta posted:
You are probably not aware that Afro-Guyanese are generally less racist than Indo-Guyanese. Any PPP candidate has a greater chance of attracting Afro votes than any coalition candidate has of attracting Indo votes. That's a fact.


Bai doh is de biggest LAFF me get foh de month? Dem blackman vote foh dem mattie at 99% in de lass eleckshun. Dem collies touch 86%. Hey hey hey. Awww...dem is all one lovers like Carib and Snowier dan though...hey hey hey 

So you saying most blacks and some Indians voted against the PPP in 2015? When you done laff, tell abie wah mek da happen.

YES! the results...this election, like previous ones, will reflect an alignment towards race.... asking too many questions that others can help you with...I gat a class to go to....

Help? I know more about Guyana than you and those others ever will. How foolish of you. Most blacks and some Indos voting against the PPP is ample evidence of the lessening of race-based voting. Remember, don't embarrass yourself in class by asking for evidence of absence.

Last edited by antabanta
antabanta posted:

First point: You do know the PPP lost the last election? They did so because of less race-based voting. Basically, many Indos (including wealthy Indos) had enough of the Jagdeo cabal. What reason do you have to believe Guyanese are less united in 2019 than they were in 2015? When last were you in Guyana?

Dude, that may be trueâ€Ķbut did you recall that there was a request to recountâ€Ķparticularly when the votes were so close?...and some hanky panky took place when some PPP agents were evicted from the stations?

Third point: My opinion is based on personal experience.

Your personal experience are just thatâ€Ķpersonal experienceâ€Ķthey do not translate into facts as you would like us to believeâ€Ķ.I don’t care what race you areâ€Ķ

The fake facts you posted above â€Ķare just thatâ€Ķ.fake.

The 2015 elections proved, quite enormously, that the PPP has lost votes. Again, you do know the PPP lost the last election... right?

Yesâ€Ķbut I know you a little slowâ€Ķhow does all of this translate into a belief that there is no Plan B or the PNC is not prepared to do so? That question must be asked simply because the party has a historyâ€Ķand now finds itself in a pickle with a 1 seat majorityâ€Ķ

This conversation is getting redundantâ€Ķ


"It was noted that although Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo has indicated that the party was researching the issue, the group failed to notice the corrected copies of the persons seeking naturalisation status were published following the mistakes."


How does two errors in publication equal to massive elections fraud? Jagdeo full of shyte and the sheeple parroting every bit of nonsense he screams on a weekly basis. Just like the 20,000 PPP voters who were going to be left off the list. Obviously publishing errors which the newspapers corrected at a later date. If there was some jiggery pokery going on, why would the newspapers publish the corrections? 


ronan posted:

sir, what exactly is the “historical pattern” of “PNC” you have fastened on to?

the last election rigged by “PNC” was 34 years ago [BEFORE YOU WERE BORN] under Desmond Hoyle who then scrapped the planned marriage of the communist PPP and the communist PNC agreed-upon just before kabaka kicked the bucket

oh yes, on the way to 1992, Hoyle abandoned “Burnhamism” (PNC communism) and placed Guyana on the path of market-oriented economic reform 

so, let’s talk about the “historical pattern” of the PPP . . . from the fellow-traveling Stalinist days to [CURRENT] Yeltsinite tiefmanism and murderous druglordism under bharrat jagdeo

yes, let’s talk about the “stakes” and the charandass gambit by the PPP to coerce ‘elections’ with a “rigged” voters roll

let’s talk about the multiple LG elections that the PPP refused to hold in violation of the Constitution because they could not win the big municipalities . . . they choose to control those through IMCs

how are we defining “rigging” again?More 

yes, let’s talk about Gocool Boodhoo and PPP rigging operations in 2011 and 2015

and finally, let’s talk about the two RECENT, clean LG elections held under the auspices of “PNC” . . .  that PPP ‘won”

oh wait . . . you want to talk about a dictator dead before you were born

my bad

this is the last rodeo for the jagdeoite scum . . . that’s where your “taking a chance” ruminations should be directed

banna, you not ready for prime time


More puffery...and pointless evasion...

...trying to divert and avoid the point I am making...and taking us on a yellow brick road ride with the Charandass and Gocool motorcade...

The PNC will implement a Plan B...their history (if it makes you happy, lets begin our history from 2015 then)...dictates that much....

You prove my point with this line ...."this is the last rodeo for the jagdeoite scum"  I am sure the Jagdeo/PPP/Ifraan supporters will appreciate how you boldly can tell them who their leader should be...

Whether its Jagdeo, Irfaan, Anil, Gail, or Jagan...your position will be the same...

BTW....Check those Facebook conclusion is clear...most govt supporters are openly saying that the coalition should (and must) rig the election if they have to keep the "monsters" away from the oil money...

Get my drift?

....or you still believe that the majority is 34? 

I guess the Hoytian "kith an kin" was not in motion there, eh?


VishMahabir posted:
antabanta posted:

First point: You do know the PPP lost the last election? They did so because of less race-based voting. Basically, many Indos (including wealthy Indos) had enough of the Jagdeo cabal. What reason do you have to believe Guyanese are less united in 2019 than they were in 2015? When last were you in Guyana?

Dude, that may be trueâ€Ķbut did you recall that there was a request to recountâ€Ķparticularly when the votes were so close?...and some hanky panky took place when some PPP agents were evicted from the stations?

Third point: My opinion is based on personal experience.

Your personal experience are just thatâ€Ķpersonal experienceâ€Ķthey do not translate into facts as you would like us to believeâ€Ķ.I don’t care what race you areâ€Ķ

The fake facts you posted above â€Ķare just thatâ€Ķ.fake.

The 2015 elections proved, quite enormously, that the PPP has lost votes. Again, you do know the PPP lost the last election... right?

Yesâ€Ķbut I know you a little slowâ€Ķhow does all of this translate into a belief that there is no Plan B or the PNC is not prepared to do so? That question must be asked simply because the party has a historyâ€Ķand now finds itself in a pickle with a 1 seat majorityâ€Ķ

This conversation is getting redundantâ€Ķ

How is a request for recount proof of rigging? Provide more information on the hanky-panky.

If my personal experience does not translate into facts for me, what else will? My race is important in helping you to understand I am an expert on the psyche of the Indo-Guyanese living in Guyana simply by being one of them. Which facts are fake?

Again, you are asking me to provide proof of something not happening. I don't think you understand what that means. The onus is upon you to provide sufficient evidence of your claim. How could the entity that won the election be in a pickle? It's the entrenched party that was depending on the blind support of their blind supporters that's in the pickle for losing. I'm enjoying the conversation but your comprehension could save the redundancy.

Did you skip some of my points because my slow pace is too fast for you?

Last edited by antabanta
antabanta posted:
Labba posted:
antabanta posted:
You are probably not aware that Afro-Guyanese are generally less racist than Indo-Guyanese. Any PPP candidate has a greater chance of attracting Afro votes than any coalition candidate has of attracting Indo votes. That's a fact.


Bai doh is de biggest LAFF me get foh de month? Dem blackman vote foh dem mattie at 99% in de lass eleckshun. Dem collies touch 86%. Hey hey hey. Awww...dem is all one lovers like Carib and Snowier dan though...hey hey hey 

So you saying most blacks and some Indians voted against the PPP in 2015? When you done laff, tell abie wah mek da happen.

Wah mek it happen...coolie na clannish like yuh and Caribj seh. Hey hey hey...

antabanta posted:
Labba posted:
antabanta posted:

So you saying most blacks and some Indians voted against the PPP in 2015? When you done laff, tell abie wah mek da happen.

Wah mek it happen...coolie na clannish like yuh and Caribj seh. Hey hey hey...

Not because the banditry of the Rat and PPP drove them to seek any alternative?

Na...dem juss not clannis as ayoo seh.


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