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Originally posted by alena:
Goodbye to an icon in Guyana's History. The youngest, the smartest, the brightest, the best speaker, the only one who impressed the international community, the fighter; the man who endured the pressures of the one of the most racially divided nations on earth and still strove to get us away from mass starvation.

Both Jagan and Burnham were Guyana Scholars at QC. Where did Jagdeo attend school in Guyana? That outstanding Guyanese institution named Bygeval High.
Originally posted by AndrÃĐ:

Both Jagan and Burnham were Guyana Scholars at QC. Where did Jagdeo attend school in Guyana? That outstanding Guyanese institution named Bygeval High.

Jagdeo's 'A' Level results were better than lots of QC students. He did excellent in University although his college was not as recognized as that of Cheddi and Burnham. He was way ahead in Economics and Finance concepts compared to Cheddi and Burnham.
Originally posted by alena:
Originally posted by AndrÃĐ:

Both Jagan and Burnham were Guyana Scholars at QC. Where did Jagdeo attend school in Guyana? That outstanding Guyanese institution named Bygeval High.

Jagdeo's 'A' Level results were better than lots of QC students. He did excellent in University although his college was not as recognized as that of Cheddi and Burnham. He was way ahead in Economics and Finance concepts compared to Cheddi and Burnham.

I maintain that Burnham was academically a lot more brilliant than Jagdeo. Attending Bygeval High means that he had to be not too sharp at Common Entrance. Having better A Level results than a few QC students does not make someone a scholar. I'm sure there were many QC students who had better A Level results than Jagdeo since he didn't win the Guyana Scholarship. Burnham winning the Guyana Scholarship meant that he had THE best A level results in the nation. When it comes to public speaking Burnham made Jagdeo look like an amateur. Jagdeo is not as fluent a speaker as Burnham unless he's in cuss down mode. That's what he excels at. Do you think that Jagdeo majoring in Economics meant that he would have a better understanding of Economics concepts than Burnham? In that case I can say that Burnham was a much better attorney than Jagdeo. Burnham excelled in a real university in the UK. Jagdeo attended an ideological brainwashing school in the USSR run by the KGB. No comparison, not even close.
Originally posted by alena:
Attending Bygeval High means that he had to be not too sharp at Common Entrance.

Maybe he got a score to go to QC and did not go because he could not afford it.

Maybe not. The more likely scenario would be that he was too much of a dunce to make it to QC and he settled for Bygeval High.
Originally posted by AndrÃĐ:
Originally posted by alena:
Originally posted by AndrÃĐ:

Both Jagan and Burnham were Guyana Scholars at QC. Where did Jagdeo attend school in Guyana? That outstanding Guyanese institution named Bygeval High.

Jagdeo's 'A' Level results were better than lots of QC students. He did excellent in University although his college was not as recognized as that of Cheddi and Burnham. He was way ahead in Economics and Finance concepts compared to Cheddi and Burnham.

I maintain that Burnham was academically a lot more brilliant than Jagdeo. Attending Bygeval High means that he had to be not too sharp at Common Entrance. Having better A Level results than a few QC students does not make someone a scholar. I'm sure there were many QC students who had better A Level results than Jagdeo since he didn't win the Guyana Scholarship. Burnham winning the Guyana Scholarship meant that he had THE best A level results in the nation. When it comes to public speaking Burnham made Jagdeo look like an amateur. Jagdeo is not as fluent a speaker as Burnham unless he's in cuss down mode. That's what he excels at. Do you think that Jagdeo majoring in Economics meant that he would have a better understanding of Economics concepts than Burnham? In that case I can say that Burnham was a much better attorney than Jagdeo. Burnham excelled in a real university in the UK. Jagdeo attended an ideological brainwashing school in the USSR run by the KGB. No comparison, not even close.

Burnham and Jagan probably took a few economics courses when they were at University. If you listened to their May day speeches from the national park you would realized that they both knew clearly about the different econonmic concepts. But they were not trained deeply in the subject. Jagdeo was. So their knowledge in the subject is not as deep as Jagdeo's knowledge of the subject.
Originally posted by Wally:
Burnham and Jagan probably took a few economics courses when they were at University. If you listened to their May day speeches from the national park you would realized that they both knew clearly about the different econonmic concepts. But they were not trained deeply in the subject. Jagdeo was. So their knowledge in the subject is not as deep as Jagdeo's knowledge of the subject.

Jagdeo has a degree in Economics from Patrice Lumumba University [a glorified high school for hard headed Third Worlders].

If you know anything about the former Soviet Union, and what passed for the study of "Economics" there, you'd quit this nonsense about Jagdeo's 'great' education.
One problem with Guyanese governments is that the individual in charge of the different ministries doe snot have to have any sort of university qualification to do the job. Another problem is that many Guyanese assume that the president knows enough about economics in order to be able to make financial decisions.
In most credible government the Treasury takes care of the economic situation and the minister in charge has the appropriate degrees and education.
Originally posted by Mr.T:
One problem with Guyanese governments is that the individual in charge of the different ministries doe snot have to have any sort of university qualification to do the job. Another problem is that many Guyanese assume that the president knows enough about economics in order to be able to make financial decisions.
In most credible government the Treasury takes care of the economic situation and the minister in charge has the appropriate degrees and education.

What degree did Winston Churchill have?
Originally posted by TI:
I wouldn't knock the Russian system of education. Every Russian whoever worked with me was extremely smart and much better educated than their US counterparts. The youngest one already picked up his CFA first shot. If you know anything about the CFA, the passing rate is less than 50%.

I carefully restricted my comments to the teaching of "Economics" in the former Soviet Union, and to Patrice Lumumba University; the average Russian would have preferred to die rather than have their children 'educated' there [flag 'hyperbole' for the slow].

Develop the habit of actually reading (not skimming) what others post before commenting!
Originally posted by TI:
Do you know what economics is taught in the Soviet Union or are you speculating based on anti Soviet rantings?

The Soviets were screwed with politics, not education. The Soviets/Russians have top-notch technical education, cannot be they don't know economics. It's politics was their issue.
Originally posted by baseman:
The Soviets/Russians have top-notch technical education, cannot be they don't know economics. It's politics was their issue.

If you knew anything about Marxism and the Soviet system, you would understand that politics meant economics.

Why do you think the bloody place collapsed??

"Technical education" . . . who's talking about that?

Enough with the strawmen!
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by baseman:
The Soviets/Russians have top-notch technical education, cannot be they don't know economics. It's politics was their issue.

If you knew anything about Marxism and the Soviet system, you would understand that politics meant economics.

Why do you think the bloody place collapsed??

"Technical education" . . . who's talking about that?

Enough with the strawmen!

Bai, you funny no ass, you like caribj clone. I dont think you understood my point anyway.
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by TI:
Do you know what economics is taught in the Soviet Union or are you speculating based on anti Soviet rantings?

The Soviets were screwed with politics, not education. The Soviets/Russians have top-notch technical education, cannot be they don't know economics. It's politics was their issue.

Economics is a school of thought. It is based on a series of theories and supplemented with statistical data. It is primary a reading course where you analyze both planned economies and private economies. Nobody teaches you anything. You can like a theory or dispute it. It calls for analytic thinking based on whatever models you like or don't like.
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by baseman:
The Soviets/Russians have top-notch technical education, cannot be they don't know economics. It's politics was their issue.

If you knew anything about Marxism and the Soviet system, you would understand that politics meant economics.

Why do you think the bloody place collapsed??

"Technical education" . . . who's talking about that?

Enough with the strawmen!

Bai, you funny no ass, you like caribj clone. I dont think you understood my point anyway.

Calling me names because I expose you as a fool is not rebuttal but the tactic of the IGNORANT!
Originally posted by redux:

If you knew anything about Marxism and the Soviet system, you would understand that politics meant economics.

Why do you think the bloody place collapsed??

The place did not collapse because of economic thought. Communist China is not collapsing. The Western world is collapsing because of what?
Originally posted by TI:
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by TI:
Do you know what economics is taught in the Soviet Union or are you speculating based on anti Soviet rantings?

The Soviets were screwed with politics, not education. The Soviets/Russians have top-notch technical education, cannot be they don't know economics. It's politics was their issue.

Economics is a school of thought. It is based on a series of theories and supplemented with statistical data. It is primary a reading course where you analyze both planned economies and private economies. Nobody teaches you anything. You can like a theory or dispute it. It calls for analytic thinking based on whatever models you like or don't like.

What an Idiot!

You think that they were reading Samuelson in Economics 101 @ Patrice Lumumba U??

Stick to what you know . . . don't embarrass yourself further.
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by baseman:
The Soviets/Russians have top-notch technical education, cannot be they don't know economics. It's politics was their issue.

If you knew anything about Marxism and the Soviet system, you would understand that politics meant economics.

Why do you think the bloody place collapsed??

"Technical education" . . . who's talking about that?

Enough with the strawmen!

Bai, you funny no ass, you like caribj clone. I dont think you understood my point anyway.

Calling me names because I expose you as a fool is not rebuttal but the tactic of the IGNORANT!

You seem to forget you are the expert in using those same tactics Big Grin.
Originally posted by TI:
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by baseman:
The Soviets/Russians have top-notch technical education, cannot be they don't know economics. It's politics was their issue.

If you knew anything about Marxism and the Soviet system, you would understand that politics meant economics.

Why do you think the bloody place collapsed??

"Technical education" . . . who's talking about that?

Enough with the strawmen!

Bai, you funny no ass, you like caribj clone. I dont think you understood my point anyway.

Calling me names because I expose you as a fool is not rebuttal but the tactic of the IGNORANT!

You seem to forget you are the expert in using those same tactics Big Grin.

Ummm, not really . . . I rebut, THEN I call you an idiot.
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by TI:
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by TI:
Do you know what economics is taught in the Soviet Union or are you speculating based on anti Soviet rantings?

The Soviets were screwed with politics, not education. The Soviets/Russians have top-notch technical education, cannot be they don't know economics. It's politics was their issue.

Economics is a school of thought. It is based on a series of theories and supplemented with statistical data. It is primary a reading course where you analyze both planned economies and private economies. Nobody teaches you anything. You can like a theory or dispute it. It calls for analytic thinking based on whatever models you like or don't like.

What an Idiot!

You think that they were reading Samuelson in Economics 101 @ Patrice Lumumba U??

Stick to what you know . . . don't embarrass yourself further.

So educate me Einstein. What were they studying?
You make allegations, all hype but no substance. You pretend to be an expert but only offer speculations.
And back to the original question, did you go there?

Now you accuse Jagdeo of being a communist yet cry like a little baby because of his capitalist policies. More and more, you are sounding like a loudmouth.
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by TI:
I wouldn't knock the Russian system of education. Every Russian whoever worked with me was extremely smart and much better educated than their US counterparts. The youngest one already picked up his CFA first shot. If you know anything about the CFA, the passing rate is less than 50%.

I carefully restricted my comments to the teaching of "Economics" in the former Soviet Union, and to Patrice Lumumba University; the average Russian would have preferred to die rather than have their children 'educated' there [flag 'hyperbole' for the slow].

Develop the habit of actually reading (not skimming) what others post before commenting!

This is pure nonsense. Patrice Lumumba University has Russian students also. I have spoken to many African students in the United States who attended that University. The quality of work is higher than most American Universities. First of all you have to learn Russian (which is not an easy language to learn) before you take the courses. The professors do not care if you are a foreign student or a Russian they mark your papers (which are written in Russian) equal.
Originally posted by TI:
Now you accuse Jagdeo of being a communist yet cry like a little baby because of his capitalist policies. More and more, you are sounding like a loudmouth.

I never 'accused' Jagdeo of being a communist, stop LYING!

I have pointed out that he is an POORLY EDUCATED 'leader' of thieves and thugs.
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by baseman:
The Soviets/Russians have top-notch technical education, cannot be they don't know economics. It's politics was their issue.

If you knew anything about Marxism and the Soviet system, you would understand that politics meant economics.

Why do you think the bloody place collapsed??

"Technical education" . . . who's talking about that?

Enough with the strawmen!

This is the weakness of Marx's writings. He only wrote in terms about economics. He did not take into account other factors in society like culture which other thinkers such as Durkeim did.
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by redux:
If you knew anything about Marxism and the Soviet system, you would understand that politics meant economics.

Why do you think the bloody place collapsed??

"Technical education" . . . who's talking about that?

Enough with the strawmen!

Bai, you funny no ass, you like caribj clone. I dont think you understood my point anyway.

Calling me names because I expose you as a fool is not rebuttal but the tactic of the IGNORANT!

Calling names?????
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by redux:
If you knew anything about Marxism and the Soviet system, you would understand that politics meant economics.

Why do you think the bloody place collapsed??

"Technical education" . . . who's talking about that?

Enough with the strawmen!

Bai, you funny no ass, you like caribj clone. I dont think you understood my point anyway.

Calling me names because I expose you as a fool is not rebuttal but the tactic of the IGNORANT!

Calling names?????

"caribj clone"
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by redux:
Calling me names because I expose you as a fool is not rebuttal but the tactic of the IGNORANT!

Calling names?????

"caribj clone"

Not a name, just an inference based of observed patterns and logics. You are Redux, don't worry.
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by TI:
Now you accuse Jagdeo of being a communist yet cry like a little baby because of his capitalist policies. More and more, you are sounding like a loudmouth.

I never 'accused' Jagdeo of being a communist, stop LYING!

I have pointed out that he is an POORLY EDUCATED 'leader' of thieves and thugs.

Did you or did you not mention that Jagdeo is a product of Marxist political ideology based economics? What does that make him?

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