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ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:

"Regardless of your disagreement, people need to support BJ!"

Here you go, read what you said.

Your assumption of my wholly support of the PNC are erroneous, i gave jack his jacket.

Supporting the PPP is not supporting them doing anything to stay in power.  That’s what you are supporting. You don’t care if they revert to Burnham tactics, that’s well with you!

i am assuming that the "anything" you have a problem with would be things illegal, rite?

so baseman, tell us what exactly is "illegal" about the coalition's tenacious efforts in the Courts to spike jagdeo's plot to coerce fraud elections?

tell us

Right now, nothing.  I’m just reading the posting of PNC supporters and they will support any other plan if CCJ is negative.  They castigating the PPP leadership justifying anything the PNC does.   As I said, they will support anything the PNC does!

In 2011 I predicted the PNC will get in and revert to their old behavior.  And I’m predicting again if the lose at the CCJ.  

And you know this, you just playing stupid!

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:

"Regardless of your disagreement, people need to support BJ!"

Here you go, read what you said.

Your assumption of my wholly support of the PNC are erroneous, i gave jack his jacket.

Supporting the PPP is not supporting them doing anything to stay in power.  That’s what you are supporting. You don’t care if they revert to Burnham tactics, that’s well with you!

i am assuming that the "anything" you have a problem with would be things illegal, rite?

so baseman, tell us what exactly is "illegal" about the coalition's tenacious efforts in the Courts to spike jagdeo's plot to coerce fraud elections?

tell us

Right now, nothing.



Django posted:
ksazma posted:

The PNC will rig the next elections, period. But that is only if they even allow another election. Currently they are illegally squatting in government as is their reputation. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to have their head examined.

Not according to the Courts of Guyana.

Those two fools behaved like they were in a kangaroo court. They rendered their ruling worthless with their desperate attempt to support the despotic PNC.


If the CCJ rules that the NCV is valid, Guyanese will need to insulate themselves from the ensuing PNC supporters violence and mayhem. Things quiet now because they think they have gotten their way.

ksazma posted:

If the CCJ rules that the NCV is valid, Guyanese will need to insulate themselves from the ensuing PNC supporters violence and mayhem. Things quiet now because they think they have gotten their way.

They showed their teeth already.  It’s a taste of what’s to come!  The PNC hardliners are winning out!

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

If the CCJ rules that the NCV is valid, Guyanese will need to insulate themselves from the ensuing PNC supporters violence and mayhem. Things quiet now because they think they have gotten their way.

They showed their teeth already.  It’s a taste of what’s to come!  The PNC hardliners are winning out!

That is how they roll. That is why I refuse to side with anyone who malign Indians. We know fully well how things get when the PNC is allowed to exert their bully tendencies.

cain posted:

As long as Jagdeo and Irfatarse are in the front of the PPP, rumour has it they losing.

Rumour is NOT FACT. Gilly just following Guyana's gifted grammarian Irfaan's advice to "correct the facts". No hard feeling.

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:
cain posted:

As long as Jagdeo and Irfatarse are in the front of the PPP, rumour has it they losing.

Rumour is NOT FACT. Gilly just following Guyana's gifted grammarian Irfaan's advice to "correct the facts". No hard feeling.

True dat...rumour aint fact but I got dis feelin after being in a mixed group of eight persons who felt the same way. Four of these fellas always sided with PPP and now kinda sitting on the fence. 

Iman serious when I say if dem two rass is the face of the PPP, they staying in opposition.

cain posted:

Iman serious when I say if dem two rass is the face of the PPP, they staying in opposition.

Oye Cain, yuh is a big man wid experience. Don't tell me yuh ent know that women with ugly faces usually have nice, clean and appealing body parts. Same with PPP. Tek yuh eyes off Jagdeo and Irfaan and seek the appealing portions; ye shall find um.

ksazma posted:

Gilly, are you suggesting that Amna Ali and that woman who replaced Charandas has appealing body parts? 😀

Who knows? Sex appeal lies in the eyes of the beholder. 

Gilbakka posted:
cain posted:

Iman serious when I say if dem two rass is the face of the PPP, they staying in opposition.

Oye Cain, yuh is a big man wid experience. Don't tell me yuh ent know that women with ugly faces usually have nice, clean and appealing body parts. Same with PPP. Tek yuh eyes off Jagdeo and Irfaan and seek the appealing portions; ye shall find um.

Banna, if the fugly face somehow got in the way of everything else it would be difficult finding these appealing portions.

ksazma posted:

Gilly, are you suggesting that Amna Ali and that woman who replaced Charandas has appealing body parts? 😀

The two, Ksazma ...


Barbara Patricia PilgrimImage result for Amna Ally guyana

Amna Ally

Gilbakka posted:

A call to investigate naturalisation notices. Computer "glitches" claim questioned.

the corrections were promptly done a couple of days after initial publication

par for the course

that's why there is a Public Notice requirement . . . for people to see and object if there is anything amiss or fraudulent

jagdeo deceptive little star turn wasn't the cause of the Chronicle's revisit of the Notice

yes mr Gilbakka, just like Janet Jagan grinned and told you quietly that the Forbes Burnham multi-millionaire 'expose' that the PPP had cynically sponsored way back then was a monumental LIE and [necessary?] propaganda

shhh . . . shhhhhh . . . shhhhhhhhhhhhhh

antabanta posted:

Is where this little boy run gone and hide?

Too much wild cane on he baxside. He dancing without music grabbing both cheeks with both hands.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
antabanta posted:

Is where this little boy run gone and hide?

Too much wild cane on he baxside. He dancing without music grabbing both cheeks with both hands.

  Teacha Anta the Banta.

skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Gail unearthed some worms in the Chronicle. Jagdeo explains:

No sympathy with Jagdeo's screams.  He doesn't want House to House. Let GECOM add who they want without any verification process.


Verification of the rigging process. Good call black David Duke.

If the PPP is so sure that the PNC will rig what are they doing to prevent it?  



Weh de lil bai VishMahabir gone?

Anyway, I'm going to leave you alone for now. Hope you understand you're not qualified to run around calling people knucklehead and other derogatory names which is the behavior of someone without substance.

Last edited by antabanta

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