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ksazma posted:

He who is without sin let him cast the first stone. Why criticize when one is also guilty of what they criticize? Who Coined the term "piss pot porter"?

It wasn't coined in a vacuum. It was in response to the prevailing environment and if you're a fair minded person you would have noticed that.

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Think about it.

It's only for so long that one can sit quiet and take shit day in and day out.

Last edited by Mars
Nehru posted:
ksazma posted:

He who is without sin let him cast the first stone. Why criticize when one is also guilty of what they criticize? Who Coined the term "piss pot porter"?

Ksazma, these shameless Parasites and Scum of the earth are too DUMB to know what they write!!!

Where is freedom of speech? Vulgarity and family inclusion should not be allowed.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
Nehru posted:
ksazma posted:

He who is without sin let him cast the first stone. Why criticize when one is also guilty of what they criticize? Who Coined the term "piss pot porter"?

Ksazma, these shameless Parasites and Scum of the earth are too DUMB to know what they write!!!

Where is freedom of speech? Vulgarity and family inclusion should not be allowed.

Your diction reflects more about you than about the target of such diatribe. It explains why no one on this forum has any respect for Nehru. Freedom of speech is one thing. How about freedom to have your say without someone directing a bunch of stupid and vulgar expressions at you? The idiotic terms that come from Nehru... well... guess what.. they identify him accurately.

antabanta posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Nehru posted:
ksazma posted:

He who is without sin let him cast the first stone. Why criticize when one is also guilty of what they criticize? Who Coined the term "piss pot porter"?

Ksazma, these shameless Parasites and Scum of the earth are too DUMB to know what they write!!!

Where is freedom of speech? Vulgarity and family inclusion should not be allowed.

Your diction reflects more about you than about the target of such diatribe. It explains why no one on this forum has any respect for Nehru. Freedom of speech is one thing. How about freedom to have your say without someone directing a bunch of stupid and vulgar expressions at you? The idiotic terms that come from Nehru... well... guess what.. they identify him accurately.

Why should I hide my feelings? I write what's on my mind. You back your PNC an I back the PPP...blacks and coolies. That's your problem if you get offended. I do not take what's written on this board seriously. It's only a comedy show. Comedy on demand.

Nehru posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Nehru posted:

Riff, who did I offend? A man cant vent his displeasure of society's greatest threats???

you need to chill with the name calling when responding 

A direct name calling or speaking in general?

okay...if I post something critical about PPP, you might come on and start with yuh gadaha etc...while you don't call my name in your rantings, the fact that you respond to my post with name calling etc, I could surmise that yuh talking bout me, since you respond to the post

As they say in Guyana...yuh rass think yuh is one smart man

I don't have a problem with you insulting the politicians...most of them deserve it

skeldon_man posted:
antabanta posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Nehru posted:
ksazma posted:

He who is without sin let him cast the first stone. Why criticize when one is also guilty of what they criticize? Who Coined the term "piss pot porter"?

Ksazma, these shameless Parasites and Scum of the earth are too DUMB to know what they write!!!

Where is freedom of speech? Vulgarity and family inclusion should not be allowed.

Your diction reflects more about you than about the target of such diatribe. It explains why no one on this forum has any respect for Nehru. Freedom of speech is one thing. How about freedom to have your say without someone directing a bunch of stupid and vulgar expressions at you? The idiotic terms that come from Nehru... well... guess what.. they identify him accurately.

Why should I hide my feelings? I write what's on my mind. You back your PNC an I back the PPP...blacks and coolies. That's your problem if you get offended. I do not take what's written on this board seriously. It's only a comedy show. Comedy on demand.

You're way off the issue. Please re-read the thread.

skeldon_man posted:
antabanta posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Nehru posted:
ksazma posted:

He who is without sin let him cast the first stone. Why criticize when one is also guilty of what they criticize? Who Coined the term "piss pot porter"?

Ksazma, these shameless Parasites and Scum of the earth are too DUMB to know what they write!!!

Where is freedom of speech? Vulgarity and family inclusion should not be allowed.

Your diction reflects more about you than about the target of such diatribe. It explains why no one on this forum has any respect for Nehru. Freedom of speech is one thing. How about freedom to have your say without someone directing a bunch of stupid and vulgar expressions at you? The idiotic terms that come from Nehru... well... guess what.. they identify him accurately.

Why should I hide my feelings? I write what's on my mind. You back your PNC an I back the PPP...blacks and coolies. That's your problem if you get offended. I do not take what's written on this board seriously. It's only a comedy show. Comedy on demand.

you is the biggest laugh oh no i mistake u for nehru sorry

antabanta posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Nehru posted:
ksazma posted:

He who is without sin let him cast the first stone. Why criticize when one is also guilty of what they criticize? Who Coined the term "piss pot porter"?

Ksazma, these shameless Parasites and Scum of the earth are too DUMB to know what they write!!!

Where is freedom of speech? Vulgarity and family inclusion should not be allowed.

Your diction reflects more about you than about the target of such diatribe. It explains why no one on this forum has any respect for Nehru. Freedom of speech is one thing. How about freedom to have your say without someone directing a bunch of stupid and vulgar expressions at you? The idiotic terms that come from Nehru... well... guess what.. they identify him accurately.


Last edited by cain
Mars posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Mars posted:
RiffRaff posted:

What are your feelings on the use of these words?

Should they be outlawed on GNI or are these just part of the language  we Guyanese have used in our past and is part of what makes us who we are.

I will say they are okay depending in the context in which they are used. 

What do you think?


Are you saying that it's okay to break the rules against personal attacks on this forum?


no....there are always limits and context

ANd if you think someone has attacked you personally, then feel to lodge a complaint and the Admins will take it from there

I can say some people got filth for does not mean it applies to you

I think we big enough men and women to understand that there are limits...sometimes when things get outta hand, then time outs are necessary



You sit and see the personal attacks all day and you do nothing about it. You must be blind if you don't see it or you're just protecting your friends. You know who these words are meant for so don't pretend that people just say things in general because there is a target that they are being thrown against. I don't have to point them out. I'm not the type to go whining that I'm being attacked. I'll just respond in kind like I always do but it might be ten times worse. You can choose to ban me when I retaliate cause that's your prerogative but I'm not the type to take things sitting down for too long without responding.

I think Riff tries to be fair and gives lots of leeway but there are many times I see filth posted where he should stand tough. Even with some of my posts I should be given time out but when I blow up it is because of the stupidity I read which makes us all come across as morons and it also seems the filth is quite acceptable.

Recently I have been spending my time on things more meaniful in my life and won't be spending much time here. Even after being away for awhile it seems I miss absofkinlutely nothing.

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