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Labba posted:
antabanta posted:
Labba posted:
antabanta posted:

So you saying most blacks and some Indians voted against the PPP in 2015? When you done laff, tell abie wah mek da happen.

Wah mek it happen...coolie na clannish like yuh and Caribj seh. Hey hey hey...

Not because the banditry of the Rat and PPP drove them to seek any alternative?

Na...dem juss not clannis as ayoo seh.

Dem clannish against outsiders and fight mattie like crab.

Labba posted:
antabanta posted:
Labba posted:
antabanta posted:

So you saying most blacks and some Indians voted against the PPP in 2015? When you done laff, tell abie wah mek da happen.

Wah mek it happen...coolie na clannish like yuh and Caribj seh. Hey hey hey...

Not because the banditry of the Rat and PPP drove them to seek any alternative?

Na...dem juss not clannis as ayoo seh.

Ignore the fool. Nothing anyone says, except Snowy Rowie, will sink in his brain. He is being paid well by his handlers.

skeldon_man posted:
Labba posted:
antabanta posted:
Labba posted:
antabanta posted:

So you saying most blacks and some Indians voted against the PPP in 2015? When you done laff, tell abie wah mek da happen.

Wah mek it happen...coolie na clannish like yuh and Caribj seh. Hey hey hey...

Not because the banditry of the Rat and PPP drove them to seek any alternative?

Na...dem juss not clannis as ayoo seh.

Ignore the fool. Nothing anyone says, except Snowy Rowie, will sink in his brain. He is being paid well by his handlers.

Eh?? I am a fool and have a handler??? How did you come by those foolish assumptions?


Here is a thought thinking out of the box.

The real reason for the Coalition using the Court process up to the CCJ, regarding the election matter, is to give the PNC enough time to finalize thousands of fake Birth Certificates and fake Naturalization Documents to give the black foreigners, in time to rig the election whenever the CCJ rules.

By way of obsevation, I also get the impression that the CCJ and GECOM are working hand in glove regarding the coordination of dates a to when the final decision is made and when election will be called. In other words CCJ will rule when GECOM secretly tells it that it is ready. 

Dondadda posted:

Here is a thought thinking out of the box.

The real reason for the Coalition using the Court process up to the CCJ, regarding the election matter, is to give the PNC enough time to finalize thousands of fake Birth Certificates and fake Naturalization Documents to give the black foreigners, in time to rig the election whenever the CCJ rules.

By way of obsevation, I also get the impression that the CCJ and GECOM are working hand in glove regarding the coordination of dates a to when the final decision is made and when election will be called. In other words CCJ will rule when GECOM secretly tells it that it is ready. 

On the money.

Dondadda posted:

Here is a thought thinking out of the box.

The real reason for the Coalition using the Court process up to the CCJ, regarding the election matter, is to give the PNC enough time to finalize thousands of fake Birth Certificates and fake Naturalization Documents to give the black foreigners, in time to rig the election whenever the CCJ rules.

By way of obsevation, I also get the impression that the CCJ and GECOM are working hand in glove regarding the coordination of dates a to when the final decision is made and when election will be called. In other words CCJ will rule when GECOM secretly tells it that it is ready. 

All sorts of theory, it's like saying kit and kin.

Gilbakka posted:

That trick of registering at different addresses and voting at two polling stations on election day was tried before in Guyana. PPP has the evidence.

You all are just setting up a case to start screaming if you lose the election.  You don't want a House to House so whoever GECOM adds to the list let this pass unverified.

Also why is a Haitian going to stay in Guyana when French Guiana is nearby.  Please stop deluding yourself that a life of poverty is so desirable for someone who fled that condition. What type of work will a Haitian do in Guyana? Who is employing them.  If the numbers of Haitians are so evident to impact the election how some no one talks of Haitian communities in Guyana.

People made the same claims of the Chinese when they arrived during PPP rule. Unlike Haitians these Chinese actually LIVE IN Guyana and are quite visible.

Why is it that the PPP make accusations against others based on sins that THEY committed?

VishMahabir posted:
Gilbakka posted:

That trick of registering at different addresses and voting at two polling stations on election day was tried before in Guyana. PPP has the evidence.

Then the PPP needs to do a forensic and comprehensive compilation of all these individuals since its published in the Chronicle...then make a federal case of it to expose the fraud.


If there was a House to House the PPP could then scrub the list and uncover where they think that there is fraud.

But they cannot because the list is not current so will be missing many people.

Btw if a St. Lucian comes to Guyana and resides there 12 months prior to the election they will be able to vote if on the voter list as being a Commonwealth citizen they have as much right to vote as do citizens from Guyana.

ronan posted:

4th grade nonsense from Jagdeo

of a piece with the supposed 5,000 newly naturalized "Haitians" put on the voters roll by the PNC . . . that nobody, not even the ELITE LIARS at Freedom House can 'find'

labba running with duh though . . . he mussbe hiding them in he bt

Gilbakka, like plenty here drinking deep from the race CUP done gone cynic tribal and isn't even pretending at reason anymore

that's y'all right

i watch and am not amazed


This is just Jagdeo with his racist anti black hysteria. Where are these Haitians in Guyana?  They come into Guyana and promptly leave for Suriname.  Those who are afraid to live in French Guiana illegally find jobs there and cross the border to live in Suriname at night.   Wages in FG are at the same level as those in the EU.

Now why will some Haitian who doesn't speak English want to stay in Guyana.  I want Jagdeo to answer this question.

Now I can accuse Jagdeo of a scam of bringing in Trini Indians to vote for the PPP.  They don't even have to be given Guyana citizenship.  They just need to establish residence in Guyana 12 months before the election and ensure that they are on the voter list.

Jagdeo can fool idiots like Gilly, who is now blinded by his tribalism that he has long ceased to see logic.  Gilly sing "3 blind mice" because that is what you now are.

Dondadda posted:


By way of obsevation, I also get the impression that the CCJ and GECOM are working hand in glove regarding the coordination of dates a to when the final decision is made and when election will be called. In other words CCJ will rule when GECOM secretly tells it that it is ready. 

You might think that the CCJ has nothing to do but to rush to comply with Jagdeo's screams.  just because you are one of the 3 blind mice he does so doesn't mean that these busy professionals should.

The same day that I predicted that Jagdeo would rush to the CCJ (even though on prior occasions he has implied that CARICOM consists of a bunch of racist Islanders who hate Indians) I checked their schedules.  They had cases up to mid May.  I stated that this case would not be reviewed until after April 30. GECOM long ago stated that the current voter list was not valid after that date.

So should the CCJ cancel or postpone those cases to suit Jagdeo's whims.  Of course not.  He was given a date when CCJ will be available to hear the case, and after they have had the time to view the evidence submitted by numerous parties to this case.

I know that most of the PPP frauds here, including Gilly, think that blacks are Dalits who must rush to comply with the commands of the superior Brahmins, but this isn't reality.

Now if Gilly and other PPP frauds think that living in CARICOM in a union that is majority black offends then they can exercise their rights as People of Indian Origin, and return to where few blacks live.

Dondadda posted:

SInce India is a Commonwealth member, can they come in thousands, reside in Guyana for a year and vote in General elections? Can Commonwealth citizens go to Trinidad and vote in their elections too?

Yes they can.  And yes I bet the PPP is doing exactly that, though recruiting from Trinidad is probably cheaper.

Just because the PPP engages in this doesn't mean that others do.

caribny posted:
Dondadda posted:

SInce India is a Commonwealth member, can they come in thousands, reside in Guyana for a year and vote in General elections? Can Commonwealth citizens go to Trinidad and vote in their elections too?

Yes they can.  And yes I bet the PPP is doing exactly that, though recruiting from Trinidad is probably cheaper.

Just because the PPP engages in this doesn't mean that others do.

Bai, I think that you should become Jagdeo Advisor on these matters. Jagdeo don’t listen to Coolie people, but he does listen to a Blackman like you. If a Coolie man tell he that he corrupt, he will cuss them down. If a Blackman like you tell him the same thing, he will listen and act. He should put you on the payroll.

caribny posted: 

If there was a House to House the PPP could then scrub the list and uncover where they think that there is fraud.

But they cannot because the list is not current so will be missing many people.

Btw if a St. Lucian comes to Guyana and resides there 12 months prior to the election they will be able to vote if on the voter list as being a Commonwealth citizen they have as much right to vote as do citizens from Guyana.

Tell us mr pnc propagandist, how much people missing from the USA list and when last US had house to house registration. 

Dondadda posted:
caribny posted:
Dondadda posted:

SInce India is a Commonwealth member, can they come in thousands, reside in Guyana for a year and vote in General elections? Can Commonwealth citizens go to Trinidad and vote in their elections too?

Yes they can.  And yes I bet the PPP is doing exactly that, though recruiting from Trinidad is probably cheaper.

Just because the PPP engages in this doesn't mean that others do.

Bai, I think that you should become Jagdeo Advisor on these matters. Jagdeo don’t listen to Coolie people, but he does listen to a Blackman like you. If a Coolie man tell he that he corrupt, he will cuss them down. If a Blackman like you tell him the same thing, he will listen and act. He should put you on the payroll.

You got it wrong. Jagdeo listens to no one aside from the little voices in his head.  He thinks Indos are slaves and should bow to his commands. He thinks that Afros are trouble makers who ought to be abused into compliance.

Anyone could have told Jagdeo that selecting Irfaan was a mistake.  Did he listen? No!  Now the Coalition thinks that they may have a vague chance of victory as Jagdeo just showed that he hasn't changed.


OW THE PPP AND GECOM RIGGED THE 2011 ELECTIONS  by Malcolm Harripaul –  Commentary

 The election that was held on 28th Nov 2011 was rigged by the PPP and GECOM. When one rigs an election from a minority base he has to take large blocks of votes away from the majority and so his rigging is easily detected. On the other hand when one rigs from a large base he does not have to take away votes from the minority. He only has to keep his base numbers high and this not easily detectable. That is why observers have a difficulty catching the PPP at rigging.

During the elections campaign the traditional PPP supporter stayed away from PPP meetings so much so that the PPP had to “rig” crowds at its rallies. When PPP supporters stayed away from the polls the PPP had to rig the elections. 

The report that follows is my own finding which are based on my personal experience on elections day.

Voter Turnout

The voter turnout in APNU strongholds was very high as was evident from the large crowds seen at the polling places throughout the morning. That was in stark contrast to PPP strongholds where only small groups of voters were seen. Yet according to the Statements of Poll the turnout in PPP areas was high. How is such a contradiction possible? The answer lies in the rigging process such as multiple voting and phantom voting.

Multiple Voting

Multiple voting was facilitated through several mechanisms and those were as follows:

As many as 8 polling stations were located in a building. The voters list for that polling place was split alphabetically which meant each station was supposed to have just a section of the list so that a voter’s name can only appear once at the entire polling place. However each station had the entire list which meant that a voter’s name appeared at each station. The situation was created where by a voter could vote at each station, as many as 4 to 8 times depending on the size of the building.

The indelible ink that was used to stain voters’ index finger was found in many cases to take as long as 15 to 20 minutes to be effective. In other cases the stain was easily removed. Again the situation was created for an elector to vote multiple times.

I dealt with one case on elections day where at Timehri Primary School on the East Bank Demerara a group of 26 PPP supporters were detected voting at least twice. Their names appeared on the lists of all the polling stations located in the building and the ink was slow to stain the finger. So multiple voting did take place and it was widespread.

I saw a group of PPP supporters being briefed outside West Demerara Secondary School. I got reports of groups of young PPP supporters being moved around on the East Bank Essequibo.

Buying Voters ID Card

At West Demerara Secondary School I saw PPP activists with a briefcase full of Voter ID Cards. They were distributing the cards to a group of PPP supporters. Voters also received a slip of paper which they had to present later for payment. The same set of PPP activists also went to Vreed En Hoop Primary School where they distributed ID cards to their supporters. Many voters later complained of receiving some counterfeit notes with their payment. Some shopkeepers also said they received counterfeit $1000.00 notes.

GECOM Created Obstacles to Polling Agents.

Since 1992 it was always the practice of GECOM to issue Letters of Employment to Polling Agents to enable them to vote at the station they were working at rather than where they were registered. Two days before elections GECOM aborted that practice by refusing to issue Letters of Employment. It meant that polling Agents would be late, would leave the polling station, or don’t show up at all if they had to work outside of their registered districts. That created a window of opportunity for PPP allied polling officials to mark up ballots for the PPP. Opposition polling agent were absent from most stations in the Amerindian communites.

Polling Places Located At Homes Of PPP Supporters.

Although our population has been declining, and as a consequence our national list of electors has stagnated or declined, GECOM increased the number of polling places, especially on the East Coast of Demerara, Region 4. There, newly created polling places, most a few days before elections, were located at the homes of known PPP supporters. This was done to facilitate phantom voting to counter APNU strongholds in Region 4.

PPP Controlled GECOM.

In PPP strongholds the GECOM polling staff comprised PPP members and supporters. The Rural Constables who provided security at polling places were also under the control of the PPP. The PPP utilized the structure and resources of the Neighborhood Democratic Councils (NDC). The NDC chairmen were the persons who were in command of the rigging operation. In every report I got of irregularities and breaches of the law the main culprits were the NDC chairmen.

At Silk Cotton Dam, Zeelugt, EBE, a NDC chairman had a gang of young PPP supporters whom he used to threaten to kill APNU officials if they did not leave the polling places. At Diamond EBD it was the NDC chairman who supervised the tampering of ballot boxes and the removal of the envelopes containing Statements of Poll on Wed 30th Nov. That was the EBD area where the PPP had called for a recount.

PPP Phantom Voting.

PPP phantom voting is a phenomena whereby an elector votes without ever setting foot in the polling station or signing a proxy form. Phantom Voting is done by PPP allied polling officials who mark ballots for the PPP in the absence of polling agents, or in many cases by simply conning the agents. Care is taken not to exceed the numbers on the polling station list as that would raise a red flag with the Local and International Observers.

Due to lack of opposition polling agents the PPP captured the Amerindian votes through phantom voting.

Ballot Box Tampering

On Tue 29th Nov concerned citizens reported that ballot boxes were being tampered with at North Ruimveldt Multilateral School in which all the ballot boxes for District 4 South Georgetown were stored by GECOM. APNU was able to obtain 11 broken ballot box seals from someone who smuggled them past heavily armed police. That was the same district that the PPP wanted a recount after its agent “fixed” the votes.

Ballot Boxes Found On The West Demerara.

On Wed 30th Nov one ballot box was found at Vreed En Hoop, West Coast Demerara, and another was found at Versailles West Bank Demerara, Region 3. The finds were made after Police had searched the homes of 2 PPP activists in the area for ballot boxes. Homes were also searched for ID cards. It was clear that PPP personnel were involved in nefarious activities with ballot boxes and ID cards.

PPP Calls For Recount

The PPP had called for a recount of ballots on the West Demerara, South Georgetown, and East Bank Demerara. Those were the locations where ballot boxes were tampered with after polling and after being secured by GECOM. It was clear that the PPP called for a recount after it had “fixed” the ballots in its favour.

Statements Of Poll.

The Statements of Poll (SOPs) are the most important document generated during the electoral process. They are a count of the votes and are the basis on which the election results are tabulated and declared. The SOPs do not reflect multiple and phantom voting. Those have to be detected on the ground and objections must be raised immediately to stop the fraud. If multiple and phantom voting are not detected then the elections appear to be good and so the rigging cannot be detected on the SOPs, especially when, as is the case of the PPP, you have the largest bloc of traditional voters and you just have to keep your numbers high but do not exceed the list.


The APNU won the elections. Our supporters came out early in large numbers to vote all over Guyana. The PPP traditional supporters turned out in small numbers. In Jagdeo’s home village of Unity, Mahaica, ECD, out of 484 electors, only 184 showed up to vote. I saw people straggling to vote in the PPP traditional strongholds, but just as the PPP “rigged” its rallies, it had to resort to multiple and phantom voting to rig the numbers in their strongholds and the Amerindian communites, and so rig the elections. The regime has stolen the elections and the government from APNU.

We want justice. We want our election that we won. We want the Presidency and the Government which we won by the ballots. But we are willing to share the Government in the interest of peace and unity, and so we demand POWER SHARING.

Malcolm Harripaul

VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:

yaaaawwn . . .

like drugb renting renting the VM handle

This coming from the "man" in a previous post who told us he did have a problem with the fuzzy "34"....before the court case... conveniently forgotten.

really . . . how so?

you seem confused about who i am and what i post

phone a friend . . . please

Last edited by Former Member
Mitwah posted:
ronan posted:

4th grade nonsense from Jagdeo

of a piece with the supposed 5,000 newly naturalized "Haitians" put on the voters roll by the PNC . . . that nobody, not even the ELITE LIARS at Freedom House can 'find'

labba running with duh though . . . he mussbe hiding them in he bt

Gilbakka, like plenty here drinking deep from the race CUP done gone cynic tribal and isn't even pretending at reason anymore

that's y'all right

i watch and am not amazed



This is the primary reason why the PNC wants house to house registration to rig the voter's list. 

are you saying that house-to-house registration is/should be illegal?

VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:

yes, let’s talk about Gocool Boodhoo and PPP rigging operations in 2011 and 2015

and finally, let’s talk about the two RECENT, clean LG elections held under the auspices of “PNC” . . .  that PPP ‘won”

The PNC will implement a Plan B...their history (if it makes you happy, lets begin our history from 2015 then)...dictates that much....


OK . . . your turn

VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:
this is the last rodeo for the jagdeoite scum . . . that’s where your “taking a chance” ruminations should be directed

You prove my point with this line ...."this is the last rodeo for the jagdeoite scum"  I am sure the Jagdeo/PPP/Ifraan supporters will appreciate how you boldly can tell them who their leader should be...

there must be a book or course out there someplace where you can learn to think like a grown-up and not a punk . . . able to structure thought patterns that are logical and coherent

re-read your nonsense above and go sit in a corner

VishMahabir posted:

BTW....Check those Facebook conclusion is clear...most govt supporters are openly saying that the coalition should (and must) rig the election if they have to keep the "monsters" away from the oil money...

huh . . . wow?!

tell me more about those Facebook "responses" . . . responding to what, sir?

but, more to the point, do you actually know what a "conclusion" is?

you giving tertiary education in the 21st Century a bad name


kp posted:

Citizenship Dept caught in immigration fraud – Opposition


â€Ķpublishes alleged fraudulent naturalisation notices

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo has express grave concern over what he believes is an immigration racket going on at the Citizenship Department within the Ministry of the Presidency.
Jagdeo told reporters at his weekly press conference on Wednesday that there is an “enormous cesspool of corruption” at the Citizenship Department, which among other things, has seen fraudulent applications for citizenship here by foreign nationals.
He pointed to several such publications in the State’s newspaper over the past months that showed individuals applying for citizenship on more than one publications with different names and addresses.
For instance on February 5, 2019, a notice along with photograph was published of a young man by the name of Gabriel St Juste of Lot 56 Burma Mahaicony, East Coast Demerara, “applying to the Minister for naturalisation”. However, two days later on February 7, 2019 a similar notice carrying the same photograph was published but with a different name and address – Daniel Garcia Farres of Lot 1010 Norton Street, Cemetery Road, Georgetown.
The same was done last month. Another notice published on March 27, 2019 stating that Rubesh Abdus of Lot 0 Tabatinga, Lethem, Region Nine (Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo), was also applying for naturalisation. But, again, another publication two days later on March 29, 2019 saw the same photograph published with a different name and address, Hajime Beltran Abreu, of Lot 39 Owen Street, Kitty, Georgetown.
According to Jagdeo, these are just a few of several other cases found by persons from his party who are looking into the matter including Opposition Chief Whip Gail Teixeira, who chairs the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs.
The Opposition Leader does not believe that these were mistakes but rather a “tip of the iceberg” of what he describes as a “deep dark hole of corruption” at the Department of Citizenship, which is headed by Minister Winston Felix.
“So it’s just the tip of the iceberg, they found several other examples so that cannot be mistakes. This is a pattern and it’s happening right before our eyes in Chronicle. They believe that people are not (noticing it) because most of us don’t pay attention to this issue and so we are very, very concerned,” Jagdeo said at his press conference on Thursday.
He went on to state that this is part of a larger corruption racket to give out citizenship to hundreds, possibly thousands, of foreign citizens, who may be either paying for it or were deliberately brought here for other reasons.
“So it something that we will be following up on seriously,” he asserted, noting that they have already brought it up with several authorities. Jagdeo added, however, he hopes the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) has taken notice of these activities, which he said, poses risks for Guyanese.

Enhance scrutiny
He mentioned the economic citizenship programme that some Caribbean countries had implemented, whereby foreigners who invest certain amounts of money in the country were given passports, which subsequently begun attracting sanctions from the international community regarding the use of passports from those countries by ordinary people.
Jagdeo said Guyanese are likely to face the same fate and could be subjected to intense scrutiny since the integrity of Guyanese documents will be questioned.
“So they will put at risk our passport. When we go abroad now, we will now be faced with enhanced scrutiny across the Region because if the people in the Region and the US and other places feel that our passports are porous and anyone can get a passport – a person coming from Bangladesh or Brazil or Haiti or DR (The Dominican Republic) or wherever else, can easily get a (Guyanese) passport and then use that to travel on then they will start paying more attention to those of us who travel using Guyanese passports,” he stressed.
On the other hand, the Opposition Leader went on to highlight that they also have concerns when it comes to the increasing number of foreign nationals entering the country. He said figures from COPA Airlines show that from October last year to March this year, some 3800 Haitians came through Guyana and most are still likely here.
Jagdeo pointed out that Guyanese have been complaining that these foreigners are here looking for jobs and are making it difficult for locals because they (foreigners) work for less pay and so they get hired over Guyanese.
Further, the Opposition Leader also questioned the integrity of the entire system, saying the “digitisation of records” is particularly suspicious since false data can be inputted into the system, which can then be used to give false identification to the masses of foreigners coming in the country.
The parliamentary Opposition had long been saying that the coalition Government is granting thousands of Haitians and Cubans citizenship in order for them to get voting rights for the upcoming elections. But Government had rejected this notion.
A meeting of the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs back in June 2018 had revealed alarming statistics which thousands of Haitians and Cubans are not only overstaying their time in Guyana but cannot be accounted for.
As of April 30, 2018, a total of 1238 Haitians arrived in Guyana but only 85 left the country. In 2017, 3515 Haitian nationals entered Guyana and 291 left, while the year before out of 722 Haitians who came here, only 451 were on record as leaving. There were 770 Haitian nations who arrived in 2015, 227 in 2014 and 188 in 2013 but only 136, 113 and 99 left the country respectively.

This is exactly how the despotic PNC plans to bloat the voters list. One should always think at least twice before he or she acts. It is too late now but lots of voters squandered their vote on this Coalition in 2015. 

ronan posted:
Mitwah posted:
ronan posted:

4th grade nonsense from Jagdeo

of a piece with the supposed 5,000 newly naturalized "Haitians" put on the voters roll by the PNC . . . that nobody, not even the ELITE LIARS at Freedom House can 'find'

labba running with duh though . . . he mussbe hiding them in he bt

Gilbakka, like plenty here drinking deep from the race CUP done gone cynic tribal and isn't even pretending at reason anymore

that's y'all right

i watch and am not amazed



This is the primary reason why the PNC wants house to house registration to rig the voter's list. 

are you saying that house-to-house registration is/should be illegal?

Tell us what is the precedence in democracies. Does the US and CA do house to house registration?  What will the jackass pnc do, force people to register then have their agents at the polling station be their proxies in favor of pnc?   There is already a continuous registration process in place to register new voters and a cross reference to the dead people list will eliminate the dead. Yall rass up to crookishness, wanting to tamper with the voting list to manipulate in your favor.


It’s amazing reading FB and see the utter disrespect the PNC supporters have for the PPP personalities and supporters not general.  They don’t hide it one bit.  They will support the PNC even if the revert to Burnham tactics to stay in power. 

Regardless of your disagreement, people need to support BJ!  I see dark days coming!

Baseman posted:

It’s amazing reading FB and see the utter disrespect the PNC supporters have for the PPP personalities and supporters not general.  They don’t hide it one bit.  They will support the PNC even if the revert to Burnham tactics to stay in power. 

Regardless of your disagreement, people need to support BJ!  I see dark days coming!

Why should people support the crooked BJ  and the puppet ?  also replace the crystal ball.

Baseman posted:

It’s amazing reading FB and see the utter disrespect the PNC supporters have for the PPP personalities and supporters not general. They don’t hide it one bit.  They will support the PNC even if the revert to Burnham tactics to stay in power.

and the PPP supporters on GNI . . . ?

their ritual cross burnings and race hate don't "amaze" you, rite?


ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

It’s amazing reading FB and see the utter disrespect the PNC supporters have for the PPP personalities and supporters not general. They don’t hide it one bit.  They will support the PNC even if the revert to Burnham tactics to stay in power.

and the PPP supporters on GNI . . . ?

their ritual cross burnings and race hate don't "amaze" you, rite?


GNI has a lot of rabble rouser as people post under handle.  In reality they are more measured and pragmatic.  

Its interesting you never deny what I said.  It’s clear the PNC supporters will embrace any means necessary to stay in power.  I still believe many PNC supporters here and in Guyana were sympathetic to the Buxton FFs!

Django posted:
Baseman posted:

It’s amazing reading FB and see the utter disrespect the PNC supporters have for the PPP personalities and supporters not general.  They don’t hide it one bit.  They will support the PNC even if the revert to Burnham tactics to stay in power. 

Regardless of your disagreement, people need to support BJ!  I see dark days coming!

Why should people support the crooked BJ  and the puppet ?  also replace the crystal ball.

Here you go.  You are one who will support anything the PNC does.  

People are free to support who they wish. It’s how democracy works.  It’s not for you or the PNC to play judge and jury.  Let the people decide as they did in 2015!

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

It’s amazing reading FB and see the utter disrespect the PNC supporters have for the PPP personalities and supporters not general. They don’t hide it one bit.  They will support the PNC even if the revert to Burnham tactics to stay in power.

and the PPP supporters on GNI . . . ?

their ritual cross burnings and race hate don't "amaze" you, rite?


GNI has a lot of rabble rouser as people post under handle.  In reality they are more measured and pragmatic. 

what does that mean in context?

how does that address my question?

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

It’s amazing reading FB and see the utter disrespect the PNC supporters have for the PPP personalities and supporters not general.  They don’t hide it one bit.  They will support the PNC even if the revert to Burnham tactics to stay in power. 

Regardless of your disagreement, people need to support BJ!  I see dark days coming!

Why should people support the crooked BJ  and the puppet ?  also replace the crystal ball.

Here you go.  You are one who will support anything the PNC does.  

People are free to support who they wish. It’s how democracy works.  It’s not for you or the PNC to play judge and jury.  Let the people decide as they did in 2015!

"Regardless of your disagreement, people need to support BJ! "

Here you go, read what you said.

Your assumption of my wholly support of the PNC are erroneous, i gave jack his jacket.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

It’s amazing reading FB and see the utter disrespect the PNC supporters have for the PPP personalities and supporters not general.  They don’t hide it one bit.  They will support the PNC even if the revert to Burnham tactics to stay in power. 

Regardless of your disagreement, people need to support BJ!  I see dark days coming!

Why should people support the crooked BJ  and the puppet ?  also replace the crystal ball.

Here you go.  You are one who will support anything the PNC does.  

People are free to support who they wish. It’s how democracy works.  It’s not for you or the PNC to play judge and jury.  Let the people decide as they did in 2015!

"Regardless of your disagreement, people need to support BJ! "

Here you go, read what you said.

Your assumption of my wholly support of the PNC are erroneous, i gave jack his jacket.

Yes, given the bold face racism and tje anything goes by the PNC.  Supporting the PPP is not supporting them doing anything to stay in power.  That’s what you are supporting. You don’t care if they revert to Burnham tactics, that’s well with you!

Banna, you are shameless!

ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

It’s amazing reading FB and see the utter disrespect the PNC supporters have for the PPP personalities and supporters not general. They don’t hide it one bit.  They will support the PNC even if the revert to Burnham tactics to stay in power.

and the PPP supporters on GNI . . . ?

their ritual cross burnings and race hate don't "amaze" you, rite?


GNI has a lot of rabble rouser as people post under handle.  In reality they are more measured and pragmatic. 

what does that mean in context?

how does that address my question?

People of FB are boldly saying racist things in their own name.  I know few on GNI and they are not as polarizing as they post here.  They just do so to create a ruckus and action here!

I don’t judge anyone by posting here, that includes you, Cribby, Mars or anyone.  I put it as just counter positions!

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

It’s amazing reading FB and see the utter disrespect the PNC supporters have for the PPP personalities and supporters not general. They don’t hide it one bit.  They will support the PNC even if the revert to Burnham tactics to stay in power.

and the PPP supporters on GNI . . . ?

their ritual cross burnings and race hate don't "amaze" you, rite?


GNI has a lot of rabble rouser as people post under handle.  In reality they are more measured and pragmatic. 

what does that mean in context?

how does that address my question?

People of FB are boldly saying racist things in their own name.

I know few on GNI and they are not as polarizing as they post here.  They just do so to create a ruckus here and action here!

what exactly is the 'difference' you are pointing at?

other than the fact that GNI's racist cross-burners are more cowardly, that is

and, the double down of your second sentence is interesting . . . you seem to be saying that your GNI friends are 'decent' people who moonlight as Nazis on social media

i advise you pull brakes and think a bit on the elevated nonsense you are posting


Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Django posted:

"Regardless of your disagreement, people need to support BJ!"

Here you go, read what you said.

Your assumption of my wholly support of the PNC are erroneous, i gave jack his jacket.

Supporting the PPP is not supporting them doing anything to stay in power.  That’s what you are supporting. You don’t care if they revert to Burnham tactics, that’s well with you!

i am assuming that the "anything" you have a problem with would be things illegal, rite?

so baseman, tell us what exactly is "illegal" about the coalition's tenacious efforts in the Courts to spike jagdeo's plot to coerce fraud elections?

tell us

ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

It’s amazing reading FB and see the utter disrespect the PNC supporters have for the PPP personalities and supporters not general. They don’t hide it one bit.  They will support the PNC even if the revert to Burnham tactics to stay in power.

and the PPP supporters on GNI . . . ?

their ritual cross burnings and race hate don't "amaze" you, rite?


GNI has a lot of rabble rouser as people post under handle.  In reality they are more measured and pragmatic. 

what does that mean in context?

how does that address my question?

People of FB are boldly saying racist things in their own name.

I know few on GNI and they are not as polarizing as they post here.  They just do so to create a ruckus here and action here!

what exactly is the 'difference' you are pointing at?

other than the fact that GNI's racist cross-burners are more cowardly, that is

and, the double down of your second sentence is interesting . . . you seem to be saying that your GNI friends are 'decent' people who moonlight as Nazis on social media

i advise you pull brakes and think a bit on the elevated nonsense you are posting


Nah, dem ain’t that bad.  PNC people mo bad than PPP people!  But there are also good PNCites!  Bai, me got some PNC family, so mi know wuh mi saying!


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